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Resume. Les fouilles archéologiques réalisées de 1998 à 2002 sur le site néolithique de Marin-Les Piécettes sur la rive nord-ouest du lac de Neuchatel ont offert l’opportunité d’observer deux séquences sédimentaires intéressantes pour la reconstitution des variations holocènes du niveau du lac, en particulier au cours de la période correspondant au changement de cours de l’Aar en direction du nord-est, vers 5650–5500 cal BP. La géométrie des corps sédimentaires et les changements lithologiques permettent de reconna?tre plusieurs phases majeures de bas niveaux relatifs du plan d’eau vers 6870, 5660, 5060–3990, 3580, 2280, 1640 et 1170 cal BP. Le site néolithique de Marin-Les Piécettes s’est développé vers 5454–5433 cal BP à la faveur d’un court épisode de bas niveau du lac qui a interrompu une importante phase de haut niveau au début du Subboréal. Les événements paléohydrologiques identifiés à Marin-Les Piécettes apparaissent cohérents avec ceux reconstitués sur le site de Montilier au bord du lac de Morat, ainsi qu’avec les variations paléohydrologiques reconstituées à partir des lacs du Jura, du Plateau suisse et des Préalpes du Nord fran?aises. Ceci suggère qu’ils témoignent d’un signal climatique. La séquence sédimentaire de Marin-Les Piécettes met enfin en évidence la formation d’un cordon littoral sur la rive nord-ouest du lac juste après 5660 cal BP. Manuscrit re?u le 22 septembre 2004 Révision acceptée le 11 mars 2005  相似文献   
中国云南玉溪和美国内华达均已发现大量黏土型锂资源,目前关于两地区样品矿物学特征的研究相对不足,而对黏土型锂资源进行充分的矿物学特征研究是锂提取工作开展的重要前提.本文采用X射线荧光光谱、电感耦合等离子体质谱、X射线粉晶衍射、扫描电镜等分析技术,从化学组成、矿物组成、微观形貌等角度对云南玉溪的两个黏土型锂资源样品(YM-...  相似文献   
王媛  刘杰 《岩土力学》2009,30(2):311-317
基于求解稳定渗流场与弹性位移场耦合问题的全耦合分析方法,应用提出的混合遗传算法作为优化算法,同时利用水头、位移等多类型量测资料,提出了裂隙岩体渗流与应力静态全耦合的参数反演方法。在目标函数建立中考虑了实测水头对渗流参数的敏感性,在待反演力学未知参数的选取中,依据提出的相对灵敏度概念,考虑了实测位移对力学参数的敏感性。针对某裂隙岸坡算例,研究了水库蓄水过程中位移场对力学参数敏感性,据此实现位移测点的优化布置,并以渗流场与位移场全耦合正分析计算结果作为假想实测值,进行该岩坡的全耦合参数反演分析,从而验证了所提出理论与研制程序的正确性和可行性。  相似文献   
电感耦合等离子体质谱法同时测定地下水中硼溴碘   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
建立了电感耦合等离子体质谱法同时测定地下水中B、Br、I的方法。选定φ=2%(体积分数)的稀NH3.H2O介质消除碘的记忆效应。采用干扰较少的10B和79Br同位素。B、Br、I在0~10 000 ng/mL呈良好的线性关系。方法的检出限为10B 0.176 ng/mL,79Br 0.876ng/mL,127I 0.132 ng/mL;精密度(RSD,n=12)为10B 2.86%,79Br 3.36%,127I 2.69%;10B的阶梯加标回收率为94.6%~101.5%,79Br为98.3%~104.9%,127I为96.5%~102.0%。  相似文献   
Fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine and sulfur were determined in seventeen geological reference materials after extraction by pyrohydrolysis. Fluorine, Cl and S (as sulfate ions) were determined in the extraction solution by ion chromatography with detection limits of around 0.2 mg l−1. Bromine and I were measured by ICP-MS with detection limits of 1 μg l−1 for Br and 0.1 μg l−1 for I. For rock samples, using normal extraction conditions (500 mg of sample and 100 ml of final solution) detection limits were 40 mg kg−1 for F and Cl, 15 mg kg−1 for S, 0.2 mg kg−1 for Br and 0.02 mg kg−1 for I. These detection limits may be improved by increasing the amount of sample and hence the concentration of the final solution. Water was also determined using an extraction technique based on H2O degassing, reduction on zinc at 1000 °C and H2 manometry. Our results for fluorine, chlorine, sulfur and water are in good agreement with literature data. Very few reference materials have recommended values for bromine and especially for iodine. Among the analysed samples, three are new reference materials: BHVO-2, BCR-2 and AGV-2.  相似文献   
屈文俊  杜安道 《岩矿测试》2003,22(4):254-257262
采用Carius管高温密闭溶样,电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP MS)法对采自两个不同金属矿床的辉钼矿样品的Re Os同位素地质年龄进行了准确测定。所得出的Re Os年龄的平均值分别为14.26±0.19Ma和34.39±0.81Ma,相对标准偏差分别为1.3%(以2s计算,n=6)和2.4%(以2s计算,n=7)。采用国际通用的ISOPLOT软件按Model1模式对这两组样品分别进行处理,所得Re Os等时线年龄分别为14.32±0.46Ma和34.52±0.38Ma(均为95%置信水平)。同批次样品中所带的内部管理样JDC的Re Os年龄与国际先进实验室采用负离子热表面电离质谱测量所得的结果吻合也较好。说明在严格的质量体系保证及有效地降低实验室空白水平的前提下,ICP MS完全可以准确地测定辉钼矿的Re Os年龄。  相似文献   
大型山丘平原交错区复杂的自然地理和人类活动特征增加了水文循环研究和水资源评价、管理的难度,地表水地下水耦合模型作为流域/区域水文循环模拟的重要工具,为解决这类大型区域诸多水文水资源问题提供了便利.针对目前地表水地下水耦合模型难以兼顾精度和效率的问题,论文提出了一种新型半松散耦合机制,将三维有限差分地下水流数值模型嵌入半...  相似文献   
称重法配制标准溶液研究及其不确定度评估   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在标准溶液配制及稀释的过程中放弃了传统的定量移液管,采用精密电子天平作为定量工具。精密电子天平准确度高,重复性好,不需考虑溶液黏度、管口流速等因素对不确定度的影响,而且明显地降低了在标准溶液逐级稀释过程中由于读数、操作等原因产生的误差,可实现大比例稀释,操作简便。根据《化学分析中不确定度的评估指南》(CNAL/AG07:2002)评定了此方法与传统溶液配制方法的不确定度。利用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP-AES)验证了其准确性和线性,均获得满意结果。本法适用于ICP-AES法测定样品中的主元素(含量在x%~xx%)时的标准溶液配制,也可应用于原子荧光光谱、原子吸收光谱等仪器系列标准溶液的配制。  相似文献   
本文采用简化数学模型探讨了东、西风廓线特征与外源强迫下大气环流平衡态定常波结构的相关关系。文中采用实际观测资料研究了西风廓线特征与大气环流型季节特征之间的联系。研究表明,西风廓线冬、夏季节差异与中、高纬度西风槽“冬三夏四”波数差气候特征有关,且低纬强东风切变可作为赤道东风波周期振荡成因之一。冬夏西风廓线季节特征可导致大地形强迫效应、海陆加热因子影响作用的显著季节差异。研究还揭示了大气环流型优势波转换的基流特征影响效应,并导出了流场与纬向加热强迫源共振状态的西风廓线特征函数与临界曲线。  相似文献   
Analytical perspective on trace element species of interest in exploration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Analysis of soil and sediment samples, using selective extraction methods to distinguish different phases, is of particular interest in exploration geochemistry to locate deeply buried mineral deposits. There are various mechanisms of binding labile elements in the secondary environment, including physical and chemical sorption, precipitation, chelation and complexation. Phases present in soils and sediments which are likely to scavenge ‘free' elements include amorphous Mn and Fe oxides, the humic and fulvic components of humus, and clays. This paper reviews these forms of trace elements and the methods in current use to quantify them. Examples of precision data, both for control and survey samples, are given with respect to trace elements dissolved from the ‘soluble organic' component of humus, Mn oxides and amorphous Fe oxides. The high sensitivity of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP–MS) is required to measure accurately and precisely a large suite of trace elements, especially where only small fractions of elements are dissolved by such leaches as the commercially available Enzyme and MMI (Mobile Metal Ion) extractions. The relative standard deviations (RSD) obtained for 33 elements (e.g. Ag, Cd, In, I) in the standard reference sample (SRM), TILL-2, are in the range 0.5–8% for the hydroxylamine hydrochloride (NH2OH·HCl) leach designed to extract hydrous Fe and Mn oxides. The corresponding RSDs for elements in the reactive Mn oxide phase extracted by the Enzyme leach are in the range 3–19% except for some trace elements at levels close to detection limit (e.g. Cd, Bi). The RSDs obtained for field duplicates are inferior to those for analytical replicates (i.e. sample splits), probably a reflection of different concentrations of the host phase. In one soil survey, the Fe extracted by a 0.25 M NH2OH·HCl leach ranged conservatively from 0.2 to 1.7% whereas the Mn extracted by the Enzyme leach varied extensively, from 0.3 to >999 ppm. In contrast, precision, at 1–7% RSD, for field duplicates was found to be comparable with that for both analytical duplicates and the SRM, LKSD-4, for elements associated with the humic and fulvic component of humus samples sieved to <177 μm.  相似文献   
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