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深海热液硫化物矿体3D瞬变电磁正演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
深海热液硫化物矿体瞬变电磁的正演是考虑深海环境的全空间条件下三维体的涡流电磁响应.采用全空间矢量有限元法模拟计算深海热液硫化物矿的三维瞬变电磁响应,对硫化物矿体采用矩形单元模型剖分,应用Galerkin法推导有限元方程,先计算频率域响应,再通过Fourier反变换将其转换至时间域,得出深海热液硫化物矿矿体的瞬变电磁响应.并用双半空间模型的解析解检验了全空间矢量有限元法模拟计算算法和程序的正确性,最后按照等比例缩小电磁物理实验原则,比对数值计算和物理实验结果论证了全空间3D模型数值的正确性.结果表明:对于海水、矿体以及围岩复杂电磁边界,应用全空间矢量有限元法模拟计算深海热液硫化物矿瞬变电磁响应异常与物理模拟结果一致,而且计算方法简单精确,异常幅值明显,边界清晰.  相似文献   
基于乘积模型的极化SAR滤波   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种基于乘积模型的极化SAR滤波方法。首先基于乘积模型分离纹理信息和极化信息,然后分别独立地进行滤波,最后再合成协方差矩阵。实验表明,本方法有效可行,有较好的极化保持性能。  相似文献   

Surface roughness of sea ice is primary information for understanding sea ice dynamics and air–ice–ocean interactions. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a powerful tool for investigating sea ice surface roughness owing to the high sensitivity of its signal to surface structures. In this study, we explored the surface roughness signatures of the summer Arctic snow-covered first-year sea ice in X-band dual-polarimetric SAR in terms of the root mean square (RMS) height. Two ice campaigns were conducted for the first-year sea ice with dry snow cover in the marginal ice zone of the Chukchi Sea in August 2017 and August 2018, from which high-resolution (4 cm) digital surface models (DSMs) of the sea ice were derived with the help of a terrestrial laser scanner to obtain the in situ RMS height. X-band dual-polarimetric (HH and VV) SAR data (3 m spatial resolution) were obtained for the 2017 campaign, at a high incidence angle (49.5°) of TerraSAR-X, and for the 2018 campaign, at a mid-incidence angle (36.1°) of TanDEM-X 1–2 days after the acquisition of the DSMs. The sea ice drifted during the time between the SAR and DSM acquisitions. As it is difficult to directly co-register the DSM to SAR owing to the difference in spatial resolution, the two datasets were geometrically matched using unmanned aerial vehicle (4 cm resolution) and helicopter-borne (30 cm resolution) photographs acquired as part of the ice campaigns. A total of five dual-polarimetric SAR features―backscattering coefficients at HH and VV polarizations, co-polarization ratio, co-polarization phase difference, and co-polarization correlation coefficient ―were computed from the dual-polarimetric SAR data and compared to the RMS height of the sea ice, which showed macroscale surface roughness. All the SAR features obtained at the high incidence angle were statistically weakly correlated with the RMS height of the sea ice, possibly influenced by the low backscattering close to the noise level that is attributed to the high incidence angle. The SAR features at the mid-incidence angle showed a statistically significant correlation with the RMS height of the sea ice, with Spearman’s correlation coefficient being higher than 0.7, except for the co-polarization ratio. Among the intensity-based and polarimetry-based SAR features, HH-polarized backscattering and co-polarization phase difference were analyzed to be the most sensitive to the macroscale RMS height of the sea ice. Our results show that the X-band dual-polarimetric SAR at mid-incidence angle exhibits potential for estimation of the macroscale surface roughness of the first-year sea ice with dry snow cover in summer.  相似文献   

随着多分量采集技术的发展,弹性波逆时偏移技术在三维各向异性介质复杂地质构造成像中得到了广泛的应用.然而耦合的P波场和S波场,会在传播过程中产生串扰噪声,降低弹性波逆时偏移的成像精度.为了解决这一问题,本研究针对具有倾斜各向异性对称轴的三维横向各向同性(Transverse Isotropy,TI)介质,提出了一种矢量弹性波场快速解耦方法,可以有效提高偏移剖面的成像质量.该方法首先通过坐标转换,将观测系统坐标系的垂直轴旋转到TI介质的对称轴方向,在新坐标系下,根据具有垂直对称轴的三维横向各向同性(Vertical Transverse Isotropy,VTI)介质中的分解算子,推导出三维TI介质解耦算子表达式.接着引入一种在空间域快速计算分解波场的方法,来实现空间域矢量P波场和S波场分离,极大地提高了计算效率.最后,通过点积成像条件,将提出的P/S波分解方法引入到三维TI介质弹性波逆时偏移中,得到高精度的PP和PS成像.与以往的波场分解方法相比,本文方法具有数值稳定和计算效率高的特点.数值算例表明,应用上述三维TI分解算子得到的偏移剖面有效压制了噪声,提高了成像质量.


半航空瞬变电磁法(SATEM)因其具有工作效率高、探测成本低等优势, 成为了一种发展迅速的新兴地球物理探测技术.基于一维反演的SATEM数据处理方法难以满足复杂地质条件下精细解释的需求.同时, 采用单一的探测方式, 存在探测能力有限、反演多解性强等问题.本文开发了适用于地面瞬变电磁法和SATEM的三维反演及联合反演算法.正演采用基于非结构化四面体网格的矢量有限元法, 可以精确模拟地形和复杂地电结构.反演采用具有较高收敛速度的高斯-牛顿法.通过对理论模型分别进行地面瞬变电磁、半航空瞬变电磁单独反演及其联合反演, 验证了反演算法的有效性.通过对比不同装置的单独反演结果, 以及单独反演与联合反演结果, 分析了不同装置的探测能力, 并展示了联合反演可以有效压制反演多解性、提高反演结果分辨率的优势.



张磊  邵振峰 《测绘科学》2014,39(11):114-117,66
文章提出了一种结合改进的最佳指数法(OIF)和支持向量机(SVM)进行高光谱遥感影像分类新方法.利用本文提出的稳定系数进行波段初选择,根据相关系数选择波段组合生成新影像,并对新影像进行OIF计算,得到OIF值最大的波段组合为最佳波段组合;构建SVM分类器,对最佳波段组合分类;最后将分类结果与其他监督分类方法比较,并在相同核函数下与PCA和SVM结合的方法进行精度比较分析.实验结果表明,本文方法能够有效提取最佳波段组合,在SVM算法下获得较高分类精度.  相似文献   

Due to spatial and temporal variability an effective monitoring system for water resources must consider the use of remote sensing to provide information. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is useful due to timely data acquisition and sensitivity to surface water and flooded vegetation. The ability to map flooded vegetation is attributed to the double bounce scattering mechanism, often dominant for this target. Dong Ting Lake in China is an ideal site for evaluating SAR data for this application due to annual flooding caused by mountain snow melt causing extensive changes in flooded vegetation. A curvelet-based approach for change detection in SAR imagery works well as it highlights the change and suppresses the speckle noise. This paper addresses the extension of this change detection technique to polarimetric SAR data for monitoring surface water and flooded vegetation. RADARSAT-2 images of Dong Ting Lake demonstrate this curvelet-based change detection technique applied to wetlands although it is applicable to other land covers and for post disaster impact assessment. These tools are important to Digital Earth for map updating and revision.  相似文献   
This paper reports research to predict the distribution of An. minimus, a malaria vector in forest fringe areas using GIS to support precision surveys for malaria control. Because An. minimus is a forest‐associated species, generalized thematic maps (1:6?000?000) of forest cover, soil type, altitude, rainfall and temperature were used. Digitization, overlaying, integration and analysis of thematic maps were done using Arc/Info 8.1 NT and Arc/View 3.2 (GIS, ESRI) software. GIS delineated favourable areas for An. minimus where the species is likely to be found, and precision surveys can be conducted. Precision field surveys in selected locations of favourable/non‐favourable areas were carried out. The species could be found in all locations designated as a favourable area and was absent in non‐favourable areas. In two districts, one where the species is reported to have disappeared in the early 1950s and the other where it was not reported in earlier surveys, GIS helped in precision surveys, and An. minimus was found. The technique can quickly cover vast and inaccessible areas and is easy to duplicate in other parts of the world to assist cost‐effective control of malaria. It can also delineate areas favourable for any species of flora and fauna to help precision surveys.  相似文献   
As positional error is a major issue in the assessment of spatial data quality, its propagation has been studied widely in map overlaying. However, few studies deal with a manifest consequence of positional error in map overlaying, namely sliver polygons. Sliver polygons are generally treated as awkward by-products that need to be removed quickly. Nevertheless, as they represent spurious areas, their nature and properties carry useful information, for example, for land use/cover assessment. Therefore, next to sliver removal, there is a need for intelligent detection and eventually further analysis of sliver polygons. This article proposes a general, semi-automated method for the assessment of slivers in vector polygon layers. A case study in Flanders (Belgium) illustrates a possible application in area estimation evaluation of land use allocation classes.  相似文献   
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