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在可液化粉煤灰地基中使用振冲碎石桩进行处理的工程实例还不多,笔者结合具体工程对3种不同间距碎石桩方案处理后的粉煤灰地基进行了地震液化危险性分析,得到了一些有益的结论。  相似文献   
本文介绍了CIPP(原位固化法)管道修复技术在国内的应用现状,列举了CIPP技术在施工常见的质量问题,例如:针孔与缺口、起皱和白斑等等。分析了问题产生的原因,针对这些问题,提出了一些解决方案。另外,作者还介绍了美国材料试验学会(ASTM)关于CIPP内衬管性能参数的检测方法,包括弯曲性能、拉伸强度、泄漏试验、分层试验以及抗化学腐蚀试验等。  相似文献   
应用多种动力气候模式降尺度解释应用技术,经过2004~2008年的回算检验和2009年以来的业务应用,结果表明其对重庆市区域的月平均气温和降水量有较好的预测能力,MOS和PP两大类方法中,分别用逐步回归、相似离度和最短距离相似等建模方法,用车比雪夫多项式,涡度,动态区域,EOF和R方程等5种不同构建因子方案得出的预测结果Ps评分(中国气象局预测业务定量评分标准)显示,重庆市动力气候模式解释应用方法的预测能力超过了中国气象局的目标考核要求(降水≥60%,温度≥65%)。月降水量预测最佳方案是PP-回归-涡度和PP-回归-区域,月气温预测最佳方案是MOS-回归-涡度和MOS-回归-车氏。降水和气温预测效果最好月和最差月平均Ps评分差值分别达到14.5%和21.8%,表明预测效果存在明显的月际差异。由2006年3月个例分析可见,降尺度解释应用技术对月尺度气温降水正负距平空间分布形态有较好的预测能力。  相似文献   
Trend analyses of monthly, seasonal and annual rainfall, air temperature, and streamflow were performed using Mann‐Kendall test within the Langat River basin to identify gradual trends and abrupt shifts for 1980 − 2010. Annual rainfall showed an increasing trend in upstream flow, a combination of decreasing and increasing trends in middle stream flow, and a decreasing trend in downstream flow. Monthly rainfall in most months displayed an insignificant increasing trend upstream. Stations with significant increasing trends showed larger trends in summer than those of other seasons. However, they were similar to the trends observed in annual rainfall. Annual minimum air temperature showed a significant decreasing trend upstream and significant increasing trends in the middle stream and downstream areas. Annual maximum air temperature portrayed increasing trends in both upstream and middle stream areas, and a decreasing trend for the downstream area. Both monthly and seasonal maximum air temperatures exhibited an increasing trend midstream, whereas they demonstrated trends of both decreasing and/or increasing temperatures at upstream and downstream areas. Annual streamflow in upper, middle and lower catchment areas exhibited significant increasing trend at the rates of 0.036, 0.023 and 0.001 × 103 m3/y at α = 0.01, respectively. Seasonal streamflow in the upstream, midstream and downstream areas displayed an increasing trend for spring (0.55, 0.33 and 0.013 m3/y respectively) and summer (0.51, 0.37, 0.018 m3/y respectively). The greatest magnitude of increased streamflow occurred in the spring (0.54 m3/y). Significant increasing trends of monthly streamflow were noticed in January and August, but insignificant trends were found in May, September and November at all stations. Annual streamflow records at the outlet of the basin were positively correlated with the annual rainfall variable. This study concludes that the climate of the Langat River basin has been getting wetter and warmer during 1980‐2010.  相似文献   
海洋声层析法作为检测海洋内部变化一有力手段,正面临着海洋声学大尺度观测新挑战。本文就海洋声传播的绝热近似;声传播时间的非线性偏移;声速剖面的线性及非线性反演等与声学大尺度观测相关的一些水声学问题的发展现状及存在问题等进行了综述性论述。文中还介绍了赫德岛预演实验等利用声层析法观测海洋内部变化的一些具体应用例  相似文献   
20世纪全球增暖最显著的区域   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Having analyzed a global grid temperature anomaly data set and some sea level pressure data during the last century, we found the following facts. Firstly, the annual temperature change with a warming trend of about 0.6℃/100 years in the tropical area over Indian to the western Pacific Oceans was most closely correlated to the global mean change. Therefore, the temperature change in this area might serve as an indicator of global mean change at annual and longer time scales. Secondly, a cooling of about -0.3℃ / 100 years occurred over the northern Atlantic. Thirdly, a two-wave pattern of temperature change, warming over northern Asia and northwestern America and cooling over the northern Atlantic and the northern Pacific, occurred during the last half century linked to strengthening westerlies over the northern Atlantic and the weakening Siberian High. Fourthly, a remarkable seasonal difference occurred over the Eurasian continent, with cooling (warming) in winter (summer) during 1896-1945, and warming (cooling) in winter (summer) during 1946-1995. The corresponding variations of the North Atlantic Oscillation and the Southern Oscillation were also discussed.  相似文献   
The alkaline filter elution assay using the gills of the freshwater clam species Corbicula fluminea detects breaks in single‐stranded DNA and is thus a good method for determining the genotoxic potential of surface waters. In attempting to standardize the procedure, a wide range of factors which could have an influence on the uptake of genotoxic substances by the exposed clams were studied. The most important parameters of the static exposure in relation to the rate of filtration by the animals turned out to be the temperature, the volume of the water, and the exposure time. Differences in body size and in the amount of suspended particles in surface waters did not play a significant role. The results demonstrate that the in vivo test system can be quite sensitive and its results reproducible when the relevant species‐specific characteristics of the test organisms are brought into consideration, even if the test organism belongs to a biologically more advanced group. A clear dose‐response relationship to the reference substances 4‐nitroquinoline‐1‐oxide (NQO) and N‐methyl‐N‐nitro‐N‐nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) can be observed even after a short exposure time of between four and twenty hours. No genotoxic effects were observed when using this method on surface waters from the area of Cologne (including water from the Rhine River and within the protection zone 2 of the Cologne waterworks).  相似文献   
李春娟  杨建虎 《地下水》2012,(4):136-138,151
依据孤山川流域1956—2006年逐月实测降水资料,采用Mann-Kendall检验法、五点滑动平均法、R/S分析法等方法对孤山川降水进行分析。结果表明:孤山川流域降水主要集中于7、8、9三个月,年内分配极不均匀;降水序列存在明显减少趋势,且季降水序列分别存在着不同的变化趋势,夏季有明显减少趋势,冬季相反有增加趋势,春秋二季减少趋势不显著;经Mann-Kendall检验法、R/S分析表明孤山川流域降水减少趋势有持续性。  相似文献   
In order to improve the reliability of the ground penetrating radar (GPR) method in identifying subsurface sinkholes and karst cavities, laboratory investigations have been performed. The main objective of this work was to examine the relationship between horizontal/vertical voids dimensions and wavelengths of various antennas, and the corresponding GPR responses. Emphasis was given to the investigation of the factors that cause the appearance of reverberation phenomena in the signal pattern.The tests were conducted in 5 m × 10 m area by 2-m-deep trench filled with homogenous, dry sand. The voids models (empty fiberglass cylinders in diameters of 0.6 m, 1.0 m, 1.5 m and 2.4 m, with various heights) were buried vertically with their tops at depths of between 0.7 and 1.5 m. Investigations were performed for the various model conditions by towing 500, 300 and 100 MHz antennas along a pre-established grid, for the various model conditions.The GPR data collected using the 500 MHz bistatic antenna above the 1.0-m- and the 1.5-m-diameter cylinders, and using the 300 MHz bistatic antenna above the 1.5-m-diameter cylinder, confirmed the presence of a reverberation phenomenon, i.e. a strong convex signal pattern, containing a series of high amplitude extending oscillations with reduced frequency.Based on past practical GPR experience of void detection and presently obtained experimental data, two rules of thumbs may be adopted for the prediction of the appearance of resonant radar pictures:
1. The void diameter larger than the wavelength in air of the antenna used.
2. The vertical size of the empty void not significantly smaller than its horizontal dimension.
The strong reverberations generated by the inner surface of the void targets were found to approximate standing waves generated in cylindrical waveguides and waveguide resonators. The theoretical, experimental and practical results obtained concur.  相似文献   
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