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Narrow-band infrared and optical images of the Keyhole Nebula in NGC 3372 reveal which structures are caused by extinction, and show the underlying morphology of photoionized and shock-excited gas. Dark clouds conspire with ionized gas to create the apparent keyhole shape, which is prominent at blue wavelengths and less apparent in the infrared. The  Pa β /H α   line ratio shows the spatial distribution of foreground extinction. The wavelength dependence of this extinction indicates a reddening law with   R ≈4.8  , different from the normal interstellar medium. This confirms previous estimates of reddening toward the Carina Nebula determined from stellar photometry, and reveals that the anomalous extinction is patchy and within the H  ii region. The morphology of the ionized gas is different from the extinction clouds; it shows an edge-on ionization front running NE to SW, with a limb-brightened indentation that forms the upper outline of the keyhole shape. A fast polar wind from η Carinae may have punctured the ionization front, since the indentation is directly along a projection of the polar axis of the star. This is supported by the morphology of shock-excited gas revealed by a high  [S  ii ]/H α   ratio. High-excitation gas emitting [O  iii ] and He  i has a smoother distribution. Molecular clumps in the region are also discussed.  相似文献   
We report on several pointed Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer observations of the enigmatic low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) 4U 1957+11 at different X-ray luminosities. The luminosity of the source varied by more than a factor of 4 on time-scales of months to years. The spectrum of the source tends to become harder when its luminosity increases. Only very weak  (1–2  per cent rms amplitude,  0.001–10 Hz  ,  2–60 keV)  rapid X-ray variability was observed during the observations. A comparison of the spectral and temporal behaviour of 4U 1957+11 with other X-ray binary systems, in particular LMC X-3, indicates that 4U 1957+11 is likely to be a persistent LMXB harbouring a black hole and it is persistently in the black hole high state. If confirmed, it would be the only such system known.  相似文献   
We present a snapshot of our recent results of a variable star survey in 1 degree fields around three open clusters: NGC 188, NGC 7789 and M67. A total number of 39 variable stars are newly discovered, including 22 W UMa stars, 10 EA (Algol) type binaries, one RR-lyr and one RRd pulsator, and five unclassified variables.  相似文献   
We report XMM-Newton observations of the isolated neutron star RBS1774 and confirm its membership as an XDINS. The X-ray spectrum is best fit with an absorbed blackbody with temperature kT=101 eV and absorption edge at 0.7 keV. No power law component is required. An absorption feature in the RGS data at 0.4 keV is not evident in the EPIC data, but it is not possible to resolve this inconsistency. The star is not seen in the UV OM data to m AB ∼21. There is a sinusoidal variation in the X-ray flux at a period of 9.437 s with an amplitude of 4%. The age as determined from cooling and magnetic field decay arguments is 105–106 yr for a neutron star mass of 1.35–1.5 M.   相似文献   
Thanks to INTEGRAL’s long exposures of the Galactic Plane, the two brightest Soft Gamma-Ray Repeaters, SGR 1806-20 and SGR 1900+14, have been monitored and studied in detail for the first time at hard-X/soft gamma rays. This has produced a wealth of new scientific results, which we will review here. Since SGR 1806-20 was particularly active during the last two years, more than 300 short bursts have been observed with INTEGRAL and their characteristics have been studied with unprecedented sensitivity in the 15–200 keV range. A hardness-intensity anticorrelation within the bursts has been discovered and the overall Number-Intensity distribution of the bursts has been determined. In addition, a particularly active state, during which 100 bursts were emitted in 10 minutes, has been observed on October 5 2004, indicating that the source activity was rapidly increasing. This eventually led to the Giant Flare of December 27th 2004, for which a possible soft gamma-ray (>80 keV) early afterglow has been detected. The deep observations allowed us to discover the persistent emission in hard X-rays (20–150 keV) from 1806-20 and 1900+14, the latter being in a quiescent state, and to directly compare the spectral characteristics of all Magnetars (two SGRs and three Anomalous X-ray Pulsars) detected with INTEGRAL. D.G. acknowledges the French Space Agency (CNES) for financial support. Based on observations with INTEGRAL, an ESA project with instruments and the science data centre funded by ESA member states (especially the PI countries: Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Spain), Czech Republic and Poland, and with the participation of Russia and the USA. ISGRI has been realized and maintained in flight by CEA-Saclay/DAPNIA with the support of CNES. K.H. is grateful for support under NASA’s INTEGRAL U.S. Guest Investigator program, Grants NAG5-13738 and NNG05GG35G.  相似文献   
Recent observations provide strong evidence for the BL Lac object OJ287 exhibiting a 11.6±0.5 yr periodicity with a double-peaked maxima in its optical flux variations. Several models have been proposed for the optical behavior. The 2005 November outburst in OJ287 gives us a surprising result since calculation based on the periodicity was predicting such an outburst in late 2006. Here we suggest a new model, it can not only explain the optical quasi-periodic behavior, but also the radio flares behavior which is and simultaneous with the optical flares. We propose that OJ287 is a binary pair of super-massive black holes, both of them creating a jet. The quasi-periodic double peaks would be due to the relativistic beaming effect on the emission coming from the double helix jets. We used “core flares” to explain the large lags between light curves at different frequencies, and the assumption of two jets appear to be merged with each other partly in the radio frequency emitting regions provides a viable interpretation that we can see only a broad maximum which contains two radio flares that we cannot distinguish.  相似文献   
The results of the high-resolution long-term spectral monitoring of the Herbig Ae star HD 31648 in the regions of emission Hα line, Na I D resonance lines and OI 7774 lines are presented. We confirmed the conclusion, made in previous papers, that the spectral variability of the star in the region of Hα line have a cyclic character. It is manifested itself as the changing of the equivalent width and intensity of Hα line of the time scale of about 1200d. It is shown, that the stellar wind is non-homogeneous and consists of several components, which are differed each other by their velocities. They are observed as in the H line as in Na I D resonance lines. The component’s parameters are changed during the cycle of stellar activity (in the maximum of activity the velocity and density of the wind are taken the largest values and then they are gradually decreased). The investigation of rapid variability of the He I 5876 line on the time scale of a few hours allows find the correlation between the variability of the blue and the red wings of the line. It points at the connection between the accretion and the outflows. Such connection, in particularly, is predicted by the modeling of the wind from young stars made in the frame of the magneto-centrifugal model, the accordance of which for the HD 31648 was shown in the previous papers. In the present work we confirmed this conclusion on the basis of the new data. We found the weak variability of the stellar brightness (about 0.2m), which is agree with the spectral variability (the brightness of the star becomes lower in the maximum of the activity). These changes are well explained by the process of the dust transfer from CS disk by the stellar wind. This process is likely to be more effective in the maximum of activity. An analysis of the variability of other spectral lines shows the agreement between the changing of the Hα line, the Na I D resonance doublet lines and KI 7698 line. The weak connection between the He I 5876 and the Na I D lines is also found. Since the formation regions of He I 5876 and Na I D lines are essentially different, we can conclude that the phenomena, responsible for the observed cyclic variability, take place in a spacious region of the CS envelope. We believe that the most plausible reason of found cyclic variability is the reconstruction of the inner structure of the CS gas envelope, caused by the presence around the star a low mass companion or planet. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 565–588 (November 2007).  相似文献   
We present an overview of Chandra X-ray Observatory observations of neutron stars. The outstanding spatial and spectral resolution of this great observatory have allowed for observations of unprecedented clarity and accuracy. Many of these observations have provided new insights into neutron star physics. We present an admittedly biased and overly brief review of these observations, highlighting some new discoveries made possible by the Observatory’s unique capabilities. This includes our analysis of recent multiwavelength observations of the putative pulsar and its pulsar-wind nebula in the IC443 SNR.   相似文献   
Cataclysmic variables (CV) and pre-cataclysmic binaries (PCB) are discussed. The main difference between them (accretion or its absence) is shown to be a consequence of the evolutionary process and the properties of their progenitors. Both types of system have a bimodal distribution of their periods, but the extrema are in counterphase. Luminosity-effective temperature diagrams for the primary components are used to show that both systems have approximately the same age, which conflicts with the notion of PCBs as precursors of CVs. Calculations of the maximum distance between components for which the system remains stable show that CVs have passed this limit, while PCBs maintain their stability during this evolution. It is suggested that, after ejecting a common shell, future CVs immediately become semi-detached systems. It this is so, then there must be cataclysmic variables which are the central stars of planetary nebulae. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 427–439 (August 2007).  相似文献   
In this paper we present the results of the past two years observations on the galactic microquasar LS I +61 303 with the Whipple 10 m gamma-ray telescope. The recent MAGIC detection of the source between 200 GeV and 4 TeV suggests that the source is periodic with very high energy (VHE) gamma-ray emission linked to its orbital cycle. The entire 50-hour data set obtained with Whipple from 2004 to 2006 was analyzed with no reliable detection resulting. The upper limits obtained in the 2005–2006 season covered several of the same epochs as the MAGIC Telescope detections, albeit with lower sensitivity. Upper limits are placed on emission during the orbital phases of 0→0.1 and 0.8→1, phases which are not included in the MAGIC data set.   相似文献   
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