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王清晨  张儒瑷  从柏林  赵中岩  叶凯 《岩石学报》1992,8(2):153-160,T001
鲁东-苏北地区出露了M型和Q型两类榴辉岩,前者的原岩为地幔岩类,后者的原岩为地壳岩类。它们均呈外来岩块产出于片麻岩中。其形成经历了前榴辉岩I、A和S阶段,在I和A阶段它们表现为韧性变形,而在S阶段则表现为碎裂变形。它们的折返过程经历了剪切回流和区域性隆起剥蚀。  相似文献   
本文根据三个月的短期气温资,利用自然止交函数展开和最小二乘方法按不同季节分别对大别山东段和北段的气温资料进行延长,得到了该地区一年内的旬平均气温,其相对误差在4.1%—13.9%之间。  相似文献   
山东朱崖黄土裂缝的成因及其地震地质意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
山东朱崖一带Q_22—Q_32黄土中发育了许多构造裂缝。有封闭的张性裂缝、快速张裂的裂缝、缓慢持续张裂的裂缝及有摩擦面的压扭性裂缝,后两种裂缝形成时间晚。裂缝的的产状、力学特征与现代区域构造应力场有较好的相关性。 朱崖黄土裂缝的形成与其所处的构造部位有关。朱崖位于NW向的无棣—青州(益都)活动构造带内,历史上NW向断裂与NE向断裂的交叉点上发生了六次中、强地震,朱崖位于NE向淄河断裂与活动的NW向淄博—朱崖断裂交叉点上,是应力易于集中、构造活动明显的部位  相似文献   
长江三峡地区地壳形变特征及其构造意义   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
李愿军 《地震地质》1991,13(3):249-257
本文讨论了三峡地区地壳形变特征,认为黄陵断块相对于周缘的差异性运动是存在的,最大年速率可达5—10毫米。跨断层的短水准结果以继承性断层活动为主,年速率在毫米级。水平形变网揭示仙女山断裂带近年来表现为左旋压扭性,天阳坪断裂带以右旋滑动为主  相似文献   
实验流水地貌学研究的回顾与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
金德生 《地理学报》1991,46(1):57-65
本文简述了地貌实验研究的概况,罗列了我国主要的地貌实验室、站,叙述了我国30多年来,河型造床试验、边界条件及构造运动对河型发育影响实验,应用河流地貌实验、试验理论和技术方面的进展情况,指出实验研究中存在的问题,在回顾基础上,展望了流水地貌实验研究的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   
Hideo  Takagi 《Island Arc》1992,1(1):92-102
Abstract Mylonites along the Median Tectonic Line, southwest Japan commonly contain shear bands comprising S(-C)-Ss fabrics. This paper stresses the lithologic control on the orientation, dimension and development of shear bands by comparing the microstructure of the shear bands in different rock types (P mylonites, F mylonites, micaceous phyllonite and quartzose phyllonite). There is no significant change of the α angles (average 21–24°) between Ss and S toward the centre of the shear zone (viz. increasing the intensity of mylonitization) and it is different from the S-C relationship in a narrow sense.
The generation of the composite planar fabric can be classified into four different strain partitioning models: S only type without any slip surface (model A); S-C type (model B); S-Ss type with Ss-slip precedence (model C), and S-Ss type with S-slip precedence (model D). Model C is proposed in this paper and is similar to the model for the generation of Riedel shears in brittle shear zones. An unstable slip between porphyroclasts and the matrix during ductile flow can easily initiate shear bands. Formation of a composite planar fabric is initiated according to model A, followed by model C in conditions of increasing strain, and then model D when the angle between S and the shear zone boundary becomes small enough (α/2 = 10°) to produce S-slip. Thus the generation of the shear bands probably begins in the early stages of shear deformation and continues until the latest stages.  相似文献   
北票组是辽西侏罗纪主要含煤地层,大部分学者从植物化石角度论述其时代为早侏罗世,区域上与窑坡组、永定庄组、富县组、三工河组对比。本文从地层层序、岩性、构造演化、古气候演化等角度对北票组的地质时代和区域对比进行了讨论,认为该组为印支期后地壳伸展阶段早侏罗世早—中期兴隆沟组火山喷发之后和中侏罗世中晚期海房沟组、蓝旗组燕山期火山活动之前的含煤盆地沉积产物。前者火山活动在冀北、京西形成南大岭组,在北疆三工河组局部形成火山岩夹层;后者火山活动在冀北、京西形成九龙山组、髫髻山组,晋北形成云岗组、天池河组,北疆形成头屯河组。北票组底部杂色地层化石稀少,有机质含量低,气候应相对干热,北票组(杂色地层以上部分)、海房沟组、蓝旗组植物化石和孢粉证明古气候由温湿向干热逐渐演化,而该特征和中国北方以至全球早侏罗世晚期干热、中侏罗世从早期到晚期由温湿向干热的演化规律—致。从而,北票组底部杂色地层属于早侏罗世晚期并和三工河组、富县组、永定庄组、阳眷组、窑坡组底部对比;北票组杂色地层以上部分属于中侏罗世早期,与西山窑组、延安组、大同组、下花园组、窑坡组(K1砂岩以上部分)对比。  相似文献   
In order to determine whether slip during an earthquake on the 26th September 1997 propagated to the surface, structural data have been collected along a bedrock fault scarp in Umbria, Italy. These collected data are used to investigate the relationship between the throw associated with a debated surface rupture (observed as a pale unweathered stripe at the base of the bedrock fault scarp) and the strike, dip and slip-vector. Previous studies have suggested that the surface rupture was produced either by primary surface slip or secondary compaction of hangingwall sediments. Some authors favour the latter because sparse surface fault dip measurements do not match nodal plane dips at depth. It is demonstrated herein that the strike, dip and height of the surface rupture, represented by a pale unweathered stripe at the base of the bedrock scarp, shows a systematic relationship with respect to the geometry and kinematics of faulting in the bedrock. The strike and dip co-vary and the throw is greatest where the strike is oblique to the slip-vector azimuth where the highest dip values are recorded. This implies that the throw values vary to accommodate spatial variation in the strike and dip of the fault across fault plane corrugations, a feature that is predicted by theory describing conservation of strain along faults, but not by compaction. Furthermore, published earthquake locations and reported fault dips are consistent with the analysed surface scarps when natural variation for surface dips and uncertainty for nodal plane dips at depth are taken into account. This implies that the fresh stripe is indeed a primary coseismic surface rupture whose slip is connected to the seismogenic fault at depth. We discuss how this knowledge of the locations and geometry of the active faults can be used as an input for seismic hazard assessment.  相似文献   
Hydrogeological processes acting at the margins of confined and unconfined thick carbonate sequences are particularly interesting due to a complex system evolution including partial uplift of fully confined carbonate systems and subsequent erosion of cover layers. We provide insights into this evolution by simulating coupled density-dependent fluid flow and heat transport based on the Buda Thermal Karst (BTK) system (Hungary) in a 2D vertical plane. Applying an equivalent porous medium (EPM) approach using the Heatflow-Smoker finite element model, scenario modelling of three evolutionary steps was carried out between the fully-confined carbonate stage through to partly and completely unconfined conditions over the western ridge. The numerical simulations were used to derive the main evolutionary characteristics of groundwater flow and heat transport patterns for the unconfined and confined parts of the hydrogeologic system. The initial fully-confined state led to the development of thermal convection cells due to the insulating role of the low-permeability confining layer, which facilitates buoyancy-driven flow by restricting the dissipation of heat. Over geological time, these cells were gradually overprinted by gravity-driven flow and thermal advection due to uplift of the west ridge. The limited thickness of the cover allowed sufficient water infiltration into the system, which led to increased cooling. Further uplifting led to a prevalence of gravity-driven groundwater flow. The results highlight the critical role of confining formations on flow patterns, and their effect on heat distribution and dissipation over geological time scales. The results have important implications for heat accumulation as well as for the development of a deep geothermal energy potential in confined carbonates.  相似文献   
Field observations indicate that tectonic compression, anticline formation and concomitant uplift events of marine Paleogene carbonates in eastern United Arab Emirates, which are related to the Zagros Orogeny, have induced brecciation, karstification, and carbonate cementation in vugs and along faults and fractures. Structural analysis, stable isotopes and fluid inclusion microthermometry are used to constrain the origin and geochemical evolution of the fluids. Fluid flow was related to two tectonic deformation phases. Initially, the flux of moderately 87Sr-rich basinal NaCl–MgCl2–H2O brines along reactivated deep-seated strike-slip faults have resulted in the precipitation of saddle dolomite in fractures and vugs and in dolomitization of host Eocene limestones (δ18OV-PDB −15.8‰ to −6.2‰; homogenization temperatures of 80–115 °C and salinity of 18–25 wt.% eq. NaCl). Subsequently, compression and uplift of the anticline was associated with incursion of meteoric waters and mixing with the basinal brines, which resulted in the precipitation of blocky calcite cement (δ18OV-PDB −22‰ to −12‰; homogenization temperatures of 60–90 °C and salinity of 4.5–9 wt.% eq. NaCl). Saddle dolomite and surrounding blocky calcite have precipitated along the pre- and syn-folding E–W fracture system and its conjugate fracture sets. The stable isotopes coupled with fluid-inclusion micro-thermometry (homogenization temperatures of ≤50 °C and salinity of <1.5 wt.% eq. NaCl) of later prismatic/dogtooth and fibrous calcites, which occurred primarily along the post-folding NNE–SSW fracture system and its conjugate fracture sets, suggest cementation by descending moderately 87Sr-rich, cool meteoric waters. This carbonate cementation history explains the presence of two correlation trends between the δ18OV-PDB and δ13CV-PDB values: (i) a negative temperature-dependent oxygen isotope fractionation trend related to burial diagenesis and to the flux of basinal brines, and (ii) positive brine-meteoric mixing trend. This integrated study approach allows better understanding of changes in fluid composition and circulation pattern during evolution of foreland basins.  相似文献   
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