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We propose a scheme to classify planetary nebulae (PNe) according to their departure from axisymmetric structure. We consider only departure along and near the equatorial plane, i.e. between the two sides perpendicular to the symmetry axis of the nebula. We consider six types of departure from axisymmetry: (1) PNe where the central star is not at the centre of the nebula; (2) PNe having one side brighter than the other; (3) PNe having unequal size or shape of the two sides; (4) PNe where the symmetry axis is bent, e.g. the two lobes in a bipolar PN are bent toward the same side; (5) PNe where the main departure from axisymmetry is in the outer regions, e.g. an outer arc; and (6) PNe that show no departure from axisymmetry, i.e. any departure, if it exists, is on scales smaller than the scale of blobs, filaments and other irregularities in the nebula. PNe that possess more than one type of departure are classified by the most prominent type. We discuss the connection between departure types and the physical mechanisms that may cause them, mainly resulting from the influence of a stellar binary companion. We find that ∼50 per cent of all PNe in the analysed sample possess large-scale departure from axisymmetry. This number is larger than that expected from the influence of binary companions, namely ∼25–30 per cent. We argue that this discrepancy comes from many PNe where the departure from axisymmetry, mainly unequal size, shape or intensity, results from the presence of long-lived and large (hot or cool) spots on the surface of their asymptotic giant branch progenitors. Such spots locally enhance the mass-loss rate, leading to a departure from axisymmetry, mainly near the equator, in the descendent PN.  相似文献   
We calculate the expected mid-infrared (MIR) molecular hydrogen line emission from the first objects in the Universe. As a result of their low masses, the stellar feedback from massive stars is able to blow away their gas content and collect it into a cooling shell where H2 rapidly forms and IR roto-vibrational (as for example the rest-frame 2.12 μm) lines carry away a large fraction (up to 10 per cent) of the explosion energy. The fluxes from these sources are in the range 10−21–10−17 erg s−1 cm−2 . The highest number counts are expected in the 20-μm band, where about 105 sources deg−2 are predicted at the limiting flux of 3×10−18 erg s−1 cm−2. Among the planned observational facilities, we find that the best detection perspectives are offered by the Next Generation Space Telescope ( NGST ), which should be able to reveal about 200 first objects in one hour observation time at its limiting flux in the above band. Therefore, mid-IR instruments appear to represent perfect tools to trace star formation and stellar feedback in the high ( z ≳5) redshift Universe.  相似文献   
The recent detection of a transient absorption feature in the X-ray prompt emission of GRB 990705 showed the importance of such observations in the understanding of gamma-ray bursts and their progenitors. We investigate the time dependence of photoionization edges during the prompt emission of bursts in different environments. We show that their variability can be used to infer the density and geometry of the surrounding medium, giving important clues to unveil the nature of the burst progenitor.  相似文献   
Calculations are made of the resonance contribution to electron-impact excitation of H-like 13C and Li-like 23Na, 25Mg, 27Al and 29Si to the upper hyperfine levels that produce millimetre (mm) lines of likely astrophysical interest. The resonance contribution is found to be very important for these Li-like ions, considerably more important than for Li-like 57Fe considered previously. However, resonances are found to be rather unimportant for H-like 13C. The effect of radiative decay on the resonance contribution is found to be insignificant in all of the present calculations.  相似文献   
A model is proposed for the formation of water ice mantles on grains in interstellar clouds. This occurs by direct accretion of monomers from the gas, be they formed by gas or surface reactions. The formation of the first monolayer requires a minimum extinction of interstellar radiation, sufficient to lower the grain temperature to the point where thermal evaporation of monomers is just offset by monomer accretion from the gas. This threshold is mainly determined by the adsorption energy of water molecules on the grain material; for hydrocarbon material, chemical simulation places this energy between 0.5 and 2 kcal mol−1, which sets the (true) visible extinction threshold at a few magnitudes. However, realistic distributions of matter in a cloud will usually add to this an unrelated amount of cloud core extinction, which can explain the large dispersion of observed (apparent) thresholds. Once the threshold is crossed, all available water molecules in the gas are quickly adsorbed, because the grain cools down and the adsorption energy on ice is higher than on bare grain. The relative thickness of the mantle, and, hence, the slope of  τ3( A v)  depend only on the available water vapour, which is a small fraction of the oxygen abundance. Chemical simulation was also used to determine the adsorption sites and energies of O and OH on hydrocarbons and study the dynamics of formation of water molecules by surface reactions with gaseous H atoms, as well as their chances to stick in situ.  相似文献   
We have studied the effects of a hypothetical initial generation containing very massive stars [   M > 100 M  , pair-creation supernovae] on the chemical and photometric evolution of elliptical galaxies. To this purpose, we have computed the evolution of a typical elliptical galaxy with luminous mass of the order of  1011 M  and adopted chemical evolution models already tested to reproduce the main features of ellipticals. We have tested several sets of yields for very massive zero-metallicity stars: these stars should produce quite different amounts of heavy elements than lower-mass stars. We found that the effects of Population III stars on the chemical enrichment is negligible if only one or two generations of such stars occurred, whereas they produce quite different results from the standard models if they continuously formed for a period not shorter than 0.1 Gyr. In this case, the results are at variance with the main observational constraints of ellipticals such as the average  [〈α/ Fe〉*]  ratio in stars and the integrated colours. Therefore, we conclude that if Population III stars ever existed they must have been present for a very short period of time and their effects on the following evolution of the parent galaxy must have been negligible. This effect is minimum if a more realistic model with initial infall of gas rather than the classic monolithic model is adopted. Ultimately, we conclude that there is no need to invoke a generation of very massive stars in ellipticals to explain their chemical and photometric properties.  相似文献   
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