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R. Wachter  J. Schou 《Solar physics》2009,258(2):331-341
We present a method to infer small-scale flatfields for imaging solar instruments using only regular-observation intensity images with a fixed field of view. The method is related to the flatfielding method developed by Kuhn, Lin, and Loranz (Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac. 103, 1097 – 1108, 1991), but does not require image offsets. Instead, it takes advantage of the fact that the solar image is changing in the CCD reference frame due to solar rotation. We apply the method to data sets of MDI filtergrams and compare the results to flat fields derived with other methods. Finally, we discuss the planned implementation of this method in the data processing for Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager on the Solar Dynamics Observatory.  相似文献   
We have used the University of Tasmania's 30-m radio telescope at Ceduna in South Australia to regularly monitor the flux density of a number of southern blazars. We report the detection of an annual cycle in the variability time-scale of the centimetre radio emission of PKS B1622−253. Observations of PKS B1519−273 over a period of nearly 2 yr confirm the presence of an annual cycle in the variability time-scale in that source. These observations prove that interstellar scintillation is the principal cause of inter-day variability at radio wavelengths in these sources. The best-fitting annual cycle model for both sources implies a high degree of anisotropy in the scattering screen and that it has a large velocity offset with respect to the local standard of rest. This is consistent with a greater screen distance for these 'slow' intra-day variability (IDV) sources than for rapid scintillators such as PKS B0405−385 or J1819+3845.  相似文献   
Interferometry in the optical and near infrared has so far played a marginal role in Extragalactic Astronomy. Active Galactic Nuclei are the brightest and most compact extragalactic sources, nonetheless only a very limited number could be studied with speckle interferometry and none with long baseline interferometry. The VLTI will allow the study of moderately faint extragalactic objects with very high spatial resolution thus opening a new window on the universe. With this paper we focus on three scientific cases to show how AMBER and MIDI can be used to tackle open issues in extragalactic astronomy. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Emission-line regions in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and other photoionized nebulae should become larger in size when the ionizing luminosity increases. This 'breathing' effect is observed for the Hβ emission in NGC 5548 by using Hβ and optical continuum light curves from the 13-yr (1989–2001) AGN Watch monitoring campaign. To model the breathing, we use two methods to fit the observed light curves in detail: (i) parametrized models and, (ii) the memecho reverberation-mapping code. Our models assume that optical continuum variations track the ionizing radiation, and that the Hβ variations respond with time-delays τ due to light travel-time. By fitting the data using a delay-map  Ψ(τ, F c)  that is allowed to change with continuum flux F c, we find that the strength of the Hβ response decreases and the time-delay increases with ionizing luminosity. The parametrized breathing models allow the time-delay and the Hβ flux to depend on the continuum flux so that,  τ∝ F βc  and   F ∝ F αc  . Our fits give  0.1 < β < 0.46  and  0.57 < α < 0.66. α  is consistent with previous work by Gilbert and Peterson, and Goad, Korista and Knigge. Although we find β to be flatter than previously determined by Peterson et al. using cross-correlation methods, it is closer to the predicted values from recent theoretical work by Korista and Goad.  相似文献   
Results of a survey of instrumentation and detector systems, either currently deployed or planned for use at telescopes larger than 3.5 m, in ground based observatories world-wide, are presented. This survey revealed a number of instrumentation design trends at optical, near, and mid-infrared wavelengths. Some of the most prominent trends include the development of vastly larger optical detector systems (> 109 pixels) than anything built to date, and the frequent use of mosaics of near-infrared detectors – something that was quite rare only a decade ago in astronomy. Some future science applications for detectors are then explored, in an attempt to build a bridge between current detectors and what will be needed to support the research ambitions of astronomers in the future.  相似文献   
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