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A global relation ship between cosmological time and Belinskii-Khalatnikov-Lifshitz(BKL)time during the entire evolution of the Mixmaster Bianchi Ⅸ universe is used to explain why all the Lyapunov exponents are zero at the BKL time.The actual reason is that the domain of the cosmological time is finite as the BKL time runs from minus infinity to infinity.  相似文献   
The redshifts of all cosmologically distant sources are expected to experience a small, systematic drift as a function of time due to the evolution of the Universe's expansion rate. A measurement of this effect would represent a direct and entirely model-independent determination of the expansion history of the Universe over a redshift range that is inaccessible to other methods. Here we investigate the impact of the next generation of Extremely Large Telescopes on the feasibility of detecting and characterizing the cosmological redshift drift. We consider the Lyα forest in the redshift range  2 < z < 5  and other absorption lines in the spectra of high-redshift QSOs as the most suitable targets for a redshift drift experiment. Assuming photon-noise-limited observations and using extensive Monte Carlo simulations we determine the accuracy to which the redshift drift can be measured from the Lyα forest as a function of signal-to-noise ratio and redshift. Based on this relation and using the brightness and redshift distributions of known QSOs we find that a 42-m telescope is capable of unambiguously detecting the redshift drift over a period of ∼20 yr using 4000 h of observing time. Such an experiment would provide independent evidence for the existence of dark energy without assuming spatial flatness, using any other cosmological constraints or making any other astrophysical assumption.  相似文献   

自唐山地区发生7.8级地震以来, 古冶—滦县地区一直为唐山地震的余震频发区.该地区断裂和地质构造十分复杂, 这些断裂的破碎程度有哪些差异?这是地震学家所关心的问题.本文使用在古冶—滦县地区布设的密集流动地震台网2020年8月—2021年7月近一年的波形记录, 采用剪切波分裂原理通过对古冶—滦县地区上地壳各向异性研究来揭示这些问题.得到以下结论: (1)古冶—滦县地区快剪切波平均偏振方向为NE86.2°±27.8°, 慢剪切波平均时间延迟为2.37±1.25 ms·km-1.快剪切波偏振第一优势方向为ENE向, 与区域背景主压应力方向一致; 第二优势方向为NE向, 该方向揭示了研究区域断裂主要以NE向为发育的构造意义.(2)唐山断裂带附近台站快剪切波偏振方向均显示出NE向的第二优势方向, 与断裂走向一致.断裂附近台站慢剪切波时间延迟较高, 各台站时间延迟差异较小, 表明区域各向异性程度较强, 断裂沿NE向破碎程度较强且破碎均匀.(3)滦县—乐亭断裂和卢龙断裂附近台站快剪切波偏振方向显示出复杂性, 表明两条活动断裂的交汇在地壳内部产生了复杂的地壳破裂裂隙结构.断裂附近台站慢剪切波时间延迟较高, 各台站时间延迟差异较大, 表明区域各向异性和断裂破碎程度较强, 且破碎不均匀.(4)丰台—野鸡坨断裂和榛子镇断裂附近台站快剪切波偏振方向与区域主压应力方向接近, 慢剪切波时间延迟最小, 表明断裂对其附近台站快剪切波偏振方向影响大不, 区域各向异性和断裂破碎程度较弱, 断裂内部裂隙可能存在愈合的现象.另外, 本文还针对1976年唐山MS7.8地震后在唐山断裂带上出现的尖端效应是否对唐山断裂带北段应力场产生了影响做出了讨论.本研究结果不仅反映了断裂分布的复杂程度与地壳各向异性的关系, 还揭示了地壳各向异性在不同破碎程度断裂上的差异.

Public concern about earthquakes linked to wastewater injection from fracking operations is rising. However, few have examined how “induced seismicity” is acted upon by state officials. For some, an incremental response to smaller quakes can be viewed as an acceptable risk policy orientation because of the sizeable economic benefits that accompany drilling activities while others prefer risk mitigation policies (such as the use of “threshold policies”) as a better way to address quake-related problems. To account for state response to induced seismicity impacts, we examine three factors: the emergence of quakes as focusing events, the economic importance of oil and gas to state jobs and revenue, and selected characteristics of earthquakes as a policy issue, i.e., complexity and categorical precedence. Using information drawn from documentary sources, we consider which factors are most helpful in accounting for agency decisions aimed at reducing seismic risks linked to nearby injection wells.  相似文献   
《Climate Policy》2013,13(3):221-231

Five years down the road from Kyoto, the Protocol that bears that city's name still awaits enough qualifying ratifications to come into force. While attention has been understandably focussed on the ratification process, it is time to begin thinking about the next steps for the global climate regime, particularly in terms of a deeper inclusion of developing countries' concerns and interests. This paper begins doing so from the perspective of the developing countries. The principal argument is that we need to return to the basic principles outlined in the Framework Convention on Climate Change in searching for a north—south bargain on climate change. Such a bargain may be achievable if we can realign the policy architecture of the climate regime to its original stated goals of sustainable development.  相似文献   
在连续原理和浓度限制条件的基础上,分析了卤水蒸发过程的自由度,提出了“蒸发结晶过程自由度”这一概念。发现蒸发结晶过程自由度在整个过程中不是1便是0,在1和0之间交替变化,与选择的组分数和析出固相数目无关。蒸发结晶过程自由度为1,物理意义是在不引起新相产生旧相不消失的前提下过程连续地变化(水分的连续蒸失),几何意义是指在适当的坐标系中的一条线,一条直线或曲线;0的物理意义是指新相的产生和旧相的即将消失或者前一段的连续变化过渡到后一段的连续变化,几何意义是指一点,两蒸发阶段的交点或者过程的终点。简单地讨论了过程的单向性和连续件。  相似文献   
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