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TBP萃淋树脂微色谱柱分离富集钼的研究及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了TBP萃淋树脂微色谱柱分离富集微量钼的柱性能,确定了分离钼的最佳条件。在减压条件下,运用零空床体积洗脱技术,以3mol/LHCl为上柱介质,0.5mol/LHCl洗脱,可使钼(VI)与钨(Ⅵ)、铁(Ⅲ)、锡(Ⅳ)等干扰离子快速分离,采用邻氯苯基荧光酮胶束增溶光度法,测定矿石中微量钼,结果满意。  相似文献   
冻融过程对景电灌区草窝滩盆地土壤水盐动态的影响   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
景电灌区为干寒气候,蒸发强烈,季节冻土发育,土壤地下水位以上非饱和带毛细作用发育,在地表蒸发作用下,通过毛细作用,地下水不断地向地表运动,导致大量盐分到达地表.虽然蒸发作用下的毛细水运动在土壤水分垂直运动中占绝对优势,但自上而下的季节冻结和融化过程对土壤中水盐重分布的影响也起着重要的作用.基于冻融作用对水盐迁移驱动力和土壤结构等参数的影响,分析了冻融作用下水盐重分布的综合特征.  相似文献   
略论塔里木古生代盆地演化   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
浪良杰 《现代地质》1997,11(1):14-20
依据所处板块构造位置和地球动力学环境,提出塔里木古生代盆地演化经历了震旦—泥盆纪和石炭—二叠纪两个完整的开合旋回。第一旋回自震旦纪开始张裂形成大陆裂谷,寒武—奥陶纪伸展为被动大陆边缘,志留—泥盆纪俯冲消减,泥盆纪晚期碰撞闭合,时间跨度达400Ma以上。第二旋回表现为石炭—二叠纪弧后拉张—弧后造山事件,延续仅约100Ma。  相似文献   
Abstract In the Kamuikotan zone, jadeite occurs in pelitic rocks, in metaplagiogranites, in veins in amphibolites and mafic sedimentary rocks, and in jadeite-albite rocks. In the first and second types, jadeite is associated with quartz, and is often in direct contact with it. However, such rock-types never occur as part of the coherent metamorphic sequence, but are found only as exotic blocks enclosed in serpentinite. Thus, jadeite + quartz-bearing assemblages are not regarded as representative of the Kamuikotan metamorphism. Lawsonite and aragonite, however, commonly do occur in the Kamuikotan metamorphic rocks, and this metamorphism belongs to a subfacies of the lawsonite-albite facies, in which aragonite is stable. The serpentinite matrix which carried jadeite + quartz-bearing pelites and metaplagiogranites into the metamorphic sequence is interpreted as a tectonic rather than a sedimentary melange.  相似文献   
The Jurassic Ferrar dolerite sills of the McMurdo Dry Valleys,Antarctica represent the plumbing system for flood basalt eruptionsassociated with the breakup of Gondwana. Among the Ferrar sills,the 350–450 m thick cumulate-textured Basement Sill isdifferentiated into a Lower Marginal Zone (LMZ) gabbronorite,a thick Lower Zone (LZ) orthopyroxene–plagioclase orthocumulatepyroxenite, a strongly layered mela- to leuco-gabbronorite MiddleZone (MZ), a thick Upper Zone (UZ) gabbronorite with ferrogabbroicpods, and an Upper Marginal Zone (UMZ) gabbronorite. Texturesand mineral compositions in the LZ pyroxenite and MZ–UZgabbronorites are nearly identical, the main distinction beingthe greater relative proportion of plagioclase in the MZ–UZgabbronorites, and of pigeonite in the UZ. Most orthopyroxenein the LZ, MZ and UZ occurs as sub-euhedral, normally zonedprimocrysts, commonly with rounded plagioclase inclusions. Plagioclaseis usually sub-euhedral and normally zoned, but can containsodic cores interpreted to be xenocrystic. Orthopyroxene andfeldspar compositions thoughout the sill are generally fairlyuniform, and resemble the compositions of micro-phenocrystsin the chilled margins. We infer that the sill was filled bya c. 1250°C slurry of orthopyroxene + plagioclase phenocrystsor primocrysts that subsequently unmixed in response to buoyancyforces. The LZ websterite contains numerous anorthosite to gabbronoriteschlieren, veins and pipes (< 2 m diameter), which we interpretas fossil segregation channels. Textures and mineral compositionsin these felsic channels are very similar both to UZ and MZgabbronorites, and to the groundmass separating accumulatedorthopyroxene primocrysts in the LZ and MZ. We infer that plagioclase-charged,hydrous pore melt from the pyroxenite may have segregated, pooledand ascended through these conduits to feed growth of the UZgabbronorite. Detailed mapping shows that the pipes are separatedby about 15 m on average. Calculations suggest that this numberdensity of conduits could have drained the LZ cumulates of theirinterstitial melt + plagioclase in about 8 days. Sequences (eachc. 5–10 m thick) of layered leuco-gabbronorite in theMZ could represent intra-cumulate sills that formed from plagioclase-richslurries ascending in segregation channels. Fe–Ti-richpyroxenitic veins and pods (some pegmatitic) and an unusualcoarse-grained plagioclase facies occur at the contacts betweenmassive leuco-gabbronorite layers in the MZ. Discordant ferro-pegmatitepods and dykes occur throughout the UZ. We interpret these Fe-richpegmatoidal rocks as evolved residual melts expelled from thecompacting gabbronoritic cumulates of the MZ and UZ. KEY WORDS: Ferrar; cumulates; differentiation; Antarctica; layering  相似文献   
桂西下三叠统牙形石序列的新认识   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张舜新 《现代地质》1990,4(2):1-15,T002
桂西下三叠统为海相沉积,根据其岩性、厚度、化石类型等诸方面的明显差异可以分为两种类型,即作登型和太平型。本文详细研究了桂西两种类型下三叠统的牙形石,认为不同类型的下三叠统具有不同的牙形石序列。在前人工作基础上,对桂西下三叠统牙形石序列予以重新厘定。补充了作登型下三叠统的Neogondolella carinta带;指出作登型下三叠统不宜建立Platyvillosus costatus带;在太平型下三叠统Dienerian阶—Spathian阶中新建了Pachvcladina erromera带,Platyvillosus costatus带,Pachycladina obliqua-Parachirognathus delicatulus带和Neospathodus triangularis带;指出了每一个牙形石带的性质并与作登型下三叠统牙形石序列进行了对比。本文还从事件地层学和生物地层学两个角度,对桂西二叠一三叠系界线提出了新的认识。  相似文献   
断层对沾化凹陷馆陶组石油运移和聚集影响的模拟实验研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
张善文  曾溅辉 《地球科学》2003,28(2):185-190
在沾化凹陷馆陶组油气成藏地质研究基础上, 利用二维模型模拟了断层开启条件下, 断层对馆陶组石油运移和聚集的影响. 研究结果表明: (1) 断层带的流体运动方式和运动相态对馆陶组石油的运移路径和方式构成重要的影响.连续(稳态) 充注条件下, 油首先充注断层带, 然后在馆陶组上段顶部侧向运移, 最后一部分油沿馆陶组下段砂层的顶部侧向运移. 但幕式(非稳态) 充注条件下, 油首先充注断层下部和馆陶组下段→充注断层上部, 并在馆陶组下段侧向运移→充注馆陶组上段, 并在其中侧向运移. 另外油/水两相充注时, 由于水动力的作用, 导致油和水的运移出现分异现象; (2) 连续(稳态) 充注条件下, 油的侧向运移发生在隔层上部(馆陶组上段) 砂层, 而幕式(非稳态) 充注条件下, 馆陶组上、下段均发生了侧向运移, 其中单一油相充注时, 下部砂层油的侧向运移量大于上部砂层, 而油/水两相充注时, 上部砂层侧向运移量稍大于下部砂层; (3) 连续(稳态) 充注时有利于馆陶组上段砂层油的聚集, 而幕式(非稳态) 充注时则有利于馆陶组下段砂层油的聚集. 另外由于水动力作用的影响, 油水两相充注时, 有利于馆陶组上段油的聚集.   相似文献   
青海东昆仑肯德可克金-有色金属矿床矿物特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
肯德可克贵金属-有色金属矿床有多种元素达到工业要求,矿物组成复杂,本文在详细的光、薄片鉴定和电子探针分析的基础上,分析研究了该矿床的矿物组成特征,并根据成矿地质特征、矿物组合特点和矿物间的穿插关系,划分了成矿期次,进而确定该矿床为-多期成矿作用叠加的叠生型金-有色金属矿床。  相似文献   
本文通过对巴西典型金-矽卡岩矿床的解剖,探讨了成矿流体来源、组成演化,以及流体和岩石之间的质量转移程度和机理的信息,揭示金成矿过程中成矿流体演化的规律。研究认为,成矿作用两阶段的成矿流体分别为变质流体和大气降水,它们在开放系统中水岩质量比分别为0.02,2.11,并且获得矽卡岩可能是由围岩转向岩体方向的变质流体交代形成的认识。  相似文献   
张汉成 《现代地质》2000,14(4):417-422
根据石青硐—白银厂区域火山岩 (亚 )带中已知典型矿床的地质及地球化学异常特征 ,建立了折腰山矿床地质地球化学异常模型。以这一模型为指导 ,在白银厂黑石山地区成矿有利地段横湾沟系统全面地进行了地质和化探研究工作 ,预测在该地段存在与折腰山相类似的火山喷口型 Cu ( Zn)矿床。  相似文献   
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