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本文简要地介绍了衍射增强成像方法的物理原理,根据折射角信息提取所需要的DEI图像采样的数量进行分类,分别详细介绍了利用两幅DEI图像、三幅DEI图像以及多幅DEI图像进行折射角信息提取的算法,并依次分析了它们的特点及性能。对于不同的实际应用需要,灵活的选择使用这些折射角信息提取方法,可以获得更好的图像效果。  相似文献   
Topographic measurements are essential for the study of earth surface processes. Three‐dimensional data have been conventionally obtained through terrestrial laser scanning or photogrammetric methods. However, particularly in steep and rough terrain, high‐resolution field measurements remain challenging and often require new creative approaches. In this paper, range imaging is evaluated as an alternative method for obtaining surface data in such complex environments. Range imaging is an emerging time‐of‐flight technology, using phase shift measurements on a multi‐pixel sensor to generate a distance image of a surface. Its suitability for field measurements has yet not been tested. We found ambient light and surface reflectivity to be the main factors affecting error in distance measurements. Low‐reflectivity surfaces and strong illumination contrasts under direct exposure to sunlight lead to noisy distance measurements. However, regardless of lighting conditions, the accuracy of range imaging was markedly improved by averaging multiple images of the same scene. For medium ambient lighting (shade) and a light‐coloured surface the measurement uncertainty was approximately 9 mm. To further test the suitability of range imaging for field applications we measured a reach of a steep mountain stream with a horizontal resolution of approximately 1 cm (in the focal plane of the camera), allowing for the interpolation of a digital elevation model on a 2 cm grid. Comparison with an elevation model obtained from terrestrial laser scanning for the same site revealed that both models show similar degrees of topographic detail. Despite limitations in measurement range and accuracy, particularly at bright ambient lighting, range imaging offers three‐dimensional data in real time and video mode without the need of post‐processing. Therefore, range imaging is a useful complement or alternative to existing methods for high‐resolution measurements in small‐ to medium‐scale field sites. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
该文回顾了环境气象卫星可见光红外光学成像遥感仪器50多年的发展历程,从不同时期在轨运行的近百台 (套) 仪器中选择了12种作为代表,结合仪器功能性能技术指标和应用需求梳理分析了其历史发展脉络和主流业务发展趋势,并初步探讨了创新发展方向。50多年的发展可以分为3个阶段:早期探索20年, 美国第1代探索性仪器,开创了气象卫星对地观测的先河;初步应用20年, 基本形成初步应用格局,欧洲、中国等开始发展自己的环境气象卫星光学成像遥感仪器;稳定应用和进步发展10多年。新一代极轨卫星可见光红外光学成像遥感仪器,其典型特征是光谱波段20个以上,谱段带宽窄,光谱范围全面覆盖0.4~15 μm,辐射测量精度高,空间分辨率为200~1000 m,其改进型仪器代表了未来极轨气象卫星主流业务发展趋势。静止气象卫星可见光红外光学成像遥感仪器未来主流业务发展方向的典型特点是光谱波段15个以上,谱段带宽较窄,光谱范围全面覆盖0.4 ~15 μm,辐射测量精度高,空间分辨率为500~2000 m,圆盘图成像速度可达到分钟级,区域扫描速度更快。  相似文献   
分布式光纤声波传感器(Distributed Acoustic Sensing, DAS)是近年来兴起的超密集地震观测系统,具有一系列观测密度高、观测成本低、耐受恶劣环境等优势,在油气行业得到了广泛应用,也引起了天然地震学界的关注.本文简要回顾了DAS系统的测量原理、发展历程、技术方案、介绍了测量原理及其响应特性,然后围绕多个观测实验,介绍浅部结构成像、深部结构探测和地震监测三个方向的典型应用实例,最后讨论了DAS系统在天然地震学研究中应用面临的挑战和发展趋势.  相似文献   
利用漫反射光谱鉴定红粘土中针铁矿和赤铁矿   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针铁矿(Gt)和赤铁矿(Hm)是广泛存在于土壤和沉积物中的重要铁矿物。这两种矿物在土壤和沉积物中含量很低,常规的测试手段很难有效地测定其含量。利用反射光谱联合加热处理的方法,可对土壤及沉积物样品中针铁矿和赤铁矿进行定性或半定量测定。实验结果显示,样品加热到300℃后,针铁矿的反射光谱的一阶导数特征峰发生了变化,赤铁矿的一阶导数特征峰却没有明显的变化。因此加热前后样品反射光谱一阶导数的变化取决于针铁矿和赤铁矿的含量。利用这种方法估计黄土高原第三纪红粘土样品中的赤铁矿含量约为0.3%~0.4%,针铁矿含量约为0.5%~1%。  相似文献   
郑瑞华 《福建地质》2007,26(2):126-130
以K2SO4、S粉、C粉、聚三氟氯乙烯粉、Al2O3、MgO混合物作为缓冲剂,以Sb为内标,电极发射光谱法测试多目标地球化学土壤样品中的钼。方法的检出限为0.28μg/g(3S),方法的精密度(RSD)为7.25%~8.66%。测试了国家一级地球化学标准物质,结果与标准值相符合。该方法已用于10000多件土壤样品的分析,并取得满意的结果。  相似文献   
EH-4电导率成像系统的特点及其在金属矿勘探中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
孟贵祥  兰险 《矿床地质》2006,25(1):36-42
EH-4电导率成像系统是一种混场源频率域电磁观测系统,具有轻便、高效、勘探深度大、分辨率高的特点。通过在块状硫化物铜矿、斑岩铜矿已知矿区的试验研究,证实EH-4系统在这两种矿床类型的隐伏-半隐伏金属矿勘探中有较好的找矿效果。  相似文献   
红外热成像在龙门石窟奉先寺渗水探测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奉先寺是龙门石窟具有代表性的作品之一。石窟岩性为碳酸盐岩,渗水病害严重威胁着岩体和雕刻品的完整性。准确探测出渗水部位和渗水来源等是奉先寺渗水治理方案设计的重要依据。利用红外热成像技术,在不同条件下对奉先寺崖壁渗水进行现场探测。结果表明,使用热成像仪可以准确有效地探测出崖壁岩体的渗水部位,判断出渗水来源、分布及其活动规律。与以往依靠人工观察相比,红外热成像技术有着明显的优势。该技术可在石窟渗水勘察中应用推广。  相似文献   
针对三维激光点云数据生成360°全景深度图像存在像素分辨率不均匀的问题,提出一种顾及目标量测精度及可见度的全景深度图像生成方法,在保证全景影像表达地物的完整性的前提下提高其数据的存取精度。通过坐标转换和投影变换生成与全景影像匹配的全景深度图像;基于摄影成像原理分析摄影中心高度、深度值和像素分辨率之间的关系,得到不同深度处目标分辨率随摄影中心升高趋于一致的结论;综合分析地面目标分辨率和杆状目标尤其是树冠对树干的遮挡问题,确定特定场景下生成全景深度图像的最佳摄影中心位置并重新生成深度图像。实验分析表明,该方法能够在保证杆目标可见度的前提下提高地面目标量测精度。  相似文献   
High-pressure Raman studies of methane hydrate were performed using a diamond anvil cell in the pressure range of 0.1–86 GPa at room temperature. Raman spectra of the methane molecules revealed that new softened intramolecular vibration mode of ν 1 appeared at 17 GPa and that the splitting of vibration mode of ν 3 occurred at 15 GPa. The appearance of these two modes indicates that an intermolecular attractive interaction increases between the methane molecules and the host water molecules and between the neighboring methane molecules. These interactions might result in the exceptional stability of a high-pressure structure, a filled ice Ih structure (FIIhS) for methane hydrate, up to 40 GPa. At 40 GPa, a clear change in the slope of the Raman shift versus pressure occurred, and above 40 GPa the Raman shift of the vibration modes increased monotonously up to 86 GPa. A previous XRD study showed that the FIIhS transformed into another new high-pressure structure at 40 GPa. The change in the Raman spectra at 40 GPa may be induced by the transition of the structure.  相似文献   
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