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We describe the integral field unit (IFU) which converts the Gemini Multiobject Spectrograph (GMOS) installed on the Gemini-North telescope to an integral field spectrograph,which produces spectra over a contiguous field of view of 7 × 5 arcsec with spatial sampling of 0.2 arcsecover the wavelength range 0.4-1.0 μm.GMOS is converted to this mode by the remote insertion of the IFU into thebeam in place of the masks used for the multiobject mode. A separate fieldof half the area of the main field, but otherwise identical, is alsoprovided to improve background subtraction. The IFU contains 1500lenslet-coupled fibres and was the first facility of any type for integralfield spectroscopy employed on an 8/10 m telescope.We describe the design, construction and testing of the GMOS IFU and present measurements of the throughput both in the laboratory and at the telescope. We compare these with a theoretical prediction made before construction started. All are in good agreement with each other, with the on-telescope throughput exceeding 60% (averaged over wavelength). Finallywe show an example of data obtained during commissioning to illustrate the power of the device.  相似文献   
Photoelectric radial-velocity measurements show that HD 118670 is a double-lined spectroscopic binary in an orbit which is not quite circular and whose period is about 48 days. Spectral types of K0 V and K7 V would satisfy the photometry and the mass ratio; the mass function would then suggest the possibility of eclipses. However, actual spectral classification indicates a luminosity somewhat above the main sequence  相似文献   
巡天观测与高能物理、黑洞天文等领域均有密切的联系.基于星系-超新星二分类问题,研究光谱数据预处理,结合余弦相似度改善PCA(Principal Component Analysis)光谱分解特征提取方法,用SDSS(the Sloan Digital Sky Survey)、WISeREP(the Weizmann Interactive Supernova data REPository)组成的5620条光谱数据集训练支持向量机,可以得到0.498%泛化误差的识别模型和新样本分类概率.使用Neyman-Pearson决策方法建立NPSVM(Neyman-Pearson Support Vector Machine)模型可进一步降低超新星的漏判率.  相似文献   
We have started a program of high-resolution (0.4/pixel) 10m imaging of bipolar outflow sources using the 10m camera CAMIRAS. We present recent results obtained at the Canada France Hawaii Telescope which reveal extended emission or IR companions in several luminous objects. The extended emission we detected probably arises from transiently heated very small grains, while the newly discovered companions could contribute significantly to the outflow activity and extended far-IR emission usually attributed to the main optical source.  相似文献   
Quantitative solar spectroscopy must be based on calibrated instrumentation. The basic requirement of a calibration, i.e., a comparison between the instrument under test and a primary laboratory standard through appropriate procedures, will be briefly reviewed, and the application to modern space instruments will be illustrated. Quantitative measurements of spectral radiances with high spectral and spatial resolutions as well as spectral irradiances yield detailed information on temperatures, electron densities, bulk and turbulent motions, element abundances of plasma structures in various regions of the solar atmosphere – from the photosphere to the outer corona and the solar wind. The particular requirements for helioseismology and magnetic‐field observations will not be covered in any depth in this review. Calibration by a laboratory standard is necessary, but not sufficient, because an adequate radiometric stability can only be achieved together with a stringent cleanliness concept that rules out a contamination of the optical system and the detectors as much as possible. In addition, there is a need for calibration monitoring through inter‐calibration and other means (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
Halo coronal mass ejections (HCMEs) are responsible of the most severe geomagnetic storms. A prediction of their geoeffectiveness and travel time to Earth’s vicinity is crucial to forecast space weather. Unfortunately, coronagraphic observations are subjected to projection effects and do not provide true characteristics of CMEs. Recently, Michalek (Solar Phys. 237, 101, 2006) developed an asymmetric cone model to obtain the space speed, width, and source location of HCMEs. We applied this technique to obtain the parameters of all front-sided HCMEs observed by the SOHO/LASCO experiment during a period from the beginning of 2001 until the end of 2002 (solar cycle 23). These parameters were applied for space weather forecasting. Our study finds that the space speeds are strongly correlated with the travel times of HCMEs to Earth’s vicinity and with the magnitudes related to geomagnetic disturbances.  相似文献   
We investigate the effect of bulk motion on the detection of molecular outflows in the sources S 146, GGD27, and IRAS 22566 5830. The traditional techniques do allow for bulk motions or systematic VLSR shifts of the core emissions, which may cause contamination of the high velocity gas emissions, and outflows may either fail to be detected or have their properties miscalculated. We used a program to follow the systematic shift of VLSR and better results have been obtained.  相似文献   
The next list of spectral data on blue stellar objects (BSOs) is presented. 58 FBS objects in a zone with a central declination δ = + 35° were observed with the 2.6-m telescope at the Byurakan Observatory during 1990–1991. In addition, 3 objects were observed (3 CCD spectra were obtained) with the BAO 2.6-m and OHP 1.93-m telescopes in 1997–2000 using modern instrumentation. 9 white dwarfs, 47 hot subdwarfs, and 2 HBB stars have been discovered. Spectra of the 10 most interesting objects are given. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 277–283 (May 2008).  相似文献   
接收机是射电天文中用于探测微弱射电信号的重要接收设备.接收机的强度校准就是将接收机对射电源的响应转换为天文意义上的流量密度.常规方法就是使用经典的冷热负载法,将接收机自身的强度响应转换为一个等效的温度值,之后再据此对射电源做进一步标定.通过搭建基于斩波轮技术的K波段接收机强度校准平台,使用斩波轮法测试K波段常温接收机的噪声温度,并与传统冷热负载法的测试结果进行比对.结果显示,在晴好天气条件下,斩波轮法在30°、90°仰角下噪声温度的最大测试误差为7.5%和8.4%,可以很好地应用于实际噪声温度测试中;但在5°仰角测试中,由于过低仰角引入了地面噪声,使得斩波轮法的测试误差上升至20%–30%之间而无法使用.希望在此基础上进一步开展K波段天空亮温度的理论计算与实测,从而完善斩波轮技术的应用,使之可以满足在不同气象条件下的噪声校准测试需求.  相似文献   
作为射电天文接收机系统的关键器件, 低噪声放大器的噪声和增益性能对接收机系统的灵敏度有重要影响. 采用100nm砷化镓赝配高电子迁移率晶体管(pseudomorphic High Electron Mobility Transistor, pHEMT)\lk工艺, 研制了一款可覆盖C波段(4--8GHz)的低噪声放大器(Low Noise Amplifier, LNA). 所设计的LNA采用3级共源级联放大拓扑结构, 栅极、漏极双电源供电. 常温下测试表明, 该LNA在4--8GHz频段内平均噪声温度为\lk60K, 在5GHz处获得最低噪声温度50K, 通带内增益($31\pm1.5$)dB, 输入输出回波损耗均优于10dB, 芯片面积为$2.1\times1.1$mm2, 可以应用于C波段射电天文接收机以及卫星通信系统等.  相似文献   
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