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以板块构造演化为基础,利用地震、地质等资料,再现南大西洋两岸共轭型被动陆缘盆地原型盆地形成演化过程。首次依据盆地结构差异及沉积充填特征,将研究区被动陆缘盆地进一步划分为“三段”“四类”;结合对已发现大油气田的解剖,搞清了每类盆地大油气田成藏规律,并分别建立了其大油气田成藏模式。认为两岸“三段”“四类”盆地都经过了早期陆内裂谷、过渡期陆间裂谷及漂移期被动陆缘三个原型阶段。南段为下伏裂谷层系比较发育的“断陷型”盆地,上覆坳陷沉积厚度较薄,仅作为区域盖层,形成“裂谷层系构造地层型”大油气田。中段为裂谷、坳陷层系都比较发育且过渡阶段有盐的“含盐断坳型”盆地,以过渡期陆间裂谷盐岩充填为特征,其上、下的漂移期海相及裂谷期湖相页岩均可形成有效烃源岩,海相页岩及盐岩分别作为优质盖层,形成了“盐下碳酸盐岩盐上重力流扇体型”大油气田。北段为裂谷层系分布范围小、坳陷沉积范围广且厚度大的“坳陷型”盆地,受 “窄”陆棚、“陡”陆坡控制,坳陷层系重力流扇体自始至终比较发育,源于坳陷层系下部海相页岩中的油气直接充注于本身内部裙边状分布的重力流复合扇体之中,形成“漂移期重力流扇体群型”大油气田。另外,研究区还发育尼日尔、福斯杜亚马逊、佩罗塔斯三个具有独特构造沉积特征的 “三角洲型”被动陆缘盆地,其特殊性体现在三角洲层系由于沉积速率极高,从陆向海形成生长断裂带-泥岩底辟带-逆冲断裂褶皱带-平缓斜坡带四大环状构造带。除了前三角洲层系可以作为有效烃源岩之外,本身也可以形成自生自储自盖型组合,形成独特的“四大环状构造带型”大油气田,即在由陆向海生长断裂带-泥岩底辟带-逆冲断裂褶皱带-平缓斜坡带四大环状构造带上都可以形成大油气田。  相似文献   
为了进一步理解人工引雷上行正先导的传播过程及相关的爆发式电磁辐射脉冲,本文分析了2014年8月23日山东沾化人工触发闪电实验(SHATLE)中获得的三次上行正先导通道含有明显向下传播过程的个例。结果表明,在初始连续电流阶段观测到的爆发式磁场脉冲极性反转现象与正先导头部发展方向相对于观测位置投影方向的变化密切相关。因此可以推断,爆发式磁场脉冲是由正先导头部较小空间尺度放电过程辐射出的,就本文分析的个例而言,爆发式磁场脉冲辐射源的放电尺度约为2 m,放电强度的最大值达到2.49 kA。爆发式磁场脉冲的辐射机制不同于人工引雷先导始发阶段初始脉冲电流产生的磁场脉冲的辐射机制,可能与正先导通道头部的梯级形式发展过程相关。  相似文献   
Tungsten isotope is a powerful tracer for the Earth’s accreting materials because of the distinct W isotope compositions of the non-carbonaceous meteorites and carbonaceous meteorites. To better understand the evolution of the early Earth, here we calculated the expected μ183W of the bulk silicate Earth for different assumed compositions of the proto-Earth’s mantle, the Moon-forming giant impactor, and the late veneer using a Monte Carlo approach. The result shows that the proto-Earth likely has a non-carbonaceous composition, while the carbonaceous chondrite-like materials were delivered to the Earth at the late stages of accretion. The predicted difference in μ183W values between the bulk silicate Earth and the non-carbonaceous meteorites of the scenarios assuming a pure carbonaceous composition for the giant impactor is slightly bigger than that of the scenarios assuming either a pure non-carbonaceous or a mixed carbonaceous-non-carbonaceous composition for the giant impactor (~5 ppm versus ~2 ppm). The ancient mantle reservoir that partially lacks the late veneer with carbonaceous composition should have a negative μ183W value (from ?3 to 0). Uncertainties introduced by the cosmogenic effects and mass-independent fractionation should be concerned during the high precision measurement of μ183W for meteorites and ancient terrestrial samples in further work.  相似文献   
双极性窄脉冲事件(NBE)是一类特殊的大气放电现象,能产生强甚低频/低频(VLF/LF)和甚高频(VHF)辐射。为了探索NBE发生的气象环境和放电特性,选出重庆双频段闪电定位网络在一次雷暴过程中观测到的608次正极性NBE(简称正NBE)和82次负极性NBE(简称负NBE),对比发生位置和辐射强度。结果表明:正NBE主要分布于7~15 km高度处,归一化到距离辐射源100 km处的VLF/LF电场变化峰值的平均值为13.4 V·m-1,平均VHF辐射功率为73.5 kW。负NBE主要发生在两个高度范围,72例负NBE分布于16~20 km高度,它们倾向于发生在30~35 dBZ回波顶高大于18 km的对流云顶及附近,其平均归一化VLF/LF电场变化峰值为42.7 V·m-1,平均VHF辐射功率为76.9 kW。10例负NBE分布于4~8 km高度,全部发生于对流核内部。其平均归一化的VLF/LF电场变化峰值为2.7 V·m-1,平均VHF辐射功率为18.2 kW。从统计结果看,在VLF/LF频段,上部负NBE的辐射强度普遍强于正NBE和下部负NBE;在VHF频段,上部负NBE的辐射强度与正NBE基本相当,大于下部负NBE;下部负NBE在两个频段的辐射通常弱于正NBE。  相似文献   
初论新疆超大型矿床成矿条件及找矿方向   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
陈哲夫 《新疆地质》2001,19(2):81-87
概述了新疆已知超大型矿床的地质特点、成矿特征和条件,分析了寻找大型、超大型矿床的成矿条件,主要类型,并就寻找大型、超大型矿床的主攻方向进行了初步预测。  相似文献   
We present the results of our simultaneous observations of giant pulses from the Crab pulsar B0531+21 at frequencies of 594 and 2228 MHz with a high (62.5 ns) time resolution. The pulse broadening by scattering was found to be 25 and 0.4 µs at 594 and 2228 MHz, respectively. We obtained the original giant-pulse profiles compensated for interstellar scattering. The measured profile widths at the two frequencies are approximately equal, ≈0.5 µs; i.e., the giant pulses are narrower than the integrated profile by a factor of about 1000. We detected an extremely high brightness temperature of radio emission, Tb≥1036 K radio emission, which is higher than the previous estimates of this parameter by five orders of magnitude. The decorrelation bandwidth of the radio-spectrum diffraction distortions has been determined for this pulsar for the first time: 10 kHz at 594 MHz and 300 kHz at 2228 MHz.  相似文献   
穆文平  王康  钱程  邢渊  王卓然  朱阁  武雄 《岩土力学》2016,37(3):802-812
青海上湾特大型老滑坡体是一个典型的多期次第四系上更新统黄土与新近系贵德群泥岩切层旋转滑坡,滑动面主要位于新近系贵德群泥岩内。在充分利用现场滑坡勘查和钻探试验所获取资料的基础上,通过对滑坡堆积物中的关键层(黄土状土和砾岩堆积物)与泥岩堆积物的空间位置组合关系的研究,以及对老滑坡体底滑面的形态和黄土状土顶部的淤泥(堰塞湖湖积物)的分析,确定了上湾特大型老滑坡体主要经历了两次规模较大的滑动。利用地下水动力学的理论,计算出两次滑动前的地下水位,并建立了分析滑坡变形与破坏机制的数值模型。综合区域新构造运动特点、地下水位的动态变化、新近系贵德群泥岩在饱水状态下力学强度显著下降的特征以及FLAC3D数值模拟结果,得出老滑坡体第1次滑动主要是由于河流下切作用引起,并给出了河流下切过程中坡体变形的3个阶段。第2次滑动是由于第1次滑动后,斜坡临空面变陡,坡脚剪应力进一步集中,且在其前缘形成一个堰塞湖,导致地下水位上升软化泥岩而发生的累进性牵引滑动。  相似文献   
We conduct the seismic signal analysis on vintage and recently collected multichannel seismic reflection profiles from the Ionian Basin to characterize the deep basin Messinian evaporites. These evaporites were deposited in deep and marginal Mediterranean sedimentary basins as a consequence of the “salinity crisis” between 5.97 and 5.33 Ma, a basin-wide oceanographic and ecological crisis whose origin remains poorly understood. The seismic markers of the Messinian evaporites in the deep Mediterranean basins can be divided in two end-members, one of which is the typical “trilogy” of gypsum and clastics (Lower Unit – LU), halite (Mobile Unit – MU) and upper anhydrite and marl layers (Upper Unit – UU) traced in the Western Mediterranean Basins. The other end-member is a single MU unit subdivided in seven sub-units by clastic interlayers located in the Levant Basin. The causes of these different seismic expressions of the Messinian salinity crisis (MSC) appear to be related to a morphological separation between the two basins by the structural regional sill of the Sicily Channel. With the aid of velocity analyses and seismic imaging via prestack migration in time and depth domains, we define for the first time the seismic signature of the Messinian evaporites in the deep Ionian Basin, which differs from the known end-members. In addition, we identify different evaporitic depositional settings suggesting a laterally discontinuous deposition. With the information gathered we quantify the volume of evaporitic deposits in the deep Ionian Basin as 500,000 km3 ± 10%. This figure allows us to speculate that the total volume of salts in the Mediterranean basin is larger than commonly assumed. Different depositional units in the Ionian Basin suggest that during the MSC it was separated from the Western Mediterranean by physical thresholds, from the Po Plain/Northern Adriatic Basin, and the Levant Basin, likely reflecting different hydrological and climatic conditions. Finally, the evidence of erosional surfaces and V-shaped valleys at the top of the MSC unit, together with sharp evaporites pinch out on evaporite-free pre-Messinian structural highs, suggest an extreme Messinian Stage 3 base level draw down in the Ionian Basin. Such evidence should be carefully evaluated in the light of Messinian and post-Messinian vertical crustal movements in the area. The results of this study demonstrates the importance of extracting from seismic data the Messinian paleotopography, the paleomorphology and the detailed stratal architecture in the in order to advance in the understanding of the deep basins Messinian depositional environments.  相似文献   
潘星  李维庆  翟亮  张志强  彭义 《测绘科学》2016,41(4):61-65,96
针对大熊猫栖息地近年来受逐渐频繁的人类活动和地震等自然灾害的影响,大熊猫的生存空间和活动范围呈现"破碎化""岛屿化"问题,该文提出了一种利用景观格局分析技术定量分析大熊猫栖息地的景观组分空间分布特征和景观功能的方法。通过采用景观生态学理论,选取四川喇叭河自然保护区为研究区域,基于2001、2007和2013年3期Landsat卫星影像,对研究区大熊猫栖息地景观类型开展动态监测;并通过选取计算景观指数,分析景观格局变化对大熊猫栖息地生态环境的影响。通过构建大熊猫运动阻力模型,利用GIS空间分析功能分析研究区自然生态对大熊猫物种基因交流的影响,从空间上对生态功能优化技术进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   
动高压物理在地球与行星科学研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
毕延  经福谦 《地学前缘》2005,12(1):79-92
综述了动高压物理应用于地球和行星科学研究中的一些最新进展,包括地球内部的物质组成与热力学状态,巨行星的物质组成模型,太阳系中的碰撞成坑与吸积相互作用等。依据铁的冲击波数据,结合其他热力学数据,可以得到一条统一的铁的熔化曲线,将动高压与静高压数据完全统一,初步解决了长期困扰高压界的动、静压关于铁的熔化温度存在系统偏差的诘难。外推到ICB处(330 GPa),铁的熔化温度(亦称锚定温度)约为(5 950±100) K。冲击Hugoniot 数据,结合地震学模型可以约束地幔与地核的物质组成。冲击压缩下钙钛矿型(Mg0 9,Fe0 1)SiO3的高压声速测量结果表明,1 770 km深度的不连续面不仅是一个相变界面而且是一个化学成分或矿物学分界面。低温可凝聚气体(H2、He)或冰(H2 O, CH4, CO2, NH3 和N2 )的冲击波数据,及Jeffrey 数等其他数据可以用来构建巨行星(如木星和土星)的物质组成模型。地球深部矿物的冲击温度测量可以用来研究它们的高压熔化行为,据此建立的高压相图可以为控制地幔对流的地幔物质的准静态蠕变提供约束条件。熔融硅酸盐在上地幔压力条件下的冲击压缩数据,可以约束地幔熔岩稳定存在的深度,在此深度地幔熔岩不会因固体围岩提供的浮力而向上运移到地表,从而在此深度形成稳定的低速带。冲击波数据在描写行?  相似文献   
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