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张西坤  杨冬冰 《探矿工程》2004,31(7):35-36,47
介绍了SPS-600型散装水井钻机的主要技术参数,并对各主要参数进行了详细说明,同时介绍了研制过程中的配套要点。该钻机在实际施工中应用效果良好。  相似文献   
The non-linear stability of the libration pointL 4 in the restricted problem has been studied when there are perturbations in the potentials between the bodies. It is seen that the pointL 4 is stable for all mass ratios in the range of linear stability except for three mass ratios depending upon the perturbing functions. The theory is applied to the following four cases:
(i)  There are no perturbations in the potentials (classical problem).
(ii)  Only the bigger primary is an oblate spheroid whose axis of symmetry is perpendicular to the plane of relative motion (circular) of the primaries.
(iii)  Both the primaries are oblate spheroids whose axes of symmetry are perpendicular to the plane of relative motion (circular) of the primaries.
(iv)  The primaries are spherical in shape and the bigger is a source of radiation.
如何从雷达干涉时间序列影像中获取更全面的相干目标集合,进行变形时间序列分析是当前研究的难点和热点。本文提出了改进的相干目标法,可获取更为全面且可信度高的相干目标集合,进而提高地表形变监测的时空分辨率和精度。根据雷达影像中同类型地物散射分布相近的特点,采用非参数同分布检验算法提取后向散射特性相近的同质点开展空间非局部滤波,提高干涉图的质量。与此同时,利用多尺度的极大似然条纹频率估计算法分离差分干涉图中的系统性相位,并基于同质点进行自适应相干性估计,获取相干性的平稳估计量,从而获取更多的相干点目标。利用20景TerraSAR-X条带模式时间序列影像,分别利用传统的及改进后的相干目标法对香港填海区域地表形变信息进行时序分析。对试验数据的分析结果表明,本文提出的改进方法在具有稀疏植被的填海区可有效增加相干目标点的提取,得到更为可信的沉降结果。  相似文献   
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Development of Geological Data Warehouse   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Data warehouse (DW), a new technology invented in 1990s, is more useful for integrating and analyzing massive data than traditional database. Its application in geology field can be divided into 3 phrases: 1992-1996, commercial data warehouse (CDW) appeared; 1996-1999, geological data warehouse (GDW) appeared and the geologists or geographers realized the importance of DW and began the studies on it, but the practical DW still followed the framework of DB; 2000 to present, geological data warehouse grows, and the theory of geo-spatial data warehouse (GSDW) has been developed but the research in geological area is still deficient except that in geography. Although some developments of GDW have been made, its core still follows the CDW-organizing data by time and brings about 3 problems: difficult to integrate the geological data, for the data feature more space than time; hard to store the massive data in fifferent levels due to the same reason; hardly support the spatial analysis if the data are organized by time as CDW does. So the GDW should be redesigned by organizing data by scale in order to store mass data in different levels and synthesize the data in different granularities, and choosing space control points to replace the former time control points so as to integrate different types of data by the method of storing one type data as one layer and then to superpose the layers. In addition, data cube, a wide used technology in CDW, will be no use in GDW, for the causality among the geological data is not so obvious as commercial data, as the data are the mixed result of many complex rules, and their analysis needs the special geological methods and software; on the other hand, data cube for mass and complex geo-data will devour too much store space to be practical. On this point, the main purpose of GDW may be fit for data integration unlike CDW for data analysis.  相似文献   
非线性共轭梯度(NLCG)算法广泛应用于音频大地电磁法(AMT)二维反演中,并且取得了良好效果.本文以Rodi(2001)提出的大地电磁法二维NLCG反演理论和算法为基础,开展AMT野外数据采集参数(测线长度、点距、频点数)对二维反演效果的影响研究.通过低阻理论模型的试验结果表明:野外数据采集参数的选择应该以探测目标体的规模、深度以及背景电阻率为依据,测线长度应大于目标体宽度和探测深度的两倍以上,异常体上方测点数及探测深度范围内的频点数至少大于三个.  相似文献   
抗拔桩变形分析与有效桩长预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以抗拔桩变形的理论分析为基础,选择双曲线荷载传递函数对桩的极限侧阻力进行合理取值,通过迭代法得到桩身受力情况,由此预测抗拔桩的"有效桩长"。结合工程实例进行了计算验证,证明该方法具有实用价值和推广意义。  相似文献   
Petroleum prediction in local objects and the applicability of geologic environment parameters in this regard are considered. The proposed guidelines for petroleum potential prediction are based on the analysis of the distribution of typomorphic epigenetic multivalent elements loosely fixed in rocks before and after electric current treatment. The advantage of geoelectrochemical methods providing data on the chemical composition of above-productive deposits is demonstrated.  相似文献   
介绍了一种利用平面约束条件对LIDAR点云数据进行滤波的方法,利用每个数据点的邻域点拟合平面,根据平面约束条件和平面点分类方法得到地面点,最后利用地面点内插该区域的DTM.  相似文献   
李鹏云  陈晓国  张峰 《岩土力学》2012,33(Z1):223-228
假定桩土荷载传递函数为双曲线模型,分析T型刚性桩荷载传递机制,建立桩及桩帽下土体的竖向位移、竖向应力、侧摩阻力与深度之间的控制微分方程。采用微分方程近似解法,推导出相应的解析表达式。利用桩顶沉降作为已知条件进行求解,所得结果能够出反映T型桩荷载传递性状规律,即桩身轴力随深度增加而减小;桩身侧摩阻力随深度增加呈现出先增大后减小;桩土应力比与荷载有关。文中方法的计算值更接近于试验结果,可为工程设计提供理论基础。  相似文献   
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