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1961-2016年四川地区不同量级不同持续时间降水的 时空特征分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用四川地区122站逐日降水数据,采用均值、气候趋势系数等统计方法,对1961-2016年不同量级不同持续时间降水的空间和时间变化特征进行了分析,结果表明:盆地和攀西地区小雨、中雨、大雨和总暴雨所占年降水量比例接近,高原地区小雨降水量约占50%以上,中雨约40%,大雨约10%;整个四川地区小雨日数占总降水日数75%以上,量级越高降水日数越少。年降水量在盆地和攀西地区为减少趋势,高原则相反,年降水日数除了在高原局部微弱增加外其他地区皆减少且大部分区域减少趋势通过99%的显著性水平检验,这种趋势显著性主要体现在小雨量级降水。随着降水量级的增加,高原、盆地东北、攀西和盆地东南的部分地区出现了降水量和降水次数增加趋势,这可能说明高原地区年降水量的增加由小雨量级降水效率以及中雨和大雨降水次数增加导致,盆地和攀西部分地区年降水量的增加主要由降水量级大的降水次数增加导致。 相似文献
本文应用统计方法讨论6~11月的准PNA型,得到如下结论: 秋季,低纬中太平洋热源异常,能发出位置与PNA型相类似的遥相关型——准PNA型。这种遥相关型呈二维Rossby波列,具有相当正压结构,在西风带中沿固定波导向极向东传播,从而影响中太平洋和北美天气。 夏季,由于热源位置的差异,则不存在与PNA型相类似的遥相关型。从而认为热源的扰动在遥相关型的成因上起着举足轻重的作用。 相似文献
2018年8月深圳一次连续暴雨过程初步分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用NCEP FNL 1°×1°再分析资料、自动气象站数据和风廓线雷达等资料,对2018年8月28日至31日由季风低压造成的深圳连续暴雨过程进行了初步分析。结果表明:连续暴雨期间,南亚高压稳定少动,西北太平洋副热带高压呈双脊型并缓慢西伸,北脊阻挡西南季风北上,使得季风低压在双脊之间缓慢西移并发展加强,为持续暴雨发生提供了必要的大尺度环流条件。强盛时期的季风低压垂直伸展范围约8~9 km,直至对流层中层,与副高之间气压梯度加大,导致低空急流加强并向下传播,深厚的急流区为暴雨提供充足的水汽和能量。低空急流的向下传播时间早于短时强降水发生0.5~1 h。925 hPa及其以下的对流层底层风场呈气旋式辐合,是重要的抬升触发条件。而1 km以下风场由西南风转为偏南风,在地形抬升作用下加速上升运动,最大垂直上升速度达0.5 Pa/s,地形对降水具有显著的增幅作用。 相似文献
Variation characteristics of persistent drought events in Guangdong province are analyzed using 45-year(1961-2005) and 86-station observational precipitation data of Guangdong,and the causes of drought events are discussed from different angles(e.g.,atmospheric circulation,sea surface temperature) on the basis of global coverage datasets of sea surface temperature and atmospheric elements.It is found that the occurrence frequency of persistent drought events in Guangdong province is once every 26 months on average,and autumn-winter or winter-spring persistent drought events take up the majority.The persistent drought events possess large scale spatial characteristics.While the 1960s is the most frequent and strongest decade of drought events in the latter half of the 20th century,the occurrence is more frequent and the intensity is stronger in the first five years of the 21st century(2001-2005).This reflects the response of regional extreme climatic events in Guangdong to global climatic change.The atmospheric circulation,sea surface temperature,etc,appear to have different abnormal characteristics when drought events happen in different seasons.The results of this paper provide some good reference information for the drought forecast,especially for the dynamic interpretation of climatic model products. 相似文献
利用我国地面观测站降水资料以及欧洲中期数值预报中心 (ECMWF) 的月平均再分析资料, 研究了在全球平均表面气温偏冷和偏暖阶段, 我国东部降水开始和结束时间以及雨带南北移动的变化, 并分析了与东部降水变化相关联的大气环流特征。结果表明:近40年, 20世纪60—70年代全球平均表面气温处于一个相对偏冷时期, 而80—90年代处于偏暖时期; 在这样的变暖背景下, 我国东部地区年总降水量呈现出“南涝北旱”异常特征, 与冷位相比较, 在暖位相阶段长江流域年总降水量明显增加, 而华北地区降水量减少, 其中长江流域降水的增加主要是由夏季降水增加引起的, 3月长江中下游降水增加也很重要, 北方的降水减少主要是由从盛夏到初秋的降水减少引起的。平均而言, 暖位相阶段我国南方强降水开始时间较早、结束较晚, 持续时间较长, 而北方强降水开始较晚, 持续时间较短。从春末到夏季, 冷位相时我国东部强降水带表现出从华南、经过长江流域向华北移动的特征, 而在暖位相时强降水主要集中在长江流域, 从华南向华北移动的特征不明显。雨带的这种异常变化与东亚大气环流有关, 在暖位相时夏季东亚大陆低压比冷位相时弱, 而鄂霍次克海高压偏强, 西太平洋副热带高压位置偏南, 使夏季东亚副热带地区的西南风减弱, 梅雨锋加强, 导致雨带滞留在长江流域, 使长江流域降水增加、北方降水减少。 相似文献
Csilla Szasz Johan Kero Asta Pellinen-Wannberg John D. Mathews Nick J. Mitchell Werner Singer 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》2004,95(1-4):101-107
The presence of a diurnal variation in meteor activity is well established. The sporadic meteor count rates are higher on
the local dawn side and lower on the local dusk side. This phenomenon is caused by the Earth’s orbital motion and rotation.
Meteor radar measurements have been compared from Esrange, Kiruna, Sweden, at 68° N, from Juliusruh, Germany, at 55° N, and
from Ascension Island, at 8° S, to investigate how the diurnal variation depends on season at different latitudes. Data have
been used from vernal and autumnal equinoxes and summer and winter solstices to locate the largest seasonal differences. 相似文献
Based on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) daily satellite dataset
of global outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) for the period of 1974--2004 and the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis
for 1971--2004, the linkage between persistent heavy rainfall (PHR) events in the vicinity of the Yangtze
River valley and global OLR leading up to those events (with 1- to 30-day lag) was investigated. The
results reveal that there is a significant connection between the initiation of PHR events over the
study area and anomalous convective activity over the tropical Indian Ocean, maritime continent, and
tropical western Pacific Ocean. During the 30-day period prior to the onset of PHR events, the major
significantly anomalous convective centers have an apparent dipole structure, always with enhanced
convection in the west and suppressed convection in the east. This dipole structure continuously shifts
eastward with time during the 30-day lead period. The influence of the anomalous convective activity
over the tropical oceans on the initiation of PHR events over the study area is achieved via an interaction
between tropical and extratropical latitudes. More specifically, anomalous convective activity weakens
the Walker circulation cell over the tropical Indian Ocean first. This is followed by a weakening of
the Indian summer monsoon background state and the excitation and dispersion of Rossby wave activity
over Eurasia. Finally, a major modulation of the large scale background circulation occurs. As a result,
the condition of a phase-lock among major large scale circulation features favoring PHR events is
established over the study area. 相似文献
我国在建国初期就建立了探矿工程专业,60年来为国家培养了大量人才,为不同行业和领域经济建设做出了重要贡献。如何进一步提高探矿工程类专业教学质量和如何把学生培养成新形势下社会主义的合格建设者和接班人,是个非常迫切而现实的问题,值得研究和思考。教学计划往往能够反映教学的培养目标、课程设置和教学过程,对于了解和评价教学质量和效果具有一定意义。对中国地质大学(武汉)探矿工程类专业(勘查技术与工程〈钻探与钻井〉)教学计划和国外(只有俄罗斯设有类似专业)类似专业教学计划进行了对比研究,从中提出相关的建议。 相似文献
Independent datasets consistently indicate a significant correlation between the sea ice variability in the Bering Sea during melt season and the summer rainfall variability in the Lake Baikal area and Northeastern China. In this study, four sea ice datasets(Had ISST1, Had ISST2.2, ERA-Interim and NOAA/NSIDC) and two global precipitation datasets(CRU V4.01 and GPCP V2.3) are used to investigate co-variations between melt season(March-April-May-June, MAMJ)Bering Sea ice cover(BSIC) and summer(June-July-August, JJA) East Asian precipitation. All datasets demonstrate a significant correlation between the MAMJ BSIC and the JJA rainfall in Lake Baikal-Northeastern China(Baikal-NEC).Based on the reanalysis datasets and the numerical sensitivity experiments performed in this study using Community Atmospheric Model version 5(CAM5), a mechanism to understand how the MAMJ BSIC influences the JJA Baikal-NEC rainfall is suggested. More MAMJ BSIC triggers a wave train and causes a positive sea level pressure(SLP) anomaly over the North Atlantic during MAMJ. The high SLP anomaly, associated with an anti-cyclonic wind stress circulation anomaly,favors the appearance of sea surface temperature(SST) anomalies in a zonal dipole-pattern in the North Atlantic during summer. The dipole SST anomaly drives a zonally orientated wave train, which causes a high anomaly geopotential height at 500 h Pa over the Sea of Japan. As a result, the mean East Asian trough moves westward and a low geopotential height anomaly occurs over Baikal-NEC. This prevailing regional low pressure anomaly together with enhanced moisture transport from the western North Pacific and convergence over Baikal-NEC, positively influences the increased rainfall in summer. 相似文献