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Experiments were conducted in a laboratory flume to measure the two-dimensional turbulent flow field in the scoured zone of channel contractions under a clear-water scour condition. The Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) was used to detect the flow field at different vertical lines along the centerline of uncontracted (main channel) and contracted zones of the channel. The distributions of time-averaged velocity components, turbulent intensity, turbulent kinetic energy, and Reynolds stresses are presented in nondimensional graphical form. The bed shear stresses are computed from the measured Reynolds stresses being in threshold condition within the zone of contraction where bed was scoured. The data presented in this paper would be useful to the investigators for the development of kinematic flow model and morphological model of scour at a channel or river contraction.  相似文献   
The structure of the marine atmospheric boundarylayer and the validity ofMonin–Obukhov similarity theory over the seahave been investigated using longterm measurements. Three levels of turbulencemeasurements (at 10 m, 18 mand 26 m) at Östergarnsholm in themiddle of the Baltic Sea have beenanalysed. The results show that turbulentparameters have a strong dependenceon the actual height due to wave influence.The wind profile and thus thenormalised wind gradient are very sensitiveto wave state. The lower part of theboundary layer can be divided into three heightlayers, a wave influenced layerclose to the surface, a transition layer andan undisturbed ordinary surfacelayer; the depth of the layers is determinedby the wave state. This heightstructure can, however, not be found for thenormalised dissipation, which is onlya function of the stability, except duringpronounced swell where the actualheight also has to be accounted for. Theresults have implications for the heightvariation of the turbulent kinetic energy(TKE) budget. Thus, the imbalancebetween production and dissipation willalso vary with height according to thevariation of wave state. This, in turn,will of course have strong implicationsfor the inertial dissipation method, inwhich a parameterisation of the TKEbudget is used.  相似文献   
An attempt has been made to study the marine boundary layer characteristics over Bay of Bengal using BOBMEX (Bay of Bengal and Monsoon Experiment) pilot experiment data sets, which was conducted between 23rd October and 12th November 1998 on board ORV Sagar Kanya. A one-dimensional multilevel atmospheric boundary layer with TKE-ε closure scheme is employed to study the marine boundary layer characteristics. In this study two synoptic situations are chosen: one represents an active convection case and the other a suppressed convection. In the present article the marine boundary layer characteristics such as temporal evolution of turbulent kinetic energy, height of the boundary layer and the airsea exchange processes such as sensible and latent heat fluxes, drag coefficient for momentum are simulated during both active and suppressed convection. Marine boundary layer height is estimated from the vertical profiles of potential temperature using the stability criterion. The model simulations are compared with the available observations.  相似文献   
The current study introduces a new particle–particle collision model as well as a classical particle–wall collision model to simulate the process of bedload transport. Large eddy simulation and two-way coupling Lagrangian point–particle models also are applied. Flow conditions for all simulations are done based on previous experiments and four comparison cases are studied. The bedload function result obtained using this model agrees with the previous studies, which proves that the model is reasonable and effective in dealing with bedload transport in turbulent flow. Otherwise, failure to consider the particle–particle collision, Basset force, or Saffman lift force in the model lead to underestimating the bedload transport rate.  相似文献   
近地层湍流通量计算对于中尺度数值模式有重要意义, 湍流通量的参数化是当前大气边界层研究的重要课题之一。选择青藏高原东缘大理观象台边界层通量观测系统, 离线测试了WRF区域模式中的两种常用的近地层参数化方案(MM5相似理论非迭代方案A和ETA 相似理论迭代方案B), 并将参数化方案计算结果与边界层铁塔涡动相关法的观测值进行对比分析。在大理观象台观测场不同植被随季节交替的状况下, 根据边界层铁塔4层高度风速拟合, 发现近地层空气动力学粗糙度随季节变化特征明显。将拟合的空气动力学粗糙度输入模式参数化方案进行通量计算。结果表明:稳定度是影响近地层参数化方案精度的重要因素, 在不稳定条件下方案B低估了动量通量, 方案A优于方案B, 而在稳定条件下方案A低估了动量通量, 方案B优于方案A, 两种方案总体来看误差不大。对于大理边界层通量观测场地农田植被交替的环境条件, 不同季节下垫面植被类型的差异, 以及植被的稀疏对近地层参数化方案湍流通量计算结果的精度有显著影响。方案B考虑了空气动力学粗糙度z0和热量粗糙度z0h的差异, 不稳定条件下感热通量计算结果在裸土或稀少植被条件下明显优于方案A。针对方案B不稳定条件下感热通量计算结果在裸土下垫面仍出现高估的现象, 在使用了(Zeng, et al, 1998)提出的对于使用辐射地表温度在裸土下垫面时的订正方法后, 计算结果也有明显改善。  相似文献   
In this study the effects of the different rough porous beds in an open inclined channel are studied experimentally for impermeable and permeable porous bed.For the simulation of porous bed two different types of permeable bed with the same thickness(s' = 3 cm) and the same porosity ε=0.70 are used:(a) porous filters and(b) gravel bed.Laboratory experiments were used for the calculation of turbulent velocity profiles.Measurements of velocity were taken for inclined channel for three different slopes(S=-0.002,S=-0.004 and S=-0.006) and for five different flow depths(h=5 cm,7 cm,9 cm,11 cm and 13 cm).The total discharge Q varies from 0.78 to 1.31 1/s.The measurements were obtained using a two-dimensional(2D) Particle Image Velocimetry(PIV).The total discharge was estimated using a calibrated venture apparatus.Results showed that the presence of rough porous bed in inclined open channels influence significantly the turbulent characteristics of the flow in comparison with impermeable open channels with the same slopes.  相似文献   
解析研究了磁层顶磁岛结构时间演化的非线性过程;推导出磁岛宽度的解析式和磁岛发生分叉、混沌的条件;论证了磁重联生成的磁岛有不稳定平衡结构,外扰作用会破坏该结构,使磁岛出现突变和混沌;说明了中小尺度太阳风脉动易使磁岛破碎,导致磁场湍动重联,形成小尺度结构.  相似文献   
Water depth,salinity,current,and suspended sediment concentration(SSC)were measured along with the grain size distribution of bed sediment along an estuarine longitudinal section.The floc size increased with increase in the percentage of clay and silt,while decreased with increase in the percentage of sand content of bed sediment.The turbulent shear,G,had a direct effect on floc size with its value increasing with increase in G up to a G value of 15 s-1,while an inverse relation existed between floc size and G at higher G(G>15 s-1).Further,higher turbulence enabled sand to get resuspended and cause additional shear leading to the break-up of flocs.An attempt was made to modify G to account for the combined effect of water turbulence(G)and shear imparted by sand(Ga)and the impact of the modification of G on the predictability of floc size was evaluated.A new model was developed which explains floc size in terms of sediment concentration(C),salinity gradient(S),and G for different scenarios based on the value of G.Sensitivity analysis was done for observed floc size(FS)and predicted floc size using four approaches:(I)FSαCx;(II)FSαCxS-y;(III)FSαCxS-yGz for G<15 s-1and FSαCxS-yG-z for G>15 s-1;and(IV)FSαCxS-yGm-zfor G>15 s-1and Gm=G+Ga,where x,y,and z are determined by calibration.It was observed that the predictability of the floc size improved when the turbulence was modified to account for shear imparted by sand so that the coefficient of determination was increased from 0.78 for model III to 0.89 for model IV.Further,the settling velocity was expressed as a function of suspended sediment concentration,turbulent shear,and salinity gradient.The predictability of settling velocity was improved(R2 increased from 0.77 to 0.86)when the additional turbulence created by sand was incorporated in the non-dimensional empirical equation.The study highlights the influence of sand in causing the break-up of flocs and suggests that for turbulence shear values high enough to resuspend sand,and G has to be modified to account for the additional shear imparted by sand in mixed sediment estuarine environments.  相似文献   
1.Introducti0nThemesoscaleoperationalmodel-whichisoftenused,isMM4orMM5'butMM4isusedfrequentlyonlO3kmscale.Thephysicalprocessesinthismodeldevelopconstantly.FororiginalMM4,thecomputationofsurfacefluxesisnotaccurate,andKmodelfortheturbu-lencefluxesbetweenany2levelsneedstobeimprovedbynewtreatment.Inordertostudytheinfluencesofboundarylayerparameterizationschemesonmesoscaleheavyrainsystem,sur-facefluxesandKmodelinoriginalMM4areimprovedbytherecentresearchinthispaPer.Theflux-profilerelationsforv…  相似文献   
Three-dimensional turbulent flow field was measured around an experimental spur dike by using a micro-acoustic Doppler velocimeter.Time fractions of turbulent burst events including outward interaction,ejection,inward interaction,and sweep were analyzed in each quadrant at the neighbor of the dike before and after the formation of scour hole.Over 80%of burst events near the bed have lower-order of magnitudes for both flat and scoured bed surfaces.Ejections and sweeps are prevalent before the local scour was initiated,and then outward interactions are dominant after the scour hole was formed.Conditional Reynolds stresses and high-order moments of turbulent velocities were analyzed along the thalweg.The magnitudes of u’-w’ pair were much larger than those of v’-vv’ pair in the scour zone.Among four burst events,ejections and sweeps are the higher order events contributing to the Reynolds stresses.Since sediment entrainment and transport are closely associated with turbulent bursts near bed,the development of scour hole greatly depends on the higher order event near the bed.  相似文献   
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