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Herero communities in northern Namibia recently formed the Ehi-rovipuka Conservancy under a national Community-Based Natural Resource Management Programme (CBNRM) that has received international acclaim for wildlife conservation and poverty alleviation. Nearly a century ago ancestors of the Herero were ousted from Etosha National Park, contiguous to the Ehi-rovipuka Conservancy. The communities have been denied access ever since. Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) methods were employed to elucidate relationships of the Herero and their communal conservancy with the Etosha National Park. Memory mapping and villager interviews revealed a profound sense of lost traditional territory inside Etosha and a strong desire to return to the Park, not to harvest wildlife but to restore cultural practices and reap certain benefits from the Park. We term the separation of the communities from their traditional territory as a ‘decoupling’ of people from their local environment. We further suggest that the potential benefits that villagers identify from the Park represent mechanisms for ‘recoupling’ local social-ecological systems, requiring the literal and figurative breakdown of the Park fence. We describe a model to illustrate decoupling and recoupling mechanisms, and argue that recoupled social-ecological systems are necessary for long-term conservation of biodiversity. We further suggest a collaborative landscape model for biodiversity conservation featuring institutional linkages and integration between community-conserved areas, integrated conservation corridors for connectivity, and dynamic, mobile reserves collaboratively integrated with national parks management. This model may have applicability in Namibia and similar regions elsewhere with low population densities, high species endemism and prevailing or emerging threats to biodiversity.  相似文献   
For spatial analyses, raster land cover/use maps are converted into points, where each point holds attribute of its corresponding land cover/use. However, these are not identical in terms of areas or shapes; thus assigning a point to each isolated shape is not an adequate solution and for that gridding is suggested. Square, hexagon and triangle are among the basic land use gridding systems where each of them has its own advantages in such process. This research aims to compare the systems in providing accurate representations of the original land cover/use maps, assess the data loss while increasing resolution and suggest suitable gridding system. The research finds the errors in area and feature numbers as criteria for selected classes. Modules that find out errors in each scale considering each criterion and class alone are proposed. The modules suggest both the best system for each criterion alone and for combined criteria.  相似文献   
作为复杂适应系统的农业文化遗产:复杂性的挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先阐述了农业系统的复杂性,并对农业系统所面对不确定性,以及外部系统的冲击和压力而形成的动态性进行了分析,提出“复杂适应性系统理论”为研究活态的农业系统,尤其为研究中国的全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)提供了可能,而这些农业文化遗产系统(或其中某些部分)对于研究抵抗力和自我良性管理具有重要的意义.本文认为当前研究中的相关方法将会对整个系统的认识产生新的见解,同时避免把系统分解为各组分进行微观研究再重新还原成整体的研究思路.本文通过综述与GIAHS相关的方法并将旅游引入农村系统(作为一种扰动),认为可以创造新的方法来认识农村发展干预措施对古老景观的影响,特别是分布在中国农村的许多景观.  相似文献   
David D. J. Antia 《水文研究》2008,22(14):2595-2614
Infiltration devices are traditionally evaluated as standalone entities that do not interact with each other. A model is outlined that will allow interactions between proposed infiltration devices to be predicted prior to a development commencing. The model allows prediction of seepage into downslope devices and the assessment of the locations where the combined ground‐water mound will reach the surface and result in overland flow. The volume of overland flow discharged by the seepage zone may exceed the overland and piped flow received by the infiltration devices. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
在我国加快实现气象业务现代化进程及2012年7月21日北京出现特大暴雨洪涝灾害的背景下,较为系统地回顾总结了近50 a华北暴雨的主要研究进展,其内容涉及大尺度环流形势及其分型、中低纬度系统相互作用、水汽输送、高低空急流、直接造成暴雨的中尺度系统、复杂地形以及下垫面、气候学特征等诸多方面。对这些研究成果的梳理,旨在加深对华北暴雨的理解和认识,加强华北暴雨研究,提高华北暴雨的预报水平。提出在继续开展大尺度系统发展演变研究的同时,有必要借助新型观测和数值模拟手段,有针对性地开展华北暴雨β(γ)中尺度系统细致研究,以期更清楚地揭示华北暴雨中尺度系统的三维结构特征、发生发展机理。  相似文献   
作为一种土地利用活动,传统农林复合系统已经经历了成百上千年的历史,并且依然发挥着重要的作用在世界上,特别是热带和亚热带地区。在全球变化和粮食安全等危机的时代背景下,传统农林复合系统受到越来越多政府和非政府组织的重视,因为传统农林复合系统具有重要的经济、生态和社会文化效益。这与全球重要农业文化遗产要求的特征也相一致,目前为止,已经有5个国家4个典型的传统农林复合系统被列为全球重要农业文化遗产。这些传统农林复合系统具有丰富的农业生物多样性,多重的生态系统服务功能,重要的社会文化价值,无论在区域还是全球水平上。目前传统农林复合系统面临一些威胁和挑战,如人口迁移、市场冲击、气候变化等,但是只要政府和非政府组织、社区、农民之间采取多种方式紧密合作,在未来的全球土地利用活动中,传统农林复合系统必将得到有效保护和推广。  相似文献   
Falling stage systems tract(FSST)is an offlap strata with strong relationship with hydrocarbon exploration,which is driven by relative lake-level fall and developed above the highstand systems tract and below the lowstand systems tract of a new sequence. It has no relationship with sediment supply. Based on the theory of sequence stratigraphy and sedimentology,3D seismic data,drilling core data,and well-logging data were comprehensively analyzed. The study showed that the FSST strata was formed in the Member 3 of Shahejie Formation in the Laizhouwan sag. The FSST can be divided into three units,namely as units P1,P2,and P3 from bottom to top. The P1 is the first unit of progradation downlap the bottom of the FSST. The top of the unit P3 is a sequence boundary exhibits subaerial unconformity. The seismic profile along the source direction is characterized by the low-angle oblique progradation reflection that downstream the center of lake basin from west to east. Incised valleys developed on the top of the FSST perpendicular to the source direction. Gamma-ray logging response is manifested by a series of funnel-shaped complex,indicating that the sedimentary response of the FSST was a cycle of coarsening-upward parasequence sets. Comprehensive studies on core interpretation and well-logging analysis showed that the FSST was a fluvial-delta sedimentary system with slumped fan deposits associated with the delta front. Consequently,the FSST is a common result of relative dry climate and falling of lake level,considering regional tectonic evolution,sediment supply,and paleo-climate change. The discovery of the FSST in the Laizhouwan sag has an important geological significance for the sedimentological interpretation,and it offers a guidance for further oil exploration in the study area. In addition,it also serves as a significant reference for future research on the FSST development and exploration in the continental lacustrine rift basin.  相似文献   
星间信号非对称传播路径引起卫星接收信号时刻发生非相等延迟, 需要在时间传递钟差解算过程中予以精确修正. 通过分析钟差观测方法, 对卫星运动引起的非对称传播时延进行归算, 应用时间传递函数方法分项评估相对论性光线偏折引起的传播时延以及评估时延修正残差的附加稳定度, 在当前定轨条件下传播时延修正精度可达亚ps量级. 针对星间时频比对数据缺失的影响, 拓展了Allan方差的自相关函数表示, 提出采用统计方法分别计算不同幂律噪声的稳定度修正系数, 分析了比对数据缺失对不同幂律噪声稳定度计算的影响. 总体上提出一种星间时频比对传播时延与不连续测量Allan方差修正的系统性方法, 可用于ps级星间时间传递的钟差 修正.  相似文献   
This paper presents a general modeling strategy for ambiguity resolution (AR) and position estimation (PE) using three or more phase-based ranging signals from a global navigation satellite system (GNSS). The proposed strategy will identify three best “virtual” signals to allow for more reliable AR under certain observational conditions characterized by ionospheric and tropospheric delay variability, level of phase noise and orbit accuracy. The selected virtual signals suffer from minimal or relatively low ionospheric effects, and thus are known as ionosphere-reduced virtual signals. As a result, the ionospheric parameters in the geometry-based observational models can be eliminated for long baselines, typically those of length tens to hundreds of kilometres. The proposed modeling comprises three major steps. Step 1 is the geometry-free determination of the extra-widelane (EWL) formed between the two closest L-band carrier measurements, directly from the two corresponding code measurements. Step 2 forms the second EWL signal and resolves the integer ambiguity with a geometry-based estimator alone or together with the first EWL. This is followed by a procedure to correct for the first-order ionospheric delay using the two ambiguity-fixed widelane (WL) signals derived from the integer-fixed EWL signals. Step 3 finds an independent narrow-lane (NL) signal, which is used together with a refined WL to resolve NL ambiguity with geometry-based integer estimation and search algorithms. As a result, the above two AR processes performed with WL/NL and EWL/WL signals respectively, either in sequence or in parallel, can support real time kinematic (RTK) positioning over baselines of tens to hundreds of kilometres, thus enabling centimetre-to-decimentre positioning at the local, regional and even global scales in the future.  相似文献   
Clonal selection feature selection algorithm (CSFS) based on clonal selection algorithm (CSA), a new computational intelligence approach, has been proposed to perform the task of dimensionality reduction in high-dimensional images, and has better performance than traditional feature selection algorithms with more computational costs. In this paper, a fast clonal selection feature selection algorithm (FCSFS) for hyperspectral imagery is proposed to improve the convergence rate by using Cauchy mutation instead of non-uniform mutation as the primary immune operator. Two experiments are performed to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm in comparison with CSFS using hyperspectral remote sensing imagery acquired by the pushbroom hyperspectral imager (PHI) and the airborne visible/infrared imaging spectrometer (AVIRIS), respectively. Experimental results demonstrate that the FCSFS converges faster than CSFS, hence providing an effective new option for dimensionality reduction of hyperspectral remote sensing imagery.  相似文献   
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