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This paper is to examine the impact of satellite data on the systematic error of operational B-model in China.Em-phasis is put on the study of the impact of satellite sounding data on forecasts of the sea level pressure field and 500 hPaheight.The major findings are as follows.(1)The B-model usually underforecasts the strength of features in the sea level pressure(SLP)field,i.e.pressuresare too low near high pressure systems and too high near low pressure systems.(2)The nature of the systematic errors found in the 500 hPa height forecasts is not as clear cut as that of the SLPforecasts,but most often the same type of pattern is seen,i.e.,the heights in troughs are not low enough and those inridges are not high enough.(3)The use of satellite data in the B-model analysis/forecast system is found to have an impact upon the model'sforecast of SLP and 500 hPa height.Systematic errors in the vicinity of surface lows/500 hPa troughs over the oceansare usually found to be significantly reduced.A less conclusive mix of positive and negative impacts was found for allother types of features.  相似文献   
Fractures: Finite-size scaling and multifractals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distributions of contact area and void space in single fractures in granite rock have been determined experimentally by making metal casts of the void spaces between the fracture surfaces under normal loads. The resulting metal casts on 52 cm diameter core samples show a complex geometry for the flow paths through the fracture. This geometry is analyzed using finite-size scaling. The spanning probabilities and percolation probabilities of the metal casts are calculted as functions of observation scale. Under the highest stresses of 33 MPa and 85 MPa there is a significant size-dependence of the geometric flow properties for observation scales smaller than 2 mm. Based on this data, the macroscopic percolation properties of the extended fracture can be well represented by relatively small core samples, even under normal stresses larger than 33 MPa. The metal casts also have rich multifractal structure that changes with changing stress.  相似文献   
用气象卫星资料监测冬麦长势和估测产量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1992、1993年的气象卫星资料,分析植被指数与甘肃省冬麦区33个县市冬麦产量的关系,发现绿峰植被指数与产量存在极好的相关性。另外,从预测产量的角度和预报时限要求出发,可用4月中下旬累积植被指数预测冬麦产量,并给出了预报方程。  相似文献   
卫星测高研究应用新进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
卫星测高是利用空间技术进行海洋观测的崭新技术手段。GEOSAT卫星的升空又使得这一研究向前大大地推进。本文简要介绍卫星测高在确定大地水准面精度、研究岩石圈特性、探测海底深部构造、研究海洋动力环境以及其经济效益和社会效益的最新进展。  相似文献   
通过探寻渗透系数、压缩系数(或体积压缩系数)与孔隙比在固结过程中的变化规律来确定固结系数与固结时间的关系并将其用于固结度计算是无益的,原因在于固结度计算公式只在固结系数为常数时才成立。  相似文献   
Summary Hydrofracture Mechanisms in Rock During Pressure Grouting. The paper examines the basic meachnisms controlling the initiation of fractures in rocks and layered soils during pressure grouting, and their subsequent propagation into the ground mass. Previous analyses of fracture initiation have tended to concentrate on simplified models in which the ground is treated as an impervious elastic or Mohr-Coulomb continuum. The present method allows for the porous or fissured nature of the ground by considering the effect of seepage forces induced by the pore pressure gradient. The effect is quantified by use of a parameterN such that the ratio of fluid force used in expanding the injection hole, to that used in forcing fluid through void spaces, isN to (1—N).Analysis of hydrofracture propagation is based on stress analysis of a borehole in an elastic continuum, the propagating fracture zone around the borehole being represented as a non-elastic material governed by the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. This is supplemented by an energy approach which equates the energy supplied to the ground from the injection pump, with the energy stored in the ground and the energy necessary to fracture it.
Zusammenfassung Brucherscheinungen im Fels bei Verprearbeiten. In der Arbeit wird der grundlegende Mechanismus untersucht, welcher bei Verpreßarbeiten in Fels und geschichtetem Boden zur Einleitung und Ausbreitung von Brüchen führt. Frühere Untersuchungen des Bruchbeginns stützten sich im wesentlichen auf vereinfachte Modelle, in denen der Untergrund als undurchlässiges Kontinuum angesehen wird, das entweder elastisch ist oder der Mohr-Coulombschen Bruchbedingung genügt. Die neue Methode berücksichtigt dagegen eine Porosität oder Klüftung des Untergrundes durch Ansatz der vom strömenden Medium auf das Gebirge ausgeübten Belastung. Diese Belastung wird aufgeteilt in einen Druckverlust an der Bohrlochwand (gleich ParameterN mal Verpreßdruck) und die entsprechende, über den gesamten durchströmten Bereich verteilte Belastung.Die Untersuchung der Bruchausbreitung geht von der Spannungsermittlung um ein Bohrloch in einem elastischen Kontinuum aus, wobei in der sich ausbreitenden Bruchzone um das Bohrloch herum nichtelastisches Material angenommen wird, das dem Mohr-Coulombschen Bruchkriterium genügt. Zur Ergänzung dient eine Energie-Betrachtung, bei der die von der Injektionspumpe abgegebene Energie gleichgesetzt wird der im Untergrund gespeicherten Energie und der aufgewendeten Brucharbeit.

Résumé Les mécanismes de la fracturation hydraulique dans les roches pendant les injections sous pression. Le mémoire examine les mécanismes fondamentaux qui gouvernent l'initiation des ruptures dans les roches et les sols stratifiés, au cours des injections et leur propagation dans les massifs. Les analyses antérieures de l'initiation de la rupture, se sont concentrées sur des modèles simplifiés où l'on considérait la roche comme un milieu élastique et imperméable, ou comme un milieu de Mohr-Coulomb. La présente méthode admet que le massif est poreux ou fissuré, en considérant l'action des forces de percolation engendrées par le gradient de pression interstitielle. Cette action est quantifiée par un paramètreN, tel que le rapport de la force du liquide employée à dilater le forage d'injection, à celle employée pour forcer le coulis à travers les vides soitN/(1—N). L'analyse de la propagation des ruptures se base sur l'analyse des contraintes autour d'un forage dans un milieu élastique, alors que la zone de la rupture qui se propage autour du forage est représentée par un milieu non-élastique admettant le critère de rupture de Mohr-Coulomb. Cette analyse est complétée par une approche énergétique, où l'énergie qui est fournie au massif par la pompe d'injection est égalée à l'énergie emmagasinée dans la roche et à l'énergie de rupture.

Nomenclature A area of new cracks created per unit volume of time t - E total work done by injection fluid - E i irrecoverable component of energy - E i c work done in fracturing rock or soil - E i l work done to overcome various frictional forces in grouting system - E i p work done to cause plastic deformation of fractured zone - E i s work done to overcome shear strength of fluid during flow - E i v work done to overcome frictional drag between fluid and rock in soil surfaces during flow - E r recoverable component of energy - E r f elastic strain energy stored in fluid - E r s elastic strain energy stored in rock or soil - h height of overburden - i j 1, 2, 3 - K 0 coefficient of horizontal earth pressure - k permeability of ground to grout - L length of cylindrical grout source - n rock or soil porosity - p average fluid pressure between timet and (t + t) - p 0 injection pressure - R radius of grout front - r radial distance from borehole axis - r 0 radius of borehole - r 1 radius of fractured zone - S specific surface area of rock or soil - S T tensile strength of rock or soil - t time - u grout seepage velocity - V volume of grout injected - v volumetric strain - specific surface energy of rock - bulk density of rock or soil - i j e elastic strain increment tensor - i j plastic strain increment tensor - v Poisson's ratio - i j average stress tensor in the ground during timet and (t + t) - R , T, Z radial, tangential and vertical stresses induced by grouting - r , t , z radial, tangential and vertical stress around borehole before grouting - grout shear strength - angle of internal friction of rock or soil With 7 Figures  相似文献   
Eccentricity resonances between the secular motion of an Earth satellite's orbit and the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon are studied within a Hamiltonian framework. The problem is approximated in a traditional manner, with the Earth's potential including only the second zonal harmonic, and a Hill‐type approximation for perturbing bodies. For a family of 10 resonances, stable and unstable points are identified and libration widths are estimated. Numerical values are given for the maximum variation of eccentricity available at each resonance. The respective amplitudes of the perigee heights' librations range from 2 to 750 km. The resonances of the solar origin are generally stronger than their lunar counterparts. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Turning Earth observation (EO) data consistently and systematically into valuable global information layers is an ongoing challenge for the EO community. Recently, the term ‘big Earth data’ emerged to describe massive EO datasets that confronts analysts and their traditional workflows with a range of challenges. We argue that the altered circumstances must be actively intercepted by an evolution of EO to revolutionise their application in various domains. The disruptive element is that analysts and end-users increasingly rely on Web-based workflows. In this contribution we study selected systems and portals, put them in the context of challenges and opportunities and highlight selected shortcomings and possible future developments that we consider relevant for the imminent uptake of big Earth data.  相似文献   
贾耀红  任立清  郭强 《气象科技》2020,48(5):630-634
风云四号静止气象卫星(FY-4)地面测距系统用于获得分布在不同地方的5个地面站到卫星的精确距离,进而利用得到的距离数据确定并预报卫星的轨道和位置,所以测距精度是影响卫星轨道和位置确定精度的主要因素。本文根据测距系统工作的原理及过程,分析影响测距精度的误差来源,从测距体制、站址坐标测量、地面设备时延测量、转发器时延测量、大气传输时延测量和各站时间同步几个方面分析了风云四号测距系统为了提高测距精度采取的相应的技术手段。  相似文献   
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