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Chemical kinetic model for the lower atmosphere of Venus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A self-consistent chemical kinetic model of the Venus atmosphere at 0-47 km has been calculated for the first time. The model involves 82 reactions of 26 species. Chemical processes in the atmosphere below the clouds are initiated by photochemical products from the middle atmosphere (H2SO4, CO, Sx), thermochemistry in the lowest 10 km, and photolysis of S3. The sulfur bonds in OCS and Sx are weaker than the bonds of other elements in the basic atmospheric species on Venus; therefore the chemistry is mostly sulfur-driven. Sulfur chemistry activates some H and Cl atoms and radicals, though their effect on the chemical composition is weak. The lack of kinetic data for many reactions presents a problem that has been solved using some similar reactions and thermodynamic calculations of inverse processes. Column rates of some reactions in the lower atmosphere exceed the highest rates in the middle atmosphere by two orders of magnitude. However, many reactions are balanced by the inverse processes, and their net rates are comparable to those in the middle atmosphere. The calculated profile of CO is in excellent agreement with the Pioneer Venus and Venera 12 gas chromatographic measurements and slightly above the values from the nightside spectroscopy at 2.3 μm. The OCS profile also agrees with the nightside spectroscopy which is the only source of data for this species. The abundance and vertical profile of gaseous H2SO4 are similar to those observed by the Mariner 10 and Magellan radio occultations and ground-based microwave telescopes. While the calculated mean S3 abundance agrees with the Venera 11-14 observations, a steep decrease in S3 from the surface to 20 km is not expected from the observations. The ClSO2 and SO2Cl2 mixing ratios are ∼10−11 in the lowest scale height. The existing concept of the atmospheric sulfur cycles is incompatible with the observations of the OCS profile. A scheme suggested in the current work involves the basic photochemical cycle, that transforms CO2 and SO2 into SO3, CO, and Sx, and a minor photochemical cycle which forms CO and Sx from OCS. The net effect of thermochemistry in the lowest 10 km is formation of OCS from CO and Sx. Chemistry at 30-40 km removes the downward flux of SO3 and the upward flux of OCS and increases the downward fluxes of CO and Sx. The geological cycle of sulfur remains unchanged.  相似文献   
Thomas R. Hanley 《Icarus》2005,177(1):286-290
Laboratory measurements of the microwave opacity of HCl in a CO2 atmosphere have been conducted in the S (13.3 cm), X (3.6 cm), and K (1.4 cm) microwave bands at a pressure of 7.2 bar and at two different mixing ratios. The results are consistent with an opacity model employing the Van Vleck-Weisskopf lineshape applied to the published submillimeter line intensities of HCl (JPL Catalog [Pickett et al., 1998, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Rad. Trans. 60, 883-890]) and empirically fitted with a modeled parameter for CO2 broadening. Based on the deep atmospheric abundance of HCl inferred from near-infrared measurements [Dalton et al., 2000, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 32, 1120], the resulting modeled HCl opacity is constrained to have a small effect on the overall microwave absorption spectrum of Venus, but can be used in developing a more accurate radiative transfer model.  相似文献   
Venus was observed at 2.4 and 3.7 μm with a resolving power of 4×104 using the long-slit high-resolution spectrograph CSHELL at NASA IRTF. The observations were made along a chord that covered a latitude range of ± 60° at a local time near 8:00. The continuous reflectivity and limb brightening at 2.4 μm are fitted by the clouds with a single scattering albedo 1−a=0.01 and a pure absorbing layer with τ=0.09 above the clouds. The value of 1−a agrees with the refractive index of H2SO4 (85%) and the particle radius of 1 μm. The absorbing layer is similar to that observed by the UV spectrometer at the Pioneer Venus orbiter. However, its nature is puzzling. CO2 was measured using its R32 and R34 lines. The retrieved product of the CO2 abundance and airmass is constant at 1.9 km-atm along the instrument slit in the latitude range of ± 60°. The CO mixing ratio (measured using the P21 line) is rather constant at 70 ppm, and its variations of ∼10% may be caused by atmospheric dynamics. The observed value is higher than the 50 ppm retrieved previously from a spectrum of the full disk, possibly, because of some downward extension of the mesospheric morningside bulge of CO. The observations of the HF R3 line reveal a constant HF mixing ratio of 3.5±0.5 ppb within ± 60° of latitude, which is within the scatter in the previous measurements of HF. OCS has been detected for the first time at the cloud tops by summing 17 lines of the P-branch. The previous detections of OCS refer to the lower atmosphere at 30-35 km. The retrieved OCS mixing ratio varies with a scale height of 1 to 3 km. The mean OCS mixing ratio is ∼2 ppb at 70 km and ∼14 ppb at 64 km. Vertical motions in the atmosphere may change the OCS abundance. The detected OCS should significantly affect Venus' photochemistry. A sensitive search for H2S using its line at 2688.93 cm−1 results in a 3 sigma upper limit of 23 ppb, which is more restrictive than the previous limit of 100 ppb.  相似文献   
I. Romeo  D.L. Turcotte 《Icarus》2009,203(1):13-19
The areas of volcanic units on Venus have been measured on the 1:5000000 geological maps published by NASA/USGS. These data were used to obtain a frequency-area distribution. The cumulative frequency-area distribution of 1544 specific occurrence of units cover six orders of magnitude from the largest unit (30 × 106 km2) to the smallest (20 km2). The probability distribution function has been calculated. The medium and large volcanic units correlate well with a power-law (fractal) relation for the dependence of frequency on area with a slope of −1.83. There are fewer small units than the expected values provided by the power-law relation. Our measurements cover 21.02% of the planetary surface, 3.59% of the study area was found to be tessera terrain and is excluded from this study of volcanism. The measurements were restricted to areas where geological maps have been published. The analysis was performed on two independent areas of the planet, with a complete coverage of published maps. In both areas the largest volcanic unit covers a significant portion of the surface (58.75% and 63.64%, respectively). For the total measured volcanic units (excluding tessera), these two largest units (that could correspond to the same unit or not) cover the 61.18% and they are stratigraphically superimposed on older volcanic units which cover 3.37% of the area. The remaining area (35.45%) is occupied by younger volcanic units stratigraphically superimposed on the large volcanic unit(s). These results are based on the independent mapping of a large number of geologists with different ideas about the geodynamical evolution of Venus and different criteria for geological mapping. Despite this fact, the presence of these very large units is incompatible with the equilibrium resurfacing models, because their generation at different ages would destroy the crater randomness. Our frequency-area distribution of the mapped volcanic units supports a catastrophic resurfacing due to the emplacement of the largest unit(s) followed by a decay of volcanism. Our data for the frequency-area distribution of volcanic units provide new support for catastrophic resurfacing models. It is difficult to make our observations compatible with equilibrium, steady-state resurfacing models.  相似文献   
An analysis of ion data from 390 Venus Express, VEX, orbits demonstrates that the flow of solar wind- and ionospheric ions near Venus is characterized by a marked asymmetry. The flow asymmetry of solar wind H+ and ionospheric O+ points steadily in the opposite direction to the planet’s orbital motion, and is most pronounced near the Pole and in the tail/nightside region. The flow asymmetry is consistent with aberration forcing, here defined as lateral forcing induced by the planet’s orbital motion. In addition to solar wind forcing by the radial solar wind expansion, Venus is also subject a lateral/aberration forcing induced by the planet’s orbital motion transverse to the solar wind flow.The ionospheric response to lateral solar wind forcing is analyzed from altitude profiles of the ion density, ion velocity and ion mass-flux. The close connection between decreasing solar wind H+ mass-flux and increasing ionospheric O+ mass-flux, is suggestive of a direct/local solar wind energy and momentum transfer to ionospheric plasma. The bulk O+ ion flow is accelerated to velocities less than 10 km/s inside the dayside/flank Ionopause, and up to 6000 km in the tail. Consequently, the bulk O+ outflow does not escape, but remains near Venus as a fast (km/s) O+ zonal wind in the Venus polar and nightside upper ionosphere. Furthermore, the total O+ mass-flux in the Venus induced magnetosphere, increases steadily downward to a maximum of 2 × 10−14 kg/(m2 s) at ≈400 km altitude, suggesting a downward transport of energy and momentum. The O+, and total mass-flux, decay rapidly below 400 km. With no other plasma mass-flux as replacement, we argue that the reduction of ion mass-flux is caused by ion-neutral drag, a transfer of ion energy and momentum to neutrals, implying that the O+ plasma wind is converted to a neutral (thermosphere) wind at Venus. Incidentally, such a neutral wind would go in the same direction as the Venus atmosphere superrotation.  相似文献   
A comparison of the internal structure of Earth-like planets is unavoidable to understand the formation and evolution of the solar system, and the differences between Earth’s, Mars’, and Venus’ atmospheres, surfaces and tectonic behaviors. Recent studies point at the role of core structure and dynamics in the evolution of the atmosphere, mantle and crust. On Earth, the crust thickness and the radius and physical state of the cores are known for almost one century, since the advent of seismological observations, but the lack of long-term surface-based geodetic, electromagnetic and seismological observations on the other planets, results in very large uncertainties on the crust thickness, on the temperature and composition of their mantle, and on the size and physical state of their cores. According to the currently available geodetic data, Mars’ dimensionless mean-moment-of-inertia ratio is equal to 0.3653±0.0008. When combined with geochemical observations and with the inputs of laboratory experiments on planetary materials at high pressure and high temperature, this result constrains a narrow range of density values for Mars’ mantle and favors a light [6200-6765 kg m−3] sulfur-rich core, but it still allows for a 1600-1750 km range for the core radius, i.e. an uncertainty at least ten times larger than the precision obtained in 1913 by Gutenberg for the Earth’s core. Mars’ mantle density distribution may be explained by a large range of temperatures and mineralogical compositions, either olivine- or pyroxene-rich. The unknown mean thickness of Mars’ crust makes necessary a number of working assumptions for the interpretation of gravimetric and magnetic data. The situation is worse for Venus, and the most conservative model of its deep interior is a transposition of the Earth’s structure scaled to Venus’ radius and mass. The temperature conditions at the surface of this planet hardly make possible long-term ground-based measurements, but this is indeed feasible at the surface of Mars. Precise measurements of Mars’ crust thickness, core radius and structure, and the proof of the existence or absence of an inner core, would put tight constraints on mantle dynamics and thermal evolution, and on possible scenarios leading to the extinction of Mars’ magnetic field about 4.0 Ga ago. Long-lasting surface-based geodetic, seismological and magnetic observations would provide this information, as well as the distributions as a function of depth of the density, elastic and anelastic parameters, and electrical conductivity. Current studies on the structure of Earth’s deep interior demonstrate that the latter data set, when constrained by laboratory experiments, may be inverted in terms of temperature, chemical, and mineralogical compositions.  相似文献   
Terrestrial lightning is generated by the separation of electric charge residing on water-ice particles in clouds, a few kilometers above the electrically conducting surface of the Earth. It is detected optically, electromagnetically, and aurally. The majority of discharges occur within or between clouds with about one third discharging to the surface of the Earth. Upward-propagating lightning also occurs with effects extending into the ionosphere. On Venus, the clouds are close to 50 km above the surface of the planet, where the temperatures and pressures are near those of Earth’s surface. In contrast the atmospheric pressure near the surface of Venus is nearly 100 times that of Earth. Thus, while intra- and inter-cloud lightning is expected to occur in a manner similar to that on Earth, we do not expect discharges from the clouds to the surface to occur. Upward-going lightning may be more frequent at Venus because the ionosphere is closer to the clouds. As at Earth, Venus lightning has been detected optically and electromagnetically from a variety of platforms. We find that some of the observed properties of lightning are different at the two planets. Many of the differences in the electromagnetic waves detected by spacecraft can be attributed to effects during ionospheric propagation to the spacecraft. We review the differences in the ionospheres of Earth and Venus and how they affect observations. We use both the Pioneer Venus electric antenna observations as well as the Venus Express magnetic measurements.  相似文献   
This paper deals with two common problems and then considers major aspects of chemistry in the atmospheres of Mars and Venus. (1) The atmospheres of the terrestrial planets have similar origins but different evolutionary pathways because of the different masses and distances to the Sun. Venus lost its water by hydrodynamic escape, Earth lost CO2 that formed carbonates and is strongly affected by life, Mars lost water in the reaction with iron and then most of the atmosphere by the intense meteorite impacts. (2) In spite of the higher solar radiation on Venus, its thermospheric temperatures are similar to those on Mars because of the greater gravity acceleration and the higher production of O by photolysis of CO2. O stimulates cooling by the emission at 15 μm in the collisions with CO2. (3) There is a great progress in the observations of photochemical tracers and minor constituents on Mars in the current decade. This progress is supported by progress in photochemical modeling, especially by photochemical GCMs. Main results in these areas are briefly discussed. The problem of methane presents the controversial aspects of its variations and origin. The reported variations of methane cannot be explained by the existing data on gas-phase and heterogeneous chemistry. The lack of current volcanism, SO2, and warm spots on Mars favor the biological origin of methane. (4) Venus’ chemistry is rich and covers a wide range of temperatures and pressures and many species. Photochemical models for the middle atmosphere (58-112 km), for the nighttime atmosphere and night airglow at 80-130 km, and the kinetic model for the lower atmosphere are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
A comparative study of meteor ablation in the atmospheres of the Earth and Venus is presented. The classical single body meteor ablation model is extended to incorporate a heat penetration depth estimate allowing the simulation of larger meteoroids, than would an isothermal model. The ablation of icy and rocky meteoroids, with densities of 1.0 and 3.4 g cm−3, respectively, and initial radii of up to for rock and for ice (equivalent to an initial mass of in both cases), was simulated in both atmospheres. In general venusian meteors are brighter than terrestrial equivalents. Large, slow, rocky objects may be up to 0.7 mag brighter on Venus, while small, icy particles with entry speeds in the range 30-60 km s−1, are found to be upwards of 2.7 mag brighter than at the Earth. Venusian meteors reach maximum brightness at greater altitudes than would similar particles at the Earth. Rocky meteoroids have their points of maximum brightness some 15-35 km higher up at Venus, between 90 and 120 km, whereas, for icy particles this altitude difference is about 5-25 km higher up than at the Earth, in the range 100-125 km. These findings agree, for the most part, with recent analytical studies. Venusian meteors, which last from 100 ms to , tend to be shorter-lived than terrestrial meteors, with correspondingly shorter visible trails. Large (), slow () icy particles reach a maximum magnitude of ∼−2 at Venus and remain visible for about one second, with a large section of the smaller faster meteoroids simulated here remaining visible for several hundred milliseconds. In light of recent space-based meteor observations at the Earth [Jenniskens, P., Tedesco, E., Muthry, J., Laux, C.O., Price, S., 2002. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 37, 1071-1078], such brightness, height and duration estimates as suggested in this work, may be used in developing future observational campaigns to be carried out from Venus orbit.  相似文献   
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