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刘军  贾东  尹宏伟  沈礼  范小根  杨双 《地质学报》2020,94(6):1780-1792
印度板块和欧亚板块碰撞导致青藏高原垂向上整体快速隆升的同时,也导致东缘被断裂分割的块体沿着大规模走滑断裂的横向滑移,这也是青藏高原演化变形的两种端元模型:大陆逃逸模式和地壳增厚模式。本文设计了三种非刚性书斜式断层模型,运用粒子速度场成像技术(PIV, Particle Image Velocimetry)监测模型表面变形。实验结果表明,非刚性块体边界受力前后,位移场、速度、剪应变和面应变会有明显的不同。根据实验结果主要得出两点结论:①青藏高原东缘的变形是连续的,块体内部发育了冲断带、裂谷系统和右行走滑断裂系统;②自中新世以来,青藏高原东缘主要经历了两阶段的演化,早中新世-晚中新世(22~8Ma),既有左行走滑活动,也有块体的顺时针旋转,形成了近东西向的祁连山-南山冲断带、积石山冲断带、祁漫塔格冲断带、渭河地堑以及近南北向的右行走滑断裂;晚中新世(8Ma)以来,块体旋转量极少,主要以左行走滑断裂为主,发育了近南北向的冲断带和裂谷系统。  相似文献   
In this study, regional persistent haze events(RPHEs) in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei(BTH) region were identified based on the Objective Identification Technique for Regional Extreme Events for the period 1980–2013. The formation mechanisms of the severe RPHEs were investigated with focus on the atmospheric circulation and dynamic mechanisms. Results indicated that:(1) 49 RPHEs occurred during the past 34 years.(2) The severe RPHEs could be categorized into two types according to the large-scale circulation, i.e. the zonal westerly airflow(ZWA) type and the high-pressure ridge(HPR) type. When the ZWA-type RPHEs occurred, the BTH region was controlled by near zonal westerly airflow in the mid–upper troposphere.Southwesterly winds prevailed in the lower troposphere, and near-surface wind speeds were only 1–2 ms~(-1). Warm and humid air originating from the northwestern Pacific was transported into the region, where the relative humidity was 70% to 80%, creating favorable moisture conditions. When the HPR-type RPHEs appeared, northwesterly airflow in the mid–upper troposphere controlled the region. Westerly winds prevailed in the lower troposphere and the moisture conditions were relatively weak.(3) Descending motion in the mid-lower troposphere caused by the above two circulation types provided a crucial dynamic mechanism for the formation of the two types of RPHEs. The descending motion contributed to a reduction in the height of the planetary boundary layer(PBL), which generated an inversion in the lower troposphere. This inversion trapped the abundant pollution and moisture in the lower PBL, leading to high concentrations of pollutants.  相似文献   
During the second Arctic Gas and Aerosol Sampling Program conducted in April 1986, we performed measurements of the optically absorbing carbonaceous component of the ambient aerosol from the NOAA WP-3D aircraft operating between sea level and 10 km altitude. We collected the aerosol of filters that were exposed for several hours; we also operated the aethalometer to measure the concentration of aerosol black carbon in real time. The filter analyses represent averages over the altitude range and time span during which the filter was collecting. The real-time results were sorted by altitude to calculate vertical profiles of black carbon concentration. Values typically ranged from 300 to 500 ng m–3 at lower altitudes, decreasing gradually to 25 to 100 ng m–3 at 8–10 km. Strong stratification at lower altitudes was frequently observed. The magnitude of these concentrations suggests that the sources are distant regions of considerable fuel consumption. The presence of this material in the tropospheric column and its probable deposition to the high-albedo surface may result in perturbations of the solar radiation balance. The concentrations measured at the highest altitudes may mean that particulate carbon and accompanying emissions for which it is a tracer are mixing into the stratosphere.  相似文献   
江西省区域霾天气过程典型个例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用2011—2017年江西省基本气象观测资料,统计分析了江西省区域霾天气过程的时空分布特征,并选取典型个例进行天气学分析及模拟。结果表明:江西省区域霾天气过程的月、季变化特征明显,呈北多南少的空间分布特征。区域霾天气过程的天气形势可分为高压类、低压类和均压类,其中高压底部类出现次数最多。3个典型个例中江西地面分别处于高压底部、冷锋锋区和均压场,配合500 hPa高度层的平直西风气流、西北气流或西南气流控制,925 hPa高度层的反气旋控制,整层大气处于非常稳定的状态。江西中北部上空为弱的气流下沉区,相对湿度非常低,为逆温或中性层结。后向轨迹模拟显示,高压底部与冷锋锋区个例过程输送带均为西北路径,均压场个例过程污染物气团为西南气流输送。  相似文献   
本文利用气体组分及大气气溶胶在线监测系统(MARGA ADI 2080)观测武汉市2018年1月9—26日大气气溶胶中的8种水溶性离子(NH+4、NO-3、SO2-4、Cl-、K+、Ca2+、Na+和Mg2+),结合气象要素数据,使用主成分分析(PCA)、正定矩阵因子分析法(PMF)、HYSPLIT后向轨迹模式、潜在源区贡献(PSCF)和浓度权重轨迹(CWT),对霾污染过程中水溶性离子进行了全面的来源解析,探究了霾不同阶段下来源差异和空间分布特征。结果表明:(1)本次霾污染中的8种水溶性离子和4种污染气体,PCA解析出的源和占比分别为二次源和燃煤源的混合源(41.28%)、工业排放和土壤扬尘混合源(27.73%)和机动车排放源(9.63%),PMF解析出的源和占比分别为燃煤与土壤扬尘混合源(18.57%)、机动车排放源(20.74%)、二次源(18.30%)、光化学污染源(22.24%)和燃煤源(20.15%)。(2)霾在不同阶段下水溶性离子和4种污染气体的来源存在差异,在清洁天和霾消散阶段,光化学的贡献最高,占比分别为31.42%和36.07%;在霾发生阶段燃煤与土壤扬尘源的贡献最高,其贡献为40.94%;在霾发展阶段,最大的控制源为二次源,贡献占比为37.51%。(3)此次武汉市霾污染中PM2.5浓度和NH+4、NO-3和SO2-4的潜在源区为皖豫鄂三省和赣湘鄂三省交界处。霾污染中PM2.5的主要影响范围是武汉市南部和北部省份,NO-3、NH+4和SO2-4的主要影响区域为武汉市东北方向的城市、湖南省和江西省。  相似文献   
胡琳  张侠  苏静  王琦  胡淑兰 《干旱区地理》2019,42(4):707-714
通过对比选用14时实测值法利用1981—2016年全省96站14时相对湿度和能见度数据重建全省历史霾数据序列,分析区域内霾天气的特征及相关气象要素的特征,并探讨大范围持续霾天气过程对应的环流形势,研究霾天气过程的成因。结果表明:关中地区是我省霾天气的高发区,其次是陕南的汉中盆地,陕北出现最少。全省霾日数总体呈较明显的上升趋势,2000年后增加显著。从季节变化来看全省及各区域均为冬季霾日数最多,秋季次之,夏季霾日数最少。各区域均在5~8 km能见度、60%~70%相对湿度、静小风时易出现霾天气,西安及关中全年和四季在偏东北风向时霾天气频率较大。冬季地面风速小,相对湿度较大,近地面风场辐合及逆温层的存在,造成关中大气垂直扩散能力较弱,大气污染物发生堆积、累积效应易形成关中地区持续霾天气及严重大气污染。  相似文献   
华南霾日和雾日的气候特征及变化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
伍红雨  杜尧东  何健  潘蔚娟 《气象》2011,37(5):607-614
利用华南192个测站1961-2008年的地面气象观测资料,采用线性趋势分析、Mann-Kendall检验、计算气候趋势系数等统计诊断方法,分析了华南年霾日、雾日的时空特征和变化.结果表明:珠江三角洲、广东西北部和广西东北部为多霾区,海南为极少霾区;华南有三个多雾区,分别位于海南中西部地区,两广的西北部地区.两广雾日呈...  相似文献   
2013年初江苏连续性雾-霾天气的特征分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
于庚康  王博妮  陈鹏  黄亮  谢小萍 《气象》2015,41(5):622-629
利用FNL资料、污染物颗粒浓度资料以及常规气象资料对2013年1月12—16日江苏地区的连续性雾 霾天气过程的环流形势、地面气象要素特征、大气边界层结构及大气污染状况等进行了分析。结果表明:高空形势变化平稳、中低层的暖平流配合稳定少动的地面气压场为雾 霾天气的发生提供了有利的环流形势;持续变化较小的气压梯度和较低的风速以及相对湿度的增大和PM2.5、PM10的浓度的变化为雾 霾形成和发展提供了条件;雾 霾期间低层都存在不同程度的逆温现象,混合层高度与AQI呈反相关关系,当混合层高度越低,AQI就越高,污染就越严重,能见度就越差;相对湿度的升高和PM2.5在污染物颗粒中的富集,是导致能见度下降和持续污染的首要原因,而强冷空气带来的大风降温是污染物颗粒被快速清除的重要动力机制;影响南京的污染物来源为:黄海、安徽地区、北方污染物的输送和本地的局地污染。  相似文献   
As a component of the Canadian Arctic Haze Study, held coincident with the second Arctic Gas and Aerosol Sampling Program (AGASP II), vertical profiles of aerosol size distribution (0.17 m), light scattering parameters and cloud particle concentrations were obtained with an instrumented aircraft and ground-based lidar system during April 1986 at Alert. Northwest Territories. Average aerosol number concentrations range from about 200 cm–3 over the Arctic ice cap to about 100 cm–3 at 6 km. The aerosol size spectrum is virtually free of giant or coarse aerosol particles, and does not vary significantly with altitude. Most of the aerosol volume is concentrated in the 0.17–0.50 m size range, and the aerosol number concentration is found to be a good surrogate for the SO4 = concentration of the Arctic haze aerosol. Comparison of the aircraft and lidar data show that, when iced crystal scattering is excluded, the aerosol light scattering coefficient and the lidar backscattering coefficient are proportional to the Arctic haze aerosol concentration. Ratios of scattering to backscattering, scattering to aerosol number concentration, and backscattering to aerosol number concentration are 15.3 steradians, 1.1×10–13 m2, and 4.8×10–15 m2 sr–1, respectively. Aerosol scattering coefficients calculated from the measured size distributions using Mie scattering agree well with measured values. The calculations indicate the aerosol absorption optical depth over 6 km to range between 0.011 and 0.018. The presence of small numbers of ice crystals (10–20 crystals 1–1 measured) increased light scattering by over a factor of ten.  相似文献   
鄂中东部两次秸秆焚烧引发的严重灰霾天气分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用气象卫星监测、微波辐射计、常规气象观测、NCEP再分析资料及环境监测等资料,采用气流后向轨迹模拟,对2012年6月11日和6月15日发生在鄂中东部的两次灰霾天气,从特征和成因进行了综合分析。结果表明,这两日的污染物指数(API)分别达到233 μg/m3和139 μg/m3,11日PM2.5最高值达141 μg/m3 ;两日的能见度均在2 km以下,11日平均能见度仅565 m,最低能见度246 m。这两次灰霾天气与北方冬小麦主产区大范围秸秆集中焚烧,造成大量污染物排放有密切关系。在115°E,39°~32°N存在大范围逆温层,垂直高度950~850 hPa 厚度为一致的东北气流,使得排放的污染物在“逆温层盖”的阻挡下不能向高空扩散,而随东北气流向鄂中东部输送。同时鄂中东部近地面静风、地面“均压场”、逆温、近地层弱垂直速度、正涡度和负散度等物理量条件,及适宜的湿度条件等因素,导致污染物不能及时扩散或沉降,为灰霾在本地形成和维持提供了有利的气象条件,加剧了灰霾的严重性。  相似文献   
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