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Intense mass loss occurs for low- and intermediate-mass stars on the asymptotic giant branch (AGB), and for the higher mass (≳8 M) stars during their red supergiant evolution. These winds affect the evolution of the stars profoundly, creates circumstellar envelopes of gas and dust, as well as enrich the interstellar medium with heavy elements and grain particles. The mass loss characteristics are well-studied, but the basic processes are still not understood in detail, and the mass-loss rate of an individual star cannot be derived from first principles. These objects also provide us with fascinating systems, in which intricate interplays between various physical and chemical processes take place, and their relative simplicity in terms of geometry, density distribution, and kinematics makes them excellent astrophysical laboratories. The review concentrates on the aspects of AGB stars and their mass loss which are of particular interest in connection with ALMA.  相似文献   
We investigate the first stage of the dynamical evolution of Oort cloud comets entering the planetary region for the first time. To this purpose, we integrate numerically the motions of a large number of fictitious comets pertaining to two samples, both with perihelion distances up to 5.7 au and random inclinations; the first sample is composed of comets whose orbits have at least one node close to 5.2 au, while the second is not subject to this constraint. We examine the orbits when the comets come to aphelion after their first perihelion passage within the planetary region, and find that there is a clear statistical dependence of the energy perturbations on the Tisserand parameter. There appear to be two main processes, of comparable importance, governing the shortening of semimajor axes to values of less than 1000 au, i.e. planetary close encounters, especially with Jupiter, and indirect perturbations due to the shifting of the motion from barycentric to heliocentric and back; the former process mostly affects comets crossing the ecliptic at about 5.2 au, or on low-inclination orbits, while the latter mostly affects comets of small perihelion distance. This last result may help to understand the relative paucity of Halley-type comets with perihelion distances larger than about 1.5 au.  相似文献   
巨鲕的产出时代多见于新元古代和早三叠世,而寒武纪的巨鲕却鲜见报道。近期,笔者在重庆石柱地区下寒武统天河板组中发现厚约35cm的透镜状巨鲕灰岩。在该层巨鲕灰岩中,巨鲕粒径一般为5~7mm,最大可达9mm,约占岩石组分的55%,与大量强烈重结晶的正常鲕粒伴生。钙质生物壳体较常见,颗粒间见亮晶方解石胶结物。研究区巨鲕最外圈纹层上常见蓝细菌化石,形成发育不完全的突起状“夭折的纹层”;巨鲕内的暗色纹层中亦见杂乱交错的、有一定重结晶的蓝细菌等微生物化石。故推测其为微生物成因形成的,且早寒武世频繁的强风暴背景和蓝细菌等微生物的积极参与是该层巨鲕形成的必备条件。  相似文献   
海南岛沿岸海域砗磲资源调查及保护前景展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
砗磲是珊瑚礁海域的重要贝类之一,对维护珊瑚礁生态系统平衡起着重要作用。然而,近年来海洋的大力开发和利用给我国沿海砗磲资源造成严重威胁。本研究通过截线样带法对海南岛沿岸海域砗磲的种类和分布进行实地调查,结果表明,海南岛沿岸海域砗磲覆盖度呈现南北差异,东南沿岸海域砗磲覆盖度明显高于西北沿岸海域,这种差异可能是由自然因素和人为因素共同造成。调查海域共发现3种砗磲:诺亚砗磲(Tridacna noae)最多,占砗磲样品总数的58.6%;其次是番红砗磲(T. crocea),占34.3%;鳞砗磲(T. squamosa)最少,仅占7.1%。海洋管理部门应该加强对砗磲多样性的保护力度,合理开发和可持续利用并重,从而有效保护砗磲、珊瑚礁乃至海洋生态系统。  相似文献   
Planetary impact craters have a high degree of radial symmetry. This hampers efforts to identify the azimuthal impact direction for most craters – the radially symmetric component of an impact crater swamps any asymmetries that may be present. We demonstrate how the asymmetric component can be isolated and the direction of the asymmetries quantified using a two-dimensional eigenfunction expansion over a circular domain. The complex coefficients of expansion describe the magnitude and phase (angular alignment) of each term. From the analysis of hypervelocity impact craters formed in the laboratory, with impact angles ranging from 0° to 50° from the surface normal, we show that asymmetries which reveal the impact direction are still present at just 10° from the surface normal, and that the phase of one complex coefficient of expansion, c 11, indicates the impact direction. Analysis of the lunar crater Hadley shows bilateral symmetry in the radially asymmetric component, which may be due to oblique impact. The 31-km lunar ray crater Kepler has morphological features that indicate the azimuthal impact direction. Coefficient c 11 gives an azimuthal impact direction similar to that expected from the morphology, although post-impact gravitational collapse and slumping obscure the result to some degree. Ray craters may provide a means of testing the method for smaller 'simple' craters when data are available.  相似文献   
Our polarimetric database contains six comets, C/1975 V1 (West), 16P/Brooks 2,C/1988 A1 (Liller), D/1996 Q1 (Tabur), C/1999 S4 (LINEAR), and C/2001 A2(LINEAR), which can be related to the group of split comets. Comets West, S4(LINEAR) and A2 (LINEAR) were observed during splitting. We compare thepolarimetric measurements of the dust particles in these comets, sometimes togetherwith available photometric and colorimetric data, with those in normal comets. Weconclude that there is no significant evidence for differences of polarization betweentidally split comets (e.g., Brooks 2), dissipating comets (e.g., Tabur), non-tidally splitcomets (e.g., West) and normal comets. The total disintegration of Comet S4 (LINEAR), however, did produce significant changes in the observed properties of dust.  相似文献   
High dispersion photographic spectra of three Leonid and five Perseid meteors are used to derive relative abundances of nine chemical elements in the radiating meteoric vapors and in the meteoroids. Al and Ca were found to be incompletely evaporated in the main spectral component at 5000 K but completely evaporated in the second component at 10,000 K. Si lines are present in both components which enhances the reliability of determination of the Si abundance. The composition of the meteoroids was found to be more similar to comet Halley than to chondritic meteoroids. Fe, Cr, and Mn are depleted and Si, Na, and H are enhanced relative to Mg in comparison with CI chondrites.  相似文献   
We introduce a model for integrating the effects of Galactic tides on Oort cloud comets, which involves two procedures, according to the values of the osculating semi-major axis a and eccentricity e. Ten simulations of the dynamics of 106 comets over 5 Gyr are performed using this model. We thus investigate the long-term effects of the Galactic tide with and without a radial component, the effects of the local density of the Galactic disk, and those of the Oort constants. Most of the results may be understood in terms of the integrability or non-integrability of the system. For an integrable system, which occurs for moderate semi-major axes with or without radial component, the dynamics is explained by periodic variation of the cometary perihelion, inducing the depletion of the outer region of the Oort cloud, a constant flux from the inner region after 500 Myr, and the quick formation of a reservoir of comets with argument of perihelion near 26.6°. When the system is non-integrable, the efficiency of the tide in reducing the cometary perihelion distance is enhanced both by replenishing the Oort cloud domain from which comets are sent toward the planetary system, and by reducing the minimal value that the perihelion distance may reach. No effects of varying the Oort constants were observed, showing that the flat rotation curve is a satisfactory approximation in Oort cloud dynamics.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to provide the first detailed data concerning the diet and feeding activity of the giant red shrimp, Aristaeomorpha foliacea, in the Eastern Ionian Sea (Eastern Mediterranean), in relation to season, size class and sex. Feeding activity in A. foliacea was intense, based on its low vacuity index and high prey diversity, with a diet dominated by mesopelagic prey and less frequent occurrence of benthic taxa. Giant red shrimp displayed a highly diversified diet that exhibited slight seasonal fluctuations. The diets of both sexes consisted of 60 different prey categories belonging chiefly to three groups: crustaceans (e.g. decapods, such as Plesionika spp. and Pasiphaeidae, amphipods), cephalopods (mainly Enoploteuthidae) and fishes (Myctophidae, Macrouridae). These three prey categories accounted for 72–82% of the relative abundance and total occurrence for males and 70–88% for females, respectively. Variation in food availability, as well as increased energy demands related to gonad development and breeding activity, appear to be critical factors driving temporal changes in feeding strategy. Feeding activity increased during spring and summer, which coincides with reproductive activities (mating, gonad maturation, egg‐laying). Females seem to be more active predators than males, consuming prey with greater swimming ability. However, ontogenetic shifts in diet were also apparent, despite high dietary overlap among small, medium and large females. Large individuals, which are more efficient predators, selected highly mobile prey (e.g. fishes), whereas small individuals consumed low‐mobility prey (e.g. copepods, ostracods, tanaids and sipunculans).  相似文献   
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