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The Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik (MPE) in Garching, Germany, uses its large X-ray beam line facility PANTER for testing X-ray astronomical instrumentation. A number of telescopes, gratings, filters, and detectors, e.g. for astronomical satellite missions like Exosat, ROSAT, Chandra (LETG), BeppoSAX, SOHO (CDS), XMM-Newton, ABRIXAS, Swift (XRT), have been successfully calibrated in the soft X-ray energy range (< 15keV). Moreover, measurements with mirror test samples for new missions like ROSITA and XEUS have been carried out at PANTER. Here we report on an extension of the energy range, enabling calibrations of hard X-ray optics over the energy range 15–50 keV. Several future X-ray astronomy missions (e.g., Simbol-X, Constellation-X, XEUS) have been proposed, which make use of hard X-ray optics based on multilayer coatings. Such optics are currently being developed by the Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (OAB), Milano, Italy, and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA), Cambridge, MA, USA. These optics have been tested at the PANTER facility with a broad energy band beam (up to 50 keV) using the XMM-Newton EPIC-pn flight spare CCD camera with its good intrinsic energy resolution, and also with monochromatic X-rays between C-K (0.277 keV) and Cu-Kα (8.04 keV). PACS: 95.55.Ka, 95.55.Aq, 41 50.+h, 07.85.Fv  相似文献   
On 1 June 2005, the prototype Nuclear Compton Telescope (NCT) flew on a high altitude balloon from Fort Sumner, New Mexico. NCT is a balloon-borne soft γ-ray (0.2–10 MeV) telescope for studying astrophysical sources of nuclear line emission and γ-ray polarization. Our program is designed to develop and test technologies and analysis techniques crucial for the Advanced Compton Telescope; however, our detector design and configuration is also well matched to the focal plane requirements for focusing Laue lenses. The NCT prototype utilizes two, 3D imaging germanium detectors (GeDs) in a novel, ultra-compact design optimized for nuclear line emission in the 0.5–2 MeV range. Our prototype flight provides a critical test of the novel detector technologies, analysis techniques, and background rejection procedures developed for high resolution Compton telescopes.  相似文献   
We have been awarded NASA Key Project observing time on ISO, in order to establish the true frequency of far-infrared excesses in a volume-limited sample of main sequence and related stars, and address the relative success or failure of single stars in processes related to the forming of planetary systems. For a volume-limited subset of main sequence and related stars, PHT03 measurements at 3.6, 11.5, 20 and 60 micron will be obtained, using a 120 arsec aperture in all cases to eliminate possible companion confusion with differing apertures, to ascertain spectral energy distributions. For the M dwarfs, 100 micron observations will also be obtained. For some, brighter sources, more extensive wavelength coverage and improved spatial resolution will be attempted, using CAM and SWS. Spatially over-sampled PHOT observations will be made at 60 micron of the brightest and nearest Vega-like sources to measure the characteristic sizes of the emitting regions and obtain some information regarding their shapes and orientations. The goal is not a map, but scan profiles along 3 position angles which can be deconvolved to find the intrinsic size and shape of the half-maximum contour of the emitting region. Photometry of selected lines of sight through the zodiacal dust will also be carried out to look for outer solar system (Kuiper Belt) material. Observation at a range of wavelengths, ecliptic latitudes and at 2 epochs is designed to help untangle foreground Zodiacal from background Kuiper flux, not necessarily to look for individual macroscopic objects.  相似文献   
介绍了2004年度天文学科科学基金申请、资助的基本情况,并对其结果进行了分析.  相似文献   
On the Antarctic plateau, a joint project of French and Italian polar programmes is nearing completion: the Concordia station will be open for winter-over operation in 2005. The high altitude and high latitude of this site, the exceptionally cold, clear and stable atmosphere, its incredible astronomical seeing, the almost indefinitely flat snow surface and the not-so-difficult access make this site the most promising on Earth for future ground-based astronomical projects in various fields, including long term photometry, infrared high sensitivity imaging and high angular resolution and high contrast imaging.  相似文献   
本文简要介绍一种以傅里叶交换的线性调频Z变换(CZT)算法为工作原理,以声表面波(SAW)器件为支持性技术的新型射电频谱仪.给出它在紫金山天文台青海站13.7m射电天文望远镜13mm接收系统上对22GHz水分子脉泽源试观测的结果,实践表明它具有宽带、高频率分辨率、全固化、机械稳定性好、对工作环境要求不高、可靠性高等优点.在射电天文星际分子谱线观测技术中有一定实用价值.  相似文献   
The use of some Arabic medieval solar and lunar eclipse records for the determination of secular changes in the Earth's rotation is critically reviewed. The published results derived from these data suggest a non-uniform decrease in the Earth's rotation rate over the last 27 cy. There is, however, up to this day no sound physical explanation for the deduced non-tidal oscillations, with an apparent period of about 1500 yr and a semi-amplitude of some 4 ms in the l.o.d., which overlayed to a constant secular tidal change in the Earth's rotation rate produce a net non-uniform deceleration of the Earth's rotation. In this paper we discuss a set of observations, which were executed by professional Arabic astronomers. We show by our analysis the way in which the non-uniform deceleration of the Earth's rotation was constructed. A correct reading of the Arabic medieval observations shows that they do not contradict a secular constant decrease in the Earth's rotation rate of nearly -4.6 10-22 rad s-2. This value is in accordance with other similar ones derived from ancient eclipse records and from satellite tracking data.  相似文献   
This study introduces the new results of a novel low-cost digital zenith camera system operated in Turkey that uses astronomical and geodetic instrumentation. Currently, it is possible to determine deflections of the vertical (DoV) components by using a vast amount of information gathered from geo-referenced star images, tilt measurements, and Global Navigation Satellite System technology. This new design of an astro-geodetic camera system is used for calculating DoV components with 12 independent solutions on a test station in Istanbul, and additional observations were performed to investigate the external accuracy of the system on a test network. A specific leveling method is developed to align system toward the zenithal direction. The final results of the observations on a test station located in Istanbul indicate that the accuracy of the system is about ±0.19 arc-seconds in latitude and ±0.28 arc-seconds in longitude determination. The system has been further tested on a network with 4 control points that have averagely 20?km baselines. At the test network, the root mean square of the average value of the vertical deflections is calculated as ±0.36 arc-seconds. Furthermore, DoV components are compared with the values that are calculated using global geopotential models.  相似文献   
古本《竹书纪年》记载有:“周昭王十九年,天大曀,雉兔皆震,丧六师于汉。”这与阴天发生的日全食现象十分相似。事件发生在昭王末年南征荆楚的过程中,地点应当在从周都到洞庭湖以南之间的某处。由前人的研究可知昭王十九年应在公元前1010~940年之间。在充分讨论了天文计算的不确定性后得到这一地区可见的9次大食分日食,其中公元前1009和976年的两次日食可能在洞庭湖以南造成日全食,其他地点也都有相当大的食分。在对夏商周断代工程得到的西周年表作微小调整后,昭王十九年天大睦可以认定为公元前976年5月31日日全食。这对“夏商周断代工程”所定出的昭王前后年代是一个独立的支持。  相似文献   
明代中期兴起的地方志和私人著作,记载了许多天象事件,日食记录是其中重要内容.地方性日食记录的精华集中在对日全食现象的生动描述,地方志记录的最大价值是一次日全食的多个见全食点.明代中国东部地区发生了15次中心日食.明后期的10次中,8次都有大量的地方性记录.讨论了明代地方性日食记录的各种特点,并重点展示了这8次日全食在全国各地的观测地点分布以及对日全食景象的生动描述.  相似文献   
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