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Correlated radio-optical variations on intraday timescales have been observed (e.g. In BLO 0716 714) and such radio intraday variability is suggested to have an intrinsic ori- gin. Recently, multi-wavelength observations, simultaneous at radio, mm-submm, optical and hard X-rays, of 0716 714, show that during a period of intraday/interday variations at ra- dio and mm wavelengths, the apparent brightness temperature of the source exceeded the Compton-limit (~1012 K) by 2--4 orders of magnitude, but no Compton catastrophe (or no high luminosity of inverse-Compton radiation) was detected. It is also found that the intra- day/interday variations at mm-submm wavelengths are consistent with the evolutionary be- havior of a standard synchrotron source and for the intraday/interday variations at centimeter wavelengths opacity effects can play a significant role, which is consistent with the interpreta- tion suggested previously by Qian et al. Thus the apparent high brightness temperatures may probably be explained in terms of Doppler boosting effects due to bulk relativistic motion of the source. We will argue a scenario to simulate the correlations between the radio and optical variations on intraday timescales observed in BLO 0716 714 in terms of a relativistic shock propagating through a jet with a dual structure.  相似文献   
We present the results of our optical identifications of a set of X-ray sources from the INTEGRAL and SWIFT all-sky surveys. The optical data have been obtained with the 1.5-m Russian-Turkish Telescope (RTT-150). Nine X-ray sources have been identified with active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Two of them are located in the nearby spiral galaxies MCG-01-05-047 and NGC 973 seen almost edge-on. One source, IGR J16562-3301, is probably a BL Lac object (blazar). The remaining AGNs are observed as the starlike nuclei of spiral galaxies whose spectra exhibit broad emission lines. The relation between the hard X-ray (17–60 keV) luminosity and the [O III] 5007 line luminosity, log L x/L [O III] ≈ 2.1, holds good for most of the AGNs detected in hard X rays. However, the luminosities of some AGNs deviate from this relation. The fraction of such objects can reach ~20%. In particular, the [O III] line flux is lower for two nearby edge-on spiral galaxies. This can be explained by the effect of absorption in the galactic disks.  相似文献   
绝对重力仪激光器光纤由于应力变化、形状改变、震动或耦合器维护等原因破坏了输出激光的偏振态,使其在光纤内的传输变得非常不稳定,导致光纤输出激光的消光比值小于100,无法满足绝对重力观测条件。针对该问题,介绍了光纤对准调节的方法,通过设计消光比检测装置检验消光比值是否大于100。对#181和#250两台WEO100型He-Ne激光器的光纤进行对准调节实验,并通过消光比检测装置实测,两台激光器输出的光束消光比值满足绝对重力测量的条件,表明该对准调节方法科学有效。  相似文献   
京津冀地区气溶胶时空分布及与城市化关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张西雅  扈海波 《大气科学》2017,41(4):797-810
利用AERONET(AErosol RObotic NETwork)数据对2008~2012年Terra MODIS(MOderate-resolutionImaging Spectroradiometer)C006 3 km卫星遥感气溶胶产品在京津冀地区的适用性进行了验证,分析京津冀地区3km分辨率气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)的时空分布和变化特征。利用DMSP(Defense Meteorological Satellite System)/OLS(Operational Linescan System)夜间灯光数据作为城市化评价手段,对京津冀地区城市化与AOD时空分布之间的关系进行了研究。结果表明:(1)MODIS 3 km气溶胶产品遥感反演数据和同期AERONET监测数据在研究区具有很好的一致性,相关系数达0.91,满足期望要求;(2)时间上,2008~2012年研究区年平均AOD值在0.361~0.453之间变化,年际间变化浮动大,总体呈下降趋势;AOD春季呈明显下降趋势,夏季总体呈微弱上升趋势,秋季和冬季呈明显上升趋势;(3)空间上,2008~2012年北京、天津和河北中南部的AOD值较高,河北北边AOD值较低;四季AOD空间分布呈现较强烈季节变化,夏季最高,冬季最低;(4)夜间灯光数据和AOD时空分布不仅在空间分布上呈现较好的一致性,且2008~2012年二者的地理权重回归(GWR)模型拟合度R2达0.8左右。研究区内AOD与夜间灯光数据二者相关性显著,城市化发展水平和人类活动对气溶胶的分布有着明显的影响。  相似文献   
为了适应不同颗粒度的业务需求,最大化波分复用传输系统的频谱效率,光网络正逐渐朝着更灵活、高效、节能的趋势发展.基于带宽可变收发机(BVT)的灵活光网络传输技术因而得到了广泛的关注与研究.本文概述了国内外支持灵活光网络的数字相干光传输技术的最新研究进展,包括发射端支持传输速率可变的自适应编码、调制技术以及接收端相应的调制码型识别技术,最后对灵活光网络传输的未来研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   
通过对路由区海域的海底地形、地貌、浅层沉积结构的探测及对其自然环境资料的综合分析,在中韩两国之间选择了一条条件最佳的光缆路线,并对其环境进行了全面分析与评价  相似文献   
引入PLSA模型的光学遥感图像舰船检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周晖  郭军  朱长仁  王润生 《遥感学报》2010,14(4):672-686
提出一种基于概率潜在语义分析(Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis,PLSA)的检测算法,首先通过PLSA将目标表述为潜在成分的概率组合,然后利用统计模式识别方法对获取的潜在成分概率进行判别,从而完成最终的检测。其中,生成的潜在成分反映了目标与特征之间相互出现的频率关系,并以潜在成分在目标中概率差异的形式对上述不对应现象给出了直观描述。实验结果表明,所提出的算法对多种复杂情况下的光学图像舰船检测具有很好的准确性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   
本文提出了一种新的基于大视场光学测量设备和GPS测量点位天文坐标的方法,即测量多个星体方位角相对于主光轴方位角的增量,然后通过非线性最小二乘法解算出点位的天文坐标。采用该方法不仅可以避免讨论大气蒙气差的修正问题,而且能够满足高精度天文坐标的测量要求。  相似文献   
This study provides characteristics of aerosol columnar properties, measured over ten countries in Eastern Europe from 2002 to 2019. Aerosol optical depth (AOD) and Ångström exponent (AE) were obtained with the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Collection 6.1 merged Dark Target and Deep Blue aerosol product. The product is validated using ground-based Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) situated at Minsk, Belsk, Moldova and Kyiv. The results showed that 76.15% of retrieved AOD data are within the expected error. It was established that 64.2% of AOD points are between 0 and 0.2 and 79.3% of all AE points are over 1. Mean AOD values in the region vary from 0.130 ​± ​0.04 (Moldova) to 0.193 ​± ​0.03 (Czech Republic) with mean value in the region 0.162 ​± ​0.05. Seasonal mean AOD (AE) values were at the maximum during the summer from 0.231 ​± ​0.05 (1.482 ​± ​0.09 in winter) to minimum 0.087 ​± ​0.04 during the winter (1.363 ​± ​0.17 in summer). Gradual AOD reduction is observed in all countries with annual trend from −0.0050 (Belarus) to −0.0029 (Russia). Finally, the relationship between AOD and AE was studied to classify various aerosol types and showed seasonal non-uniformity of their contribution depending on variation in sources. The entire region is under significant impact of various aerosol types, including clean continental (СС), mixed (MX) and anthropogenic/burning (AB) aerosols types that are at 59.77%, 24.72%, and 12.97% respectively. These results form an important basis for further regional studies of air quality and distribution of sources of pollution.  相似文献   
An improved analytical method to determine the content of 52 major, minor and trace elements in marine geological samples, using a HF-HCl-HNO_3 acid system with a high-pressure closed digestion method(HPCD), is studied by an inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry(ICP-OES) and an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS). The operating parameters of the instruments are optimized, and the optimal analytical parameters are determined. The influences of optical spectrum and mass spectrum interferences, digestion methods and acid systems on the analytical results are investigated. The optimal spectral lines and isotopes are chosen, and internal standard element of rhodium is selected to compensate for matrix effects and analytical signals drifting. Compared with the methods of an electric heating plate digestion and a microwave digestion, a high-pressure closed digestion method is optimized with less acid, complete digestion,less damage for digestion process. The marine geological samples are dissolved completely by a HF-HCl-HNO_3 system, the relative error(RE) for the analytical results are all less than 6.0%. The method detection limits are 2–40μg/g by the ICP-OES, and 6–80 ng/g by ICP-MS. The methods are used to determine the marine sediment reference materials(GBW07309, GBW07311, GBW07313), rock reference materials(GBW07103, GBW07104,GBW07105), and cobalt-rich crust reference materials(GBW07337, GBW07338, GBW07339), the obtained analytical results are in agreement with the certified values, and both of the relative standard deviation(RSD) and the relative error(RE) are less than 6.0%. The analytical method meets the requirements for determining 52 elements contents of bulk marine geological samples.  相似文献   
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