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We report on time-resolved spectroscopic observations of the SU Ursae Majoris dwarf nova, YZ Cnc for over 11 h on two nights during its 2002 January superoutburst. The spectra on the first day only showed absorption-line profiles, while on the second day the lines showed "W" profiles with blue and red troughs. The radial velocity curve of the absorption troughs and emission peaks of Hβ has an amplitude of 49±10 km s-1 and a phase offset of -0.07±0.04, which are very similar to those measured in quiescence. However, the γ velocity deviates strongly from the systemic velocity measured in quiescence, by some ±60 km s-1. Large shifts of -70 km s-1 in the orbital-averaged velocity and -0.09 in the phase are also found in our observations. All these features can be well explained by a precessing, eccentric disk.  相似文献   
几种理化因子对斑节对虾白斑杆状病毒(WSBV)感染力的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
将部分纯化的WSBV暴露于不同理化条件下,通过人工感染的方法测定WSBV的感染力。结果表明,病毒在纯水中1h能保持感染活性,全在3mol/L NaCl的高盐溶液中1h失去感染力;WSBV在30℃中4h感染活性丧失,在70~90℃中10min均失去感染力;当环境pH值为5以下或12.6以上时,WSBV在1h后丧失感染活性;NP0-40,Triton-X-100,ClO2或甲醛等均能灭活WSBV。  相似文献   
The White method, routinely used to estimate phreatophyte transpiration from diel groundwater variation, also provides measures of total evapotranspiration (ET) and groundwater fluxes in surface waters. Such applications remain rare, however, and critically require accurate representation of stage‐dependent variation in specific yield (Sy). High‐resolution stage data from three Florida swamps were used to evaluate different relationships between Sy and stage (ecosystem specific yield, ESY). A discretized form, ESYD, assumes constant Sy near unity for inundated conditions, applying soil Sy for belowground stage and open water Sy (Sy,OW ≈ 1.0) for aboveground stage. A mixture approach, ESYM, applies a stage‐dependent interpolation between Sy,Soil and Sy,OW using stage‐area relationships and assumes rapid lateral equilibration between inundated and non‐inundated wetland areas. Finally, an empirical formulation, ESYRR, uses measured ratios of rain to rise to estimate stage‐specific Sy. All formulations yielded reasonable ET rates (ET ≈ PET) at high stage; ESYD markedly overestimated ET (ET/PET > 3) at intermediate stage, whereas ESYM and ESYRR maintained ET/PET near 1.0. Estimated groundwater fluxes using ESYM and ESYRR correlated well with Darcy‐estimated flows, but were larger, likely due to uncertainties in Darcy parameters. Well transects across wetlands documented equal water elevation and diel variation across inundated and non‐inundated areas, verifying rapid equilibration that reduces Sy and explaining overestimation by ESYD. However, equilibration area varied within and among wetlands, explaining observed differences between ESYM and ESYRR, and suggesting ESYRR may be preferred. Stage histograms followed the shape of ESYRR, highlighting reciprocal influences of ESY on stage stability. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We make two comments on the paper ‘Jamaican Cenozoic ichnology: review and prospectus’ by Donovan et al. (2015). Based on biostratigraphy and new radiometric dates, we recommend the separation of the Richmond Formation (deposited in the Wagwater Graben and onlapping onto the edges of the Clarendon Block and Blue Mountains Block) and the Moore Town Formation (deposited in the John Crow Mountain Graben) which are of early Eocene and early Paleocene age, respectively. The ichnofossils of the Scolicia ichnocoenesis are different in the two basins. We also point out that extensive borings recorded from the late Eocene Somerset Formation of the White Limestone Group most probably came from the late Oligocene Walderston Formation. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Mitchell and Ramsook comment on the lithostratigraphic assignment of Jamaican Cenozoic ichnofossils discussed in Donovan et al. They argue that the Paleogene Richmond Formation should be subdivided to produce a ‘Moore Town formation’ in eastern Jamaica, but the latter remains undefined as a lithostratigraphic unit and no new lithostratigraphic evidence is produced to support their supposition. Further, their use of a flawed table of trace fossil distributions does not support their thesis. The distribution of trace fossils in the White Limestone Group presented by Donovan et al. follows the lithostratigraphic scheme that was current at the time that the research was originally undertaken in the early 2000s. Yet, whatever lithostratigraphic scheme is utilised for the island, it is apparent that the more accurate data is provided by the biostratigraphy of the larger benthic foraminifers. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study presents approaches for evaluating hybrid source rock/reservoirs within tight-rock petroleum systems. The emerging hybrid source rock/reservoir shale play in the Upper Cretaceous Second White Specks and Belle Fourche formations in central Alberta, Canada is used as an example to evaluate organic and inorganic compositions and their relationships to pore characteristics. Nineteen samples from a 77.5 m-long core were analyzed using organic petrography, organic geochemistry, several methods of pore characterization, and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD). The lower part of the studied section includes quartz- and clay-rich mudrocks of the Belle Fourche Formation with low carbonate content, whereas the upper portion contains calcareous mudrocks of the Second White Specks Formation. Strata are mineralogically composed of quartz plus albite (18–56 wt. %), carbonates (calcite, dolomite, ankerite; 1–65 wt. %), clays (illite, kaolinite, chlorite; 15–46 wt. %), and pyrite (2–12 wt. %). Petrographic examinations document that organic matter represents marine Type II kerogen partly biodegraded with limited terrestrial input. Vitrinite reflectance Ro (0.74–0.87%), Tmax values (438–446 °C) and biomarkers indicate mid-maturity within the oil window. The relatively poor remaining hydrocarbon potential, expressed as an S2 value between 2.1 and 6.5 mg HC/g rock, may result from an estimated 60–83% of the original kerogen having been converted to hydrocarbons, with the bulk having migrated to adjacent sandstone reservoirs. However, the present-day remaining total organic carbon TOCpd content remains relatively high (1.7–3.6 wt. %), compared with the estimated original TOCo of 2.4–5.0 wt. %. The calculated transformation ratio of 60–83% suggests that the remaining 17–40 wt. % of kerogen is able to generate more hydrocarbons. The studied section is a tight reservoir with an average Swanson permeability of 3.37·10−5 mD (measured on two samples) and total porosity between 1.7 and 5.0 vol. % (3 vol. % on average). The upper part of the sandy Belle Fourche Formation, with slightly elevated porosity values (3.5–5 vol. %), likely represents the interval with the best reservoir properties in the studied core interval. Total pore volume ranges between 0.0065 and 0.0200 cm3/g (measured by a combination of helium pycnometry and mercury immersion). Mesopores (2–50 nm ∅) are the most abundant pores and occupy 34–67% of total porosity or a volume of 0.0030–0.0081 cm3/g. In comparison, micropores (<2 nm ∅) cover a wide range from 6 to 60% (volume 0.0007–0.0053 cm3/g), and macropores (>50 nm ∅) reach up to 57% with the exception of some samples failing to indicate the presence of this pore fraction (volume 0.0000–0.0107 cm3/g). Macroporosity is mostly responsible for variations in total porosity, as suggested by macroporosity's strongest correlation with total porosity within the section. The relatively narrow ranges of TOC and minerals contents among measured samples limit our ability to further deconvolute factors that influence changes in total porosity and pore size distribution.  相似文献   
矮新星是爆发频繁的激变变星,主星是白矮星,次星是充满洛希瓣的晚型矮星;白矮星周围有吸积盘,物质流与吸积盘的碰撞区域即热斑。与大多数密近双星系统相比,矮新星最大的特点是吸积盘的存在以及频繁的爆发现象。首先介绍了矮新星的研究历史和现状,对吸积盘的形成过程进行总结,给出了矮新星的基本物理图像;其次简要介绍了矮新星的各种次型的特征和形成原因,对目前的爆发模型进行归纳;回顾了矮新星中著名的轨道周期空缺现象和最短轨道周期截止现象,并给出其在标准化模型下的解释以及标准化模型面临的挑战;举例说明了矮新星的轨道周期变化分析不仅对研究其演化起着重要作用,而且是探测褐矮星和地外行星的重要手段;对食光变曲线的分析方法和矮新星中罕见的高低态变化进行了简单小结;最后,进行总结并讨论矮新星领域的发展趋势和目前的一些热点问题。  相似文献   


北京房山大理岩的岩石学微观特征及风化机理讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京地区许多石质古建筑都使用了房山大石窝的大理岩来建造的。本文以汉白玉(白色大理岩)和青白石(青色大理岩)为例,通过薄片镜下观察、X射线衍射(XRD)、X射线荧光(XRF)、扫描电镜(SEM)和电子探针等测试手段,对房山大理岩的岩石学微观特征进行了研究。研究对象为取自房山大石窝的新鲜岩样和取自北京古代石质建筑的风化剥落物。结果证实北京大理岩主要矿物成分是白云石,部分大理岩还含有一定量的石英。基于图像处理软件,对汉白玉和青白石矿物晶体的粒径进行了统计分析。在此基础上,从温度变化、酸雨的溶解、水的溶蚀、微裂隙的盐类充填的角度分析了大理岩的风化机理。相关研究可为北京大理岩石质文物的修复保护提供科学参考。  相似文献   
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