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刘林  季江徽 《天文学报》2001,42(1):75-80
主要阐述近年来在近地小行星轨道演化研究工作中所获得的一些基本结果,即合理的力学模型和相应的有效算法,并以实际预报算例(近地小行星与地球的交会状态)与有关权威性的结果作了比较,证实这些研究结果确实是可信的。在给出的力学模型中,考虑了所有可能影响近地小行星运动的力学因素,包括各大天体和较大的主带小行星的引力作用、有关天体的扁率影响以及源于太阳引力的后牛顿效应。而在计算方法中,合理地处理了变步长问题和月球位置量这种相对而言的快变化问题,使得数值求解一个高维方程组时,对各天体而言,可采用同一步长进行 积分,避免了求解过程中的复杂性。  相似文献   
Five Plio-Pleistocene to Holocene aeolian quartz samples from the coastal dune deposits of the Wilderness-Knysna area (South Africa) previously dated by OSL were selected for ESR dating. Samples were processed following the Multiple Centre approach and using the Multiple Aliquot Additive dose method. Aluminium (Al) and Titanium (Ti) signals were systematically measured in all samples.Our study shows that ESR results obtained for Middle Pleistocene to Holocene samples may be strongly impacted by (i) the presence of a significant high frequency noise in the ESR spectra acquired for the Ti signals and (ii) the choice of the fitting function employed. In particular, if not taken into account, very noisy spectra can lead to a significant overestimation of the true ESR intensity measured for the Ti–H signal. These sources of uncertainty are however not sufficient to remove the ESR age overestimations. Consequently, our results indicate that the Al and Ti ESR signals of these quartz samples have not been fully reset during their aeolian transport.While this work contributes to improve our understanding of the ESR method applied to quartz grains, and especially of the potential and limitations of the Ti signals, it also provides additional baseline data to illustrate the existing variability among quartz samples of different origins or sedimentary context. Our results are consistent with previous studies by confirming that the Ti–H signal shows the best potential for the evaluation of low dose values (<100 Gy for these samples), whereas it becomes inappropriate for the higher dose range, and the Ti–Li–H (option D sensu Duval and Guilarte, 2015) should be used instead.Beyond the methodological outcome, this ESR dating study also provides a useful addition to the existing chronology of the aeolian deposits in this region. In particular, new (and possibly) finite numerical age results were obtained for the two oldest samples, constraining the aeolianite landward barrier dune and the coversand formations to the MIS 10-8 and Pliocene, respectively.  相似文献   
在地球物理领域,时频分析方法在资料处理过程中占据着愈发重要的位置;运用分频属性检测断层、裂缝等应用广泛;因此,寻求更高精度的时频分析方法一直是地震信号处理领域所追求的目标。改进短时傅立叶变换方法由于窗函数的限制导致时频分析结果准确度不理想,为了更大限度地提升时频分辨率,对改进短时傅立叶变换后的时频谱进行挤压,发展了同步挤压改进短时傅立叶变换;根据合成信号结果可知,同步挤压改进短时傅立叶变换其时频汇聚程度更加明显,在刻画信号的时频特征上更有优势。理论表明,地震数据高频成分可以对微小的次生裂缝进行精确的雕刻,而蚂蚁追踪技术是检测裂缝、断层信息的有效手段。因此,本文基于高分辨的时频分析方法,并结合蚂蚁追踪技术对三维数据体进行裂缝预测,结果表明:该方法可以更好地勾勒出微小裂缝以及伴生褶皱,识别精度与传统蚂蚁追踪算法相比有了明显的提高,同时也证实了该方法在实际应用中可行且有效。  相似文献   
随着多年的开采,我国许多矿山成为危机矿山,外围及深部的找矿工作迫在眉睫。在前人研究的基础上,笔者总结了矿山二次利用实物地质资料进行找矿预测的方法,并将其归纳为成果及原始资料的重新分析、成矿预测方法的正确选择、实物地质资料的重新利用、找矿思路的重新确定、成矿规律的重新认识5个方面内容,以期望生产矿山加强实物地质资料二次开发力度,开辟深边部找矿的新局面。  相似文献   
磁共振探测估算含水层渗透系数的原位试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于向前 《地质与勘探》2018,54(5):1046-1052
通过一个完整的磁共振探测(MRS)、钻探、抽水试验过程,开展了MRS估算含水层渗透系数的原位试验研究。在分析MRS估算渗透系数准确性的基础上,系统剖析了引起准确性差异的主要因素,并对进一步提高估算效果提出了建议。结果显示:(1)采用现阶段常用的参数设置,与抽水试验计算值相比,MRS估算渗透系数的差值为抽水试验计算值的17.59%。(2)MRS推断的含水层顶板、底板埋深与钻孔揭示的信息相比,差值分别为4.11m、1.03m,表明其对估算渗透系数准确性的影响较小。(3)CP值是影响估算准确性的重要因素,其值为10-9数量级符合大多数地层的特点。另外,通过在已知渗透系数的钻孔附近进行MRS,从而获取CP参考值,应用该值估算的渗透系数准确性高于常用的参数设置。(4)指数a、b设置方面,应用Seevers公式(a=1、b=2)的估算效果优于Kenyon公式(a=4、b=2)。本成果有助于提高MRS估算渗透系数方法在野外条件下的适用性。  相似文献   
Many barriers exist to K–12 classroom teachers’ adoption and implementation of geospatial technologies with their students. To address this circumstance, we have developed and implemented a geospatial curriculum approach to promote teachers’ professional growth with curriculum-linked professional development (PD) to support the adoption of socio-environmental science investigations (SESI) in an urban school environment that includes reluctant learners. SESI focus on social issues related to environmental science. The pedagogy is inquiry-driven, with students engaged in map-based mobile data collection and subsequent analysis with Web-based dynamic mapping software to answer open-ended questions. Working with four science and social studies teachers, we designed and implemented a sequence of three locally oriented, geospatial inquiry projects that were implemented with 140 9th grade students. We investigated how the geospatial curriculum approach impacted the teachers’ geospatial pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), their cartographic practices, and promoted geospatial thinking and analysis skills with their students. Findings revealed strong growth in teachers’ geospatial PCK, increased map use by teachers, use of maps as media for inquiry and not didactic instruction, and modeling to guide students’ geospatial analysis using GIS. Implications for PD to promote teachers’ geospatial PCK and in-class cartographic practices are discussed.  相似文献   
云平台下MapGIS图件在ArcGIS中还原显示技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MapGIS和ArcGIS两个GIS平台拥有不一样的符号库及渲染表达方式,这就造成在MapGIS平台下产生的图件数据要想在ArcGIS平台中还原显示较为困难。通过分析两种GIS平台下图件数据的文件格式及图面渲染方式,在Map2Shp文件转换软件和GIS二次开发技术的支持下,总结了一套半自动化完成还原显示的技术流程,在实际工作中有效地解决了文件转换过程中图面渲染内容丢失、工作量大等问题。同时在云平台虚拟环境中完成该技术流程,为同一GIS平台不同版本不兼容的问题提供了解决方案,并且缩短了图面渲染的时间,从而提高了工作效率。  相似文献   
Usually, the collapsible loess widely distributed across the world can serve as a type of foundation soil that meets its strength requirement after dense compaction and elimination of collapsibility. However, many problems such as cracks and differential settlement still occur in loess roads in the seasonally frozen ground regions after several years of operation. Many studies have demonstrated that these secondary or multiple collapses primarily result from the repeatedfreezing-thawing, wetting-drying, and salinization-desalinization cycles. Therefore, we conducted a research program to (1) monitor the in-situ ground temperatures and water content in certain loess roads to understand their changes, (2) study the effects of freezing-thawing, wetting-drying, and salinization-desalinization cycles on geotechnical properties and micro-fabrics of compacted loess in the laboratory, and (3) develop mitigative measures and examine their engineered effectiveness, i.e., their thermal insulating and water-proofing effects in field and laboratory tests. Our results and advances are reviewed and some further research needs are proposed. These findings more clearly explain the processes and mechanisms of secondary and multiple collapse of loess roads. We also offer references for furtherstudy of the weakening mechanisms of similar structural soils.  相似文献   
腾冲火山岩群是我国著名的年轻火山岩群,前人主要采用K-Ar法、不平衡铀系等同位素定年方法研究该区火山岩的年龄并划分其喷发期次,采用K-Ar法获得腾冲火山岩0.013~17.84 Ma的年龄以及0.13~2.9 Ma的等时线年龄,不平衡铀系法主要用于该地区0.23 Ma以来的样品年龄研究。传统的同位素定年体系的精确度和定年范围对于研究该区火山岩的年龄存有很大局限性。近年来,微区原位离子探针U-Pb定年在年轻地质体年代学研究中表现出巨大潜力,在国际上已经应用于中更新世晚期地质体的年龄测定。本文报道了应用锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年方法对腾冲曲石地区中更新世英安岩的3次测定结果,3次实验的年龄值在误差范围内一致。在对一次离子流选择及其强度、二次离子积分时间等实验条件探讨的基础上,综合分析3次实验中的二次离子计数表明第3次实验结果具有更高的精确度,年龄值为0.41±0.01 Ma,属中更新世,代表该英安岩的形成时代,该年龄结果是目前我国获得的最年轻的高精度锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄。本研究获得的中更新世锆石U-Pb年龄为年轻地质体的年代学研究提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
通过空间数据库管理软件+ARCGIS开发组件+VS.NET2008开发工具结合,进行GIS二次开发,集成整合相关矿业管理数据,建立集信息采集与动态监测、地图定位查询与分析、信息比对核查、信息综合分析功能于一体的县级矿产资源综合监管平台,实现县域内矿产资源管理和监管、地质灾害防治的信息化、可视化、智能化,实现国土资源管理行为、开发利用和市场监管的常态化、制度化,以及国土资源管理绩效的科学评估,提高对突发性地质灾害的应急处置能力。  相似文献   
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