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Ground-based optical observations of D1 and D2 line emissions from Jupiter’s sodium nebula, which extend over several hundreds of jovian radii, were carried out at Mt. Haleakala, Maui, Hawaii using a wide field filter imager from May 19 to June 21, 2007. During this observation, the east-west asymmetry of the nebula with respect to the Io’s orbital motion was clearly identified. Particularly, the D1+D2 brightness on the western side of Jupiter is strongly controlled by the Io phase angle. The following scenario was developed to explain this phenomenon as follows: First, more ionospheric ions like NaX+, which are thought to produce fast neutral sodium atoms due to a dissociative recombination process, are expected to exist in Io’s dayside hemisphere rather than in the nightside one. Second, it is expected that more NaX+ ionospheric ions are picked up by the jovian co-rotating magnetic field when Io’s leading hemisphere is illuminated by the Sun. Third, the sodium atom ejection rate varies with respect to Io’s orbital position as a result of the first two points. Model simulations were performed using this scenario. The model results were consistent with the observation results, suggesting that Io’s ionosphere is expected to be controlled by solar radiation just like Earth.  相似文献   
Cretaceous climate, volcanism, impacts, and biotic effects   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Cretaceous volcanic activities (LIPs and CFBPs) appear to have had relatively minor biotic effects, at least at the generic level. Major biotic stress during the Cretaceous was associated with OAEs and related to nutrient availability largely from weathering, greenhouse warming, drowning of platform areas, and volcanism. The biotic effects of OAEs were often dramatic at the species level, causing the extinction of larger specialized and heavily calcified planktonic foraminifera (rotaliporid extinction) and nannoconids (nannoconid crises), the temporary disappearances of other larger species, and the rapid increase in r-selected small and thin-walled species, such as the low oxygen tolerant heterohelicids and radially elongated taxa among planktic foraminifera and thin walled nannofossils. Biotic diversity increased during cool climates, particularly during the late Campanian and Maastrichtian, reaching maximum diversity during the middle Maastrichtian. High biotic stress conditions began during greenhouse warming and Deccan volcanism about 400 ky before the K-T boundary; it reduced abundances of large specialized tropical planktic foraminiferal species and endangered their survival. By K-T time, renewed Deccan volcanism combined with a large impact probably triggered the demise of this already extinction prone species group.Evidence from NE Mexico, Texas, and the Chicxulub crater itself indicates that this 170 km-diameter crater predates the K-T boundary by 300,000 years and caused no species extinctions. The Chicxulub impact, therefore, can no longer be considered a direct cause for the K-T mass extinction. However, the K-T mass extinction is closely associated with a global Ir anomaly, which is considered too large, too widespread, and too concentrated in a thin layer to have originated from volcanic activity, leaving another large impact as the most likely source. This suggests that a second still unknown larger impact may have triggered the K-T mass extinction.  相似文献   
In this study we examine a set of lunar mare domes located in the Hortensius/Milichius/T. Mayer region and in northern Mare Tranquillitatis with respect to their formation along crustal fractures, their rheologic properties, the dimensions of their feeder dikes, and the importance of magma evolution processes during dome formation. Many of these domes display elongated summit vents oriented radially with respect to major impact basins, and several dome locations are also aligned in these preferential directions. Analysis of Clementine UV/VIS and Lunar Prospector gamma ray spectrometer data reveals that the examined mare domes formed from low-Si basaltic lavas of high FeO and low to moderate TiO2 content. Based on their morphometric properties (diameter, height, volume) obtained by photoclinometric and shape from shading analysis of telescopic CCD images, we derive rheologic quantities (lava viscosity during eruption, effusion rate, duration of the effusion process, magma rise speed) and the dimensions of the feeder dikes. We establish three rheologic groups characterised by specific combinations of rheologic properties and dike dimensions, where the most relevant discriminative parameter is the lava viscosity η. The first group is characterised by and contains the domes with elongated vents in the Milichius/T. Mayer region and two similar domes in northern Mare Tranquillitatis. The second group with comprises the very low aligned domes in northern Mare Tranquillitatis, and the third group with the relatively steep domes near Hortensius and in the T. Mayer region. The inferred dike dimensions in comparison to lunar crustal thickness data indicate that the source regions of the feeder dikes are situated within the upper crust for six of the domes in northern Mare Tranquillitatis, while they are likely to be located in the lower crust and in the upper mantle for the other examined domes. By comparing the time scale of magma ascent with the time scale on which heat is conducted from the magma into the host rock, we find evidence that the importance of magma evolution processes during ascent such as cooling and crystallisation increases with lava viscosity. We conclude that different degrees of evolution of initially fluid basaltic magma are able to explain the broad range of lava viscosities inferred for the examined mare domes. The spectral data reveal that differences in TiO2 content may additionally account for the systematic difference in lava viscosity between the two examined lunar regions. We show that the described mechanisms are likely to be valid also for other lunar mare domes situated near Cauchy and Arago, regarded for comparison. On the other hand, we find for the Gruithuisen and Mairan highland domes that despite their inferred high lava viscosities of , no significant magma cooling in the dike occurred during ascent, supporting previous findings that the highland domes were formed during a specific phase of non-mare volcanism by highly silicic viscous lavas.  相似文献   
Dramatic changes in the brightness and shape of Jupiter's extended sodium nebula are found to be correlated with the infrared emission brightness of Io. Previous imaging and modeling studies have shown that varying appearances of the nebula correspond to changes in the rate and the type of loss mechanism for atmospheric escape from Io. Similarly, previous IR observational studies have assumed that enhancements in infrared emissions from Io correspond to increased levels of volcanic (lava flow) activity. In linking these processes observationally and statistically, we conclude that silicate volcanism on Io controls both the rate and the means by which sodium escapes from Io's atmosphere. During active periods, molecules containing sodium become an important transient in Io's upper atmosphere, and subsequent photochemistry and molecular-ion driven dynamics enhance the high speed sodium population, leading to the brightest nebulas observed. This is not the case during volcanically quiet times when omni-present atmospheric sputtering ejects sodium to form a modest, base-level nebula. Sodium's role as a “trace gas” of the more abundant species of sulfur (S) and oxygen (O) is less certain during volcanic episodes. While we suggest that volcanism must also affect the escape rates of S and O, and consequently their extended neutral clouds, the different roles played by lava and plume sources for non-sodium species are far too uncertain to make definitive comparisons at this time.  相似文献   
Vesteris Seamount is a solitary submarine volcano located at 73°30 N, 9°10W in the Greenland Basin. Steeply rising from a base depth of 3100 m to a minimum depth of ~ 130 m and striking 030°/210°, the feature lies ~ 300 km east of the east Greenland margin on an otherwise nearly flat and featureless seafloor. The main body of the seamount appears to have been formed episodically, the last of which culminated about 110 000 years ago. Subsequent, lower intensity volcanic activity continued sporadically until about 25 000 years ago, as evidenced by ash layers found in cores near the base of the feature. The smoothed surfaces at the summit make it likely that the seamount actually broached the surface during the Weichselian glacial period, between 8000 and 13 000 years ago. Two multibeam bathymetric investigations aboardPFS Polarstern during ARKTIS II/4 (1984) and ARKTIS VII/1 (1990), combined with geologic sampling, single-channel seismic profiling and underwater television coverage, have resulted in a new interpretation of both the morphology and origins of the seamount. Data collected aboardPolarstern from ARKTIS II/4 (1984) have been previously reported by Hempelet al. (1991), however, when combined with the ARKTIS VII/1 (1990) data set, a more detailed interpretation of the morphology and structure was feasible. This included the elongated shape of the feature and showed the existence of several small volcanic cones on the seamount flanks.The U.S. Government right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty free licence in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   
We present new major and trace element and O–Sr–Nd-isotope data for igneous rocks from the western Mediterranean Alborán Sea, collected during the METEOR 51/1 cruise, and for high-grade schists and gneisses from the continental Alborán basement, drilled during the Ocean Drilling Programme (ODP Leg 161, Site 976). The geochemical data allow a detailed examination of crustal and mantle processes involved in the petrogenesis of the lavas and for the first time reveal a zonation of the Miocene Alborán Sea volcanism: (1) a keel-shaped area of LREE-depleted (mainly tholeiitic series) lavas in the central Alborán Sea, generated by high degrees of partial melting of a depleted mantle source and involving hydrous fluids from subducted marine sediments, that is surrounded by (2) a horseshoe-shaped zone with LREE-enriched (mainly calc-alkaline series) lavas subparallel to the arcuate Betic-Gibraltar-Rif mountain belt. We propose that the geochemical zonation of the Miocene Alborán Basin volcanism results from eastward subduction of Tethys oceanic lithosphere coupled with increasing lithospheric thickness between the central Alborán Sea and the continental margins of Iberia and Africa. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
阿尔泰南缘分布着大量的晚古生代康布铁堡组火山岩系,是许多铁矿、铜矿以及铅锌矿的赋矿围岩。阿尔泰南缘麦兹和克朗火山-沉积盆地内的钾-钠质流纹岩的年龄分别为396.7±1.4Ma和394.0±6.0Ma,结合近期研究成果,进一步表明阿尔泰南缘火山岩主要形成于晚古生代早期,锆石U-Pb年龄峰期在400Ma左右。钾-钠质流纹岩具有高硅(SiO2的含量范围为73%~82%)、高碱(总碱含量介于4%~7%)和过铝质(高A/CNK值>1)的特征,并见有白云母和黑云母的矿物组合,属于高硅高碱过铝质的钙碱性火山岩。此外,它们的Sr和Nd同位素分别为87Sr/86Sr=0.7074~0.7144,143Nd/144Nd=0.512072~0.512252,具有上地壳来源的特征,说明其岩石成因与初生地壳的部分熔融作用有着密切关系。结合区域地质背景分析,它们都产在与俯冲消减作用有关的陆缘岛弧的地质环境中。因此,我们推断本区钾-钠质流纹岩的原始岩浆为高硅高碱的花岗质岩浆,是由进入陆壳的高侵位玄武岩浆的底侵作用导致其上部地壳近固相线的低程度部分熔融的产物。  相似文献   
Determining absolute surface ages for bodies in the Solar System is, at present, only possible for Earth and Moon with radiometric dating for both bodies and biologic proxies such as fossils for Earth. Relative ages through cratering statistics are recognized as one of the most reliable proxies for relative ages, calibrated by lunar geologic mapping and Apollo program sample returns. In this work, we have utilized the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter’s ConTeXt Camera’s images which provide the highest resolution wide-scale coverage of Mars to systematically crater-age-date the calderas of 20 of Mars’ largest volcanoes in order to constrain the length of time over which these volcanoes - and major volcanic activity on the planet, by extension - were active. This constitutes the largest uniform and comprehensive research on these features to date, eliminating unknown uncertainties by multiple researchers analyzing different volcanoes with varied data and methods. We confirm previous results that Mars has had active volcanism throughout most of its history although it varied spatially and temporally, with the latest large-scale caldera activity ending approximately 150 ma in the Tharsis region. We find a transition from explosive to effusive eruption style occurring in the Hesperian, at approximately 3.5 Ga ago, though different regions of the planet transitioned at different times. Since we were statistically complete in our crater counts to sizes as small as ∼60 m in most cases, we also used our results to study the importance of secondary cratering and its effects on crater size-frequency distributions within the small regions of volcanic calderas. We found that there is no “golden rule” for the diameters secondaries become important in crater counts of martian surfaces, with one volcano showing a classic field of secondaries ∼2 crater diameters from the center of its primary but not affecting the size-frequency distribution, and another clearly showing an influence but from no obvious primary.  相似文献   
Giovanni Leone  Lionel Wilson 《Icarus》2011,211(1):623-635
We solve numerically the equations describing the transfer of heat through the lithosphere of Io by a mixture of conduction and volcanic advection as proposed by O’Reilly and Davies (O’Reilly, T.C., Davies, G.F. [1981]. Geophys. Res. Lett. 8, 313-316), removing the requirement that average material properties must be used. As expected, the dominance of advective heat transfer by volcanic eruptions means that Io’s geothermal gradient well away from volcanic centres is very small, of order 1 K km−1. This result is independent of any reasonable assumptions about the radiogenic heating rate in the lithosphere. The lithosphere temperature does not increase greatly above the surface temperature until the base of the lithosphere is approached, except in limited areas around shallow magma bodies. As a consequence, solid volatile sulphur compounds mobilized by volcanic processes and re-deposited on the surface of Io commonly remain solid until they reach great depths as they are progressively buried by ongoing activity. For current estimates of the volcanic heat transfer rate, melting of SO2 does not begin until a depth of ∼20 km and sulphur remains solid to a depth of ∼26 km in a 30 km thick lithosphere. Rising magmas can incorporate fluids from these deep sulphur compound aquifers, and we quantify the major influence that this can have on the bulk density of the magma and hence the resulting possible intrusion and eruption styles.  相似文献   
The primary crater population on Mercury has been modified by volcanism and secondary craters. Two phases of volcanism are recognized. One volcanic episode that produced widespread intercrater plains occurred during the period of the Late Heavy Bombardment and markedly altered the surface in many areas. The second episode is typified by the smooth plains interior and exterior to the Caloris basin, both of which have a different crater size-frequency distribution than the intercrater plains, consistent with a cratering record dominated by a younger population of impactors. These two phases may have overlapped as parts of a continuous period of volcanism during which the volcanic flux tended to decrease with time. The youngest age of smooth plains volcanism cannot yet be determined, but at least small expanses of plains are substantially younger than the plains associated with the Caloris basin. The spatial and temporal variations of volcanic resurfacing events can be used to reconstruct Mercury's geologic history from images and compositional and topographic data to be acquired during the orbital phase of the MESSENGER mission.  相似文献   
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