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The 1.2 Ga-old Koldaha shale, central India reveals three orders of depositional cyclicities in its basal storm-dominated shelf succession. Visual appraisal as well as Fourier and MEM analyses concurs in this respect. Only the major storm events at intervals of a few thousands of years have left recognizable imprints. Interbedding of storm sandstones and fairweather shales is apparently climate-controlled. Packaging of about seven such climatic cycles results the second-order cyclicity befitting eccentricity cycles of contemporary scale. Nonetheless, for the erratic storm bed-thickness trends within the cycles some other factor/s might have played a role. The third order cycles are, more dominantly, correlatable with basinal tectonics.  相似文献   
This paper describes an unusual occurrence of igneous material as clasts in dyke and pipe breccias associated with late Caledonian minor intrusions. It is shown that the clasts were in a plastic condition when incorporated into the breccia rock. These igneous clasts were derived from magma disrupted at depth and then transported into the fluidized breccia columns where they were mixed with large numbers of clasts derived from the quartzite wall-rocks. Textures and planar fabrics developed during collapse of the fluidized system are described and shown to be separable from the later compaction associated with extensive pressure solution of the fine matrix. Most Caledonian breccia pipes lack igneous clasts and it is considered that this group of breccias represent the rarely-preserved boundary zone between active magma and breccia systems.  相似文献   
新一代VIIRS/DNB(Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite Day/Night Band)夜间灯光数据因其具备更精细的时空分辨率、数据不存在饱和现象、不同年份数据可比性强等优点而迅速代替DMSP/OLS(Defense Meteorological Satellite Program's Operational Linescan System)夜间灯光数据成为新的研究热点。但由于杂散光的污染,VIIRS/DNB夏季数据数值缺失严重,致使数据在空间和时间上不连续,因此,插补缺失数据成为后续应用的前提。鉴于此,论文从插补结果异常值、与参照值对比、计算性能三个方面,系统比较了三次样条插值(样条)、三次Hermite插值(Hermite)、灰色预测模型(GM)、三次指数平滑法(指数)4种插补方法的适用性,以期为插补VIIRS/DNB夜间灯光数据提供方法选择的依据。研究结果表明:①异常值比较方面,Hermite法未出现异常值,另外3种算法仅出现少量异常值(0.02%~1.34%);②与参照值的对比方面,Hermite法与参考值接近程度最高,GM接近程度最低,样条法和指数法介于两者中间;③算法性能比较方面,4种方法都具备计算简单、容易编程的特点,但指数法的算法时长是另外3种方法的10倍以上。因此,综合多方表现,当插补月份前后两侧均有足够长的原始数据时,插补效果好、计算速度快、不会出现过冲现象的Hermite法最适宜,样条法次之;当插补月份仅单侧有足够长的数据时,适宜采用指数法(插补效果好、计算速度较慢)或GM(插补效果偏低、计算速度快)进行插补。  相似文献   
University faculty partners from the Departments of Geography and Instruction and Teacher Education at a large, public university collaborated with K-12 teachers and the leadership of a rural school district in order to investigate the crosscutting content of science, mathematics, and geography through the integration of web-based GIS technologies. The project explored the critical connections among technology, pedagogy, and content with a particular emphasis on developing technology-enhanced, inquiry-based lessons in which the teachers and their students used GIS technologies to analyze, visualize, and present data in real-world contexts. The findings highlight the importance of well-structured professional development that builds community, integrates diverse content and pedagogical expertise, provides feedback and coaching, and is of sufficient duration to effect change.  相似文献   
Urban systems are increasingly dominated by large cities that house a disproportionate share of telecommunications infrastructure. This paper investigates whether telecommunications is defining a technological divide between large and smaller cities. The paper provides a conceptual basis for large-city dominance and presents the results of surveys that investigate the use of telecommunications in medium and small Indiana cities. The survey data indicate that telecommunications is used by the set of Indiana cities, but is less prevalent among the set of smallest cities. Chi-square tests, however, suggest that city size does not adequately explain these variations in use.  相似文献   
长白山及邻区地壳、上地幔顶部三维速度结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据沿长白山布设的宽频带流动地震台站及吉林省地震台网所记录的近震P波走时数据,利用层析成像方法对长白山及邻区(39°N-45°N、122°E-130°E)深至40 km的地壳和上地幔顶部三维速度结构进行了研究。结果表明:地震的发生和分布多集中于断裂等复杂地质构造。利用较高分辨率的地壳、上地幔顶部三维速度结构证实了长白山火山区岩浆囊存在,并推测岩浆囊的位置位于火山口的西南方向,深度为10~40 km。壳内岩浆囊分布对进一步解释、认识火山灾害提供了重要的深部信息。  相似文献   
国家级油气资源数据库建设方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对油气资源信息中的海量数据处理、信息集成和综合利用等关键问题,提出了开发国家级油气资源数据库软件系统的整体设计方案。其中包括软件结构、功能结构、数据库结构以及基于C/S和B/S模式的数据库系统建设方案。阐述了应用Ajax技术实现B/S模式系统架构,使用自行开发的ETL工具解决C/S与B/S模式间多类数据的提取转换等关键问题。该设计方案用地理信息系统(GIS)的空间属性一体化技术解决问题。  相似文献   
The High Dispersion Spectrograph (HDS) is the échelle spectrograph for an open‐use instrument of the Subaru Telescope. The current status of the instrument is reviewed. The new image slicers that significantly improve the efficiency of observations with very high resolving power have been installed in the past three years. Brief overview of recent science results is given on studies of early generations of stars and extra‐solar planets. An upgrade plan and future prospects of this instrument are discussed. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
季江徽  刘林 《天文学报》2005,46(3):282-293
用直接数值积分方法通过模拟不同的行星构型探讨了HD82943行星系统(由两颗共振的巨行星组成)的长期动力演化,同时,还研究了在相空间的轨道运动.在对系统长达107年数值积分中,发现所有的稳定轨道均与2:1共振相关联.典型地,在相同的时标内,两个共振幅角θ1和θ2同时(或其中之一)存在秤动.由于共振幅角在一定范围内的秤动,因而使两颗行星轨道半长径被约束而表现为规则运动模式.另外,利用分析模型(包含了外行星偏心率e2的因素),还讨论了对于不同取值的e2和相对近星点经度θ时,内行星在相空间的运动,并发现2:1轨道共振对于相对较小的e2以及当θ=0°时易于保持.此外,适中的e2将导致系统的两颗行星进入深度共振状态.再者,分析模型和数值计算的结果吻合得很好,两者都揭示了行星系统的2:1共振结构.  相似文献   
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