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This paper reports the results of multivariate analysis on the major-ions data present in groundwater collected in a hydrogeochemical survey of a hard rock terrain in Andhra Pradesh, India. The use of factor analysis is proposed, as a first step, for identifying the processes influencing the hydrogeochemical variations in groundwater. As a result of the application factor analysis, three factors were obtained, which explained characterization of groundwater quality and identified the sources for the presence of ions and its variations in concentrations and their geochemical processes. The natural dissolution of existing rocks of granites and granitic gneisses is the common influencing source for its hydrogeochemical character in the study area, but at some localized zones, the human-influenced sources of agricultural, industrial and urbanization are the dominating factors. The spatial and seasonal variation of the hydrogeochemical processes associated with the factor variables in the groundwater quality of the study area were analysed and evaluated.  相似文献   
地下水水质监测与评价   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:11  
地下水由于分布广、水质好且开发费用低而成为全世界重要的供水水源。中国北方生活供水的一半来自地下水,地下水也是干旱期重要的农业灌溉水源。然而,地下水水质日益面临来自农业、工业和城市污染源的威胁。地下水水质监测是评价水质状况最可靠的方法,并可作为供水水源保护的早期预警系统。它为水管理部门和水用户提供可靠的科学数据以便更好地管理和保护地下水资源。世界上正在执行两个巨大的地下水质监测和评价项目:一个是欧盟的水框架计划;另一个是美国的国家水质评价计划。文章评述了地下水水质监测的现状,介绍了地下水易污性评价、地下水污染源分级和地下水污染风险评价的方法。地下水易污性分区图是土地利用规划和供水水源保护的基础。地下水污染源分级结果为污染源治理提供了优先顺序。地下水污染风险分区图圈划出地下水污染的高风险区,为地下水资源保护和地下水污染监测提供重要的依据。  相似文献   
基于GIS的榆林市乡镇地名分布特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用不同的网络公开地名数据源进行数据融合,获得榆林市乡镇级居民地地名数据,在此基础上,对地名数据进行统计分类,引入地名密度和地名点距离的指标,运用GIS的分析方法,对榆林市乡镇级地名数据进行景观分析。研究得出:榆林乡镇地名从东南向西北部递减,并且呈现出聚集的分布特征;榆林市的自然人文特征直接体现在其主要地名分类的分布上,山水类地名的分布反映了榆林西北部沙漠干旱,东南部黄土丘陵、河流较密的自然特点,姓氏、军事类地名的分布则反映了榆林市的移民文化、多民族混居的民族特色,以及古代军事价值高的特点。  相似文献   
Source/sink strengths and vertical fluxdistributions of carbon dioxide within and above arice canopy were modelled using measured meanconcentration profiles collected during aninternational rice experiment in Okayama, Japan (IREX96). The model utilizes an Eulerian higher-orderclosure approach that permits coupling of scalar andmomentum transport within vegetation to infer sourcesand sinks from mean scalar concentration profiles; theso-called `inverse problem'. To compute the requiredvelocity statistics, a Eulerian second-order closuremodel was considered. The model well reproducedmeasured first and second moment velocity statisticsinside the canopy. Using these modelled velocitystatistics, scalar fluxes within and above the canopywere computed and compared with CO2eddy-correlation measurements above the canopy. Goodagreement was obtained between model calculations offluxes at the top of the canopy and measurements. Close to the ground, the model predicted higherrespiratory fluxes when the paddy was drained comparedto when it was flooded. This is consistent with thefloodwater providing a barrier to diffusion ofCO2 from the soil to the atmosphere. TheEulerian sources and flux calculations were alsocompared to source and flux distributions estimatedindependently using a Lagrangian Localized Near Fieldtheory, the first study to make such a comparison.Some differences in source distributions werepredicted by these analyses. Despite this, thecalculated fluxes by the two approaches compared wellprovided a closure constant, accounting for theinfluence of `near-field' sources in the Eulerian fluxtransport term, was given a value of 1.5 instead ofthe value of 8 found in laboratory studies.  相似文献   
Responses to recent land-use changes and pollutant loading in the sediment of a hypertrophic lake in southern Sweden were studied by comparison of geochemical, pollen and magnetic records with historical land-use data. A chronology was constructed for the last two centuries by correlating changes in the pollen diagram to major events in the land-use history. Sediment accumulation was low (mean c. 0.2 g cm-2 yr-1) prior to 1800 AD, when less than 25% of the catchment was arable land. Reorganization of the agrarian system during the 19th century increased the annually tilled area by 300%, which accelerated soil erosion and substantially increased the accumulation of allochtonous matter in the lake. Since the turn of the century 90% of the catchment has been ploughed every year. The deposition of clastic matter in the lake has, however, decreased due to a gradual rerouting of the drainage system, which has reduced the effective catchment area by c. 85%.Authigenic vivianite (Fe3(PO4)2.8H2O) is a major P phase in the preindustrial non-sulphidic sediments, which suggests that the sediments at that time served as a fairly efficient sink for P. The arable expansion, increased manuring and, eventually, the introduction of artificial fertilizers during the 19th century led to a massive influx of nutrients, which elevated primary production in the lake. Subsequent development of bottom water anoxia around 1900, in combination with an additional pollutant burden of sulphate within the lake basin, led to major alterations of the biogeochemical cycles. The most critical change in the post-1900 sediments involved the cycling of Fe and P. The linkage between the lacustrine P and Fe cycles can explain that FeS formation was paralleled by a release of P from the sedimentary pool. This supply of P to the lake basin must have supplemented the nutrient supply by modern agriculture and contributed to recent hypertrophication. The bacterial sulphate reduction also affected the generation of alkalinity which supported a significant calcite precipitation in the post-1900 sediments.S is enriched 10-fold in the post-1900 sediments compared to preindustrial values. Along with the rise in S, soot particles derived from fossil fuel combustion appear in the sediments for the first time. Therefore, Bussj¨osj¨on is thought to be a good example of how a well-buffered, highly productive lake may respond to the pollution by sulphur from acid rain.  相似文献   
本文分析了X线CT扫描机的故障,指出X线系统故障占30%以上。以TCT80A和GE900为例,概述了 X 线系统的构成,讨论了 X 线系统的维护和检修。  相似文献   
稀土元素已被公认为是判断岩石物质来源的有效地球化学指示剂:而物源,尤其是含矿层的物源(有时包括成矿组分的来源)对区域成矿远景评价具有很重要的意义。本文主要从稀土元素地球化学角度研究了中条山上太古界涑水杂岩、下元古界绛县群、含矿层中条群篦子沟组代表性岩石的物质来源,并从物源(矿源)对含矿层的成铀、成铜远景进行了评价。指出了铀、铜成矿的有利地段。  相似文献   
The seismic wave field is considerably influenced by local structures close to the source and to the receiver. This applies to sources and receivers situated close to localized inhomogeneities, to structural interfaces, to the earth's surface, etc. In this paper we concentrate our attention mainly to the ray-theoretical radiation patterns of point sources situated close to the structural interfaces and to the earth's surface. In numerical modeling of high-frequency seismic wave fields by the ray method, the interaction of the source with the earth's surface has not usually been taken into account.The proposed procedure of the computation of the radiation patterns of point sources situated directly on structural interfaces and on the earth's surface is based on the zero-order approximation of the ray method, assuming that the length of the ray between the source and the receiver is long. The derived equations are extended to point sources located close to structural interface, to the earth's surface and to thin transition layers using the hybrid ray-reflectivity method, seeervený (1989). The thin layer need not be homogeneous; it may include an arbitrary inner layering (transition layers, laminas, etc.) The only requirement is for the layer to be thin. Roughly speaking, we require its thickness to be less than one quarter of the prevailing wavelength. The hybrid ray-reflectivity method describes well even certain non-ray effects (tunneling.S * waves, etc.). Explicit analytical expressions for radiation patterns for all above listed point sources are found. These expression have a local character and may be easily implemented into computer codes designed for the routine computation of ray amplitudes and synthetic ray seismograms in 2-D and 3-D, laterally varying isotropic layered and block structures by the ray method.Numerical examples of radiation patterns ofP andS waves of point sources situated close to the earth's surface and to a thin low-velocity surface layer are presented and discussed. The explosive point source (center of dilatation) and the vertical and horizontal single force point sources are considered. It has been ascertained that the radiation patterns of point sources depend drastically on the depth of the source below the surface even if the depths vary within one quarter of the prevailing wavelength.  相似文献   
The power required to eject relativistic plasma clouds in the hard X-ray transient GRS 1915+105 is at least 100 times the luminosity of the soft-ray bursts (SGRs) that were observed by BATSE from the same region of the sky in the year 1992. We show that there are spatial, time, and spectral coincidences between GRS 1915+105 and the SGRs observed by BATSE which suggest that they are one and the same source. However, the position of the SGRs is rather uncertain and until better positions are obtained, the question on the association of GRS 1915+105 with the SGRs must remain open.  相似文献   
Immobilization of trace elements in contaminated soils by zero-valent iron (ZVI) is a promising remediation method, but questions about its long-term performance remain unanswered. To quantify immobilization and predict possible contaminant remobilization on long timescales detailed knowledge about immobilization mechanisms is needed. This study aimed at assessing the long-term effect of ZVI amendments on dissolved copper and arsenic in contaminated soils, at exploring the immobilization mechanism(s), and at setting up a geochemical model able to estimate dissolved copper and arsenic under different scenarios. Samples from untreated and ZVI-treated plots in two field experiments where ZVI had been added 6 and 15 years ago were investigated by a combination of batch experiments, geochemical modeling and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. Dissolved copper and arsenic concentrations were described by a multisurface geochemical model with surface complexation reactions, verified by EXAFS. The ZVI remained “reactive” after 6–15 years, i.e. the dissolved concentrations of copper and arsenic were lower in the ZVI-treated than in the untreated soils. There was a shift in copper speciation from organic matter complexes in the untreated soil to surface complexes with iron (hydr)oxides in the ZVI-treated soil. The pH value was important for copper immobilization and ZVI did not have a stabilizing effect if pH was lower than about 6. Immobilization of arsenic was slightly pH-dependent and sensitive to the competition with phosphate. If phosphate was ignored in the modeling, the dissolution of arsenate was greatly underestimated.  相似文献   
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