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In view of rapid developments in iterative solvers, it is timely to re‐examine the merits of using mixed formulation for incompressible problems. This paper presents extensive numerical studies to compare the accuracy of undrained solutions resulting from the standard displacement formulation with a penalty term and the two‐field mixed formulation. The standard displacement and two‐field mixed formulations are solved using both direct and iterative approaches to assess if it is cost‐effective to achieve more accurate solutions. Numerical studies of a simple footing problem show that the mixed formulation is able to solve the incompressible problem ‘exactly’, does not create pressure and stress instabilities, and obviate the need for an ad hoc penalty number. In addition, for large‐scale problems where it is not possible to perform direct solutions entirely within available random access memory, it turns out that the larger system of equations from mixed formulation also can be solved much more efficiently than the smaller system of equations arising from standard formulation by using the symmetric quasi‐minimal residual (SQMR) method with the generalized Jacobi (GJ) preconditioner. Iterative solution by SQMR with GJ preconditioning also is more elegant, faster, and more accurate than the popular Uzawa method. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The fossil taxa of the Cenomanian continental flora and fauna of São Luís Basin are observed primarily in the bone bed of the Laje do Coringa, Alcântara Formation. Many of the disarticulated fish and tetrapod skeletal and dental elements are remarkably similar to the chronocorrelate fauna of Northern Africa. In this study, we present a summary of the continental flora and fauna of the Laje do Coringa bone-bed. The record emphasizes the existence of a trans-oceanic typical fauna, at least until the early Cenomanian, which may be interpreted as minor evolutionary changes after a major vicariant event or as a result of a land bridge across the equatorial Atlantic Ocean, thereby allowing interchanges between South America and Africa. The paleoenvironmental conditions in the northern Maranhão State coast during that time were inferred as forested humid areas surrounded by an arid to semi-arid landscape. 相似文献
论文在提出海洋和“新海洋”广度、深度空间概念的基础上,进一步诠释了作为新的海洋权益的控制权,及其在未来政治、经济、外交、军事等领域的重要作用。由于海洋蕴藏着巨大的可再生能源,论文从能源开发利用的视角分析了开发利用海洋深度空间的重要战略意义,并对解决我国海洋争端,开发海洋新能源及综合践行海洋深度空间权战略提出了应对策略。 相似文献
This article examines the intraurban geography of craft breweries in ten cities across the United States. First, through an exhaustive literature review, we outline both supply- and demand-side factors that might cause craft breweries to cluster. Second, we empirically test whether these establishments tend to cluster within cities using spatial statistical techniques. Many communities are attempting to support the establishment of more craft breweries as a way to boost tourism and economic development. The findings from this article aid in this discussion by providing insights into how craft brewers locate and the factors that could influence their location decision behavior. Our findings suggest that craft brewers do in fact cluster. There are both supply and demand factors responsible. On the supply side, the collaborative environment within the industry and the artisan nature of the industry's products allows for benefits of clustering to outweigh the costs associated with this behavior. On the demand side, the emergence of “brewery districts” allows individual brewers to enjoy the reputation benefits associated with the district in terms of increased foot traffic from locals and visitors looking to sample a variety of beers. 相似文献
强度和变形参数的变化对土工有限元计算的影响 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
在土工问题的数值分析中,包含变形模量E、泊松比 两个变形参数的增量线弹性模型是一种常用的计算模型,研究和掌握E和 两个参数对土工有限元计算的影响有助于分析计算成果。首先,设想固定某一个参数而观察另一个参数变化对计算结果的影响;然后,说明用强度折减有限元法分析土坡稳定安全系数时,实际上已同时考虑了变形参数的影响。可采用剪应力? xy的等值线近似形成滑动面,滑动面单元的应力水平S等于1和特征点的位移发生突变共同作为失稳判据;最后,是用强度参数为纽带探讨这两个变形参数的互相变化关系,即E愈大,则土的强度愈大,? 愈小。 相似文献
Jean-Louis Le Mouël Pierre-Noël Mayaud Peter Shebalin 《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2003,335(13):935-941
Big perturbations of the magnetic field (amplitudes larger than 250 nT) are simply detected by subtracting the values of a model from the measurements of CHAMP satellite. Taking a full year of CHAMP data and organizing them in four subsets of three months length (spring, summer, autumn, winter), it is found that: (a) the two domains where such big perturbations mainly exist are limited, in both hemispheres, by a parallel of high latitude of the corrected geomagnetic coordinates system; (b) a conspicuous seasonal (annual) variation affects the density of the perturbations and is opposite in the two hemispheres. We hold that these perturbations are linked to the midday magnetic activity within the auroral zone, long ago described by one of us (Mayaud, 1956). The source of the perturbations observed at the satellite altitude would be field-aligned currents resulting from the penetration of the solar wind into the magnetospheric cusps. To cite this article: J.-L. Le Mouël et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003). 相似文献
基于空间面板计量模型的雾霾对中国城市旅游流影响的空间效应 总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7
以中国342个市域单元为研究对象,借助双变量LISA模型、空间面板杜宾模型等方法,探究了1998-2016年雾霾与中国城市旅游流的空间关联特征,分析了雾霾对旅游流的影响及其空间溢出效应。结果表明,在中国雾霾PM2.5与城市旅游流有东高西低的分布特点,在胡焕庸线两侧的空间分布呈现出与地形和城市发展等因素的空间耦合性;雾霾与城市旅游流(含国内和入境旅游流)均表现出显著的空间集聚和空间依赖特征,雾霾污染对旅游流产生明显的影响并形成相应的空间效应;雾霾对旅游流的抑制区域在不断扩大,H-L型城市数量的增加、L-H型集聚区的片状扩张和华北、华中地区的L-H型集聚的“空心化”现象均表明旅游流具有低雾霾指向性;雾霾污染与旅游流的倒“U”型曲线关系表明经典的EKC假说对中国城市旅游流同样适用,且雾霾污染的显著负向影响主要存在于入境旅游方面;雾霾和旅游流均具有明显的正向空间溢出效应,将雾霾治理同经济发展、对外联系、旅游开发、生态保护和交通建设等因素结合起来进行综合治理,才能为旅游发展创造美好的环境,实现国际、国内旅游健康、协调、可持续的高质量发展。 相似文献
1961-2005年中国霾日气候特征及变化分析 总被引:36,自引:1,他引:36
利用1961-2005 年中国霾日统计资料, 对中国霾的时空气候分布特征、变化趋势进行了详细分析, 并探讨了霾变化的可能原因及其与太阳总辐射、日照时数变化的关系。结果表明: 近45 年来, 中国年和四季霾日的空间分布特征均呈现东多西少的空间分布态势, 东部地区集中在三个多发区, 分别为长江中下游、华北和华南; 季节变化, 除东北地区、青藏高原、西北西部四季霾日均很少且变化不明显外, 其余大部分地区均呈现为冬季多, 夏季少, 春秋 季居中的特点。近45 年, 全国平均年霾日数呈现明显的增加趋势, 2004 年为最高值。我国东部大部地区主要呈现增加趋势, 尤其霾多发地区, 如长江中下游、珠江流域及河南西部等 地, 霾日增加幅度大, 趋势显著, 人类活动造成的大气污染物增加及天气气候变化是这些地区霾日呈现增加趋势的可能原因, 我国西部地区和东北大部地区则以减少趋势为主。华北、长江中下游地区、华南地区霾日变化趋势与日照时数变化趋势相反, 霾的增加是造成太阳总 辐射减少的主要原因之一。东北地区、西北地区、西南地区、青藏高原霾日变化和日照时数变化均呈现不明显的减少趋势, 但由于这些地区霾日发生少, 其变化不会对日照时数和太阳总辐射变化造成很大的影响。 相似文献