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Teleseismic body waves from seismic broadband and short periodstations were used to investigate the crustal structure of Norwaythrough inversion of the receiver functions. The Moho depths ofthe Baltic Shield are quite well known from previous studiesincluding seismic experiments and spectral ratio technique.However, the results on the details of the crustal structure areinconsistent. This study provided more detailed crustalstructure information at 16 locations than previously known andgenerally confirmed Moho depth results obtained in earlier studies. Significant differences are seen at a few sites. The Moho for the various sites was found at depths between28 and 44 km. In summary, the crustal thicknessincreases from the West Coast of Norway, away from thecontinental margin, towards the centre of the Baltic Shield andfrom Southwest to the Northeast. This corresponds to theincreasing age of the crust. The P velocities in the crust atmost sites show a gradual increase from about 6.0 to 7.1 km/s, withoutclear layering.  相似文献   
张炜 《北京测绘》2002,(1):32-34
在测距仪检定场的基础上建立GPS接收机检定场,使两者有机地结合一起,形成一个多功能测量仪器检定场,是一个独特的、新颖的创意。多功能检定场不仅可以检定测距仪、而且可以检定GPS接收机的静态和动态精度,其功能大大提高。文章结合实际工作,主要阐述了多功能测量仪器检定场的设计要点,也对其功能特点作了介绍。  相似文献   
石岛地震台远震记录反演研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用石岛地震台的远震体波记录,采用旋转相关函数法和接收函数法分别反演了台站下方介质的各向异性特征和速度结构.(1)对震中距25°~35°且记录良好的5次地震的ScS震相,采用旋转相关函数法反演了岩石圈的剪切波分裂参数.对深源地震的反演结果表明,石岛地震台快波偏振方向为N94°E,这意味着西沙附近处于近东西向微偏南的拉张或地壳下方的地幔流方向为近东西微偏南,西沙地区地壳是过渡性的,其底部的驱动力主要来自与欧亚板块运动一致的物质流.快慢波时间延迟为1.3 s,估算各向异性层厚度为100 km左右.(2)对震中距20°~60°的9次远震P波波形三分向记录,采用接收函数法反演了地壳和上地幔的S波速度结构.反演结果表明,石岛地震台下方地壳分为3层:约5 km以上有一速度梯度带,S波速度从1.5 km/s逐渐增加到3.5 km/s,其间有若干小的分层;在5~16 km的平均速度为3.8 km/s左右,其间有若干小的分层;在16.0~26.5 km的速度为3.6 km/s左右,这是一个明显的低速层;莫霍面埋深为26.5 km,莫霍面以下平均速度为4.7 km/s,也有若干小的分层,尤其是在莫霍面之下有一个明显的低速层.根据转换波到时分析和速度剖面左右摆动现象,认为反演结果中的小分层可能是不真实的,但在16.0~26.5 km的低速层的真实程度还是较高的,表明下地壳具有一定的塑性.  相似文献   
利用GPS反射信号遥感土地湿度变化趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了GPS信号经过较平滑土地反射后信号特性的变化,建立起反射信号功率与土地湿度的对应关系,阐述了GPS—R接收机的构成,完成了在草地和裸地条件下的反射信号实时处理显示并存储。数据处理结果表明,利用所设计的GPS—R接收机处理出的归一化反射信号功率变化能够反映土地湿度变化的趋势。  相似文献   
上海及其邻近地区上地幔间断面接收函数的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用上海及其邻近地区地震台网两个剖面上自2002年以来256个远震记录,提取得到高质量的接收函数,通过对这些接收函数的共转换点叠加得到研究区的间断面的分布及形态.研究结果表明,剖面上的上地幔间断面410 km,660 km间断面没有明显的起伏变化,从而证实了西太平洋俯冲带对中国东部的影响在东北、华北和华东有显著差别.  相似文献   
MB-System软件包是一套运行于L inux系统下的针对多波束测深数据处理的软件工具,它可以对原始数据和波束数据进行灵活编辑,并利用强大的绘图功能对结果进行显示。利用MB-System软件包对国外典型的多波束测深数据进行了处理与结果显示,结果体现了此软件相较于其他同类软件兼容性强、应用灵活的特点;然后,文中对国产首台便携式多波束测深仪湖试数据进行了格式转换,并对转换后的数据使用MB-System进行处理,结果验证了数据的有效性与正确性。  相似文献   
Teleseismic data have been collected with temporary seismograph stations on two profiles in southern Norway. Including the permanent arrays NORSAR and Hagfors the profiles are 400 and 500 km long and extend from the Atlantic coast across regions of high topography and the Oslo Rift. A total of 1071 teleseismic waveforms recorded by 24 temporary and 8 permanent stations are analysed. The depth-migrated receiver functions show a well-resolved Moho for both profiles with Moho depths that are generally accurate within ±2 km.
For the northern profile across Jotunheimen we obtain Moho depths between 32 and 43 km (below sea level). On the southern profile across Hardangervidda, the Moho depths range from 29 km at the Atlantic coast to 41 km below the highland plateau. Generally the depth of Moho is close to or above 40 km beneath areas of high mean topography (>1 km), whereas in the Oslo Rift the crust locally thins down to 32 km. At the east end of the profiles we observe a deepening Moho beneath low topography. Beneath the highlands the obtained Moho depths are 4–5 km deeper than previous estimates. Our results are supported by the fact that west of the Oslo Rift a deep Moho correlates very well with low Bouguer gravity which also correlates well with high mean topography.
The presented results reveal a ca . 10–12 km thick Airy-type crustal root beneath the highlands of southern Norway, which leaves little room for additional buoyancy-effects below Moho. These observations do not seem consistent with the mechanisms of substantial buoyancy presently suggested to explain a significant Cenozoic uplift widely believed to be the cause of the high topography in present-day southern Norway.  相似文献   
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