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一、引言 对于探测深度大于几十米的地下的电波传播理论研究,从电磁感应的原理出发是最方便的.由于有了无噪声情况下地电反演的唯一性定理,从地面通过测量天然宽频带电场和磁场探测地下较细微的电性结构并不是不可能的.现行的地下电磁探测的主要问题之一是需要提高分辨力.一种可能的思路是试图将以前测不到的弱信息测出来.利用精密电子技术,先将微弱信息与强信息分离,再通过信号检测技术(例如多次叠加)将弱信息从各种干扰噪声中提取出来.在地电探测领域,关键之一是要解决弱信息与强信息分离的方法.本文就是探索分离水平电场中各层次信息的方法.假如水平磁场也同时测量,并也采用本文的方案进行处理,则可能得到改进的大地电磁法. 二、输入阻抗模值的模拟反演公式 弱信息与强信息的分离,相当于用模拟电路完成通常用数字处理完成的反演处理,因而需要简易的反演公式.只测电场的反演需要输入阻抗模值的简易反演公式,这里只给出结果,推导见文献1). 类似于地震学中的Goupilloud方法,可以建立起一种导电介质反演的理论公式,在这些公式基础上,可以推导出输入阻抗模值的反演的倒谱公式,从倒谱公式出发便得到适合于模拟反演的公式. 设地面所测输入阻抗为 ρ(ω)=Ex(ω,0)/Hy(ω,0),(1) 第一层波阻抗为 ρ1(ω)=( 相似文献
We argue that all transient searches for planets in globular clusters have a very low detection probability. Planets of low-metallicity stars typically do not reside at small orbital separations. The dependence of planetary system properties on metallicity is clearly seen when the quantity I e ≡ M p [ a (1 − e )]2 is considered; M p , a and e are the planet mass, semimajor axis and eccentricity, respectively. In high-metallicity systems, there is a concentration of systems at high and low values of I e , with a low-populated gap near I e ∼ 0.3 M J au2 , where M J is Jupiter's mass. In low-metallicity systems, the concentration is only at the higher range of I e , with a tail to low values of I e . Therefore, it is still possible that planets exist around main-sequence stars in globular clusters, although at small numbers because of the low metallicity, and at orbital periods of ≳10 d. We discuss the implications of our conclusions on the role that companions can play in the evolution of their parent stars in globular clusters, for example, influencing the distribution of horizontal branch stars on the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram of some globular clusters, and in forming low-mass white dwarfs. 相似文献
黏土中鱼雷锚抗拔承载力数值分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
基于Abaqus软件,针对预埋在一定深度鱼雷锚的抗拔承载力进行3D数值分析,探讨了锚型、土体类型、拉拔荷载倾角、拉拔荷载水平分量与锚翼夹角等多种因素对拉拔承载力的影响。计算结果表明:在均质土、正常固结土和两层土体中,带4个锚翼鱼雷锚增加56.22 m2的锚翼侧面积,其拉拔承载力比无锚翼的提高1.9倍以上;当锚翼侧面积相同时,增加锚翼的宽度可以有效提高锚的承载力;拉拔荷载倾角α在30°~45°范围内,可获得较大拉拔承载力;锚翼宽度越大,拉拔荷载水平分量与锚翼间的夹角β对鱼雷锚水平承载力影响越明显;经归一化的V-H包络线公式对工程应用中预测鱼雷锚的承载力有一定参考价值。 相似文献
The pulse features of a bubble have a close connection with the boundary condition. When a bubble moves near a rigid wall, it will be attracted by the Bjerknes force of the wall, and a jet pointing at the wall will be generated. In real application, the bubble may move under the combined action of walls in different directions when it forms at the corner of a pipe or at the bottom of a dam. The motion of the bubble shows complex and nonlinear characteristics under these conditions. In order to investigate the bubble pulse features near complex walls, a horizontal wall and a vertical wall are put into the experimental water tank synchronously, and an electric circuit with 200 voltages is designed to generate discharge bubbles, and then experimental study on the bubble pulse features under the combined action of horizontal and vertical walls is carried out. The influences of the combined action of two walls on the bubble shape, pulse period, moving trace and inside jet are obtained by changing the distances from bubble center to the two walls. It aims at providing references for the relevant theoretical and numerical research. 相似文献
Frost susceptibility should be considered in the design and construction of foundations and retaining-wall structures in regions with the seasonally freezing-soil ground condition. When planning construction that goes deep into this soil, one has to understand the impact of horizontal forces to an underground wall and realize the potential effect of frost heaving upon, deep foundations. This article presents a few soil tests for frost heaving and the results of those tests show dangerous data for retaining structures under the soil conditions in Kazakhstan. The main parameters of the soil include frost penetration and heaving rate and amount. So, in designing underground structures, one must understand and consider that frost heaving occurs in various directions; this factor is very important for predicting on the restriction of deformations of structures in the seasonally freezing-soil ground condition. 相似文献
介绍"嶂石岩地貌"概念的来历,系统论述了嶂石岩地貌的五大形态特征、形成的地质背景、古地理环境及楔状侧切、水平掏蚀两种坡面发育模式,分析了嶂石岩地貌的发育阶段,并从岩性、坡面发育起始位置、动力过程、基本骨架、景观造型等方面比较其与张家界地貌、丹霞地貌的差异,对嶂石岩地貌的开发利用进行了回顾和分析。 相似文献
抗滑桩与桥梁桩和普通侧向受荷桩结构设计的区别在于,抗滑桩容许"大位移"和"超配筋"。荷载结构计算法采用10mm为位移容许值,导致抗滑桩工程设计中不能充分发挥"大位移"的抗滑性能。本文结合钢筋混凝土受弯构件力学原理,引入抗滑桩裂缝控制准则,在荷载结构计算法的基础上,用裂纹控制准则替代桩顶水平位移容许值进行抗滑桩设计验算,可最大限度地挖掘抗滑桩的抗滑潜力;推导基于K法的抗滑桩设计验算方法的计算公式,阐述裂纹控制荷载结构法的原理、计算和设计流程;以十堰天水国家高速公路K593+850-K594+070滑坡治理工程为案列,分析了抗滑桩桩顶的水平位移组成和影响因素,并比较了传统设计法与本文阐述方法的优缺点。结果表明:桩顶水平位移主要由锚固段岩土体变形引起,位移由岩土体刚度决定,与桩体设计参数无关,优化桩体设计参数仅能限制由桩身弹塑性变形引起的桩顶水平位移。 相似文献
对青海省格尔木、门源和乐都地震台水平摆与垂直摆倾斜仪观测资料进行对比分析,论述温度、气压、人为活动(工作人员进入观测山洞)以及大风等干扰因素对观测资料的不同影响,发现垂直摆倾斜仪受温度、大风和人为活动等因素的干扰程度总体低于水平摆倾斜仪,对观测环境的要求相对较低。 相似文献