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Spectroscopic confirmation of redshifts predicted by gravitational lensing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present deep spectroscopic measurements of 18 distant field galaxies identified as gravitationally lensed arcs in a Hubble Space Telescope image of the cluster Abell 2218. Redshifts of these objects were predicted by Kneib et al. using a lensing analysis constrained by the properties of two bright arcs of known redshift and other multiply imaged sources. The new spectroscopic identifications were obtained using long exposures with the LDSS-2 spectrograph on the William Herschel Telescope, and demonstrate the capability of that instrument to reach new limits, R ≃24; the lensing magnification implies true source magnitudes as faint as R ≃25. Statistically, our measured redshifts are in excellent agreement with those predicted from Kneib et al.'s lensing analysis, and this gives considerable support to the redshift distribution derived by the lensing inversion method for the more numerous and fainter arclets extending to R ≃25.5. We explore the remaining uncertainties arising from both the mass distribution in the central regions of Abell 2218 and the inversion method itself, and conclude that the mean redshift of the faint field population at R ≃25.5 ( B ∼26–27) is low, 〈 z 〉=0.8–1. We discuss this result in the context of redshift distributions estimated from multicolour photometry. Although such comparisons are not straightforward, we suggest that photometric techniques may achieve a reasonable level of agreement, particularly when they include near-infrared photometry with discriminatory capabilities in the 1< z <2 range.  相似文献   
The detection of microlensing events from stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud and in the Galactic bulge raises important constraints on the distribution of dark matter and on galactic structure, although some events may be the result of a new type of intrinsic variability. When lenses are relatively close to the sources, we predict that chromatic and spectroscopic effects are likely to appear for a significant fraction of the microlensing events. These effects are due to the differential amplification of the limb and the centre of the stellar disc, and present a systematic dependence with wavelength and time that provides an unambiguous signature of a microlensing event (as opposed to a new type of intrinsic stellar variability). We present detailed predictions of the effects, using realistic model atmospheres. The observations of these effects provide a direct constraint on stellar atmospheres, allowing a three-dimensional reconstruction or imaging of its structure, a unique tool with which to test the current models of stellar atmospheres.  相似文献   
The intensity of the cosmic microwave background radiation in the fields of clusters of galaxies is modified by inverse Compton scattering in the hot intracluster gas — the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich (SZ) effect. The effect is expected to be most pronounced at a frequency of about 350 GHz (a wavelength of about 800 μm), and has been detected in the centimetre and millimetre wavebands. In the millimetre/submillimetre waveband, the gravitationally lensed images of distant dusty star-forming galaxies in the background of the cluster are predicted to dominate the appearance of clusters on scales of several arcsec, and could confuse observations of the SZ effect at frequencies greater than about 200 GHz (wavelengths shorter than about 1.5 mm). Recent observations by Smail, Ivison &38; Blain confirm that a significant population of confusing sources is present in this waveband. Previous estimates of source confusion in observations of the millimetre/submillimetre-wave SZ effect did not include the effects of lensing by the cluster, and so the accuracy of such measurements could be lower than expected. Source subtraction may be required in order to measure the SZ effect accurately, and a careful analysis of the results of an ensemble of SZ measurements could be used to impose limits to the form of evolution of distant dusty star-forming galaxies.  相似文献   
We investigate gravitational lensing using a realistic model of disc galaxies. Most of the mass is contained in a large spherical isothermal dark matter halo, but the potential is modified significantly in the core by a gravitationally dominant exponential disc. The method used is adapted from a very general multilens ray-tracing technique developed by Mo¨ller. We investigate the effects of the disc-to-halo mass ratio, the disc scalelength, the disc inclination to the line of sight and the lens redshift on two strong-lensing cross-sections: the cross-section for multiple imaging and the cross-section for large magnifications, in excess of a factor of 10. We find that the multiple-imaging cross-section can be enhanced significantly by an almost edge-on Milky Way disc compared with a singular isothermal sphere (SIS) in individual cases; however, when averaged over all disc inclinations, the cross-section is only increased by about 50 per cent. These results are consistent with other recent work. The presence of a disc, however, increases the inclination-averaged high-magnification cross-section by an order of magnitude compared with a SIS. This result has important implications for magnification bias in future lens surveys, particularly those in the submillimetre waveband, where dust extinction in the lensing galaxy has no effect on the brightness of the images.  相似文献   
Although microlensing experiments toward the Galactic bulge were originally initiated to check the feasibility of the experiments, they have now become an important tool which allows one to investigate Galactic matter composition. However, previous determination of the lens mass function was not based on the actual number of lenses even for the well-determined population of stellar lenses, but rather on arbitrarily assumed functional forms such as power laws, and thus the derived mass functions were subject to large uncertainties. In this paper, we take a different approach in which we first estimate the event rate distribution expected from observationally well-constrained populations of lenses, and then test other possible lens populations. By comparing the determined event rate distribution Γ( t E) for various mass function models of lens populations with the observed distribution, we find that stars and white dwarfs explain just ∼ 50 per cent of the total observed events even including very faint stars just above the hydrogen-burning limit. Additionally, the expected time-scale distribution of events caused by these known populations of lenses deviates significantly from the observed distribution, especially in the short time-scale region. However, if the rest of the dynamical mass of the bulge (∼ 2.1 × 1010 M) is composed of brown dwarfs, the expected event rate distribution matches the observation well.  相似文献   
We report the discovery of a new double-image gravitational lens system, B1030 + 074, which was found during the Jodrell Bank–VLA Astrometric Survey (JVAS). We have collected extensive radio data on the system using the VLA, MERLIN, the EVN and the VLBA, and optical observations using WFPC2 on the HST . The lensed images are separated by 1.56 arcsec and their flux density ratio at centimetric wavelengths is approximately 14:1, although the ratio is slightly frequency-dependent and the images appear to be time-variable. The HST pictures show both the lensed images and the lensing galaxy close to the weaker image. The lensing galaxy has substructure which could be a spiral arm or an interacting galaxy. We have modelled B1030 + 074 using a singular isothermal ellipsoid which yields a time delay of 156/ h 50 d. This lens is likely to be suitable for the measurement of the Hubble constant.  相似文献   
利用2005—2009年流动重力观测资料,分析新疆南天山地区重力场动态变化特征,并给出一年尺度的重力场变化图像,结合重力段差时序图以及GPS计算资料分析2008年10月5日乌恰西6.8级地震与重力场、应变场的关系,并综合分析区域重力场与动力构造环境的响应关系。结果表明:重力场变化与区域应力-应变场微动态活动有关,重力场变化反映出应力场引起的重力源兆变化特征。  相似文献   
Arrival-time analysis for a millisecond pulsar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Arrival times from a fast, quiet pulsar can be used to obtain accurate determinations of pulsar parameters. In the case of the millisecond pulsar, PSR 1937 + 214, the remarkably small rms residual to the timing fit indicates that precise measurements of position, proper motion and perhaps even trigonometric parallax will be possible (Backer 1984). The variances in these parameters, however, will depend strongly on the nature of the underlying noise spectrum. We demonstrate that for very red spectrai.e. those dominated by low-frequency noise, the uncertainties can be larger than the present estimates (based on a white-noise model) and can even grow with the observation period. The possibility of improved parameter estimation through prewhitening’ the data and the application of these results to other pulsar observations are briefly discussed. The post-fit rms residual of PSR 1937 + 214 may be used to limit the energy density of a gravitational radiation background at periods of a few months to years. However, fitting the pulsar position and pulse-emission times filters out significant amounts of residual power, especially for observation periods of less than three years. Consequently the present upper bound on the energy density of gravitational waves Ωg <3 × 10-4 R Μs 2 , though already more stringent than any other available, is not as restrictive as had been previously estimated. The present limit is insufficient to exclude scenarios which use primordial cosmic strings for galaxy formation, but should improve rapidly with time. On leave from Raman Research Institute, Bangalore 560080, India.  相似文献   
Over the past fifteen years, observations of some quasars with the techniques of very-long-baseline interferometry have shown that the angular separation between pairs of radio-emitting regions in their cores is increasing year after year. If the quasars are indeed as far away as implied by Hubble’s law, then these angular motions translate into linear speeds several times the speed of light. Several theoretical scenarios have been proposed to show that the observed motions are illusory. The leading contender in this field — the relativistic beam model — and an alternative offered by the concept of a gravitational screen are described and compared in the light of recent observational data.  相似文献   
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