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We have used Cassini stereo images to study the topography of Iapetus' leading side. A terrain model derived at resolutions of 4-8 km reveals that Iapetus has substantial topography with heights in the range of −10 km to +13 km, much more than observed on the other middle-sized satellites of Saturn so far. Most of the topography is older than 4 Ga [Neukum, G., Wagner, R., Denk, T., Porco, C.C., 2005. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXVI. Abstract 2034] which implies that Iapetus must have had a thick lithosphere early in its history to support this topography. Models of lithospheric deflection by topographic loads provide an estimate of the required elastic thickness in the range of 50-100 km. Iapetus' prominent equatorial ridge [Porco, C.C., and 34 colleagues, 2005. Science 307, 1237-1242] reaches widths of 70 km and heights of up to 13 km from their base within the modeled area. The morphology of the ridge suggests an endogenous origin rather than a formation by collisional accretion of a ring remnant [Ip, W.-H., 2006. Geophys. Res. Lett. 33, doi:10.1029/2005GL025386. L16203]. The transition from simple to complex central peak craters on Iapetus occurs at diameters of 11±3 km. The central peaks have pronounced conical shapes with flanking slopes of typically 11° and heights that can rise above the surrounding plains. Crater depths seem to be systematically lower on Iapetus than on similarly sized Rhea, which if true, may be related to more pronounced crater-wall slumping (which widens the craters) on Iapetus than on Rhea. There are seven large impact basins with complex morphologies including central peak massifs and terraced walls, the largest one reaches 800 km in diameter and has rim topography of up to 10 km. Generally, no rings are observed with the basins consistent with a thick lithosphere but still thin enough to allow for viscous relaxation of the basin floors, which is inferred from crater depth-to-diameter measurements. In particular, a 400-km basin shows up-domed floor topography which is suggestive of viscous relaxation. A model of complex crater formation with a viscoplastic (Bingham) rheology [Melosh, H.J., 1989. Impact Cratering. Oxford Univ. Press, New York] of the impact-shocked icy material provides an estimate of the effective cohesion/viscosity at . The local distribution of bright and dark material on the surface of Iapetus is largely controlled by topography and consistent with the dark material being a sublimation lag deposit originating from a bright icy substrate mixed with the dark components, but frost deposits are possible as well. 相似文献
介绍了运用“修改法”设计同步计数器的方法。该方法与常规的设计方法比较更简单明了,特别是对进制数N较大的同步计数器的设计带来了不少方便且不易出错。 相似文献
We report a study on the broadband ultraviolet photolysis of methane-water ice mixtures, at low methane concentrations and temperatures relevant to the icy satellites of the outer Solar System. The photochemistry of these mixtures is dominated by the action of hydroxyl radicals on methane and the resulting products. This implies that, given sufficient exposure time, the methane will eventually be completely oxidized to carbon dioxide. The presence of methane inhibits the formation of hydrogen peroxide by serving as a trap for hydroxyl radicals. The distribution of photochemical products is broadly similar to that previously conducted using ion and electron sources, with some differences possibly attributable to the difference in radiation source. The results are applicable to a variety of icy bodies in the Solar System. On Enceladus, where methane mixed with water is measured in the plumes, methane in the surface ices is subject to oxidation and will eventually be converted to CO2. The CH stretch feature detected in the VIMS spectra of the Enceladus surface ice suggests that methane is currently being supplied to the surface ice, likely from re-condensation of the plume gas. 相似文献
Hiroshi Kinoshita 《Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy》1993,57(1-2):359-368
At the present state the rotational axes of Uranus and Pluto are nearly perpendicular to their orbital planes and each satellite moves in the vicinity of the equatorial plane of its mother planet. We assume that in the past a planet's equatorial plane was nearly coincident with its orbital plane and then the inclination of the equatorial plane with respect to the orbital plane began to increase secularly. Here we discuss whether a satellite that moves in its mother's equatorial plane continues to move in the equatorial plane or not. When the direct solar perturbation is neglected, the satellite continues to stay in the equatorial plane under the condition that the secular rate of change of the obliquity is slower than the precessional speed of the satellite orbital plane with respect to the equator. 相似文献
The reflectance of Saturn’s moon Enceladus has been measured at far ultraviolet (FUV) wavelengths (115-190 nm) by Cassini’s Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS). At visible and near infrared (VNIR) wavelengths Enceladus’ reflectance spectrum is very bright, consistent with a surface composed primarily of H2O ice. At FUV wavelengths, however, Enceladus is surprisingly dark - darker than would be expected for pure water ice. Previous analyses have focused on the VNIR spectrum, comparing it to pure water ice (Cruikshank, D.P., Owen, T.C., Dalle Ore, C., Geballe, T.R., Roush, T.L., de Bergh, C., Sandford, S.A., Poulet, F., Benedix, G.K., Emery, J.P. [2005] Icarus, 175, 268-283) or pure water ice plus a small amount of NH3 (Emery, J.P., Burr, D.M., Cruikshank, D.P., Brown, R.H., Dalton, J.B. [2005] Astron. Astrophys., 435, 353-362) or NH3 hydrate (Verbiscer, A.J., Peterson, D.E., Skrutskie, M.F., Cushing, M., Helfenstein, P., Nelson, M.J., Smith, J.D., Wilson, J.C. [2006] Icarus, 182, 211-223). We compare Enceladus’ FUV spectrum to existing laboratory measurements of the reflectance spectra of candidate species, and to spectral models. We find that the low FUV reflectance of Enceladus can be explained by the presence of a small amount of NH3 and a small amount of a tholin in addition to H2O ice on the surface. The presence of these three species (H2O, NH3, and a tholin) appears to satisfy not only the low FUV reflectance and spectral shape, but also the middle-ultraviolet to visible wavelength brightness and spectral shape. We expect that ammonia in the Enceladus plume is transported across the surface to provide a global coating. 相似文献
We have acquired resolved images of Titan with the adaptive optics systems PUEO/KIR at the CFHT (Hawaii) and NAOS/CONICA at the VLT (Chile). We report here on images and maps (when data at several orbital phases are available) of Titan's surface from observations taken during the last 4 years (2001-2004) in all the methane windows between 1 and 2.5 μm (namely, at 1.08, 1.28, 1.6, and 2 μm). We present the only complete maps of Titan currently available at 1.3 μm, a spectral window where Titan appears particularly bright in spectroscopy, with a resolution of about 200 km at best on the ground. Our surface maps show the bright and dark regions sharing Titan's landscape with as much detail as possible from the ground and with high contrast in most cases. From the information gathered by comparing the maps at different wavelengths we derive constraints on the ground's composition. Our results could complete/optimize the return of the Cassini-Huygens mission. 相似文献
T.B. McCord G.B. Hansen B.J. Buratti R.N. Clark D.P. Cruikshank E. DAversa C.A. Griffith E.K.H. Baines R.H. Brown C.M. Dalle Ore G. Filacchione V. Formisano C.A. Hibbitts R. Jaumann J.I. Lunine R.M. Nelson C. Sotin the Cassini VIMS Team 《Planetary and Space Science》2006,54(15):1524-1539
Titan's bulk density along with Solar System formation models indicates considerable water as well as silicates as its major constituents. This satellite's dense atmosphere of nitrogen with methane is unique. Deposits or even oceans of organic compounds have been suggested to exist on Titan's solid surface due to UV-induced photochemistry in the atmosphere. Thus, the composition of the surface is a major piece of evidence needed to determine Titan's history. However, studies of the surface are hindered by the thick, absorbing, hazy and in some places cloudy atmosphere. Ground-based telescope investigations of the integral disk of Titan attempted to observe the surface albedo in spectral windows between methane absorptions by calculating and removing the haze effects. Their results were reported to be consistent with water ice on the surface that is contaminated with a small amount of dark material, perhaps organic material like tholin. We analyze here the recent Cassini Mission's visual and infrared mapping spectrometer (VIMS) observations that resolve regions on Titan. VIMS is able to see surface features and shows that there are spectral and therefore likely compositional units. By several methods, spectral albedo estimates within methane absorption windows between 0.75 and 5 μm were obtained for different surface units using VIMS image cubes from the Cassini-Huygens Titan Ta encounter. Of the spots studied, there appears to be two compositional classes present that are associated with the lower albedo and the higher albedo materials, with some variety among the brighter regions. These were compared with spectra of several different candidate materials. Our results show that the spectrum of water ice contaminated with a darker material matches the reflectance of the lower albedo Titan regions if the spectral slope from 2.71 to 2.79 μm in the poorly understood 2.8-μm methane window is ignored. The spectra for brighter regions are not matched by the spectrum of water ice or unoxidized tholin, in pure form or in mixtures with sufficient ice or tholin present to allow the water ice or tholin spectral features to be discerned. We find that the 2.8-μm methane absorption window is complex and seems to consist of two weak subwindows at 2.7 and 2.8 μm that have unknown opacities. A ratio image at these two wavelengths reveals an anomalous region on Titan that has a reflectance unlike any material so far identified, but it is unclear how much the reflectances in these two subwindows pertain to the surface. 相似文献
B.J. Buratti J.M. Bauer J.K. Hillier H. Hammel B. Cobb M. Garsky J. Foust 《Icarus》2011,212(2):835-846
Triton, the large satellite of Neptune, was imaged by the Voyager 2 spacecraft in 1989 with dark plumes originating in its volatile-rich south polar region. Southern summer solstice, a time when seasonal volatile transport should be at a maximum, occurred in 2001. Ground-based observations of Triton’s rotational light curve obtained from Table Mountain Observatory in 2000-2004 reveal volatile transport on its surface. When compared with a static frost model constructed from Voyager images, the light curve shows an increase in total amplitude. An earlier light curve obtained in 1992 from Mauna Kea Observatory is consistent with the static frost model. This movement of volatiles on the surface agrees with recent imaging results from the Hubble Space Telescope (Bauer, J.M., Buratti, B.J., Li, J.-Y., Mosher, J.A., Hicks, M.D., Schmidt, B.E., Goguen, J.D. [2010]. Astrophys. J. 723, L49-L52). The changes in the light curve can be explained by the transport of nitrogen frost on the surface or by the uncovering of bedrock of less volatile methane. We also find that Triton exhibits a large opposition surge at solar phase angles less than 0.1°. This surge cannot be entirely explained by the effects of coherent backscatter. 相似文献
Caitlin Balthrop Moffitt Faisal Hossain Robert F. Adler Koray K. Yilmaz Harold F. Pierce 《International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation》2011
Although the TRMM-based Flood Detection System (FDS) has been in operation in near real-time since 2006, the flood ‘detection’ capability has been validated mostly against qualitative reports in news papers and other types of media. In this study, a more quantitative validation of the FDS over Bangladesh against in situ measurements is presented. Using measured stream flow and rainfall data, the study analyzed the flood detection capability from space for three very distinct river systems in Bangladesh: (1) Ganges– a snowmelt-fed river regulated by upstream India, (2) Brahmaputra – a snow-fed river that is braided, and (3) Meghna – a rain-fed and relatively flashier river. The quantitative assessment showed that the effectiveness of the TRMM-based FDS can vary as a function of season and drainage basin characteristics. Overall, the study showed that the TRMM-based FDS has great potential for flood prone countries like Bangladesh that are faced with tremendous hurdles in transboundary flood management. The system had a high probability of detection overall, but produced increased false alarms during the monsoon period and in regulated basins (Ganges), undermining the credibility of the FDS flood warnings for these situations. For this reason, FDS users are cautioned to verify FDS estimates during the monsoon period and for regulated rivers before implementing flood management practices. Planned improvements by FDS developers involving physically-based hydrologic modeling should transform the system into a more accurate tool for near real-time decision making on flood management for ungauged river basins of the world. 相似文献