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贵州施秉白云岩溶蚀特性及孔隙特征实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以贵州施秉白云岩为研究对象,从宏观和微观角度分析白云岩的溶蚀特性及孔隙特征,结果显示:(1)在众多影响施秉喀斯特发育的因素中,矿物成分是最基本的内因,水是最关键的外因,孔隙结构起辅助作用。(2)极细晶白云岩的单位表面积溶蚀量一般大于细晶白云岩的,在晶粒相同的情况下,白云岩的溶蚀量与Ca O和Mg O的含量分别成正比,且Mg O的含量影响较Ca O大。(3)施秉白云岩溶蚀速率不仅受岩石矿物颗粒粒径大小的控制,还受岩石内部孔隙结构特征的影响,颗粒粒径越大,孔隙度越高,连通性越好,越有利于水溶液进入,溶蚀量也就越大。(4)施秉白云岩的溶蚀特性是多种因素综合作用的结果,必须把各个因素分离开来,从宏观和微观角度逐个作详细的分析研究,然后综合起来,才能对喀斯特发育规律有更深入的了解。  相似文献   
This article presents a research study of complex limestone karst engineering-geological conditions in the municipality Valaská near Banská Bystrica in Slovakia. The aim of the study is to demonstrate the impossibility of spatial identification of cave spaces using surface geophysical methods due to the specific engineering-geological conditions of a thick surface layer of anthropogenic fill containing highly heterogeneous anthropogenic material. Its maximum thickness is 3 m. Another specificific condition of the study area is its location in the built-up area, due to which the applicability of geophysical methods was limited. The article contains methodological recommendations to be used in analogous geological conditions with karst structures topped with anthropogenic fill, which complicates the identification of cave spaces. The recommended solution herein is the identification of the cave system using underground mapping of the karst and its projection onto the surface for which surface geophysical methods have been combined.  相似文献   
基于热力学平衡理论及库车盆地的实际,建立了该区地层水温度、压力条件下方解石溶解、白云石对方解石交代作用的热力学平衡条件,并根据地层水介质特征探讨了该区方解石溶解、白云石交代方解石的具体成岩反应状况,认为该区地层水条件下正进行着方解石溶蚀及白云石对方解石的交代作用,方解石的溶蚀是形成该区深层次生孔隙的根本因素。   相似文献   
The Gordon Group carbonates consist of biota of the Chlorozoan assemblage, diverse non‐skeletal grains and abundant micrite and dolomite, similar to those of modern warm water carbonates. Cathodoluminescence studies indicate marine, meteoric and some burial cements. Dolomites replacing burrows, mudcracks and micrite formed during early diagenesis.

δ18O values (‐5 to ‐7%ō PDB) of the non‐luminescent fauna and marine cement are lighter than those of modern counterparts but are similar to those existing within low latitudes during the Ordovician because of the light δ18O values of Ordovician seawater (‐3 to ‐5%o SMOW). The δ18O difference (2%o) between marine and meteoric calcite indicates that Ordovician meteoric water was similar to that in modern subtropics. Values of δ13C relative to δ18O indicate that during the Early Ordovician there were higher atmospheric CO2 levels than at present but during the Middle and Late Ordovician they became comparable with the present because of a change from ‘Greenhouse’ to glacial conditions. δ18O values of Late Ordovician seawater were heavier than in the Middle Ordovician mainly because of glaciation.

Dolomitization took place in marine to mixed‐marine waters while the original calcium carbonate was undergoing marine to meteoric diagenesis.  相似文献   
对安徽官山两个含镁量不同的坡缕石进行了粉末X射线衍射(XRD)分析,结果表明其中富镁者为正交晶系、贫镁者为单斜晶系矿物,细化了判别坡缕石晶系的X射线粉末衍射标志。在排除石英和蒙脱石或伊利石的影响后,若图谱中出现d值为0.446 nm和0.428 nm的衍射线,则可认为在该凹凸棒粘土中含有正交晶系坡缕石。晶胞参数计算结果亦表明富镁坡缕石为一正交晶系坡缕石,贫镁坡缕石为一单斜晶系坡缕石。  相似文献   
Authigenic clays are an important control on reservoir quality in lacustrine carbonates but remain challenging to predict. Lacustrine depositional systems respond to climatic variations in rainfall, surface runoff and groundwater input, and evaporation, and result in rapid and frequent changes in lake volume; this is expressed through changing water depth and shoreline position. In the upper portion of the Early Palaeocene Yacoraite Formation of the Salta Basin in Argentina, extensive lacustrine deposits were deposited during the sag phase of rifting. Prior high-resolution stratigraphic studies have suggested that climatic factors control microbial carbonate sequences within a ‘balanced fill’ lake, with variation in the lake level having a major influence on facies association changes. This study characterizes the evolution of facies and mineralogy within the Yacoraite Formation, focusing on the distribution of clay minerals, making a link between the high, medium and low-frequency sequence stratigraphic cycles. The low-frequency transgressive hemicycle of the upper portion of the Yacoraite Formation is comprised of abundant siliciclastic facies, suggesting a wetter period. Microbialites occurring in this interval are coarse-grained and agglutinated. Detrital clay minerals such as illite and chlorite and associated siliciclastic sediments were input to the lake during high-frequency transgressive periods. During high-frequency regressive hemicycles, sedimentation was dominated by carbonate facies with Ca-rich dolomite and the authigenic clays are comprised of chlorite/smectite mixed-layers. By contrast, the low frequency regressive hemicycle records fine-grained agglutinated microbialite with horizons of fibrous calcite, more stoichiometric dolomite, barite and authigenic magnesian smectite. This indicates elevated ion concentrations in the lake under intense evaporation during an arid period. Understanding the conditions that are favourable for formation and preservation of authigenic clays within the lacustrine environment can improve understanding of reservoir quality in comparable economically important deposits.  相似文献   
<正>REE fractionation during the weathering of dolomite has been recognized for decades.A regolith profile on dolomite in southwest Yunnan of China was selected to investigate the behaviors of REE during weathering.The weathering of dolomite is divided into two stages:the pedogenesis stage and soil evolution stage,corresponding to the saprolites and soils respectively in the regolith profile. SiO_2,TiO_2,P_2O_5,Zr,Hf,Nb and Ta were immobile components during the weathering by and large, while Al_2O_3,K_2O and Fe_2O_3 were lost during the soil evolution stage in the physical form(clay minerals probably).REE were fractionated during the whole weathering of dolomite.The field weathering profile and the lab acid-leaching experiments on dolomite indicate that MREE were enriched clearly relative to other REE during the pedogenesis stage in a capillary ascending-adsorption mechanism, but they did not fractionate clearly in the soil evolution stage.REE were lost and accumulated in the weathering front of dolomite during the soil evolution stage in a physical-chemical leaching mechanism.  相似文献   
Discordant zebra dolomite bodies occur locally in the Middle Cambrian Cathedral and Eldon Formations of the Main Ranges of the Canadian Rocky Mountains Fold and Thrust Belt. They are characterized by alternating dark grey (a) and white (b) bands, forming an ‘abba’ diagenetic cyclicity. These bands developed parallel to both bedding and cleavage. Dark grey (a) bands consist of fine (< 300 μm) non-planar crystalline impure dolomite. The white (b) bands are composed of coarse (up to several millimetres) milky-white pure saddle dolomites (b1) which are often covered by pore-lining zoned dolomite (b2). The b phases often possess a saddle-shaped morphology. In contrast to the replacement origin of the a dolomite, the zoned b2 dolomite rims are interpreted as a cement formed in open cavities. The b1 dolomite is interpreted as the result of recrystallization with diagenetic leaching of non-carbonate components. All the zebra dolomites studied are (nearly) stoichiometric and are characterized by enriched Na and depleted Sr concentrations. Fe and Mn concentrations in these dolomites differ depending on the sample locality. Fluid inclusion data indicate that the dolomites formed from relatively hot (TH = 130–200 °C), saline (20–23 wt% CaCl2 eq.) fluids. A diagenetic high temperature origin is also supported by depleted δ18O values (−20 to −14‰ VPDB). A contribution of 87Sr-enriched fluids is reflected in the 87Sr/86Sr values (0·7091–0·7123). Zebra dolomite development is explained by focused fluid flow, which exploited areas of structural weaknesses (e.g. basin-platform, rim areas, faults, etc.). Expulsion of hot basinal brines in a tectonically active regime generated overpressures, which explains the development of secondary porosity during zebra dolomitization as well as the intra-zebra fracturing at decimetre to micrometre scale.  相似文献   
Both the mineralogy and facies of lacustrine bio‐induced carbonates are controlled largely by hydrological factors that are highly dependent upon climatic influence. As such they are useful tools in characterizing ancient lake environments. In this way, the study of the sedimentary record from the small ancient Sarliève Lake (Limagne, Massif Central, France) aims to reconstruct the hydrological evolution during the Holocene, using petrographical, mineralogical and geochemical analyses. The fine‐grained marls, mainly calcitic, display numerous layers rich in pristine Ca‐dolomite, with small amounts of aragonite, which are clearly autochthonous. As these minerals are rather unusual in the temperate climatic context of western Europe, the question arises about their forming conditions, and therefore that of the lacustrine environment. Ca‐dolomite prevails at the base of the sequence as a massive dolomicrite layer and, in the middle part, it builds up most of the numerous laminae closely associated with organic matter. Scanning electron microscope observations reveal the abundance of tiny crystals (tens to hundreds of nanometres) mainly organized as microspheres looking like cocci or bacilli. Such a facies is interpreted as resulting from the fossilization of benthic microbial communities by dolomite precipitation following organic matter consumption and extracellular polymeric substance degradation. These microbial dolomites were precipitated in a saline environment, as a consequence of excess evaporation from the system, as is also suggested by their positive ?18O values. The facies sequence expresses the following evolution: (i) saline pan, i.e. endorheic stage with a perennial lowstand in lake level (Boreal to early Atlantic periods); (ii) large fluctuations in lake level with sporadic freshening of the system (Atlantic); (iii) open lake stage (sub‐boreal); and (iv) anthropogenic drainage (sub‐Atlantic).  相似文献   
西藏羌塘盆地侏罗系白云岩储层中油砂资源评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西藏羌塘盆地是一个烃源岩发育厚度大、分布广的大型中生代海相沉积盆地,构造活动对早期形成的油气藏破坏和改造强烈,为油砂富集成矿提供了条件。通过对盆地中发现的隆鄂尼和昂达尔错两个矿点进行勘察。矿点油砂主要富集于中侏罗统布曲组,分析认为其形成和分布受燕山晚期形成的大型古隆起带的控制,早期形成的古油藏带在后期构造过程中遭受破坏和抬升,使顶部布曲组含油白云岩被抬升剥蚀风化形成现今的油砂矿。采用含油率法对油砂矿带进行了资源量的计算,结果表明两个矿带的油砂地质资源总量为93 099.76×104t。通过类比认为整个盆地油砂资源潜力巨大,可以成为油砂资源主要的勘探地区。  相似文献   
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