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目的:探讨STIR序列在膝关节损伤中的应用价值方法56例病人行常规TSE序列扫描,其中20例加用STIR序列扫描结果。13例半月板损伤,9例骨折,11例半月板退变,2例骨膜炎。结论:STIR序列对膝关节损伤的冷断具有特殊价值。  相似文献   
EPR evidence for maghemitization of magnetite in a tropical soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Electron paramagnetic spectroscopy (EPR) was used in combination with standard rock magnetic methods to study magnetic minerals in a tropical soil. The susceptibility and hysteresis measurements showed magnetite grains with a Curie temperature near 850 K as the dominant magnetic remanence carriers in the soil. A minor Ti content in the magnetite was found by energy dispersive X-ray analysis. In order to get insight into the weathering status of the magnetite, different chemical treatments, including oxalate and citrate–bicarbonate–dithionite (CBD) extraction, were applied to the soil samples. The hysteretic properties exhibited no significant differences between the untreated and the CBD or oxalate treated samples. By contrast, the comparison of the EPR spectra revealed a significant broadening of the linewidth (δB) and a shift of the g -values ( g eff) to lower fields after the CBD treatment. Furthermore, the spectral parameters g eff and δB exhibited an angular dependence. At low temperature, the CBD treated samples showed a jump in δB between 120 and 100 K, the temperature range characteristic for the Verwey transition in magnetite. The changes in the spectral properties after the CBD treatment, which dissolves ferric oxides, were attributed to the removal of maghemite formed by the oxidation of magnetite, that is, during the maghemitization of the magnetite grains.  相似文献   
Denghai Bai  Maxwell A. Meju   《Tectonophysics》2003,364(3-4):135-146
Magnetotelluric (MT) geophysical profiling has been applied to the determination of the deep structure of the Longling–Ruili fault (LRF), part of a convergent strike-slip fault system, underneath thick Caenozoic cover in Ruili basin in southwestern Yunnan, China. The recorded MT data have been inverted using a two-dimensional (2-D) nonlinear conjugate gradients scheme with a variety of smooth starting models, and the resulting models show common subsurface conductivity structures that are deemed geological significant. The models show the presence of a conductive (5–60 Ω m) cover sequence that is thickest (1–1.5 km) in the centre of the basin and rapidly pinches out towards the margins. A half-graben structure is interpreted for the Ruili basin. This is underlain by about 7–10 km thick upper crustal layer of high resistivity (>200–4000 Ω m) that is dissected by steep faults, which we interpret to flatten at depth and root into an underlying mid-crustal conductive layer at about 10 km depth. The mid-crustal layer does not appear to have been severely affected by faulting; we interpret it as a zone of partial melt or intracrustal detachment. The MT models suggest SE directed thrusting of basement rocks in the area. The Longling–Ruili fault is interpreted as a NW-dipping feature bounding one of the identified upper crustal fragments underneath Ruili city. We suggest that MT imaging is a potent tool for deep subsurface mapping in this terrain.  相似文献   
We report new mass spectrometric U-series ages for eight Last Interglacial fossil reefs along the continental margin of Western Australia. Corals were selected in growth position from localities that are characterized by apparently low levels of diagenesis and relative tectonic stability so that the fossil reefs provide critical information on Last Interglacial sea-levels without requiring corrections for tectonic movements. In addition, we have improved the constraint on the timing of onset of reef growth by recovering drill core coral from the base of the reefs. Uranium and thorium isotopes were measured with high levels of precision, leading to improvements in age resolution and allowing samples which have undergone diagenetic exchange of uranium and thorium to be more easily identified and discarded. These data supplement our previous results for Rottnest Island and Leander Point, leading to more than seventy mass spectrometric U-series ages from which constraints can be placed on the timing, duration and character of the Last Interglacial sea-level highstand. Reliable ages show that reef growth started contemporaneously at 128 ± 1 ka along the entire Western Australian coastline, while relative sea-levels were at least 3 m above the present level. Because Western Australia is located far from the former Penultimate Glacial Maximum ice sheets and are not significantly effected by glacial unloading, these data constrain the timing of onset of the Last Interglacial period to 128 ± 1 ka, assuming reef growth started soon after sea-level approached interglacial levels. A unique regressive reef sequence at Mangrove Bay constrains the timing of termination of the Last Interglacial period to 116 ± 1 ka. The major episode of reef building, however, both globally and locally along the Western Australian coast, is restricted to a very narrow interval occurring from 128 ka and 121 ka, suggesting that global ocean surface temperatures were warm and/or sea-levels were stable enough to allow prolific reef growth only during the earlier part of the Last Interglacial.  相似文献   
Nutrient fluxes from developed catchments are often a significant factor in the declining water quality and ecological functioning in estuaries. Determining the relative contributions of surface water and groundwater discharge to nutrient‐sensitive estuaries is required because these two pathways may be characterized by different nutrient concentrations and temporal variability, and may thus require different remedial actions. Quantifying the volumetric discharge of groundwater, which may occur via diffuse seepage or springs, remains a significant challenge. In this contribution, the total discharge of freshwater, including groundwater, to two small nutrient‐sensitive estuaries in Prince Edward Island (Canada) is assessed using a unique combination of airborne thermal infrared imaging, direct discharge measurements in streams and shoreline springs, and numerical simulation of groundwater flow. The results of the thermal infrared surveys indicate that groundwater discharge occurs at discrete locations (springs) along the shoreline of both estuaries, which can be attributed to the fractured sandstone bedrock aquifer. The discharge measured at a sub‐set of the springs correlates well with the area of the thermal signal attributed to each discharge location and this information was used to determine the total spring discharge to each estuary. Stream discharge is shown to be the largest volumetric contribution of freshwater to both estuaries (83% for Trout River estuary and 78% for McIntyre Creek estuary); however, groundwater discharge is significant at between 13% and 18% of the total discharge. Comparison of the results from catchment‐scale groundwater flow models and the analysis of spring discharge suggest that diffuse seepage to both estuaries comprises only about 25% of the total groundwater discharge. The methods employed in this research provide a useful framework for determining the relative volumetric contributions of surface water and groundwater to small estuaries and the findings are expected to be relevant to other fractured sandstone coastal catchments in Atlantic Canada. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Chlorophyll a preserved in lake sediments reflects, in part, past primary production. This study assesses the spectral properties of sedimentary chlorophyll a using visible-near infrared reflectance (VNIR) spectroscopy, with the objective of establishing a new, non-destructive paleolimnological proxy. Reflectance spectra were determined from a dilution series (n = 10) involving incremental additions of pulverized modern algae to a lake sediment matrix of low organic content. This enabled an assessment of the development of sediment reflectance spectra in relation to different sediment chlorophyll a concentrations, and subsequent regression of spectral features against measured concentrations of chlorophyll a and derivatives obtained by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The experiment demonstrates that ubiquitous troughs in sediment reflectance near 675 nm are attributable to chlorophyll a and derivative compounds. A significant correlation (r 2 = 0.98, P < 0.01) was obtained between the area of the reflectance trough in the 650–700 nm interval and summed concentrations of chlorophyll a, all derivative isomers, and degradational pheopigments. A simple linear inference model derived from this experiment was applied to a down-core sequence of VNIR spectra from a productive prairie lake (Alberta, Canada), where it produced inferred sediment chlorophyll a concentrations in concordance with HPLC measurements. Although a larger training set is desirable to further refine the inference model, the analyses reported here demonstrate that reflectance spectroscopy provides a rapid, semi-quantitative method for assessing the chlorophyll a content of lake sediments.  相似文献   
透闪石属于角闪石族矿物,与阳起石构成完全类质同象,有关透闪石和阳起石的红外光谱和拉曼光谱的特征差异还未见有报道。本文以外观特征相似的5件广西大化黑青色阳起石样品和2件新疆塔县青玉样品为研究对象,在前期矿物成分测试的基础下,采用红外光谱和拉曼光谱进行测试和对比分析。结果表明,阳起石的红外光谱和拉曼光谱都表现为闪石类矿物的特征峰,与透闪石的特征峰存在细微差异,漫反射红外光谱的差异特征是鉴别两者最准确、快速、无损的依据,并且适用于任意形状的样品,符合珠宝玉石饰品实验室检测领域的要求,可为和田玉的分类分级和产地鉴别等提供科学依据。按照GB/T 16552-2017与GB/T 16553-2017规定,广西大化黑青色阳起石可定名为和田玉。  相似文献   
Humic substances (HS) from salt marsh soils were characterized and the relationships among HS composition and some geochemical factors were analysed. For this, three salt marshes with the same vegetation cover (Juncus maritimus), but with different geochemical characteristics, were selected. The qualitative characterization of the soil humic acids and fulvic acids was carried out by elemental analysis, FTIR spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy and VACP/MAS 13C NMR spectroscopy.HS from salt marsh soils under sea rush (Juncus maritimus) displayed some shared characteristics such as low degree of humification, low aromatic content and high proportion of labile compounds, mainly polysaccharides and proteins. However, although the three salt marsh soils under study were covered by the same type of vegetation, the HS showed some important differences. HS composition was found to be determined not only by the nature of the original organic material, but also by environmental factors such as soil texture, redox conditions and tidal influence. In general, an increase in the humification process appeared to be related to aerobic conditions and predominance of sand in the mineral fraction of the soil, while the preservation of labile organic compounds may be associated with low redox potential values and fine soil texture.  相似文献   
王昭宏  朱祝彪 《岩矿测试》1990,9(2):149-152
目前激光显微发射光谱定量和半定量分析工作多采用常规原子发射光谱定量分析基本公式。本文论述了谱线强度与激光取样量之间的关系,建议在激光显微发射光谱定量和半定量分析工作中采用含有激光取样量参数的基本公式。  相似文献   
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