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基于AMSR-E土壤湿度产品的LIS同化试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
由陆面信息系统 (Land Information System, 简称LIS) 通过NOAH陆面过程模型使用集合卡尔曼滤波开展AMSR-E (Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System) 土壤湿度同化试验,得到2003年中国区域垂直深度为4层、水平空间分辨率为0.25°×0.25°的土壤湿度试验数据。使用农业气象观测站土壤相对湿度和国家生态系统野外科学观测研究站土壤体积含水量对试验结果进行检验,结果表明:同化过程整体上提高了陆面模型的模拟精度,草地生态系统模拟精度高于作物和森林生态系统;有效的同化过程依赖于AMSR-E土壤湿度的准确性;模拟出的土壤湿度空间分布特征与实际相符。同化试验得到的时空相对连续且精度相对准确的土壤湿度数据是气候变化和干旱监测的重要数据基础。  相似文献   
Tertiary volcanic rocks from the Westerwald region range frombasanites and alkali basalts to trachytes, whereas lavas fromthe margin of the Vogelsberg volcanic field consist of morealkaline basanites and alkali basalts. Heavy rare earth elementfractionation indicates that the primitive Westerwald magmasprobably represent melts of garnet peridotite. The Vogelsbergmelts formed in the spinel–garnet peridotite transitionregion with residual amphibole for some magmas suggesting meltingof relatively cold mantle. Assimilation of lower-crustal rocksand fractional crystallization altered the composition of lavasfrom the Westerwald and Vogelsberg region significantly. Thecontaminating lower crust beneath the Rhenish Massif has a differentisotopic composition from the lower continental crust beneaththe Hessian Depression and Vogelsberg, implying a compositionalboundary between the two crustal domains. The mantle sourceof the lavas from the Rhenish Massif has higher 206Pb/204Pband 87Sr/86Sr than the mantle source beneath the Vogelsbergand Hessian Depression. The 30–20 Ma volcanism of theWesterwald apparently had the same mantle source as the QuaternaryEifel lavas, suggesting that the magmas probably formed in apulsing mantle plume with a maximum excess temperature of 100°Cbeneath the Rhenish Massif. The relatively shallow melting ofamphibole-bearing peridotite beneath the Vogelsberg and HessianDepression may indicate an origin from a metasomatized portionof the thermal boundary layer. KEY WORDS: continental rift volcanism; basanites; trachytes; assimilation; fractional crystallization; partial melting  相似文献   
中国地形复杂,模式地形与实际观测地形存在一定高度差异,因此设计合理的复杂地形下地面观测资料的同化方案有利于使我国目前仅用作探测手段的地面观测资料(常规地面观测站和地面自动站)在中尺度数值模式中得到充分利用。作者在MM5_3DVAR同化系统中利用近地层相似理论将地面观测资料进行直接三维变分同化分析,并对地面资料同化方案设计中是否需要考虑模式与实际观测站地形高度差异进行探讨研究。研究结果表明:通过近地层相似理论将地面观测资料同化到数值模式能起到一定的作用,并且地面观测资料(温度、 湿度、 风场、 地面气压)中各物理量同化到数值模式都能影响24小时降水数值结果,但各物理量起的作用大小不一样,其中影响最大的是温度,其次为湿度;地面观测资料同化方案设计有必要考虑模式地形与实际观测站地形高度差异,适当考虑这种高度差异能取得较好的结果。  相似文献   
An assessment of the likely benefits of assimilating in situ temperature (T) and salinity (S) observations from repeat glider transects and surface velocity observations from high-frequency radar arrays into an eddy-resolving ocean model is presented. The deployment of new shelf observation platforms around Australia is being undertaken through the Australian Integrated Marine Observing System program. In this study, various options for an observing system along the coast of New South Wales, Australia, are assessed for their benefits to an ocean forecast and reanalysis system. The forecast system considered here uses ensemble optimal interpolation (EnOI) for data assimilation. Using error estimates from the EnOI scheme, estimates of the theoretical analysis errors are calculated for different observing systems that include a range of remotely sensed and in situ observations. The results demonstrate that if HF radar observations are assimilated along with the standard components of the global ocean observing system, the analysis errors are likely to reduce by as much as 80% for velocity and 60% for T, S and sea-level in the vicinity of the observations. Owing to the relatively short along-shore decorrelation length-scales for T and S near the shelf, the glider observations are likely to provide the forecast system with a more modest gain.  相似文献   
The Land Information System (LIS) is an established land surface modeling framework that integrates various community land surface models, ground measurements, satellite-based observations, high performance computing and data management tools. The use of advanced software engineering principles in LIS allows interoperability of individual system components and thus enables assessment and prediction of hydrologic conditions at various spatial and temporal scales. In this work, we describe a sequential data assimilation extension of LIS that incorporates multiple observational sources, land surface models and assimilation algorithms. These capabilities are demonstrated here in a suite of experiments that use the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) and assimilation through direct insertion. In a soil moisture experiment, we discuss the impact of differences in modeling approaches on assimilation performance. Provided careful choice of model error parameters, we find that two entirely different hydrological modeling approaches offer comparable assimilation results. In a snow assimilation experiment, we investigate the relative merits of assimilating different types of observations (snow cover area and snow water equivalent). The experiments show that data assimilation enhancements in LIS are uniquely suited to compare the assimilation of various data types into different land surface models within a single framework. The high performance infrastructure provides adequate support for efficient data assimilation integrations of high computational granularity.  相似文献   
This paper introduces a variational assimilation technique for the retrieval of wind fields from Doppler radar data. The assimilated information included both the radial velocity (RV) and the movement of radar echo. In this assimilation technique, the key is transforming the movement of radar echo to a new radar measuring variable- "apparent velocity" (AV). Thus, the information of wind is added, and the indeterminacy of recovering two-dimensional wind only by AV was overcome effectively by combining RV with AV. By means of CMA GRAPES-3Dvar and CINRAD data, some experiments were performed. The results show that the method of retrieval of wind fields is useful in obtaining the construction of the weather system.  相似文献   
太湖叶绿素a同化系统对于不同参数的敏感性将直接影响到该系统能否精确的估算太湖叶绿素a的浓度分布.利用2009年4月21日环境一号卫星(HJ-1B CCD2)影像数据反演太湖叶绿素a浓度场信息.以此作为背景场信息,结合基于集合均方根滤波的太湖叶绿素a同化系统,分析和评价了样本数目、同化时长、背景场误差、观测误差和模型误差对于同化系统性能的影响.结果表明:从计算成本、系统运行时间和同化效果等方面分析,当集合样本数目达到30~40左右时同化系统取得了较好的结果;同化系统对于背景场误差的估计变化不是很敏感,即初始场的估计是否准确对于同化系统的性能影响不是很大;同化系统对于模型误差和观测误差的变化较为敏感,不同的测试点位由于水体动力学性质不一,其敏感性的表现形式有所差异;利用数据同化方法可以有效地估算太湖叶绿素a浓度.  相似文献   
在数值预报中应用卫星反演资料的质量控制研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
资料变分同化作为提高数值预报准确率的有效手段之一,受到了越来越多的关注。如何将分辨率较高的卫星资料应用到数值预报中,弥补常规观测网时空分辨率的不足,成为数值天气预报的重要课题。以1996年6月28-29日发生在江淮流域的暴雨过程为例,依据其中尺度场和能量场特征,分别以低云量、急流、湿静力能为标准设计了三套质量控制方案。将质量控制后的反演湿度场变分同化并应用到中尺度MM5模式中,结果表明:经质量控制后,可以明显地改善降水区域及降水量的预报;对降水预报,特别是强降水天气过程的预报,该质量控制方案具有普遍意义。  相似文献   
GPS/LEO掩星观测的变分同化技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘敏  郭鹏 《天文学进展》2006,24(1):27-42
在简单介绍GPS/LEO掩星探测大气的发展历史和科学意义之后,详细阐述了反演的基本原理;分析了标准反演中存在的问题,并说明一维变分同化(1DVAR)在反演方法中的重要性;给出了一维变分同化中价值函数的求解,以及各种同化因子;简单介绍了对当前气象学中普遍使用的四维变分同化(4DVAR);重点讨论了各种同化方法,以及使用各种同化因子的优缺点。最后,通过CHAMP卫星的观测实例分析,验证了GPS数据在数值天气预报(NWP)中的作用,以及相对于标准反演法一维变分对气象要素的改进。  相似文献   
The Campanian Ignimbrite is a > 200 km3 trachyte–phonolitepyroclastic deposit that erupted at 39·3 ± 0·1ka within the Campi Flegrei west of Naples, Italy. Here we testthe hypothesis that Campanian Ignimbrite magma was derived byisobaric crystal fractionation of a parental basaltic trachyandesiticmelt that reacted and came into local equilibrium with smallamounts (5–10 wt%) of crustal rock (skarns and foid-syenites)during crystallization. Comparison of observed crystal and magmacompositions with results of phase equilibria assimilation–fractionationsimulations (MELTS) is generally very good. Oxygen fugacitywas approximately buffered along QFM + 1 (where QFM is the quartz–fayalite–magnetitebuffer) during isobaric fractionation at 0·15 GPa ( 6km depth). The parental melt, reconstructed from melt inclusionand host clinopyroxene compositions, is found to be basaltictrachyandesite liquid (51·1 wt% SiO2, 9·3 wt%MgO, 3 wt% H2O). A significant feature of phase equilibria simulationsis the existence of a pseudo-invariant temperature, 883 °C,at which the fraction of melt remaining in the system decreasesabruptly from 0·5 to < 0·1. Crystallizationat the pseudo-invariant point leads to abrupt changes in thecomposition, properties (density, dissolved water content),and physical state (viscosity, volume fraction fluid) of meltand magma. A dramatic decrease in melt viscosity (from 1700Pa s to 200 Pa s), coupled with a change in the volume fractionof water in magma (from 0·1 to 0·8) and a dramaticdecrease in melt and magma density acted as a destabilizingeruption trigger. Thermal models suggest a timescale of 200kyr from the beginning of fractionation until eruption, leadingto an apparent rate of evolved magma generation of about 10–3km3/year. In situ crystallization and crystal settling in density-stratifiedregions, as well as in convectively mixed, less evolved subjacentmagma, operate rapidly enough to match this apparent volumetricrate of evolved magma production. KEY WORDS: assimilation; Campanian Ignimbrite; fractional crystallization; magma dynamics; phase equilibria  相似文献   
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