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火山"熔岩流气泡古高度计"及其在云南腾冲火山区的应用   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
通过对火山熔岩流及其气泡特征的研究能够确定熔岩流喷发时的古高度,本文将这一方法称为火山“熔岩流气泡古高度计”.“熔岩流气泡古高度计”是在实地测量熔岩流厚度和实验室对熔岩流顶底气泡体积精确测定的基础上,利用流体力学原理和气体状态方程,通过计算古大气压强,最终获得火山喷发时的古高度.由于火山岩是开展同位素测年的理想材料,并且利用熔岩流计算古高度所需的参数(熔岩流厚度和气泡体积)不受古气候等因素(温度、降雨量等)影响,因此,这一方法以其可靠的年龄和独立的计算参数明显区别于其它古高度计.“熔岩流气泡古高度计”核心技术包括:(1)熔岩流的挑选与厚度测量;(2)熔岩流底部和顶部气泡体积的计算.中等规模、具简单冷凝历史,并且厚度稳定的偏基性熔岩流,是开展古高度计算的理想对象.熔岩流气泡体积的测试手段包括注胶、岩石抛光-扫描、体视学转换和三维CT扫描4种方法.“熔岩流气泡古高度计”最终计算结果误差为400m左右.本文利用“熔岩流气泡古高度计”计算了腾冲火山区熔岩流的古高度,研究结果显示:“熔岩流气泡古高度计”计算的黑空山熔岩流高程与目前的实际高程相吻合.开展“熔岩流气泡古高度计”研究的前提是研究区必须出露保存完好的熔岩流.我国青藏高原的隆升历史一直是国际学术界争论的热点课题,那里出露大面积熔岩流.可以预见,“熔岩流气泡古高度计”将会逐渐成为研究青藏高原隆升历史的有效手段之一.  相似文献   
Every three years the IAU/IAG Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements revises tables giving the directions of the north poles of rotation and the prime meridians of the planets, satellites, and asteroids. This report introduces a system of cartographic coordinates for asteroids and comets. A topographic reference surface for Mars is recommended. Tables for the rotational elements of the planets and satellites and size and shape of the planets and satellites are not included, since there were no changes to the values. They are available in the previous report (Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron., 82, 83–110, 2002), a version of which is also available on a web site.  相似文献   
Every three years the IAU/IAG/COSPAR Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements of the Planets and Stallites revises tables giving the directions of the north poles of rotation and the prime meridians of the planets, satellites, and asteroids. Also presented are revised tables giving their sizes and shapes.  相似文献   
通过选取3种不同颗粒尺寸的砂样进行微生物诱导碳酸钙(MICP)注浆试验,对同一尺寸试验组分别进行8、10、12次胶结液灌注,结合细菌吸附率、流出液Ca2+浓度、试样渗透系数、碳酸钙含量、孔隙结构和最终加固效果等数据,探讨了颗粒尺寸对MICP加固砂土的影响。试验结果表明,细菌吸附率与颗粒尺寸间存在一定联系,颗粒尺寸越大,细菌吸附量相对越少;同时颗粒尺寸会影响试样固化过程及孔隙结构的发展,颗粒尺寸较小的试样能留住更多的营养物质;固化过程中,颗粒尺寸较小的砂样由于孔隙较小、渗透系数小等原因,试样上部易形成淤堵,从而导致试样加固效果不均;大颗粒尺寸的试样,孔隙较大、持水能力弱,产生的碳酸钙含量偏低并在试样下部堆积,从而导致加固效果较差。  相似文献   
The forms of phosphorus and silicon in the natural grain sizes surface sediments of the southern Bohai Sea were studied. In sediments, the organic matter bound form of phosphorus was the main form of transferable phosphorus and ranged from 0.37μmol/g to 1.57μmol/g, accountingfor 10.7% of the total phosphorus, others were the carbonate bound form, iron-manganeso oxide bound form and ion-exchange able form; the transferable form of phosphorus accounted for 19.2% of the total phosphorus. Silicon‘ s carbonate bound form was predominant over others among its transferable forms, and content ranged from 1.55μmol/g to 8.94μmol/g, accounting for 0.05% of the total silicon; the total amount of transferable silicon forms accounted for only 0.12% of the total silicon. Therefore, 19.2% of the total phosphorus and 0.12 % of the total silicon contained in the surface sediments of the southern Bohai Sea could participate in the biogeochemical cycling.  相似文献   
Measurements are presented of median floc diameters and associated environmental data over spring-tide tidal cycles at two stations in the muddy Tamar Estuary, UK, for winter, spring and summer conditions. The particulate organic carbon and particulate total carbon contents of mudflats and SPM (suspended particulate matter) at the stations, together with other evidence, indicates that much of the SPM was derived from mud sources that were located between the two stations during winter and spring, and from very mobile sediment sources in the upper estuary during summer. Observed in-situ median floc sizes varied widely, from <50 to >500 μm and rapid settling of particles close to HW and LW (high and low water) left only the smaller flocs in suspension. Time-series of depth-averaged median floc sizes generally were most closely, positively, correlated with depth-averaged SPM concentrations. Floc diameters tended to reach maximum median sizes near the time when SPM concentrations were highest. These high concentrations were in turn largely generated by resuspension of sediment during the fastest current speeds. Although such correlations may have arisen because of SPM-driven floc growth - despite fast tidal currents - there is also the possibility that tough aggregates were eroded from the intertidal mudflats and mudbanks. Although a hypothesis, such large aggregates of fine sediment may have resulted from the binding together of very fine bed particles by sticky extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) coatings, produced by benthic diatoms and by other biologically-mediated activity. A rapid reduction of SPM occurred at the up-estuary station within 2.5 h of HW on the flood, when decelerating currents were still relatively fast. It appears that at least two processes were at work: localised settling of the largest flocs and up-estuary transport in which large flocs were transported further into the estuary before settling into the Tamar's ETM (estuarine turbidity maximum) over the HW-slack period. Up-estuary advection of large flocs and their eventual settling would place the down-estuary edge of the ETM above the upper-estuary station during summer, spring-tide conditions. This position of the ETM was observed close to HW during longitudinal surveys of the estuary.  相似文献   
河岸带作为一种典型的地下水-地表水相互作用带,不同水动力学条件下砷在该作用带中的行为较少有研究报道。基于此,采集河岸带河砂开展室内柱试验,分析不同水动力因素(包括流速和粒径)对砷在河砂中迁移的影响并建立相关模型。结果表明:(1) 0.5 mL/min流速下,河砂对As(V)的吸附速度和达到平衡所需的时间均比As(III)快,且粒径越小,该现象越明显;1.0 mL/min流速下,不同粒径的河砂对As(V)的吸附速度随粒径的增大而增大,对As(III)的吸附则没有明显差异;(2) 相同粒径的填充柱中,河砂对As(III)和As(V)的吸附能力均随流速的增加而降低;(3)不同流速和粒径条件下,As(III)和As(V)在砂柱中的迁移过程均更符合Thomas模型,拟合R2高于相同条件下Yoon-Nelson和Adams-Bohart模型。其中,低流速下,Thomas模型对0.15~0.25 mm粒径中As(III)和As(V)迁移过程拟合的R2(≥0.94)显著优于1.00~2.00 mm的较大粒径;高流速下,该模型对不同粒径中砷迁移过程的拟合R2差异不大。研究有助于加深对地下水-地表水相互作用下水动力因素对砷迁移转化规律影响的认识,并丰富和完善高砷地下水形成的机制理论。  相似文献   
The precise and accurate knowledge of genetic parameters is a prerequisite for making efficient selection strategies in breeding programs.A number of estimators of heritability about important economic traits in many marine mollusks are available in the literature,however very few research have evaluated about the accuracy of genetic parameters estimated with different family structures.Thus,in the present study,the effect of parent sample size for estimating the precision of genetic parameters of four growth traits in clam M.meretrix by factorial designs were analyzed through restricted maximum likelihood(REML) and Bayesian.The results showed that the average estimated heritabilities of growth traits obtained from REML were 0.23–0.32 for 9 and 16 full-sib families and 0.19–0.22 for 25 full-sib families.When using Bayesian inference,the average estimated heritabilities were0.11–0.12 for 9 and 16 full-sib families and 0.13–0.16 for 25 full-sib families.Compared with REML,Bayesian got lower heritabilities,but still remained at a medium level.When the number of parents increased from 6 to 10,the estimated heritabilities were more closed to 0.20 in REML and 0.12 in Bayesian inference.Genetic correlations among traits were positive and high and had no significant difference between different sizes of designs.The accuracies of estimated breeding values from the 9 and 16 families were less precise than those from 25 families.Our results provide a basic genetic evaluation for growth traits and should be useful for the design and operation of a practical selective breeding program in the clam M.meretrix.  相似文献   
黄永春  刘登 《台湾海峡》2004,23(2):138-143
本试验设置的8个反应温度组为5℃,15℃,20℃,25℃,30℃,35℃,45℃和55℃,欧鳗分51.5~57.5g,92.5~99.5g,128.5~136g,226~233g4种规格,试验结果表明,蛋白酶活性在4种规格均表现为肠>胃>肝,并均随温度升高而增强。在45℃蛋白酶活性最强,其中51.5~57.5g规格组肠蛋白酶活性显著较高.淀粉酶活性,基本上随着温度升高活力升高,温度在25℃时活性最高,以后其活性又开始下降。肝、肠、胃淀粉酶活性在两种较小规格下,胃>肠>肝,在较大规格,肝>肠>胃。  相似文献   
长江口拦门沙河段潮滩表层沉积物分布特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
基于2005年7月及2007年5月在长江订拦门沙河段崇明东滩、横沙东滩(浅滩)、九段沙以及南汇边滩等四大潮滩的水下滩地采集的大面积、高密度表层沉积物以及实测水文资料,对拦门沙河段潮滩表层沉积物颗粒度、参数、组成、类型以及分布特征进行分析,并在此基础上探讨影响沉积物分布的主要动力因子.结果表明:长江河口四大潮滩表层沉积物主要由砂、粉砂质砂和粘土质粉砂三种类型组成.沉积物中值粒径分布比较复杂,介于2.5~8ψ之间;沉积物分选系数集中于1~2左右,其分布与中值粒径具有一致性,其中物质组成相对较粗的颗粒分选性较好而较细的颗粒分选性较差:偏态与峰态跨度较大,分别介于0.1-0.8与1-4不等.崇明东滩、横沙东滩(浅滩)和九段沙的沉积物分选系数、偏态和峰态的分布具有一致性,三者相关性较强;南汇边滩的沉积物分选性、偏态及峰态值则因南滩与东滩所处位置差异而有较大差别.此外,河口潮滩表层沉积物分布显示泥沙输移的结果,其主要水动力因子包括潮流和波浪控制的泥沙输移:在受落潮优势流作用的地区普遍粗于涨潮优势流作用的地区;在波浪动力强、波能释放的地区沉积物普遍较粗且分选性较好:深水航道工程的堵汉、导流、破水波作用明显,使得导堤两侧的表层沉积物粒度出现粗细分布不均的特点.  相似文献   
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