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土耳其贝帕扎里天然碱矿H020U井在造斜钻进和水平钻进过程中遇到井漏、钻头钻遇硅化灰岩层磨损严重、未绕过第一靶点V020而打中套管、井涌、仪器掉入裸眼、钻遇未知溶腔导致顶角下降,方位偏离而导致未直接连通第二靶点等问题。针对这些问题进行了分析,并提出了相应的处理方法,最后成功地使H020U井连通第一靶点V020井和第二靶点V020U井。  相似文献   
Field geological investigation and geochemical analysis are carried out on Baya’ertuhushuo Gabbro in South Great Xing’an Range. Field investigation reveals that the gabbro is a magmatic intrusion rather than a component of an ophiolite suite as previously thought. Zircon laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (LA-ICP-MS) U-Pb dating indicates the gabbro was formed in 274–275?Ma, just as the widespread volcanic rocks of Dashizhai Formation (P1d), monzogranites and miarolitic alkali-feldspar granites in the study area. The gabbro has SiO2 content between 47.23 wt% and 50.17 wt%, high MgO and FeOT contents of 6.95–11.29 wt% and 7.32–12.24wt%, respectively, and it belongs to low-K tholeiitic series in the SiO2-K2O diagram. The Chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns and primitive mantle-normalized spider diagrams of the gabbro are similar to those of Normal Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt (N-MORB) except for the enrichment of large ion lithophile elements (LILE), such as Rb, Ba and K. In trace element tectonic discriminative diagrams, the samples are mainly plotted in the N-MORB field, and Zircon in?situ Lu-Hf isotopic analysis also indicates the gabbro originated from depleted mantle. Through synthetic studies of the geochemical characteristics and petrogenesis of Baya’ertuhushuo gabbro, volcanic rocks of Dashizhai Formation and granitoids in the area, it is suggested that the early Permian magmatism in the Xilinhot-Xiwuqi area formed in the tectonic setting of asthenosphere upwelling, which was caused by breaking-off of the subducted Paleo-Asian Ocean slab.  相似文献   
The existence of the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary in the non-marine succession is expected at Jiayin in the Heilongjiang River area, China. Zircons from a tuff sample from the Baishantou Member of Wuyun Formation in Jiayin were analyzed by the laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) U-Pb dating and fission-track dating methods. Ages of 64.1±0.7 Ma (U-Pb) and 61.7±1.8 Ma (fission-track dating) were obtained, which allow re-evaluation of a previously reported late Maastrichian age for the tuff layer that was in conflict with the paleontological evidence. These results confirm the Danian age of the section in agreement with the paleontological evidence.  相似文献   
The mountains of western and northwestern Burma consist chiefly of colossal accumulations of Palaeocene to Eocene (Arakan and Chin Hills) or Senonian to Eocene (Naga Hills) Flysch of varying, including “exotic”, facies.

The main frontal thrust zone of the Alpino‐Himalayan Tectogene lies along and within the easternmost ranges of this Indoburman system, not along the western margin (Shan Scarp) of the Sinoburman Highlands. Some of the highest mountains in the Naga Hills are “Klippen” of metamorphics lying on Flysch.

The Flysch ranges arose during the Oligocene but along the Arakan Coast there is ample evidence of an equally important earlier orogenic phase (latest Cretaceous) now almost totally buried beneath the western half of the Indoburman system and the post‐Oligocene “Argille Scagliose” and “Macigno” on‐lapping eastwards from the Bengal‐Assam embayment.

The lowlands of Central and Lower Burma do not represent a foreland feature, but an intramontane Molasse‐filled basin to which the sea retained access because of a general southerly plunge of the Alpine Tectogene. Geotec‐tonically, it is analogous to the Tibetan Plateau, not the Indo‐Gangetic lowlands.  相似文献   

A heavy mineral concentrate from the undeformed Mundi Mundi Granite N of Broken Hill yielded very few zircons. U‐Th‐Pb measurements on microgram fractions of those extracted showed no indication of the stock's true 1500–1600 Ma intrusive event but revealed something inherited and of an age probably greater than 2 Ga. These zircons, either survivors of those inherited from the magma source or accidental inclusions from the wall rocks, may either represent sedimentary accumulations in the lower Willyama Supergroup with an older craton source i.e. provenance, or indicate the presence of a pre‐Willyama Supergroup basement. Considerable loss of Pb from the zircons is deduced to have occurred at (1) the time of granite intrusion, (2) in the lower Palaeozoic, and, (3) in the case of 208Pb, probably right up to recent time.  相似文献   
The northwestern region of Peninsular India preserves important records of Precambrian plate tectonics and the role of Indian continent within Proterozoic supercontinents. In this study, we report precise SHRIMP zircon U–Pb ages from granitoids from the Sirohi terrane located along the western fringe of the Delhi Fold Belt in Rajasthan, NW India. The data reveal a range of Neoproterozoic ages from plagiogranite of Peshua, foliated granite of Devala, and porphyritic granite of Sai with zircon crystallization from magmas at 1015 ± 4.4 Ma, 966.5 ± 3.5 and 808 ± 3.1 respectively. The plagiogranite shows high SiO2, Na2O and extremely low K2O, Rb, Ba, comparable with typical oceanic plagiogranites. These rocks possess low LREE and HREE concentrations and a relatively flat LREE–HREE slope, a well-developed negative Eu-anomaly and conspicuous Nb and Ti anomalies. Compared to the plagiogranite, the foliated Devala granite shows higher SiO2 and moderate Na2O, together with high K2O and comparatively higher Rb, Ba, Sr and REE, with steep REE profiles and a weak positive Eu anomaly. In contrast to the plagiogranite and foliated granite, the porphrytic Sai granite has comparatively lower SiO2 moderately higher Na2O, extremely high Y, Zr, Nb and elevated REE. The geochemical features of the granitoids [HFSE depletion and LILE enrichment, Nb- and Ta-negative anomalies], and their plots in the fields of Volcanic Arc Granites and those from active continental margins in tectonic discrimination diagrams suggest widespread Neoproterozoic arc magmatism with changing magma chemistry in a protracted subduction realm. Our results offer important insights into a long-lived active continental margin in NW India during early and mid Neoproterozoic, consistent with recent similar observations on Cryogenian magmatic arcs widely distributed along the margins of the East African Orogen, and challenge some of the alternate models which link the magmatism to extensional tectonics associated with Rodinia supercontinent breakup.  相似文献   
Highly elevated and well-preserved peneplains are characteristic geomorphic features of the Tibetan plateau in the northern Lhasa Terrane, north–northwest of Nam Co. The peneplains were carved in granitoids and in their metasedimentary host formations. We use multi-method geochronology (zircon U–Pb and [U–Th]/He dating and apatite fission track and [U–Th]/He dating) to constrain the post-emplacement thermal history of the granitoids and the timing and rate of final exhumation of the peneplain areas. LA-ICP-MS U–Pb geochronology of zircons yields two narrow age groups for the intrusions at around 118 Ma and 85 Ma, and a third group records Paleocene volcanic activity (63–58 Ma) in the Nam Co area. The low-temperature thermochronometers indicate common age groups for the entire Nam Co area: zircon (U–Th)/He ages cluster around 75 Ma, apatite fission track ages around 60 Ma and apatite (U–Th)/He ages around 50 Ma. Modelling of the thermochronological data indicates that exhumation of the basement blocks took place in latest Cretaceous to earliest Paleogene time. By Middle Eocene time the relief was already flat, documented by a thin alluvial sediment sequence covering a part of the planated area. The present-day horst and graben structure of the peneplains is a Late Cenozoic feature triggered by E–W extension of the Tibetan Plateau. The new thermochronological data precisely bracket the age of the planation to Early Eocene, i.e. between ca. 55 and 45 Ma. The erosional base level can be deduced from the presence of Early Cretaceous zircon grains in Eocene strata of Bengal Basin. The sediment generated during exhumation of the Nam Co area was transported by an Early Cenozoic river system into the ocean, suggesting that planation occurred at low elevation.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the petrology and U–Pb dating of coesite-bearing garnet–phengite schist from the Kebuerte Valley, Chinese western Tianshan. It mainly consists of porphyroblastic garnet, phengite, quartz and chlorite with minor amounts of paragonite, albite, zoisite and chloritoid. The well preserved coesite inclusions (∼100 μm) in garnet are encircled by a narrow rim of quartz. They were identified by optical microscopy and confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. Using the computer program THERMOCALC, the peak metamorphic conditions of 29 kbar and 565 °C were obtained via garnet isopleth geothermobarometry. The predicted UHP peak mineral assemblage comprises garnet + jadeite + lawsonite + carpholite + coesite + phengite. The metapelite records prograde quartz–eclogite-facies metamorphism, UHP coesite–eclogite-facies peak metamorphism, and a late greenschist-facies overprint. Phase equilibrium modeling predicts that garnet mainly grew in the mineral assemblages garnet + jadeite + lawsonite + chloritoid + glaucophane + quartz + phengite and garnet + jadeite + lawsonite + carpholite + glaucophane + quartz + phengite. SHRIMP U–Pb zircon dating of the coesite-bearing metapelite yielded the peak metamorphic age 320.4 ± 3.7 Ma. For the first time, age data of coesite-bearing UHP metapelite from the Chinese western Tianshan are presented in this paper. They are in accord with published ages obtained from eclogite from other localities in the Chinese western Tianshan and the Kyrgyz South Tianshan and therefore prove a widespread occurrence of UHP metamorphism.  相似文献   

Samples of volcanic rocks from the main outcrops of Devono-Dinantian series in northern Massif-Central have been studied for Sr and Nd isotopes and immobile incompatible trace elements. In addition, two intrusive bodies of dioritic composition have been dated at 365 ± 3 Ma (Aydat) and 360 ± 1 Ma (Beaumont-Huriel), using the U/Pb zircon method. Together with geochemical data, these ages show that all the studied rocks belong to the same igneous episode. Based on trace element and radiogenic isotopes (87Sr/86Sri from 0,7041 to 0,7057; εNdi from +1.5 to +5.0), the Late Devonian and Early Carboniferous igneous rocks bear distinct similarities with magmas produced in modern active margin settings. Combined with independent evidence for the occurrence of Devonian oceanic lithosphere in the northern branch of the Variscides, these geochemical affinities suggest that southward subduction of oceanic crust prevailed during the Late Devonian in northern Massif-Central. As a corollary, it appears that true continent-continent collision did not occur before Early Carboniferous times. © 2002 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
位于江西省的峡江铀矿床为华南一个典型的花岗岩型铀矿床,铀矿体产在金滩花岗岩体中。野外地质调查和锆石U-Pb同位素定年工作表明金滩花岗岩体主要由两期的印支期花岗岩组成,其中含矿的等粒状二云母花岗岩形成于239±1Ma,而主体的斑状黑云母花岗岩则形成于226±2Ma。二云母花岗岩具有较高的SiO2含量(74.09%~74.53%)和明显低的TiO2、CaO和MgO含量,铝饱和指数为1.20~1.46,含有白云母和石榴子石等过铝质矿物,属于典型的强过铝S型花岗岩。斑状黑云母花岗岩的地球化学特征略微不同于二云母花岗岩,相对富集高场强元素和稀土元素,具有明显更低的Rb/Sr比值以及更小的Eu负异常,铝饱和指数变化为1.05~1.13,属于弱过铝到强过铝花岗岩。同位素组成上,两者都具有较低的εNdt)值(二云母花岗岩:-9.0~-8.8;斑状黑云母二长花岗岩:-9.8~-9.4)和古元古代的模式年龄(二云母花岗岩:1.73~1.75Ga;斑状黑云母二长花岗岩:1.77~1.80Ga)。地球化学和同位素特征表明金滩岩体中的这两期印支期花岗岩应该都为S型花岗岩。较高的Rb/Sr比值和较低的CaO/Na2O比值表明二云母花岗岩主要由富粘土的泥质沉积岩部分熔融而来,而斑状黑云母二长花岗岩则主要由贫粘土的碎屑沉积岩部分熔融而来。金滩岩体中的两期印支期花岗岩分别对应于华南印支期同碰撞挤压和碰撞后伸展期的岩浆作用。二云母花岗岩含有更高的U含量,矿物学以及地球化学特征与华南其他的典型产铀花岗岩类似。对比研究表明,华南印支期产铀花岗岩的形成应与同碰撞期挤压背景下的泥质沉积岩的部分熔融有关。  相似文献   
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