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Hydrothermal dolomite commonly closely associates with oil-gas reservoirs and sediment-hosted Pb-Zn deposits, the Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) Pb-Zn deposits in particular. Host rocks of MVT deposits usually experienced extensive dolomitization, and indeed, hydrothermal dolomite is considered as a useful prospective indicator for MVT mineralization. However, genetic link between the hydrothermal dolomitization and MVT Pb-Zn mineralization is a matter of debate. This paper briefly reviewed the nomenclature and research history of hydrothermal dolomite, introduced the major geological, geochemical characteristics, and distribution of hydrothermal dolomite, spatial and possibly genetic relationship between hdyrothermal dolomite and hdyrothermal ore deposits and oil-gas reservoirs based on case studies including the occurrence of hydrothermal dolomites in MVT deposits in Southwest China. The temporal and genetic relationships between dolomitizaiton and thermal sulfate reduction, sulfide precipitation and thus the location of ore mineralization well worthy more attention, and comprehensive geological and isotope geochemical and state of art in situ techniques will contribute to understanding of the genesis of hydrotherml dolomite and the spatially related ore deposits and oil-gas reservoirs. © 2018, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   
川东及邻区上二叠统生物礁的白云岩化   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
雷卞军  强子同 《地质论评》1994,40(6):534-543
白云岩化是川东及邻区上二叠统礁体的重要成岩事件。根据矿物岩石学、X光衍射、流体包裹体、碳氧稳定同位素、微量元素及阴极发光等项目的研究,笔者认为,礁体白云岩主要是埋藏交代成因,礁顶有少量微-粉晶白云岩为潮坪成因。本文着重讨论礁体围岩为生屑灰岩的埋藏压实流体白云岩化模式,简述礁控白云岩储集特征及其成因。在此研究基础上,提出了一个白云石结构成因分类方案。  相似文献   
对塔里木盆地钻遇寒武系白云岩的塔深1等井的岩芯观察发现埋深超过8000m的深层寒武系白云岩中仍发育有丰富的几毫米至几厘米大小的地表岩溶作用形成的溶蚀孔洞。塔深1井测井曲线的突变反映出了多个寒武系沉积间断(暴露)面的存在;但塔深1井附近寒武系地震剖面同相轴连续性较好,没有明显的角度不整合接触。测井和地震特征表明了寒武系白云岩岩溶作用发生在同生或准同生期,是由于相对海平面下降造成的暴露作用,而没有发生强烈的构造抬升。塔深1等井寒武系白云岩溶蚀孔洞中常见有白云石、石英等矿物的充填。充填白云石具有弯曲晶面和波状消光的特征。白云石中流体包裹体均一温度主峰区间110~130℃,没有随深度增加而增加的特点。与基质白云岩相比,充填白云石具有相对较低的Na、K和Sr的含量以及相对较高的Fe、Mn和Ba含量。在同位素组成上,充填白云石具有相对较轻的氧同位素组成和较高的n(87Sr)/n(86Sr)比值;其氧同位素δ18OPDB的变化范围为-11.62‰~-5.13‰,平均为-8.00‰,锶同位素n(87Sr)/n(86Sr)比值变化范围为0.709361~0.709978,平均为0.709590。上述特征表明了白云石等的充填作用与深部热液活动有关。受深部热液作用强度的限制,寒武系白云岩中已有的岩溶型孔隙并没有被完全充填破坏,仍有较多的储集空间得以保存下来。  相似文献   
贵州绥阳双河洞国家地质公园洞穴基本特征及成因探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
106地质大队于1959~1960年曾对双河洞石膏矿进行过地质勘查。1986年~2006年4月,先后有中、法、日等国专家19次进双河洞考察,初步查明了该洞总长度为105.7km,是亚洲第二长洞,在世界上排名第16位。该洞不仅规模宏大,网络复杂,且有一定数量的次生淋滤型石膏矿分布,成为国内外罕见的独特洞穴景观。双河洞自2004年荣获国家地质公园称号以来,已引起国内外专家的广泛关注。该洞的形成,与该区域大范围内下寒武统清虚洞组上部至中寒武统平井组下部白云岩中,含大量硬石膏层有着密切的成因联系。  相似文献   
利用矿物成分特征、化学成分特征、矿石类型、热学性质特征及坡缕石矿成因等分析方法,对贵州大方县坡缕石进行研究,将坡缕石分为3种类型:Ⅰ型为薄至中厚板片状纤维坡缕石,Ⅱ型为薄-中厚层浸染状坡缕石,Ⅲ型为角砾状粘土状坡缕石。前两种类型坡缕石的SiO2,Al2O3质量分数(平均为54.74%,12.15%)低于苏皖地区龙王山-嘉山等地凹凸棒石;据纤维状坡缕石、浸染状坡缕石的晶体化学特征等分析认为属热液成因类型。纤维状坡缕石热学特征表明主要含吸附水、配位结晶水和沸石水,红外光谱中各频率段吸收峰形态及特征,证明了其所含水类型及结晶程度,并表现出热液型坡缕石谱线特征。  相似文献   
Upper Cretaceous phosphorite beds of the Duwi Formation, Upper Egypt, are intercalated with limestone, sandy limestone, marl, calcareous shales, and calcareous sandstone. Calcareous intercalations were subjected to field and detailed petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical investigations in order to constrain their rock composition and origin. Mineralogically, dolomite, calcite, quartz, francolite and feldspars are the non-clay minerals. Smectite, kaolinite and illite represent the clay minerals. Major and trace elements can be classified as the detrital and carbonate fractions based on their sources. The detrital fraction includes the elements that are derived from detrital sources, mainly clay minerals and quartz, such as Si, Al, Fe, Ti, K, Ba, V, Ni, Co, Cr, Zn, Cu, Zr, and Mo. The carbonate fraction includes the elements that are derived from carbonates, maily calcite and dolomite, such as Ca, Mg and Sr. Dolomite occurs as being dense, uniform, mosaic, very fine-to-fine, non-ferroan, and non-stoichiometrical, suggesting its early diagenetic formation in a near-shore oxidizing shallow marine environment. The close association and positive correlation between dolomite and smectite indicates the role of clay minerals in the formation of dolomite as a source of Mg^2+ -rich solutions. Calcareous rocks were deposited in marine, oxidizing and weakly alkaline conditions, marking a semi-arid climatic period. The calcareous/argillaceous alternations are due to oscillations in clay/carbonate ratio.  相似文献   
红果寺炼镁用白去是北京地区普查评价的第二个炼镁用白云岩矿床。矿体呈层状,单斜构造,赋存于雾迷山组三段地层中,出露较高,位于侵蚀基准面之上,适于露采。该矿的发现法区在北京地区此类矿产的勘查和白云岩的深层次开发利用,具一定意义。  相似文献   
通过对柯平-巴楚早古生代碳酸盐岩露头样品的染色薄片鉴定、阴极发光研究和微量元素测定及分析,根据其结构成因特征把研究区白云岩分为8种类型:(1)微-粉晶白云石;(2)具原生灰岩残余结构白云石;(3)细晶直面自形-半自形漂浮基质白云石;(4)细晶直面半自形-自形白云石;(5)中-粗晶曲面他形白云石;(6)中晶直面自形-半自形白云石胶结物;(7)粗晶曲面鞍形白云石基质,和(8)粗晶曲面鞍形白云石胶结物。样品微量元素地球化学的总体特征是轻稀土富集,重稀土亏损,不同样品的特征变化元素不同。鞍形白云石Eu正异常最高说明受到热液作用的影响。方解石的Ce/Ce*的值大于1,说明受到后期陆源碎屑影响比较大,而白云岩的Ce/Ce*的值都小于1,说明是幔源成因的。(La/Ce)N和(La/Yb)N比值亦进一步证明上述结论。鞍形白云石的Sr含量较低,Ba元素含量高,说明在成岩流体作用过程中Sr丢失,Ba富集说明是热液成因的鞍形白云岩。样品Sr/Ba比值均大于1,说明受到不同程度热液作用影响。U/Th比值也证明受到不同程度的热液改造。  相似文献   
通过对辽东二户来地区已发现矿床中各代表性钻孔资料进行连井对比分析,总结出该地区滑石矿成矿因素主要有3个方面:1)成矿母岩为古元古界大石桥组(Pt1d)白云石大理岩和含硅白云质大理岩;2)成矿热液来自燕山期侵入的硅酸盐热液;3)控制矿体形态、产状和空间分布特征的主导因素为受区域东西向构造影响而产生的层间裂隙、断裂破碎带.并根据对其成矿特征的研究,预测找矿远景靶区.  相似文献   
Hydrothermal Dolomite (HTD) is present in the Upper Sinian (Upper Proterozoic) Dengying Formation, east Sichuan Basin, China. The strata are comprised by primary dolomite. The HTD has various textures, including zebra dolomite, subhorizontal sheet-like cavities filled by saddle dolomite and breccias cemented by saddle dolomites as well occur as a fill of veins and fractures. Also co-occur MVT type lead-zinc ores in the study area. The δ13C and δ18O isotopes of HTD in the Upper Sinian Dengying Formation are lighter than those of the host rocks, while STSr/86Sr is higher. The apparent difference in carbon, oxygen and strontium isotopes, especially the large difference in S7Sr/S6Sr isotopes ratio indicate crystallization from hot basinal and/or hydrothermal fluids. Saddle dolomite was precipitated at temperatures of 270-320℃. The diagenetic parasequences of mineral assemblage deposited in the Dengying Formation are: (1) dolomite host rock →sphalerite-galena-barite-fluorite; (2) dolomite host rock →saddle dolomite →quartz; (3) dolomite host rock →saddle dolomite→bitumen; (4) dolomite host rock →saddle dolomite →barite. The mean chemical composition of the host dolomite matrix and HTD didn't change much during hydrothermal process. The fluids forming the HTDs in the Dengying Formation were mixtures of freshwater from the unconformity at the top of Sinian, fluids from diagenetic compaction and hydrocarbon generation & expulsion from the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation mudstones or the Doushantuo Formation silty mudstones, and hydrothermal fluids from the basement. The hydrocarbon reservoirs associated with the HTD were mostly controlled by the basement faults and fractures and karsting processes at the unconformity separating Sinian and Cambrian strata. The hydrocarbon storage spaces of HTD included dissolved cavities and intercrystalline pores. Dissolution cavities are extensive at the top of Dengying Formation, up to about 46m below the unconformity between Sinian an  相似文献   
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