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地震条件下挡土墙主动土压力及其分布的统一解   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙勇 《岩土力学》2012,33(1):255-261
在非地震主动土压力公式的基础上,用微分薄层法给出了地震条件下主动土压力公式,其中填土面倾斜、墙背倾斜、填土为黏性土、墙背与填土间同时存在凝聚力c和内摩擦角? 作用、墙后破裂体存在水平向和竖向的地震加速度,目前所见的地震情况下和非地震情况下的主动土压力均是此公式的特例。对上述同一条件下的挡墙用过墙踵的整块破裂体作静力平衡分析(如库仑分析),得到的总土压力与文中微分薄层法得到的总土压力大小相等,但微分薄层法作用点位置明显增加,研究表明:设计抗震和非抗震各类挡墙时要引起足够的重视。  相似文献   
We derive the governing equations for the dynamic response of unsaturated poroelastic solids at finite strain. We obtain simplified governing equations from the complete coupled formulation by neglecting the material time derivative of the relative velocities and the advection terms of the pore fluids relative to the solid skeleton, leading to a so‐called us ? pw ? pa formulation. We impose the weak forms of the momentum and mass balance equations at the current configuration and implement the framework numerically using a mixed finite element formulation. We verify the proposed method through comparison with analytical solutions and experiments of quasi‐static processes. We use a neo‐Hookean hyperelastic constitutive model for the solid matrix and demonstrate, through numerical examples, the impact of large deformation on the dynamic response of unsaturated poroelastic solids under a variety of loading conditions. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Among numerous methods for cation exchange capacity (CEC) determination for soils and sediments, the cobaltihexamine chloride method is frequently used due to its ability to measure CEC at soil pH. After exchange with Co(NH3)63+ ions, CEC is estimated via the measurement of the Co remaining in solution. The modified method proposed allows a more rapid determination of CEC based on the measurement of the absorbance at 472 nm of the cobaltihexamine chloride solution before and after exchange. This method has been applied to various soil's horizons from four sites, selected to cover a wide range of CEC and pH values. The model obtained allows one to calculate CEC from absorbance at 472 nm with 95% confidence intervals. As CEC is of relevant meaning in agronomical and environmental purposes, and more recently in ecotoxicological studies, this modified method can be proposed as a rapid test for CEC evaluation.  相似文献   
This paper presents a finite‐element (FE) model for simulating injection well testing in unconsolidated oil sands reservoir. In injection well testing, the bottom‐hole pressure (BHP) is monitored during the injection and shut‐in period. The flow characteristics of a reservoir can be determined from transient BHP data using conventional reservoir or well‐testing analysis. However, conventional reservoir or well‐testing analysis does not consider geomechanics coupling effects. This simplified assumption has limitations when applied to unconsolidated (uncemented) oil sands reservoirs because oil sands deform and dilate subjected to pressure variation. In addition, hydraulic fracturing may occur in unconsolidated oil sands when high water injection rate is used. This research is motivated in numerical modeling of injection well testing in unconsolidated oil sands reservoir considering the geomechanics coupling effects including hydraulic fracturing. To simulate the strong anisotropy in mechanical and hydraulic behaviour of unconsolidated oil sands induced by fluid injection in injection well testing, a nonlinear stress‐dependent poro‐elasto‐plastic constitutive model together with a strain‐induced anisotropic permeability model are formulated and implemented into a 3D FE simulator. The 3D FE model is used to history match the BHP response measured from an injection well in an oil sands reservoir. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
模糊综合评判方法在灌溉用水水质评价中的应用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
马平  朱珊  郑毅 《世界地质》2002,21(4):353-357
松源市地处干旱半干旱地区,农业灌溉是粮食增产非常重要的措施。在灌溉中水质是保证粮食和土地质量的非常关键的问题。在分析灌溉用水水质评价方法的基础上,采用模糊综合评判的方法,选择酸度、碱度和矿化度为评价因子的计算方法,同时简述了模糊综合评价方法的原理及四种评价模型。用实例说明了评价步骤,最后对松源市地下水灌溉水质进行评价,其结果合理、可信。  相似文献   
历史-因果论大地构造学刍议   总被引:10,自引:28,他引:10  
随着大地构造学的不断发展,出现过的理论很多.它们此起彼落.更替频繁.究其原因.要从高层次来分析. 地质学史上.关于地质学的研究目的,一向存在两种不同的看法.一种认为主要在于对地球历史的重建.并把研究重点放在追索地质事件的时间序列上,可称为历史论地质学.另一种则认为主要在于对地球变革的理解.并把重点放在探究支配地球变化的一般规律.可称因果论地质学.作为地质学中涉及地球科学许多根本性问题的大地构造学,这种分岐自然尤为突出.并形成了历史论大地构造学和因果论大地构造学. 在历史论大地构造学的理论中.最流行的为地槽地台理论.它主要研究地壳演化的阶段划分.构造单元的出现顺序和历史生因关系.在因果论大地构造学的理论中.著名的有地质力学和板块理论,前者主要探究诸种构造的力学性质和成因.以及构造体系的划分.后者则主要探索岩石圈块体的移动和互相间的力学关系.以及移动的力源机制.由于历史论和因果论各有其主要的研究对象和研究方法,因而各有其自己方面的优点和长处,而且两方面都是解决地球构造问题所需要的.都具有重大的意义和作用。缺一不可.另一方面,由于各自的主要研究目的和研究对象的要求.来不及重视另一方面的优点和长处.遂致两方面都难以适应全面地解决地球构造多方面问题的要求.如果把它们两方的研究目的兼顾,统一研究;并把两方研究方法和长处结合起来,融为一体,就会互相补益、相辅相成,能够比较全面地研究地球构造及其所成矿产的时间空间分布规律.更有成效地指导找矿。作者设想的这样一门综合性大地构造学.叫做“历史-因果论大地构造学”. 体现把历史论同因果论大地构造学两方研究对象结合起来.融为一体的研究思路和途径.主要是建立一个把岩石圈演化与运动统一研究的综合性的构造概念.叫做“壳体”.壳体的定义是这样:“地球硬壳(相当于岩石圈)在其形成和发展过程中.可能先后不一地出现于不同地域,在诞生、成长、运动、变化和发展等方面分异进行;既在演化又在运动(包括移动)的时空综合的全球性基本构造单元。”它们在形式一表现为岩石圈的既不断发展又变化位置的块体.各有其自身的诞生时代,成长方式和发展历程,演化阶段和成熟度.物质组成及地壳性质.垂向及平向结构.构造单元组成,面积、厚度、形状及其变化,整体及体内运动,地球物理、地球化学、生物演化、成矿演化及其时空规律等方面的特点。不同壳体可由不同数目(或)不同性质类别的大地构造体制的构造区组成. 历史因果论大地构造学的研究指导思想和研究方法,主要包括下列几点:(1)发展观点同联系观点结合:(2)时间观念同三维空间观念结合;(3)水平运动同垂直运动并重:(4)壳体的整体运动同体内运动并重;(5)构造层划分与构造系划分结合;(6)洋壳同陆壳兼顾;(7)远古与近代并重;(8)全球与地区兼顾;(9)岩石圈演化与运动并重.  相似文献   
地气法-找深部金矿的新方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍一种八十年代发展起来的找深部金矿的新方法一地气法。文中讨论了地气法的找矿机理,认为是地壳中上升气流将成矿元素微粒携带至地表而造成多元素异常。对工作方法着重讨论了地气采样与测试的系统,以及比较了积累式取样的效果。最后列出山东招远地区大尹格庄金矿80号勘探线的地气测量多元素异常图。  相似文献   
本文将给出垂直断层附近三维不均匀体电阻率法的数值解,所用方法是边界单元法,但基本解的选择与以往的边界单元法不同。  相似文献   
通过建立波浪作用下锚碇沉管管段运动的时域数值计算模型,对锚碇沉管的运动响应及锚碇缆受力特性进行了研究。应用集中质量法求解锚碇缆力,应用四阶Runge-Kutta法求解管段时域运动方程,计算了在不同沉深、不同周期、不同波高和不同波向条件下沉管管段的运动幅值和锚碇缆力。数值计算的结果表明:锚碇沉管的锚碇缆对沉管管段的运动起到一定的约束作用,在沉放深度较浅、波浪周期较大时,锚碇缆对沉管管段运动幅度的制约更为明显。通过五种布缆方式的计算与分析,探讨了布缆方式对沉管管段运动响应及锚碇缆受力的影响,并给出了较为合理的布缆方案。  相似文献   
Doo Yong Choi  Chin H. Wu   《Ocean Engineering》2006,33(5-6):587-609
A new three-dimensional, non-hydrostatic free surface flow model is presented. For simulating water wave motions over uneven bottoms, the model employs an explicit project method on a Cartesian the staggered gird system to solve the complete three-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations. A bi-conjugated gradient method with a pre-conditioning procedure is used to solve the resulting matrix system. The model is capable of resolving non-hydrostatic pressure by incorporating the integral method of the top-layer pressure treatment, and predicting wave propagation and interaction over irregular bottom by including a partial bottom-cell treatment. Four examples of surface wave propagation are used to demonstrate the capability of the model. Using a small of vertical layers (e.g. 2–3 layers), it is shown that the model could effectively and accurately resolve wave shoaling, non-linearity, dispersion, fission, refraction, and diffraction phenomena.  相似文献   
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