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FeⅡ发射线是活动星系核光谱从紫外到光学波段的一个重要特征,其不仅与活动星系核的一些基本物理问题紧密相关,而且在宇宙学上有着重要的应用。虽然对FeⅡ发射线的观测和理论研究已有好几十年,但许多问题仍未有定论。主要对FeⅡ发射线近年的研究进展进行综述,包括其与本征向量Ⅰ的关系、它的起源、激发机制、发射区的运动学特征及在宇宙学中的应用等几方面,并指出了一些研究方向。  相似文献   
The Antarctic astronomical telescopes work chronically on the top of the unattended South Pole, and they have only one chance to maintain every year. Due to the complexity of the optical, mechanical, and electrical systems, the telescopes are hard to be maintained and need versatile expedition teams, which means that an excessive awareness is essential for the reliability of the Antarctic telescopes. Based on the fault mechanism and fault mode of the main-axis control system for the Antarctic equatorial astronomical telescope AST3-3 (Antarctic Schmidt Telescope 3-3), the method of fault tree analysis is introduced in this article, and we obtain the importance degree of the top event from the importance degree of the bottom event structure. From the above result, the hidden problems and weak links of the system can be effectively found out, which will indicate the direction for improving the stability of the system and optimizing the design of the system.  相似文献   
以声发射估计岩石试样先存应力的新方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用声发射话动的凯塞(Kaiser)效应测定岩石先存最大应力已成为声发射技术的重要应用领域。目前,判断岩石凯塞效应对应应力的方法仍被重视。作者在研究岩石在单轴压缩条件下的声发射话动时发现:除了通过凯塞效应可测定岩石的先存最大应力之外,还可根据重复加载时声发射话动的某些特点推断出加载前的先存最大应力,从而进一步验证和提高了利用凯塞效应测定先存最大应力的可靠性。重复加载时声发射话动在一定技术条件下会出现这样的特点:在应力达到第一次加载的最大应力值时出现凯塞效应;而在此之前,当应力达到加载前岩石的先存最大应力值时,声发射话动相对其前后有所特殊。作者认为,这种现象可能反映了材料对先前经历过的损伤的记忆能力。本文初步探讨了这一现象的物理基础。  相似文献   
介绍使用10m天线上21cm波段ms级连续快速记录系统,观测到分米波太阳射电快速活动的几种形态、特征、尖峰辐射及其共生现象。  相似文献   
The Effelsberg‐Bonn H I survey (EBHIS) comprises an all‐sky survey north of Dec = –5° of the Milky Way and the local volume out to a red‐shift of z ≃ 0.07. Using state of the art Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) spectrometers it is feasible to cover the 100 MHz bandwidth with 16.384 spectral channels. High speed storage of H I spectra allows us to minimize the degradation by Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) signals. Regular EBHIS survey observations started during the winter season 2008/2009 after extensive system evaluation and verification tests. Until today, we surveyed about 8000 square degrees, focusing during the first all‐sky coverage of the Sloan‐Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) area and the northern extension of the Magellanic stream. The first whole sky coverage will be finished in 2011. Already this first coverage will reach the same sensitivity level as the Parkes Milky Way (GASS) and extragalactic surveys (HIPASS). EBHIS data will be calibrated, stray‐radiation corrected and freely accessible for the scientific community via a webinterface. In this paper we demonstrate the scientific data quality and explore the expected harvest of this new all‐sky survey (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
水库近岸湿地(消落带)土壤N2O释放和反硝化作用是消落带氮的生物地球化学过程的重要组成部分.以三峡水库支流澎溪河高阳平湖库湾消落带为研究对象,于2013年落干初期,采用C2H2抑制-原状土柱培养法研究该处自然植被恢复区、农耕区和对照组等不同土地类型土壤的N2O释放速率和反硝化速率,并测定了土壤p H值、氧化还原电位、温度、有机质、总氮、铵态氮、硝态氮和土壤孔隙含水量等环境指标.结果表明,自然植被恢复区土壤N2O释放速率为9.88±6.49 g N/(hm2·d),反硝化速率为58.94±52.84 g N/(hm2·d);农耕区土壤N2O释放速率和反硝化速率分别为7.71±4.44和30.70±25.68 g N/(hm2·d).不同土地类型间N2O释放速率差异显著,落干初期土壤氧含量、含水量及氮含量对不同土地类型N2O释放和反硝化作用影响明显.土壤氧含量的升高促进了自然植被恢复区的N2O释放,并在一定程度上抑制了该区域反硝化作用.农耕区土壤含水量高于自然植被恢复区,可能致使N2O释放速率低于自然植被恢复区,而反硝化速率高于自然植被恢复区.消落带土壤氮含量降低同反硝化速率降低有一定联系.  相似文献   
Representation of dust sources remains a key challenge in quantifying the dust cycle and its environmental and climatic impacts. Direct measurements of dust fluxes from different landform types are useful in understanding the nature of dust emission and characterizing the dynamics of soil erodibility. In this study we used the PI-SWERL® instrument over a seasonal cycle to quantify the potential for PM10 (particles with diameter ≤10 μm) emission from several typical landform types across the Tengger Desert and Mu Us Sandy Land, northern China. Our results indicate that sparse grasslands and coppice dunes showed relatively high emission potentials, with emitted fluxes ranging from 10−1 to 101 mg m−2 s−1. These values were up to five times those emitted from sand dunes, and one to two orders of magnitude greater than the emissions from dry lake beds, stone pavements and dense grasslands. Generally, PM10 emission fluxes were seen to peak in the spring months, with significant reductions in summer and autumn (by up to 95%), and in winter (by up to 98%). Variations in soil moisture were likely a primary controlling factor responsible for this seasonality in PM10 emission. Our data provide a relative quantification of differences in dust emission potential from several key landform types. Such data allow for the evaluation of current dust source schemes proposed by prior researchers. Moreover, our data will allow improvements in properly characterizing the erodibility of dust source regions and hence refine the parameterization of dust emission in climate models. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
孙赫  徐晶  邵志刚 《地震》2017,37(2):78-85
本文利用107景L波段2007年至2011年的ALOS/PALSAR卫星影像, 采用干涉图堆叠技术, 基于GAMMA软件, 利用影像数据公共区域的均值统计校正, 首次获取海原—老虎山—毛毛山断裂带整体地区的平均地壳形变速度场, 将大范围形变结果进行统一表达。 沿断层方向形变结果表明, 断裂带两侧存在明显差异运动, 断层的运动性质为左旋, 其中毛毛山-老虎山段的差异运动比较显著, 在震情跟踪工作中要给予重视。 另外, 结合研究区域内长期GPS水平速度场, 从多角度研究了区域现今地壳运动的特征。  相似文献   
利用高空间分辨率的12CO(1-0)、13CO(1-0)、12CO(3-2)、12CO(6-5)、HCN(3-2)、\lk HCN(4-3)、 HCO+(3-2)和HCO+(4-3)分子谱线的ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/ submillimeter Array)归档数据, 来研究近邻亮红外星系NGC 1614的分子气体性质, 尤其是致密分子气体的性质. 在高分辨率分子气体谱线的积分强度图中, 在星系中心区域($<$ 1kpc)可以看到环状结构, 分子气体主要分布于星系中心区域, 核区分子气体含量较少. 12CO(1-0)显示出向南部、 北部以及东南部的延展结构, 高阶的CO ($J \ge$ 3, J为转振能级量子数)分子谱线和致密分子HCN、HCO+谱线显示, 较致密的分子气体主要集中于星系中心区域. HCN(4-3)/12CO(1-0)和HCN+(4-3)/12CO(1-0)积分强度比值图显示, 致密分子气体主要集中于中心区域的环状结构上. HCN/HCO+强度比值的分布变化表明星暴环的不同区域可能具有不同的激发条件. HCN/HCO+(4-3)强度比值分布在环的东、西部(sim0.44 pm 0.04)高于环的南、北部(sim0.35 pm 0.03). HCN/HCO+(3-2)强度比值较高的区域(sim0.38 pm 0.04)分布在HCN(3-2)峰值位置, 而环的西北、东南部强度比值相对较低(sim0.3 pm 0.03). 对于中心不同区域 HCN/HCO+比值变化的原因进行了讨论.  相似文献   
马兵  陈玲  吴德金 《天文学报》2023,(3):35-233
与太阳射电爆发相比,通常认为频率较低的行星际射电爆发产生于远离低日冕的行星际空间.地球电离层的截止导致地基设备无法对其进行观测.美国国家航空航天局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA)发射的帕克太阳探测器(Parker Solar Probe, PSP)是迄今为止距离太阳最近的空间探测器.其搭载的射电频谱仪能够对10 k Hz–19.17 MHz频段范围内的射电辐射进行观测. PSP能够靠近甚至可能穿越行星际III型射电爆发的辐射源区,因此使用PSP对行星际射电爆发进行观测具有前所未有的优势.简要介绍了目前为止使用PSP的射电观测数据对行星际III型射电爆发的多方面研究,包括爆发的发生率、偏振、散射、截止频率、可能的辐射机制和相关的辐射源区等方面的研究进展,并讨论了其未来的研究前景.  相似文献   
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