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Observations and numerical modeling indicate that a mesoscale anti-cyclonic eddy formed south of Cape Ann at the northern entrance of Massachusetts Bay (MB) during May 2005, when large river discharges in the western Gulf of Maine and two strong Nor'easters passing through the regions led to an unprecedented toxic Alexandrium fundyense bloom (red tide). Both model results and field measurements suggest that the western Maine Coastal Current separated from Cape Ann around May 7–8, and the eddy formed on around May 10. The eddy was trapped at the formation location for about a week before detaching from the coastline and moving slowly southward on May 17. Both model results and theoretical analysis suggest that the separation of the coastal current from the coast and subsequent eddy formation were initiated at the subsurface by an adverse pressure gradient between Cape Ann and MB due to the higher sea level set up by onshore Ekman transport and higher density in downstream MB. After the formation, the eddy was maintained by the input of vorticity transported by the coastal current from the north, and local vorticity generation around the cape by the horizontal gradients of wind-driven currents, bottom stress, and water density induced by the Merrimack River plume. Observations and model results indicate that the anti-cyclonic eddy significantly changed the pathway of nutrient and biota transport into the coastal areas and enhanced phytoplankton including Alexandrium abundances around the perimeter of the eddy and in the western coast of MB.  相似文献   
太阳风中磁流体湍流的特征和本质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在空间探测的早期,太阳风湍流现象就已经被空间飞船的观测发现了。但是太阳风湍流不同于过去学术界熟悉的流体湍流。虽然国际学术界已进行了长期的研究,但太阳风湍流的本质仍不能得到明确的认识,许多观测现象都得不到解释。涂传诒等[1~5]研究了这些现象,促进了理论上的新进展。这些研究指出,太阳风起伏中存在着非线性湍流相互作用,但不是完全发展的湍流,而是正处于由阿尔芬波向着完全发展的湍流过渡的状态。这一新的概念把阿尔芬波传播理论与磁流体湍流理论结合起来,导致了理论上的新进展,从而揭示了太阳风湍流的本质,阐明了一系列过去不能解释的观测现象。着重介绍了这些研究的成果和意义。  相似文献   
爆发型太阳活动是日地系统中重要的扰动源。本文介绍日地系统学中最剧烈的爆发型太阳活动-太阳耀斑的观测研究进展。综述了最近两个太阳周的地面与空间观测所得到的耀斑的物理图象和统计性质,简单讨论了空间观测设备的发展和面临的研究课题。  相似文献   
太阳散射辐射的分光测量及其能量分配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王修兰 《气象学报》1994,52(2):241-247
近十余年来,国内外不少学者先后研究了散射辐射与总辐射的关系[1-6],建立了各种计算散射辐射的经验公式,但有关分光散射辐射分量的测量和研究为数甚少。为此,我们于1989-1990年在北京对300-2800nm光谱范围内的7个波段的散射分量进行测量,并研究了各分量与全谱段散射总量间的定量关系。  相似文献   
叙述了山西大同数字遥测地震台网建设过程中,对镇川台太阳能供电系统进行改进的情况,讨论了在地震观测系统中使用太阳能供电系统应考虑的问题,提出了相应的解决办法。指出,根据地域、气候等条件合理设计太阳能电池的容量,合理设置控制器的浮充电流,可使太阳能电源系统处于较佳的工作状态。  相似文献   
Lunar and solar atmospheric tidal oscillations have been determined with satisfactory accuracy from 17 years 11 months of mean sea-level barometric pressure observations taken at Nandi, Fiji. In many respects, the results are consistent with previous tidal determinations in the south-west Pacific region, although these are few and widely scattered. However, the mean annual amplitude of the lunar tide at Nandi, as determined in this study, 88 b, is much greater than might have been expected from currently available global amplitude maps. Nevertheless, the probable correctness of this result has been confirmed by the analysis of nearly 6 years of similar data from Nausori (130 km E.S.E. of Nandi), which yielded a mean annual lunar amplitude of 88 b, compared with a Nandi amplitude of 83 b for a closely corresponding period.  相似文献   
The eddy covariance technique and the cuvette method were used to investigate water use efficiency in an irrigated winter wheat (Triticum asetivum L.)/summer maize (Zea mays L.) rotation system in the North China Plain. The results show that ecosystem water use efficiency (WUEe) changed diurnally and seasonally. Daily maximal WUEe appeared in the morning. WUEe generally peaked in late April in wheat field and in late July/early August in maize field. From 2003 to 2006, seasonal mean WUEe was 6.7–7.4 mg CO2 g−1 H2O for wheat and 8.4–12.1 mg CO2 g−1 H2O for maize. WUEe was much lower than canopy water use efficiency (WUEc) under small leaf area index (LAI) but very close to WUEc under large LAI. With the increase in LAI, WUEe enlarged rapidly under low LAI but slowly when LAI was higher than one. WUEe was greater on the cloudy days than on the sunny days. Under the same solar radiation, WUEe was higher in the morning than in the afternoon. The ratio of internal to ambient CO2 partial pressure (Ci/Ca) decreased significantly with the increase in photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) when PAR was lower than the critical values (around 500 and 1000 μmol m−2 s−1 for wheat and maize, respectively). Beyond critical PAR, Ci/Ca was approximately constant at 0.69 for wheat and 0.42 for maize. Therefore, when LAI and solar radiation was large enough, WUEe has negative correlation with vapor pressure deficit in both of irrigated wheat and maize fields.  相似文献   
Values of downward and upward flux densities of solar and terrestrial radiation were continuously recorded between 1 December 2001 and 30 November 2002 using a four-components radiometer at S. Pietro Capofiume (SPC) in northern Italy (44°39′N, 11°37′E, alt. 11 m a.m.s.l.), which is characterized by a weakly-reflective surface. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of clouds on surface radiation balance (SRB); the cloud fraction (N) has been retrieved through the inverted form of the parameterization proposed by Kasten and Czeplak [Solar Energy 24 (1980) 177] and cloud types estimated following the methodology of Duchon and O'Malley [J. Appl. Meteorol. 38 (1999) 132]. The cloud radiative forcing (CRF) was evaluated through the Bintanja and Van den Broeke [Int. J. Climatol. 16 (1996) 1281] formula and then associated with cloud type. Experimental results showed that during the measuring period the net shortwave (Sw) balance always decreased with increasing N, whereas the net longwave (Lw) balance increased in all seasons. The net radiation available at the surface decreased with increasing N in all seasons except in winter, where no significant dependency was detected.The analysis of the cloud radiative forcing indicates that all seasons were characterized by a net cooling of the surface except winter, where clouds seem to have no effects on the surface warming or cooling. Taking into account the dependence on solar radiation cycle, an intercomparison between the retrieved cloud types seems to indicate that the effect of stratus was a slight cooling whereas that of cumulus clouds was a stronger cooling of the surface. On the contrary, cirrus clouds seem to have slight warming effect on the surface.The annual trends of mean monthly values of shortwave and longwave radiation balances confirmed that the measurement site is characterized by a temperate climate. Moreover, in spite of the cooling effect of clouds, a monthly radiative energy surplus is available all year long for surface–atmosphere energy exchanges. The analysis is also instrumental for the detection of SRB variations.  相似文献   

太阳风是由太阳大气膨胀形成的等离子体流,它能够将太阳的物质和能量传递到地球空间环境中.剧烈的太阳风暴能够引起地球空间天气中灾害性事件,而太阳风参数作为表征太阳活动的重要指标,对太阳风关键参数进行重构和预测,有助于理解地球空间天气演化的重要机理和规避或减轻灾害性空间天气.本文以1963—2018年的地面观测数据(Kp指数、Dst指数、AE指数、F10.7和太阳黑子数)作为输入,通过特征选取技术对输入参数进行筛选,然后利用人工神经网络和随机森林两种算法分别对日地L1点处(第一拉格朗日点)的太阳风速度进行重构和提前3小时预测.结果表明,两种算法均能在测试集中有效重构和预测太阳风速度的变化情况,其中人工神经网络的性能更好,重构结果与观测值之间的均方根误差和皮尔逊相关系数分别为~58 km·s-1和~0.84,预测结果与观测值之间的均方根误差和皮尔逊相关系数分别为~61 km·s-1和~0.82,而随机森林的性能分别为~63 km·s-1和~0.81以及~64 km·s-1和~0.80.我们进一步利用所训练的模型对2015年3个强磁暴事件期间的太阳风速度变化进行定量分析,人工神经网络在预测中表现出了较好性能.本文建立的太阳风速度重构和预测模型可以被用于以太阳风参数作为驱动的空间天气建模研究.

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