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We study the effect of a large-scale surface magnetic field on the non-radial acoustic modes of roAp stars. Special attention is given to the use of a variational principle which is used for determining the shifts in the frequencies with relative ease, enabling us to avoid having to calculate the perturbed eigenfunctions. With knowledge of the frequency shifts we then estimate the eigenfunctions in a simpler, albeit approximate way. The results indicate frequency shifts of the order of few μHz, which depend on the order, degree and azimuthal order of the mode. The loss of energy through Alfvén waves is also estimated from the imaginary parts of the frequency shifts. The results indicate that the loss is particularly high near specific frequencies. This might indicate the presence of a selection effect, which could make some modes more likely to be excited than others. However, our results do not explain why the modes observed appear always to be aligned with the axis of the magnetic field. Finally, the estimated perturbed eigenfunctions contain strong components of spherical harmonics that differ from those of the original unperturbed modes.  相似文献   
We examine the flow from asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars when along a small solid angle the optical depth resulting from dust is very large. We consider two types of flows. In the first, small cool spots are formed on the surface of slowly rotating AGB stars. Large quantities of dust are expected to be formed above the surface of these cool spots. We propose that if the dust formation occurs during the last AGB phase when the mass-loss rate is high, the dust shields the region above it from the stellar radiation. This leads to both further dust formation in the shaded region and, owing to lower temperature and pressure, the convergence of the stream toward the shaded region, and the formation of a flow having a higher density than its surroundings. This density contrast can be as high as ∼4. A concentration of magnetic cool spots toward the equator will lead to a density contrast of up to a few between the equatorial and polar directions. This process can explain the positive correlation between high mass-loss rate and a larger departure from sphericity in progenitors of elliptical planetary nebulae. In the second type of flow, the high density in the equatorial plane is formed by a binary interaction, where the secondary star is close to, but outside the AGB envelope. The shielding of the radiation by dust results in a very slow and dense flow in the equatorial plane. We suggest this flow as an alternative explanation for the equatorial dense matter found at several hundred astronomical units around several post-AGB binary systems.  相似文献   
Submillimetre mapping observations of the active edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 3079 are presented. These maps at 850 and 450 μm were made with the Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT).
The source structure at these wavelengths consists of a central unresolved source embedded in diffuse disc emission, similar to that displayed at 1.2 mm. The disc emission is fitted with two optically thin, isothermal dust models which give temperatures of 12 and 31 K, similar to those derived previously by Braine et al. The core component is well described by a single-temperature fit (∼32 K). The combined dust mass from these observations, using the same mass absorption coefficient as Devereux & Young (1990) is 3.5×108 M, of which ∼90 per cent resides in the cold component of the galactic disc. The effect of the cold dust component detected by SCUBA is thus to reduce the global gas-to-dust mass ratio from ∼1400 found in the above study to 85, very similar to the Galactic level. Calculations using the models of Draine & Lee and/or alternative molecular gas mass estimates yield gas-to-dust mass ratios in the range 60–190.
The data presented here, together with previously published 1.2-mm mapping observations and IRAS data, are inconsistent with detections made with the Infrared Space Observatory ( ISO ). In particular, the latter give an excess of flux at 200 and 180 μm relative to that predicted by our simple model fits (approximately a factor of 2–3).  相似文献   
We report contemporaneous multi-wavelength interferometric imaging of the red supergiant star Betelgeuse ( α Orionis), using the Cambridge Optical Aperture Synthesis Telescope (COAST) and the William Herschel Telescope (WHT), at wavelengths of 700, 905 and 1290 nm. We find a strong variation in the apparent symmetry of the stellar brightness distribution as a function of wavelength. At 700 nm the star is highly asymmetric, and can be modelled as the superposition of three bright spots on a strongly limb-darkened disc. However, at 905 nm only a single low-contrast feature is visible and at 1290 nm the star presents a featureless symmetric disc. The change in spot contrast with wavelength is consistent with a model in which the bright spots represent unobscured areas of elevated temperature, owing perhaps to convection, on a stellar disc that itself has a different appearance, i.e. geometrical extent and limb-darkening profile, at different wavelengths. The featureless centre-to-limb brightness profile seen at 1290 nm is consistent with this model and suggests that future interferometric monitoring of the star to quantify the size changes associated with radial velocity variations should be performed at similar wavelengths in the near-infrared.  相似文献   
The population of faint transients in the Galactic Centre   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BeppoSAX has detected a population of faint transient X-ray sources in the Galactic Centre. I show that a simple irradiated disc picture gives a consistent fit to the properties of this population, and that it probably consists of low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) that have evolved beyond their minimum orbital periods of ∼80 min. Since all post-minimum systems are transient, and neutron star LMXBs are more common than black hole LMXBs in the Galaxy, the majority of these systems should contain neutron stars, as observed. This picture predicts that the Galactic Centre transients should have orbital periods in the range ∼80–120 min, and that most of them should repeat in the next few years. In this case, the total number of post-minimum transients in the Galaxy would be considerably smaller than the usual estimates of its total LMXB population. I discuss possible reasons for this.  相似文献   
We have carried out BVR photometric and H spectroscopic observations of the star HD 61396 during 1998 March 20 to 1999 April 3. We have discovered regular optical photometric variability from this star, with an inferred period of 31.95±0.10 d, and an amplitude of 0.18 mag. A possible period of 35.34±0.12 d, as determined with Hipparcos , cannot be completely ruled out, however. Modelling of its photometric light curve with two circular spots indicates that 521 per cent of the stellar surface is covered by dark starspots which are 830 K cooler than the surrounding photosphere, and produce the observed rotational modulation of the optical flux. Optical spectroscopy reveals a variable H emission feature, indicating that it is an unusually active star.
In addition, we have analysed archival X-ray data of HD 61396, obtained from serendipitous observations with the ROSAT X-ray observatory, and we also discuss the radio properties of this star, based on both published Green Bank and unpublished VLA observations. The strong photometric variability and H emission, the relatively hard X-ray spectrum, and the high X-ray and radio luminosities imply that HD 61396 is most likely to be a member of the RS CVn class of evolved active binary stars. Its X-ray and radio luminosities place it among the five most luminous active binaries detected so far.  相似文献   
The first results of numerical analysis of classical r-modes of rapidly rotating compressible stellar models are reported. The full set of linear perturbation equations of rotating stars in Newtonian gravity is solved numerically without the slow rotation approximation. A critical curve of gravitational wave emission induced instability, which restricts the rotational frequencies of hot young neutron stars, is obtained. Taking the standard cooling mechanisms of neutron stars into account, we also show the 'evolutionary curves' along which neutron stars are supposed to evolve as cooling and spinning down proceed. Rotational frequencies of 1.4-M stars suffering from this instability decrease to around 100 Hz when the standard cooling mechanism of neutron stars is employed. This result confirms the results of other authors, who adopted the slow rotation approximation.  相似文献   
We present new near-infrared J and K imaging data for 67 galaxies from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) survey used in the determination of the SFR density of the local Universe by Gallego et al. This is a sample of local star-forming galaxies with redshift lower than 0.045, and they constitute a representative subsample of the galaxies in the complete UCM survey. From the new data, complemented with our own Gunn- r images and long-slit optical spectroscopy, we have measured integrated K -band luminosities, r − J and J − K colours, and H α luminosities and equivalent widths. Using a maximum likelihood estimator and a complete set of evolutionary synthesis models, these observations allow us to estimate the strength of the current (or most recent) burst of star formation, its age, the star formation rate and the total stellar mass of the galaxies. An average galaxy in the sample has a stellar mass of 5×1010 M and is undergoing (or has recently completed) a burst of star formation involving about 2 per cent of its total stellar mass. We identify two separate classes of star-forming galaxies in the UCM sample: low-luminosity, high-excitation galaxies (H  ii like ) and relatively luminous spiral galaxies (starburst disc- like ). The former show higher specific star formation rates (SFRs per unit mass) and burst strengths, and lower stellar masses than the latter. With regard to their specific star formation rates, the UCM galaxies are intermediate objects between normal quiescent spirals and the most extreme H  ii galaxies.  相似文献   
In order to reveal the star-forming history of the molecular cloud complex we studied the intermediate mass stellar population in the Cepheus Flare region. (Paper I dealt with the distance and the young stellar object candidates of the region.) Correlating the IRAS Point Source Catalogue and Faint Source Catalogue positions with those of 1214 B8–A8 and 1760 F0–F5 type stars brighter than     and classified during an objective prism survey, we identified 19 stars showing far-infrared excess emission in the Cepheus Flare region. In addition to the 16 stars whose counterparts are given in the IRAS catalogues, we found three more stars with infrared excess not recognized before. In order to identify the young medium-mass stars associated with the Cepheus Flare molecular clouds we observed the optical spectra of the IR-excess stars, and using published optical photometry and the IRAS data we examined their spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and IRAS two-colour diagram. The observations resulted in the discovery of a new Herbig Ae/Be star, BD +68°1118, coinciding with IRAS 21169+6842. More evolved HAe/Be stars may be SAO 19953, BD +67°1314 and BD +69°1231, whose H α lines showed weak emission components. Possible β Pictoris- or Vega-type stars may be HD 203854, HD 212826 and HD 216486, whereas the far-infrared fluxes at the positions of BD +72°1018, HD 210806 and HD 217903 can be attributed to the heating of the interstellar environment. We used distances and radial velocities of the stars derived from the spectroscopy and published optical photometry as indicators of their relations to the clouds. Information on the environment of the observed stars deduced from the diffuse interstellar band at λ 6613 is briefly discussed.  相似文献   
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