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We report on new optical, infrared and radio observations of the Seyfert galaxy Markarian 315. We confirm the detection at all wavelengths of a secondary peak of emission, which lies ≈ 2 arcsec east of the Seyfert nucleus. Moreover, we detect a chain-like structure which surrounds the active nucleus, with peculiar behaviour westward of the nucleus. We consider different interpretations for the origin of the secondary peak emission.  相似文献   
We present numerical models based on realistic treatment of the intensity spectrum (from model atmospheres), and demonstrate that they are consistent with Kurtz and Medupe's recent formula in showing that limb darkening is too small an effect to explain the observed sharp decline of pulsation light amplitude with wavelength in rapidly oscillating Ap stars. Kurtz and Medupe's formula is shown to be a special form of Watson's earlier general formula for non-radial light variations of a star pulsating in any mode ( l m ). Using a technique suggested by Kurtz and Medupe we derive temperature semi-amplitude as a function of depth in the atmospheres of α Cir and HR 3831, assuming that we can neglect non-adiabatic effects.  相似文献   
High-resolution spectral data of the Fe  II 5318 Å line in the γ Doradus star HD 164615 are presented. These show systematic changes in the spectral lineshapes with the photometric period of 0.8133 d which are modelled using either non-radial pulsations or cool star-spots. The non-radial modes that can fit the lineshape changes have m degree of 2–4. However, only the m = 2 mode seems to be consistent with the amplitude of the radial velocity variations measured for this star. The star-spot model, although it can qualitatively fit the lineshape changes, is excluded as a possible hypothesis on the basis of (1) poorer fits to the observed spectral line profiles, (2) an inability to account for the large changes in the spectral linewidth as a function of phase, (3) a predicted radial velocity curve that looks qualitatively different from the observed one, and (4) a predicted photometric curve that is a factor of 5 larger than the observed light curve (and with the wrong qualitative shape). Finally, a 'Doppler image' (assuming cool spots) derived from a sequence of synthetic line profiles having non-radial pulsations results in an image that is almost identical to the Doppler image derived for HD 164615. These results provide strong evidence that non-radial pulsations are indeed the explanation for the variability of HD 164615 as well as the other γ Dor variables.  相似文献   
We present a comparison between the peculiar velocity fields measured from a recently completed l -band Tully–Fisher survey of field spirals (SFI) and that derived from the IRAS 1.2-Jy redshift survey galaxy distribution. The analysis is based on the expansion of these data in redshift space using smooth orthonormal functions, and is performed using low- and high-resolution expansions, with an effective smoothing scale which increases almost linearly with redshift. The effective smoothing scales at 3000 km s−1 are 1500 and 1000 km s−1 for the low- and high-resolution filters. The agreement between the high- and low-resolution SFI velocity maps is excellent. The general features in the filtered SFI and IRAS velocity fields agree remarkably well within 6000 km s−1. This good agreement between the fields allows us to determine the parameter β = Ω0.6 / b , where Ω is the cosmological density parameter, and b is the linear biasing factor. From a likelihood analysis on the SFI and IRAS modes we find that β = 0.6 ± 0.1, independently of the resolution of the modal expansion. For this value of β, the residual fields for the two filters show no systematic variations within 6000 km s−1. Most remarkable is the lack of any coherent, redshift-dependent dipole flow in the residual field.  相似文献   
We present a numerical algorithm designed to study the evolution of a distribution of solid particles orbiting around the Sun that could be applied to similar systems in which f c ≤ Ω/2π, where f c is the frequency of collisions, and Ω is the orbital angular speed. A number of sample particles are used to represent the whole system. Binary collisions are treated in a novel way using a Monte Carlo method that works as follows. Orbits are locally sampled to compute the velocity dispersion. Then the velocity vectors of the sample particles are modified according to random collisions with virtual particles which have velocities taken from a normal distribution computed using the previously found local velocity dispersion. The energy and momentum taken up by the virtual particles are redistributed among the neighbours of the sample particle undergoing the collision, so that conservation laws are satisfied. Simulations using this model give an estimation of the final distribution of inclinations and the associated evolutionary time-scale.  相似文献   
In this paper we show the positional oscillation of a massive object in a dense stellar system by numerical N -body simulations. We found that the central massive object, which at first is placed at rest at the centre of the surrounding spherical stellar system, promptly departs from the centre and rotates in accordance with the rotation of the stellar system, if the stellar system has an appreciable rotation. This oscillatory motion continues for a long time because of the absence of dynamical friction. Such a long-lasting oscillation may explain the asymmetric structure observed in the centres of M31 and NGC 4486B, may cause the secular flow of gaseous elements distributed in the central regions of galaxies on to the massive object, and may ignite activity in the centres of galaxies.  相似文献   
In this paper we investigate the dynamical behaviour of radiation-driven winds, specifically winds that arise when Compton scattering transfers momentum from the radiation field to the gas flow. Such winds occur during strong X-ray bursts from slowly accreting neutron stars, and also may be driven from the inner regions of a black hole or neutron star accretion disc when the mass transfer rate is very high. By linearizing the radiation hydrodynamic equations around steady spherical outflow, we evaluate the time-dependent response of these winds to perturbations introduced at their inner boundaries. We find that although radiation-driven winds are generally stable, they act as mechanical filters that should produce quasi-periodic oscillations or peaked noise in their radiation output when perturbations force them stochastically. This behaviour may underlie the photospheric oscillations observed in some strong Type I X-ray bursts.  相似文献   
When the upper part of a neutron star crystallizes to form the crust, the constituting ions are trapped in the lattice as a result of the low diffusion rates in the solid phase. As a consequence, the local composition of the crust corresponds to the equilibrium condition at the melting point and not at the present internal temperature. The inclusion of the small entropic contribution to the free energy does not lead to marked changes in our view of the microscopic structure of a neutron star crust, because the melting temperature is much smaller than the typical energies at play in the crystal cell. However, mixing between layers characterized by different nuclear species is found to be an important effect for the production of impurities. We show that one should expect an increase of the thermal diffusion time through the crust at small temperatures, because of the decrease of thermal conductivity in relatively thin impurity-rich layers acting as isolating shields.  相似文献   
We present total-intensity and linear-polarization observations at a single epoch for a sample of 11 quasars and one BL Lac object. The data were taken with the VLA A array at λλ 20, 18, 6 and 2 cm. We examine the variation of the degree of polarization, p , and polarization position angle, PA, with wavelength, and attempt to determine the rotation measure, RM, of the cores in these sources. The degree of polarization does not exhibit any systematic variation with wavelength, the median values ranging from 2.3 to 3.5 per cent at the different wavelengths. The variation of PA with λ2 is not linear over the entire wavelength range. However, for most sources the λλ 20-, 18- and 6-cm PAs do follow such a linear relationship, yielding a median |RM| of about 15 rad m−2. In contrast, the λλ 6- and 2-cm observations give a median |RM| of about 129 rad m−2. The long-wavelength emission is likely to originate from a spatially different part of the milliarcsec-scale jet from the λ 2-cm emission, which could turn over at a higher frequency and is likely to be more compact and located closer to the quasar nucleus. We have attempted to obtain linear fits over the entire wavelength range allowing for n  π ambiguities in the PAs, but the fits are not statistically significant. The low values of RM for these core-dominated sources suggest that either the radio emission from the jet intercepts few of the emission-line clouds and their confining medium, or the clouds have a small filling factor and are possibly magnetically confined.  相似文献   
In the unified scheme for high-luminosity radio galaxies and quasars, the core-dominated quasars are seen at small angles to the line of sight and the lobe-dominated quasars at intermediate angles, while the radio galaxies lie close to the plane of the sky. In radio galaxies, the quasar nucleus is hidden from our view by a putative torus. Such a scenario should also affect the observed polarization properties of the cores, with the core-dominated quasars, lobe-dominated quasars and radio galaxies having progressively lower core polarization at a given frequency and higher rotation measure because of Faraday effects. In this paper, we report that the core polarization of weak-cored quasars has a median value of less than about 0.4 per cent and is indeed much smaller than for core-dominated quasars, where the median value is about 2.5 per cent. We suggest that this might be a result of the depolarization caused by the edge of the obscuring torus or disc. We also examine the relative orientation of the core-polarization E -vector at λ6 cm and the radio axis for the weak-cored quasars. The sample is small but does not show the significant trend reported earlier for cores of moderate strength. This could also be the result of Faraday rotation by the material in the edge of the torus or disc. These results are consistent with the basic ideas of the unified scheme.  相似文献   
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