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Unsteady bedload transport was measured in two c. 5 m wide anabranches of a gravel‐bed braided stream draining the Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland, during the 1998 and 1999 melt seasons. Bedload was directly sampled using 152 mm square Helley–Smith type samplers deployed from a portable measuring bridge, and independent transport rate estimates for the coarser size fractions were obtained from the dispersion of magnetically tagged tracer pebbles. Bedload transport time series show pulsing behaviour under both marginal (1998) and partial (1999) transport regimes. There are generally weak correlations between transport rates and shear stresses determined from velocity data recorded at the measuring bridge. Characteristic parameters of the bedload grain‐size distributions (D50, D84) are weakly correlated with transport rates. Analysis of full bedload grain‐size distributions reveals greater structure, with a tendency for transport to become less size selective at higher transport rates. The bedload time series show autoregressive behaviour but are dif?cult to distinguish by this method. State–space plots, and associated measures of time‐series separation, reveal the structure of the time series more clearly. The measured pulses have distinctly different time‐series characteristics from those modelled using a one‐dimensional sediment routing model in which bed shear stress and grain size are varied randomly. These results suggest a mechanism of pulse generation based on irregular low‐amplitude bedforms, that may be generated in‐channel or may represent the advection of material supplied by bank erosion events. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
利用中国科学院新疆天文台南山观测站26m射电望远镜, 在中心频率1556MHz, 对Crab脉冲星(PSR B0531+21)进行了长达12.6h的连续观测, 观测带宽为512MHz, 时间分辨率为32μs, 研究了巨脉冲辐射的等待时间分布特征. 观测共探测到2097个信噪比大于10的巨脉冲, 对应的流量密度大于100Jy. 巨脉冲的爆发率表现为高度的间歇性, 在较短的时间内具有较高的爆发率, 在相对长的宁静期内巨脉冲的爆发率较低, 尤其是中间脉冲相位内的巨脉冲爆发. 相邻两个巨脉冲的等待时间分布表现为幂律分布特征, 可以用一个非稳态的泊松过程进行模拟, 这表明巨脉冲的爆发是一种独立的随机事件. 此外, 主脉冲和中间脉冲相位上的巨脉冲具有不同的等待时间分布特征, 这意味着脉冲星不同磁极的巨脉冲辐射机制可能是不同的. 这些观测结果对于理解脉冲星的射电辐射机制具有重要意义.  相似文献   
用采集时钟方波信号加以分析的方法评估地震数据采集器的授时、守时服务精度、稳定性及系统特性。将具有时钟误差日志记录的数采的时间精度测试结果与日志记录相比较,二者完全一致;用时钟方波信号实测的数采经验传递函数与用厂家提供的滤波器系数并校正滤波器时间延迟计算的理论频率特性相符。实测结果显示,由于数采守时误差变化呈非线性,即使同一型号的不同数采间,其守时能力也可以差别很大;对于不同的数采及抽取滤波器,由于滤波延迟时间校正的参考点不一致,可导致数采记录数据的时间服务存在1个采样点左右的时间差,这对时间精度要求高的研究工作是不能接受的。  相似文献   
研究液体中声吸收对三种具有不同波形的脉冲光声信号的影响,把吸声介质视为一个线性、时空不变的低通滤波器,得到了考虑声吸收后光声脉冲的幅值和波形随传播距离变化的表达式。  相似文献   
目前 ,已有 1 0架口径 8~ 1 0m的地面大望远镜建成并投入科学观测。在近红外波段 ,自适应光学和干涉术已在大望远镜上获得成功。Hubble空间望远镜发射至今已逾 1 2年。为了研究早期宇宙 ,探测类地行星等 ,2 0 0 2年 9月NASA已与TWR公司签约 ,研制口径≥ 6m的下一代空间望远镜JWST ,计划2 0 1 0年发射。许多口径 30~ 1 0 0m的地面未来巨型望远镜FGT项目已经提出。本报告 ,也介绍了我国正在研制或预研中的三个大项目 :LAMOST、FAST和SST ,这些项目虽较小 ,但完成后都会对天文学的一个方面作出有份量的贡献。最后 ,报告人建议我国参与到与国外合作研制FGT或NGST的工作中 ,特别强调要有天文学家和工程专家参与进去  相似文献   
We present an analysis of strong single pulses from PSR J0034-0721. Our observations were made using the Urumqi 25-m radio telescope at a radio frequency of 1.54GHz. A total of 353 strong pulses were detected during eight hours of observing. The signal-to-noise ratios of the detected pulses range from 5 to 11.5. The peak fluxes of those pulses are 17 to 39 times that of the average pulse peak. The cumulative distribution of the signal-to-noise ratios of these strong pulses has a rough power-law distribution...  相似文献   
Intense mass loss occurs for low- and intermediate-mass stars on the asymptotic giant branch (AGB), and for the higher mass (≳8 M) stars during their red supergiant evolution. These winds affect the evolution of the stars profoundly, creates circumstellar envelopes of gas and dust, as well as enrich the interstellar medium with heavy elements and grain particles. The mass loss characteristics are well-studied, but the basic processes are still not understood in detail, and the mass-loss rate of an individual star cannot be derived from first principles. These objects also provide us with fascinating systems, in which intricate interplays between various physical and chemical processes take place, and their relative simplicity in terms of geometry, density distribution, and kinematics makes them excellent astrophysical laboratories. The review concentrates on the aspects of AGB stars and their mass loss which are of particular interest in connection with ALMA.  相似文献   
Giant clam shell mining(GCSM),a unique phenomenon occurring at remote coral reefs in the southern South China Sea(SCS),forms striking scars on the reef flats and damages the reef flat substrate.Through image analyses at three times(2004.02.02,2014.02.26,and 2019.04.10)and in situ surveys at Ximen Reef,a representative site that has experienced GCSM,we quantified the GCSM-generated substrate damage and the corre-sponding recovery.GCSM was estimated to have occurred sometime between 2012 and 2014,causing reduction in live coral subarea and formation of micro-relief as trenches and mounds.GCSM-generated damage was restricted to the reef flat.After GCSM,coral and algae subarea increased,and the trenches and mounds tended to be filled and eroded,rep-resenting a natural recovery of the substrate.The legal prohibition on human disturbances at the coral reefs contributed to substrate recovery at Ximen Reef.This case also implied that recovery of the other coral reefs that suffered from GCSM is possible.  相似文献   
地球化学块体的概念及其研究意义   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
刘大文 《地球化学》2002,31(6):539-548
地球化学块体是地球上某种或某些元素高含量的巨大岩块,它们是地球从形成与演化至今不均匀性的总显示,为大型至巨型矿床的形成提供了必要的物质供应条件。应用勘查地球化学的方法手段。从元素的角度能够将这些地球化学块体勾绘出来,从中到这种巨大的地球化学块体能够为大型巨型矿床的形成提供其所必需的足够的物质供应量的新认识,通过对全国区域化探扫面计划(RGNR)所覆盖的全国600多万km^2的国土面积上获得的高质量海量元素分析数据的综合研究,发现了比传统意义的分散晕分散流更为宽广的地球化学模式;区域异常,地球化学省,地球化学巨省和地球化学域,这种更为宽广的所谓套合着的地球化学模式谱系实际上是地球上富含各种金属的巨大岩块的内部结构特征在地表的表现,而追索某元素地球化学块体的内部结构则可揭示该元素在地球化学块体中逐步浓集成矿的轨迹,依此思路发展了一整套的矿产勘查新战略;迅速掌握全局,逐步缩小靶区,并应用于国土资源大调查的项目中,尽管地球化学块体的理论与方法学研究尚在初期阶段,但这一概念改变了建立在点源分散模式上的勘查地球化学的基本原理,也为矿床学,成矿学与大地构造学研究开拓了眼界,并提供了新的研究思路。  相似文献   
陈波  谢俊举  温增平 《地震学报》2013,35(2):250-261
研究了具有不同自振特性的建筑结构在近断层速度脉冲型及非速度脉冲型地震动作用下的结构层间变形分布,揭示了近断层速度脉冲对工程结构地震响应的特殊影响. 从汶川MS8.0地震近断层强震记录中选取两组典型速度脉冲型记录和非脉冲型记录, 根据确定的目标地震动强度水平,利用时域叠加小波函数法对选择的强震记录进行调整, 使之与目标地震动水平对应的加速度反应谱保持一致, 以此作为结构地震反应分析的地震动输入. 选取具有不同自振特征的3层、11层和20层典型钢筋混凝土框架结构, 建立有限元分析模型, 分别计算在速度脉冲型与非速度脉冲型记录作用下这些结构层间变形分布. 研究表明,速度脉冲型记录与非速度脉冲型记录作用下结构层间变形有明显差异, 且与结构自振特征有关.就低层结构的层间变形而言, 非速度脉冲型记录的影响较速度脉冲型记录的影响大. 随着结构自振周期的增加, 高阶振型的影响更加明显. 与非速度脉冲型记录相比,速度脉冲型记录的结构层间位移反应中值及离散程度较大. 速度脉冲型记录更容易激发高层结构的高阶振型, 产生较大的层间位移反应. 非速度脉冲型记录对中低层结构层间变形影响较大.因此, 在开展近断层结构地震影响评价时, 应考虑近断层速度脉冲的影响.  相似文献   
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