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As previously observed in marine sediments collected downwind of African or South American continental sources, recent studies of sediment cores collected at the bottom of Mejillones Bay in north Chile (23°S) show a laminated structure in which the amount of particles of aeolian origin and their size create significant differences between the layers. This suggests inter‐annual to inter‐decadal variations in the strength of the local southerly winds responsible for (1) the erosion of the adjacent hyperarid surface of the Mejillones Pampa, and (2) the subsequent transport of the eroded particles towards the bay. A simple model accounting for the vertical uptake, transport, and deposition of the particles initially set into motion by wind at the surface of the pampa is proposed. This model, which could be adapted to other locations, assumes that the initial rate of (vertical) uptake is proportional to the (horizontal) saltation flux quantified by means of White's equation, that particles are lifted to a height (H), increasing with the magnitude of turbulence, and that sedimentation progressively removes the coarsest particles from the air column as it moves towards the bay. In this model, the proportionality constant (A) linking the vertical flux of particles with the horizontal flux, and the injection height (H) control the magnitude and size distribution of the deposition flux in the bay. Their values are determined using the wind speed measured over the pampa and the size distribution of particles collected in sediment traps deployed in the bay as constraints. After calibration, the model is used to assess the sensitivity of the deposition flux to the wind intensity variations. The possibility of performing such quantitative studies is necessary for interpreting precisely the variability of the aeolian material in the sediment cores collected at the bottom of Mejillones Bay. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
基于1960―2015年长江流域128个站点的月风速观测数据,结合地形特点将长江流域分成5个子区域,并运用一元线性回归、相关分析和修正的Mann-Kendall(MMK)检验对长江流域风速变化趋势的时空特征进行研究,结果表明:1)1960―2015年长江流域年平均风速以-0.006 5 m/s·a的速率显著下降,5个子区域中,区域中下游丘陵与平原区(R1)下降最显著,上游青藏高原区(R5)次之,上游盆地区(R3)变化最小。2)季节上,全区风速春季下降最快,夏季最慢。而子区域除R1冬季降幅最大外,其余区域季节风速变化速率也为春季降幅最大,夏季最小。逐月变化上,流域整体风速3月下降最快,8月最慢,各子区域风速最大降幅也集中在3月。3)空间分布上,长江流域年平均风速降幅呈现东部大、中部小、西部较大的特点,全区50%的站点下降趋势显著,且这些站点集中分布于R1地区。此外,4个季节风速与年风速的变化趋势呈现相似的空间分布特征。4)长江流域风速下降与北极涛动(AO)指数上升、区域气候变暖和城市化加速等有关。  相似文献   
长江三角洲内部极化效应及浙江第三产业结构调整战略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章分析了长江三角洲(以下简称长三角)内部的极化效应,表现为浙江和江苏的生产要素在向上海的移动。找出了促进极化的3个因素:一是我国的社会发展的历史阶段及其世界范围的经济结构调整,强化了极化效应;二是来自上海方面对于生产要素的吸引;三是周边省份的生产扩张。阐述了上海极化作用为浙江第三产业结构调整提供的四大机遇,即房地产业、休闲旅游业、服务业、物流业的发展。提出了浙江在应对极化过程中第三产业结的构调整战略,即规模战略、层次战略、国际化战略、地域整合战略和市场主导战略。  相似文献   
Although the residual layer has already been noted in the classical diurnal cycle of the atmospheric boundary layer,its effect on the development of the convective boundary layer has not been well studied. In this study, based on 3-hourly20 th century reanalysis data, the residual layer is considered as a common layer capping the convective boundary layer. It is identified daily by investigating the development of the convective boundary layer. The region of interest is bounded by(30°–60° N, 80°–120° E), where a residual layer deeper than 2000 m has been reported using radiosondes. The lapse rate and wind shear within the residual layer are compared with the surface sensible heat flux by investigating their climatological means, interannual variations and daily variations. The lapse rate of the residual layer and the convective boundary layer depth correspond well in their seasonal variations and climatological mean patterns. On the interannual scale, the correlation coefficient between their regional averaged(40°–50°N, 90°–110° E) variations is higher than that between the surface sensible heat flux and convective boundary layer depth. On the daily scale, the correlation between the lapse rate and the convective boundary layer depth in most months is still statistically significant during 1970–2012. Therefore, we suggest that the existence of a deep neutral residual layer is crucial to the formation of a deep convective boundary layer near the Mongolian regions.  相似文献   
本文通过分析实验室风浪周期分布,发现风浪周期累积概率分布曲线低于Longuet-Higgins理论结果,在小概率周期区域实验结果与理论结果的差异明显。对实验结果进一步分析发现,在谱不是很窄时,在小概率处风浪周期累积概率随谱宽度的增大而降低,这与窄谱假定下的理论结果相反,Longuet-Higgins理论结果在小概率处不便于描述周期分布随谱宽度的变化。根据实验结果提出风浪周期的Weibull分布经验公式,Weibull分布中的参数依赖于谱宽度。  相似文献   
附着升降脚手架是适应高层建筑,特别是超高层建筑施工需要的新型脚手架,近年来,在我国应用较为广泛。风荷载是该类脚手架的主导设计荷载,特别是当爬升至150m高度以上时,风荷载对脚手架的安全使用起着决定性作用。风振系数是脚手架风荷载计算中的重要参数之一。本文通过对脉动风作用下附着升降脚手架与建筑结构共同工作的随机振动分析,得到了附着升降脚手架在爬升阶段和下降阶段的风振系数表达式。对本文大量电算结果与现行国家标准和地方规程的有关规定进行了比较分析后认为,脚手架在爬升阶段和下降阶段的风振系数与所附着建筑结构的风振系数有着不同的数值及变化规律。现行国家标准和地方规程对于爬升高度超过100m时将某一位置处脚手架的风振系数用建筑结构在该点的风振系数来近似代替,或根本不计入风振系数的做法,会使得附着升降脚手架的风荷载计算在爬升阶段以及下降阶段产生不同性质或不同程度的误差。本文建议不论附着升降脚手架的使用高度是否已超过100m均应计算脚手架自身的风振系数。  相似文献   
Ilan Roth   《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(15):2319-2323
Direct observations or deduced analysis indicate clearly that formation of intense fluxes of relativistic electrons is an important ingredient in the evolution of numerous active magnetized plasma systems. Examples of relativistic electron energization include the recovery phase of a planetary magnetic storm, post solar flare coronal activity and the afterglow of gamma ray bursts. It is suggested that there exists a universal mechanism, which may explain electron energization at the vastly different magnetized plasma environments. The favorite configuration consists of an inhomogeneous magnetic field anchored at a given magnetic structure and excitation of whistler waves due to external injection of low-energy non-isotropic electrons. The energization proceeds as a bootstrap process due to interaction with the propagating whistler waves along the inhomogeneous magnetic field.  相似文献   
介绍了高速铁路防风明洞的基本作用及设计方法;利用计算流体动力学原理中的数学模型及控制方程,对兰新第二双线铁路防风明洞大风作用下的风荷载进行了分析;通过计算工况的假定以及边界条件的合理设定,采用有限体积法建立防风明洞数值分析模型,并模拟计算了平地路段、浅路堑地段和路堤地段三大类工况和70、60、50、40m/s4种风速情况。研究结果表明:①开孔情况下,明洞各部位所受风荷载随着风速增大而增大;②明洞迎风侧均为正压,平地地段与路堤地段所受正压较接近,最大值出现在风速为70m/s时,迎风边墙正压为3202Pa;③明洞拱顶及背风侧均为负压,浅路堑地段所受负压最大值出现在风速为70m/s时,拱顶负压为-3550Pa;④各地段背风侧所受负压均小于-1500Pa,背风墙脚与背风边墙受力基本相同;⑤各地段各风速情况下,拱顶处负压均为最大;⑥开孔情况下的明洞各部位风荷载,普遍小于不开孔情况;⑦明洞开孔附近有回流风速,并随着外界风速增大而增大。  相似文献   
Jens Teiser  Markus Küpper 《Icarus》2011,215(2):596-598
We have examined the influence of impact angle in collisions between small dust aggregates and larger dust targets through laboratory experiments. Targets consisted of μm-sized quartz dust and had a porosity of about 67%; the projectiles, between 1 and 5 mm in diameter, were slightly more compact (64% porosity). The collision velocity was centered at 20 m/s and impact angles range from 0° to 45°. At a given impact angle, the target gained mass for projectiles smaller than a threshold size, which decreases with increasing angle from about 3 mm to 1 mm. The fact that growth is possible up to the largest angles studied supports the idea of planetesimal formation by sweep-up of small dust aggregates.  相似文献   
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