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The photometric UBV observations of AS 338 that we began after its outburst in 1983 are presented. They were accompanied by yearly spectroscopic observations and by occasional estimations of the star’s infrared JHKL magnitudes. In June 1993, the star’s optical spectrum was extended to the ultraviolet via IUE observations of AS 338. Collectively, the above observations make it possible to trace the evolution of stellar activity over a period of 15 years in various spectral ranges. In particular, a short-time return of the hot component of AS 338 to the state when He II lines reappeared in the star’s spectrum was noted in 1993. At this time, a blend of the C IV λλ5802 and 5812 lines, which is typical of Wolf-Rayet spectra, was detected in it. In June 1993, the temperature of the hot component was T h ≈ 8.8 × 104 K, and the ratio of its bolometric flux to that of the red giant was F h, bol/F g, bol ≈ 1.0. In August, its temperature increased to ~1.0×105 K, while the bolometric flux dropped by a factor of ~1.5(F h, bol/F g, bol ≈ 0.7). In the B-V, U diagram, the points referring to this so-called quiescent state form a separate group shifted in B-V from all the remaining ones located in a horizontal strip with $\Delta U \approx 3\mathop .\limits^m 5$ and $\Delta (B - V) \approx 0\mathop .\limits^m 4$ . This allows us to diagnose the state of the hot component without spectroscopic observations of the star. In October 1993, the hot component flared up again. The main brightness rise took no more than 19 days. The outburst occurred shortly before eclipse egress of the hot component, whose duration was ~0.01P orb. In December 1993, F h, bol/F g, bol≤1.5 at maximum light. During the recurrent, even stronger outburst in April 1995, F h, bol/F g, bol≤3.4. The Hαline during outbursts has a P Cyg profile and broad wings stretching to velocities of ±1500 km s?1. The color temperature of the active hot component at short optical wavelengths and in the ultraviolet lies in the range of effective temperatures for hot supergiants. Nevertheless, it always produces an H II region in the circumstellar envelope that is larger in size than this binary system.  相似文献   
我国利用IKONOS卫星影像制作1:5000正射影像图主要是集中在研究领域。惠州市国土资源局于2004年2月利用IKONOS卫星影像制作覆盖惠州市辖区1.2万平方公里的1:5000正射影像图,项目由广东省国土资源信息中心承担。大面积的测区利用IKONOS卫星制作1: 5000正射影像图在国内还属首次。本文探讨该测绘工程的实施技术及质量控制方法。  相似文献   
The authors discuss Late Pleistocene–Holocene depositional environments in one of the Fuegian Andes valleys on the basis of palynological, geomorphological, and sedimentological analyses from two sites located near the Beagle Channel. The results obtained at these localities reinforce and refine the Late Pleistocene–Holocene climatic pattern previously recorded there. A colder period, associated with the Younger Dryas stadial event, is suggested by low Nothofagus pollen frequency, and communities of grass, low scrub, and shrub heath expanded into the low/middle slopes (10,310 14C yr BP). By ca. 9500 14C yr BP, warmer and drier conditions occurred, as evidenced by the development of open-grown vegetation in the valley floors (pollen zone O-3), followed by the expansion of open Nothofagus woodland (pollen zone O-2) in the middle Holocene. The milder climate subsequently changed, as indicated by the spreading of the closed forest and mire (pollen zone O-1), to more humid and cooler conditions during the last ca. 5000 yr BP.  相似文献   
The mid-Holocene eruptive products of Nevado de Longavívolcano (36·2°S, Chile) are the only reported occurrenceof adakitic volcanic rocks in the Quaternary Andean SouthernVolcanic Zone (33–46°S). Dacites of this volcano arechemically distinct from other evolved magmas of the regionin that they have high La/Yb (15–20) and Sr/Y (60–90)ratios and systematically lower incompatible element contents.An origin by partial melting of high-pressure crustal sourcesseems unlikely from isotopic and trace element considerations.Mafic enclaves quenched into one of the dacites, on the otherhand, constitute plausible parental magmas. Dacites and maficenclaves share several characteristics such as mineral chemistry,whole-rock isotope and trace element ratios, highly oxidizingconditions (NNO + 1·5 to >NNO + 2, where NNO is thenickel–nickel oxide buffer), and elevated boron contents.A two-stage mass-balance crystal fractionation model that matchesboth major and trace elements is proposed to explain magmaticevolution from the least evolved mafic enclave to the dacites.Amphibole is the main ferromagnesian phase in both stages ofthis model, in agreement with the mineralogy of the magmas.We also describe cumulate-textured xenoliths that correspondvery closely to the solid assemblages predicted by the model.We conclude that Nevado de Longaví adakitic dacites arethe products of polybaric fractional crystallization from exceptionallywater-rich parent magmas. These basaltic magmas are inferredto be related to an exceptionally high, but transient inputof slab-derived fluids released from serpentinite bodies hostedin the oceanic Mocha Fracture Zone, which projects beneath Nevadode Longaví. Fractional crystallization that is modallydominated by amphibole, with very minor garnet extraction, isa mechanism for generating adakitic magmas in cold subductionzones where a high flux of slab-derived fluids is present. KEY WORDS: adakite; amphibole; Andes; differentiation; Southern Volcanic Zone  相似文献   
Basaltic magmas found in intraplate suites appear to followmore than one differentiation trend. Many ocean island suitesfollow the ocean island tholeiitic trend, with the basalts differentiatingfrom olivine tholeiite through basaltic andesite, andesite,and dacite to sodic rhyolite. Many continental intraplate magmaticregimes, such as those of the Snake River Plain and the plutonicsequences associated with massif anorthosites, follow the potassicsilica-saturated alkalic trend, in which basalt differentiatesfrom olivine tholeiite through ferrobasalt (jotunite or ferrodiorite),Fe-rich intermediate rocks (trachybasalt or monzonite), andtrachyte (syenite) to potassic rhyolites and granites. Crystallizationexperiments on an olivine tholeiite from the Snake River Plainshow that the basaltic portions of the ocean island tholeiitictrend and the potassic silica-saturated alkalic trend (whichleads to strong alkali, P, Ti, and Fe enrichment and silicadepletion) can arise from the same ‘dry’ tholeiiticparental magma. These compositional differences are inducedby changes in phase equilibria as a function of pressure, withthe ocean island tholeiitic series arising from crystal–liquiddifferentiation at low pressure and the potassic silica-saturatedalkalic series arising via differentiation at elevated pressures. KEY WORDS: tholeiite differentiation; experimental petrology; phase equilibria; ferrodiorite; ferrobasalt  相似文献   
Geochemical Evidence for Slab Melting in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Geochemical studies of Plio-Quaternary volcanic rocks from theValle de Bravo–Zitácuaro volcanic field (VBZ) incentral Mexico indicate that slab melting plays a key role inthe petrogenesis of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. Rocks fromthe VBZ are typical arc-related high-Mg andesites, but two differentrock suites with distinct trace element patterns and isotopiccompositions erupted concurrently in the area, with a traceelement character that is also distinct from that of other Mexicanvolcanoes. The geochemical differences between the VBZ suitescannot be explained by simple crystal fractionation and/or crustalassimilation of a common primitive magma, but can be reconciledby the participation of different proportions of melts derivedfrom the subducted basalt and sediments interacting with themantle wedge. Sr/Y and Sr/Pb ratios of the VBZ rocks correlateinversely with Pb and Sr isotopic compositions, indicating thatthe Sr and Pb budgets are strongly controlled by melt additionsfrom the subducted slab. In contrast, an inverse correlationbetween Pb(Th)/Nd and 143Nd/144Nd ratios, which extend to lowerisotopic values than those for Pacific mid-ocean ridge basalts,indicates the participation of an enriched mantle wedge thatis similar to the source of Mexican intraplate basalts. In addition,a systematic decrease in middle and heavy rare earth concentrationsand Nb/Ta ratios with increasing SiO2 contents in the VBZ rocksis best explained if these elements are mobilized to some extentin the subduction flux, and suggests that slab partial fusionoccurred under garnet amphibolite-facies conditions. KEY WORDS: arcs; mantle; Mexico; sediment melting; slab melting  相似文献   
The Eastern Layered Intrusion of the Rum Layered Suite comprisespaired peridotite and allivalite (troctolite and gabbro) layersforming 16 macro-rhythmic units. Whereas the majority of thesemacro-units are believed to have formed by a process of crystal–liquiddifferentiation involving successive accumulation of crystalsfrom multiple picritic replenishments of the chamber, the Unit9 peridotite is interpreted as a layer-parallel picrite intrusion.Closely correlated with this discontinuous peridotite body isa distinctive feature generally known as the Wavy Horizon, whichdivides the overlying allivalite into a lower troctolite andan upper gabbro along a well-defined undulating contact. Wepropose that the Wavy Horizon is a metasomatic feature formedconsequent to the removal of clinopyroxene from an originalgabbroic mush. Foundering of the mush into the picritic sillresulted in the replacement of the original interstitial liquidby one saturated only in olivine (± plagioclase). Progressivethrough-flow of this liquid resulted in the stripping out ofclinopyroxene from the lower parts of the allivalite. We interpretthe Wavy Horizon as a reaction front, representing the pointat which the invading liquid became saturated in clinopyroxene.The distinctive pyroxene-enriched zone immediately above theWavy Horizon could have formed when mixing of the interstitialliquids on either side of the reaction front formed a supercooledliquid oversaturated in pyroxene, as a result of the curvatureof the olivine–plagioclase–clinopyroxene cotectic.The presence of many such approximately layer-parallel features,defined by differences in pyroxene content, in the Eastern LayeredIntrusion of Rum suggests that such an infiltration–reactionprocess was not unique to Unit 9. KEY WORDS: cumulate; infiltration metasomatism; Rum; Eastern Layered Intrusion  相似文献   
Do We Really Need Mantle Components to Define Mantle Composition?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We discuss the concept of components in the Earth's mantle startingfrom a petrological and geochemical approach, but adopting anew method of projection of geochemical and isotopic data. Thisallows the compositional variability of magmatic associationsto be evaluated in multi-dimensional space, thus simultaneouslyaccounting for a large number of compositional variables. Wedemonstrate that ocean island basalts (OIB) and mid-ocean ridgebasalts (MORB) are derived from a marble-cake mantle, in whichdifferent degrees of partial melting of recycled lithosphere,which are heterogeneous in age and composition, contribute tothe magma genesis. This view is supported by the variabilityin the geochemical and isotopic signatures of OIB that are observedon the scale of a single ocean island as well as on that ofan ocean, mostly varying between two extreme compositions, thatare not strictly related to the commonly accepted mantle components(DMM, EMI, EMII, HIMU). Rather they are a distinctive featureof the mantle source sampled at each ocean island and are stronglydependent on the Pb isotope system. We recommend a change inperspective in studies of MORB–OIB geochemistry from onebased on physically distinct mantle components to a model basedon the existence of a marble-cake-like upper mantle. Althoughresembling the statistical upper mantle, this model impliesthat geochemical homogenization can be attained only withinthe limits of local mantle composition, so that a world-wideuniform depleted reservoir cannot be sampled by simply extendingthe volume of the region undergoing partial melting. KEY WORDS: geochemistry; isotope; mantle; OIB  相似文献   
A continuous-coring borehole recently drilled at Camaldoli dellaTorre on the southern slopes of Somma–Vesuvius providesconstraints on the volcanic and magmatic history of the Vesuvianvolcanic area since c. 126 ka BP. The cored sequence includesvolcanic units, defined on stratigraphical, sedimentological,petrological and geochemical grounds, emitted from both localand distal vents. Some of these units are of known age, suchas one Phlegraean pre-Campanian Ignimbrite, Campanian Ignimbrite(39 ka), Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (14· 9 ka) and VesuvianPlinian deposits, which helps to constrain the relative ageof the other units. The main rock types encountered are shoshonite,phonotephrite, latite, trachyte and phonolite. The sequenceincludes, from the base upwards: a thick succession of pyroclasticunits emplaced between 126 and 39 ka, most of them attributedto eruptions that occurred in the Phlegraean area; the CampanianIgnimbrite; the products of a local tuff cone formed between39 ka and the deposition of the products of the earliest activityof the Mt. Somma volcano; the products of the Somma–Vesuviusvolcano, which include from the base upwards a thick sequenceof lavas, pyroclastic rocks and the products of a local spattercone dated between 3· 7 ka and AD 79. The data obtainedfrom the study of the borehole show that, before the CampanianIgnimbrite eruption, low-energy explosive volcanism took placein the Vesuvian area, whereas mostly high-energy explosive eruptionscharacterized the Campi Flegrei activity. In the Vesuvian area,Campanian Ignimbrite deposition was followed by the eruptionof a local tuff cone and a long repose time, which predatedthe formation of the Mt. Somma edifice. Since 18· 3 ka(Pomici di Base eruption) the activity of Somma–Vesuviusbecame mostly explosive with rare lava effusions. The shallowestcored deposits belong to the Camaldoli della Torre cone, formedbetween the Pomici di Avellino and Pomici di Pompei eruptions(3· 7 ka–AD 79). New geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb–B-isotopicdata on samples from the drilled core, together with those availablefrom the literature, allow us to further distinguish the volcanicrocks as a function of both their provenance (i.e. Phlegraeanor Vesuvian areas) and age, and to identify different magmaticprocesses acting through time in the Vesuvian mantle source(s)and during magma ascent towards the surface. Isotopically distinctmagmas, rising from a mantle source variably contaminated byslab-derived components, stagnated at mid-crustal depths (8–10km below sea level) where magmas differentiated and were probablycontaminated. Contamination occurred either with Hercynian continentalcrust, mostly during the oldest stages of Vesuvian activity(from 39 to 16 ka), or with Mesozoic limestone, mostly duringrecent Vesuvian activity. Energy constrained assimilation andfractional crystallization (EC-AFC) modelling results show thatcontamination with Hercynian crust probably occurred duringdifferentiation from shoshonite to latite. Contamination withlimestone, which is not well constrained with the availabledata, might have occurred only during the transition from shoshoniteto tephrite. From the ‘deep’ reservoir, magmas rosetowards a series of shallow reservoirs, in which they differentiatedfurther, mixed, and fed volcanic activity. KEY WORDS: Somma–Vesuvius; crustal contamination; source heterogeneity; radiogenic and stable isotopes; magmatic system  相似文献   
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