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叠前深度偏移述评   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
叠前深度偏移是理想的改善复杂地区和强横向速度变化的地震资料成像技术,笔者就4种典型叠前深度偏移方法的理论基础与技术特点,存在的问题及国内外最新进展进行了讨论.  相似文献   
IUE observations of HD 62001 do not confirm the ultraviolet variability of 0.15 mag seen from the ANS observations. These intriguing variations in ANS observations seem to be caused by a nearby (∼ 70 arcsec away) B star getting in and out of the field of view of the telescope, which had a jitter of 20 arcsec. There seems to be no evidence for the presence of a hot companion, either from the energy distribution or from UV variability. However, visual light variations are present. This, coupled with the radial velocity variations, indicates a binary nature probably of Algol type. Based on observations obtained with IUE satellite at the Villafranca Satellite Tracking Station of the European Space Agency.  相似文献   
Upon intercalation of both ordered (low defect) and disordered (high defect) kaolinites with acetamide, two types of interaction are observed. Firstly, hydrogen bonding between the NH2 groups of the acetamide with the siloxane oxygens is formed, as evidenced by the formation of two new bands at 3400 and 3509 cm–1. Secondly, the appearance of additional bands at ∼3600 cm–1 in both the infrared and Raman spectra of the acetamide intercalates is attributed to a second type of hydrogen bonding by the interaction of the C=O group and the inner surface hydroxyls. Changes in the intensity of the hydroxyl deformation modes in the 895 to 940 cm–1 region are attributed to the changes in the hydrogen bonding of the kaolinite surfaces. It is proposed that the hydrogen bonding between the adjacent kaolinite layers is replaced with hydrogen bonding between both kaolinite surfaces and the acetamide molecule. Changes in the molecular structure of acetamide are observed upon intercalation. The amide 1 band is lost and replaced with a well-defined NH2 deformation vibration. The loss of the amide 1 band is attributed the hydrogen bond formation between the amide hydrogens and the siloxane surface. The bands of the C=O group at 1680 and 1740 cm–1 become a single band at 1680 cm–1. The amide 2 band remains unchanged. The lack of intensity of the 1740 cm–1 band is attributed to the formation of hydrogen bonding between the inner surface hydroxyl groups and the carbonyl group. Received: 4 February 1998/ Revised, accepted: 30 June 1998  相似文献   
苏琳  巫兆聪  闫钊  王鹏 《测绘通报》2019,(4):96-98,102
针对线阵旋转扫描相机标定数据难以获取及模型解算不稳定的问题,提出了一种基于投影变换的线阵旋转扫描相机标定方法。首先构建了一种新的线阵旋转扫描相机成像模型,该模型可以根据相机旋转平台参数、线阵旋转扫描相机成像平面与其切平面的位置关系将旋转扫描图像投影为框幅式图像;然后根据构建出的成像模型,采用直接线性变换法和非线性优化方法进行相机标定和参数优化。试验结果表明,此方法简单易行,具有较高的精度。  相似文献   
We carry out a sequence of numerical tests to understand conditions under which rapid changes in crustal thickness can be reliably imaged by teleseismic body waves. Using the finite-difference method over a 2-D grid, we compute synthetic seismograms resulting from a planar P-wavefield incident below the grid. We then image the Moho using a migration scheme based on the Gaussian beam representation of the wavefield. The use of Gaussian beams for the downward propagation of the wavefield is particularly advantageous in certain geologically critical cases such as overthrusting of continental lithosphere, resulting in the juxtaposition of high-velocity mantle material over crustal rocks. In contrast to ray-based methods, Gaussian beam migration requires no special treatment to handle such heterogeneities. Our results suggest that with adequate station spacing and signal-to-noise ratios, offsets of the Moho, on the order of 10 km in height, can be reliably imaged beneath thickened crust at depths of about 50 km. Furthermore, even sharp corners and edges are faithfully imaged when precise values of seismic wave speeds are available. Our tests also demonstrate that flexibility in choices of different types of seismic phases is important, because any single phase has trade-offs in issues such as spatial resolution, array aperture, and amplitude of signals.  相似文献   
Spectroscopic techniques have become attractive to assess soil properties because they are fast, require little labor and may reduce the amount of laboratory waste produced when compared to conventional methods. Imaging spectroscopy (IS) can have further advantages compared to laboratory or field proximal spectroscopic approaches such as providing spatially continuous information with a high density. However, the accuracy of IS derived predictions decreases when the spectral mixture of soil with other targets occurs. This paper evaluates the use of spectral data obtained by an airborne hyperspectral sensor (ProSpecTIR-VS – Aisa dual sensor) for prediction of physical and chemical properties of Brazilian highly weathered soils (i.e., Oxisols). A methodology to assess the soil spectral mixture is adapted and a progressive spectral dataset selection procedure, based on bare soil fractional cover, is proposed and tested. Satisfactory performances are obtained specially for the quantification of clay, sand and CEC using airborne sensor data (R2 of 0.77, 0.79 and 0.54; RPD of 2.14, 2.22 and 1.50, respectively), after spectral data selection is performed; although results obtained for laboratory data are more accurate (R2 of 0.92, 0.85 and 0.75; RPD of 3.52, 2.62 and 2.04, for clay, sand and CEC, respectively). Most importantly, predictions based on airborne-derived spectra for which the bare soil fractional cover is not taken into account show considerable lower accuracy, for example for clay, sand and CEC (RPD of 1.52, 1.64 and 1.16, respectively). Therefore, hyperspectral remotely sensed data can be used to predict topsoil properties of highly weathered soils, although spectral mixture of bare soil with vegetation must be considered in order to achieve an improved prediction accuracy.  相似文献   
岩性油气藏在我国天然气勘探开发中占有非常重要的位置,其分布区域的成像是合理布设井位,提高钻井成功率的关键之一.本文首先基于地下介质的声学近似和波场回传理论,利用频率域单程声波方程延拓计算地震波场,进行全波形反演,获得地层密度和体积模量的定量成像,并依据油气藏物性特征和流体饱和多孔介质岩石物理模型,简要讨论了孔隙度和饱和度与密度及体积模量的关系,明确了地震油气藏成像新概念.在此基础上,定义了基于流体体积模量和孔隙度的成像函数,进行油气藏成像.理论模型计算表明该方法是可行的.通过对西部地区某气田二维地震数据处理,实现了致密砂岩气藏成像,钻井结果证实了气藏区域成像位置的准确性和方法的有效性.  相似文献   
袁长迎  炎正馨  蒙瑰  李智慧  尚丽平 《海洋学报》2010,32(10):6908-6913
采用恒流驱动耦合机械斩波技术在激光光声光谱装置上系统测量了5%—100%宽浓度范围甲烷气体的共振光声信号,发现在高浓度区共振光声信号呈现异常的饱和特征.基于气体吸收和光声光谱原理定量分析了光声信号饱和的主要原因及影响因素,研究表明,气体样本对入射光强吸收而导致的声源与本征共振模式的耦合系数改变是异常饱和的主要原因,并导出判定光声信号饱和深度的准则以用于判定高浓度气体饱和深度.  相似文献   
地震干涉技术可以将任意2个检波器接收到的数据合成为在若干检波器之间传播的波,就好像其中的一个检波器作为一个虚拟震源来发挥作用。它可以从混沌无序的地震信号中发现有用信息,从地震噪声中提取有用信号以此推断地震波穿过介质的地质构造。基于反褶积算法,对其理论公式进行了较详细的推导,实现被动源地震干涉成像,证明了反褶积算法的可行性;并将其结果与互相关算法的结果进行对比,分析了2种方法在信噪比和分辨率方面的差异。数值计算表明,反褶积算法的纵向分辨率比互相关算法的高。对其进行的加噪试算表明,震源叠加后的反褶积算法呈现出高信噪比的特点。  相似文献   
探地雷达地下界面成像   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
由Maxwell方程,根据雷达波在介质中的高频传播特性,导出雷达波满足的波动方程。由此求出波速扰动量的成像公式,利用小波变换分析下界面的奇异性,从而达到雷达信号地下界面成像的目的。  相似文献   
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