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黑洞X射线暂现源的迷你爆发是一类峰值光度较低、持续时间较短的爆发.由于观测数据较少,其物理机制仍不清楚.利用RXTE (Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer)卫星从2001年1月28日到3月14日的数据,研究了黑洞X射线暂现源XTE J1550–564 2001年迷你爆发的X射线能谱特性.发现在本次迷你爆发中, XTE J1550–564的X射线能谱可以用幂律谱很好地拟合.整个爆发的硬度强度图不是标准的q型,而是一直保持在最右侧.此外,还分析了此次爆发谱指数Γ与未吸收的2–10 keV能段的X射线流量F_(2–10 keV)的相关性,发现Γ-F_(2–10 keV)呈反相关关系,且谱指数Γ∈[1.35, 1.72].上述结果表明2001年这次爆发一直处于低/硬态,它的X射线辐射主要来自于辐射低效的吸积模式,如ADAF(Advection-Dominated Accretion Flow).  相似文献   
Seasonal mass balance components bw (winter balance) and bs (summer balance) as well as ct (total accumulation) and at (total ablation), can be used directly to infer climate variables. In contrast, ac (net balance of the accumulation area) and aa (net balance of the ablation area), and ba or bn (annual or net balance) can not. The traditional Alpine system of observations of ac and aa , however, can be converted to true seasonal values bw and bs if both pairs of components are simultaneously observed for some years, because a correlation between the two pairs of components exists. We analyzed bw and bs data and their mean, standard deviations and ratios of these to the corresponding net or annual balances for 50 glaciers with relatively long records representing different regions in the northern hemisphere. We also investigated correlations between seasonal components. A negative correlation between bw and bs exists at many glaciers. About two-thirds of the glaciers show insignificant correlations (?0.3 < r < 0.3), implying independence of summer and winter balances. In a few unusual cases the correlations are positive. These different correlations, or lack thereof, may offer insight into feedback conditions that must exist in this climate-related system. The correspondence of the bw and ct , and bs and at , appears to depend largely on the relative amounts of summer snowfall, a function of their climatic environment expressed as [α = (bw+bs)/2]. The contribution of variability of bs to the net balance increases markedly with decreasing values of α. The variability of bw and bs , and therefore the net balance, has been increasing with time; whether this is due to an increase in climate variability or to other causes is not clear. It appears that bw has been increasing with time at the highest altitudes, but bs has been increasing more rapidly especially at low altitudes; the many-glacier average net balance is becoming more negative.  相似文献   
在建立斑节对虾实验室养殖模式的基础上,对野外采集的有白斑综合症病毒(WSSV)病典型症状的斑节对虾初步纯化其病毒,并进行WSSV的PCR检测,得到WSSV的感染用样品。对健康斑节对虾分别进行浸浴感染,投喂感染和注射感染。对感染死亡个体进行WSSA的PCR检测和细菌检测,证实WSSV感染性和致死性。浸浴感染、投喂感染和注射感染的感染量分别为4mL/L、0.2g/10g虾体、1/2稀释液0.05mL/10g虾体,死亡开始时间分别为16d、42h、28h,三种感染模式最终死亡率100%,从开始死亡到全部死亡延续时间分别为15d、82h、44h。  相似文献   
GRS 1915+105是银河系内的低质量黑洞X射线双星,其能谱和黑洞自旋已经得到了广泛的研究.自2018年6月开始,其X射线流量下降到了低流量水平,其间偶尔会产生多波段的耀发.利用Insight-HXMT(Insight-Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope,简称为慧眼)卫星在2020年8月30日到2020年10月13日之间对GRS1915+105的观测数据,研究了其能谱特性,发现在此次爆发过程中, X射线能谱可以用一个康普顿化的多温黑体谱很好地拟合.整个爆发的硬度强度图(Hardness-Intensity Diagram, HID)一直处于软态.采用GRS1915+105的最新动力学参数M=12.4-1.8+2.0M⊙, i=60°±5°, D=8.6-1.6+2.0kpc (M、M⊙、i和D分别表示黑洞质量、太阳质量、盘倾角和距离),得到其无量纲黑洞自旋a*的一个下限a*> 0.9990,确认了GRS 1915+105是一个具有极端自旋的黑洞.考虑本地吸收体的...  相似文献   
黄土台缘滑坡地表水入渗问题分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
黄土塬区提灌工程保证了农业生产,却造成了地下水位大幅抬升,使得近年来黄土台缘滑坡不断发生。黄土滑坡一个普遍特征就是后缘发育地裂缝以及落水洞,使地表水(灌溉水以及降雨)直接灌入坡体,诱发了大量黄土滑坡。因此,地表水入渗对于黄土滑坡机理研究以及滑坡防治具有重要意义。文章基于对陕西泾阳南塬黄土滑坡的现场调查,对黄土台缘滑坡地表水入渗工程地质问题进行了初步分析,包括:①地表水入渗与落水洞形成机制;②地表水入渗途径及其与黄土滑坡发育过程的关系;③降雨因素对于黄土滑坡的影响程度。  相似文献   
汪灵  胡晓宙  王哲皓 《岩石学报》2019,35(1):137-145
白度是矿物的重要光学性质之一。为了深化矿物的光学性质及白色矿物功能材料的研究与应用,根据测试分析结果和叶大年的结构光性矿物学理论,系统研究了影响矿物白度的主要因素,以及矿物增白效果的差异性及其产生机理。研究结果表明:(1)晶体化学是决定不同种类透明矿物白度的最主要因素,但对于某种透明矿物来说,影响其白度的主要因素是矿物中的碳质有机质、含铁钛矿物杂质、杂质元素的价态与晶体化学环境、介质环境、矿物中的水和粒度大小等。(2)证明了透明矿物白度大小与折射率呈正相关。白度相同的不同矿物的增白效果存在很大差异性,其根本原因是由矿物折射率所决定的反射率存在很大差别。(3)提出了真白度和假白度的概念,即主要由自色产生的白度称为真白度,主要由假色产生的白度称为假白度;真白度高的矿物具有增白作用,而真白度低的矿物,即使粉末白度高,也没有增白作用。(4)在影响矿物白度的主要因素中,矿物中的碳质有机质、含铁钛矿物杂质、杂质元素的价态等杂质成分对矿物白度和增白效果起负面作用。(5)矿物中与晶体结构相关的水所产生的颜色属于自色,脱去结晶水、层间水和结构水都有利于提高矿物的真白度或增白效果,但脱去沸石水的效果正好相反;由矿物粒度大小变化产生的颜色属于假色;通过降低粉体粒度大小所提高的白度属于假白度,由此增加的白度没有增白作用。另外,矿物粉体与使用介质之间的折射率大小差别越大,增白效果越明显。  相似文献   
We investigate the properties of an axisymmetric gas flow without angular momentum onto a small compact object, in particular, on a Schwarzschild black hole in the supersonic region; the velocity of the object itself is assumed to be low compared to the speed of sound at infinity. First of all, we show that the streamlines intersect (i.e., a caustic is formed) on the symmetry axis at a certain distance r x from the center on the front side if the pressure is ignored. The characteristic radial size of the region in which the streamlines emerging from the sonic surface at an angle no larger than θ0 to the axis intersect is Δr = r x θ 0 2 /3. To refine the flow structure in this region, we have numerically computed the system without ignoring the pressure in the adiabatic approximation. We have estimated the parameters of the inferred region with anomalously high matter temperature and density accompanied by anomalously high energy release.  相似文献   
Accretion disks orbiting black holes power high-energy systems such as X-ray binaries and Active Galactic Nuclei. Observations are providing increasingly detailed quantitative information about such systems. This data has been interpreted using standard toy-models that rely on simplifying assumptions such as regular flow geometry and a parameterized stress. Global numerical simulations offer a way to investigate the basic physical dynamics of accretion flows without these assumptions and, in principle, lead to a genuinely predictive theory. In recent years we have developed a fully three-dimensional general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulation code that evolves time-dependent inflows into Kerr black holes. Although the resulting global simulations of black hole accretion are still somewhat simplified, they have brought to light a number of interesting results. These include the formation of electro-magnetically dominated jets powered by the black hole’s rotation, and the presence of strong stresses in the plunging region of the accretion flow. The observational consequences of these features are gradually being examined. Increasing computer power and increasingly sophisticated algorithms promise a bright future for the computational approach to black hole accretion.  相似文献   
We study the properties of the ’Newtonian forces’ acting on a test particle in the field of the Kerr black hole geometry. We show that the centrifugal force and the Coriolis force reverse signs at several different locations. We point out the possible relevance of such reversals particularly in the study of the stability properties of the compact rotating stars and the accretion discs in hydrostatic equilibria Received honourable mention in the 1989 Gravity Research Foundation essay competition.  相似文献   
本文用逐步回归分析方法对洛川黄土孔隙性诸要素进行了变量筛选,选出了影响渗透系数的孔隙要素,并建立了随机数学模型,定量解决了影响渗透系数的孔隙多少和孔隙形状问题,初步确定出了洛川黄土地层透水性与孔隙性的关系。  相似文献   
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