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黄全海  赵尊亭  王利芳 《探矿工程》2015,42(11):66-69,79
由于施工质量问题,洛阳一个赤泥库大坝在试运行中发生大面积渗漏及管涌。在对渗漏原因进行分析的基础上实施的在坝内坡增设土工膜、坝轴线上游增设帷幕灌浆防渗墙、坝体下游坡面增设排渗沟和排水棱体等抢险加固措施,有效地解决了坝体渗漏问题。在灌浆处理过程中,针对筑坝材料的复杂性和不均匀性,通过施工前的灌浆试验,取得了适合本场地条件的钻孔施工工艺参数及灌浆方式、灌浆压力、灌浆段确定、水灰比比级等施工技术参数,确保了灌浆处理的效果。  相似文献   
大瑞铁路高黎贡山越岭段主要工程地质问题与地质选线   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在野外地质调查、钻探、地应力测量和室内测试分析的基础上,对大瑞铁路高黎贡山越岭段规划设计中可能遇到的高地温、高地应力、活动断裂断错、岩爆、涌水突泥、软岩大变形和边坡稳定性等主要工程地质问题进行了论述,认为高地温和热害是制约高黎贡山深埋隧道段建设的关键因素。根据地热钻探、测试资料分析,该区的地热分布受断裂构造控制明显,黄草坝断裂具有阻水隔热的工程地质特性。对比分析认为,C12K方案(34.5 km越岭长隧道方案)位于黄草坝阻水隔热断层之南,通道内相对低温,且在隧道口处避让了古滑坡等不利工程地质问题,在众多比选方案中工程地质条件较好。调查研究结果对大瑞铁路全线贯通具有重要意义。  相似文献   
In the application of the physical iterative method to retrieve millimeter-wave radar liquid water content(LWC) and liquid water path(LWP), particle parameter scheme is the main factor affecting retrieval performance. In this paper, synchronous measurements of an airborne millimeter-wave radar and a hot-wire probe in stratus cloud are used to compare the LWC retrievals of the oceanic and continental particle parameter scheme with diameter less than 50μm and the particle parameter scheme with diameter less than 500μm and 1500μm(scheme 1, scheme 2, scheme 3, and scheme4, respectively). The results show that the particle parameter scheme needs to be selected according to the reflectivity factor when using the physical iterative method to retrieve the LWC and LWP. When the reflectivity factor is less than-30 d BZ, the retrieval error of scheme 1 is the minimum. When the reflectivity factor is greater than-30 d BZ, the retrieval error of scheme 4 is the minimum. Based on the reflectance factor value, the LWP retrievals of scheme 4 are closer to the measurements, the average relative bias is 5.2%, and the minimum relative bias is 4.4 %. Compared with other schemes,scheme 4 seems to be more useful for the LWC and LWP retrieval of stratus cloud in China.  相似文献   
李毅  张立凤  臧增亮 《气象科学》2020,40(4):449-457
利用WRF-Chem大气化学模式,选择2015年12月中旬发生在我国的大范围空气污染过程,在采用同样化学方案条件下,针对模式中不同物理过程及其参数化方案开展了地面PM_(2.5)预报的敏感性试验。结果表明:该模式能较好展示此次PM_(2.5)污染的演变过程,与实况也较接近,但对青海经宁夏至内蒙的PM_(2.5)高值区出现了漏报现象,这可能是模式外边界未对污染物做更新所致。对地面PM_(2.5)的预报,各物理过程的敏感度不同,边界层(含近地面层)过程的影响要明显大于积云对流及微物理过程的影响,不同的参数化方案会造成不同的预报误差。边界层过程QNSE和与其配套的近地面层方案的组合是预报的较佳组合;而TEMF和与其配套的组合以及ACM2和Pleim-X的组合则不佳。合理的物理过程参数化方案有助于提高PM_(2.5)预报质量。模式预报对排放源也有适应过程,其Spin-up时间较气象要素长。  相似文献   
《Climate Policy》2013,13(3):277-292
California is considering the adoption of a cap-and-trade regulatory mechanism for regulating the greenhouse gas emissions from electricity and perhaps other industries. Two options have been widely discussed for implementing cap-and-trade in the electricity industry. The first is to regulate the emissions from electricity at the load-serving entity (LSE) level. The second option for implementation of cap-and-trade has been called the ‘first-seller’ approach. Conceptually, under first-seller, individual sources (i.e. power plants) within California would be responsible for their emissions, as with traditional cap-and-trade systems. Emissions from imports would be assigned to the ‘importing firm’. An option that has not been as widely discussed is to implement a pure source-based system within California, effectively excluding imports from the cap-and-trade system altogether. This article examines these three approaches to implementing cap-and-trade for California's electricity sector. The article discusses many of the issues relating to measurement and the impacts on bidding and scheduling incentives that are created by the various regulatory regimes.  相似文献   
《Climate Policy》2013,13(6):575-592
Two ways of allocating greenhouse gas (GHG) allowances are compared: historic allocation (HA) based solely on past information, and output-based allocation (OBA) based on an allocation proportional to the current output level. The advantages and problems of each allocation method are considered and compared. It is essential to distinguish the sectors sheltered from international competition (e.g. power generation) from the exposed sectors. In the sheltered sectors, OBA entails a much higher overall cost because it provides too little incentive to reduce the production of the polluting goods. HA does not suffer from this drawback but its distributional impact is highly unfair. Hence in these sectors neither of these two ways of freely allocating allowances can be supported, and auctioning should be favoured. However, in the exposed sectors, OBA is an option worth considering because it reduces carbon leakage, although it also suffers from some drawbacks compared with auctioning.  相似文献   
中尺度气象模式对风场的预报效果与参数化方案的适应性紧密相关.以内蒙古高原丘陵地形、江苏平缓的海陆交界地形2种典型下垫面试验风电场为模拟区域,分别用WRFV3.2 (Weather Research and Forecast Model)模式自带的6种物理过程参数化组合方案预报了2010年1月和7月两个风电场区域的风速和风向,对比分析了参数化组合方案差异对风场预报的影响.结果表明:①内蒙古试验区,边界层MRF方案描述的边界层结构较MYJ方案合理;微物理方案WSM3在夏季的风速预报能力优于WSM6,而冬季相反;复杂地形区域的风场预报需考虑陆面过程参数化方案,尤其是夏季降水发生后,陆面过程对于边界层结构的影响增大,选用Noah优于无陆面过程.②江苏试验区,边界层MRF方案描述的边界层结构较MYJ方案合理;1月陆面过程RUC方案优于陆面热量扩散和Noah;7月陆面热量扩散方案优于RUC和Noah.③风向预报6个方案的预报风向统计与实际记录风向统计有较好的一致性,风向概率分布相似,盛行风向一致且稳定.  相似文献   


近年来,重庆地区开展的大量危岩防治工作表明,现有的危岩分类方案缺乏统一的定义和内涵,使用中容易出现混淆和争议,同时,还存在危岩无类可归的现象。针对现有危岩分类方案的不足,本文在分析和总结国内主要危岩分类方案的基础上,结合近年来发生的典型危岩崩塌事件的调查成果,对危岩分类问题进行了研究。首先,根据危岩破坏时的初始运动方式,将危岩分为倾倒式、滑移式、错断式、悬挑式、坐落式和坠落式等6类,并根据危岩结构面组合特征及影响因素的差异,进一步细分为11个亚类;其次,对各类危岩的定义、主控结构面位置及发育特征、形成条件及影响因素、变形机理进行了细致的界定和总结,最后,结合典型危岩崩塌实例进行简要的分析和说明。新的危岩分类方案类型全面,定义明确,界限清晰,实用性较强,可以有效地指导危岩勘查评价、监测预警以及防治工作的开展。  相似文献   
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