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As jack-up platforms have recently been used in deeper and harsher waters, there has been an increasing demand to understand their behaviour more accurately to develop more sophisticated analysis techniques. One of the areas of significant development has been the modelling of spudcan performance, where the load-displacement behaviour of the foundation is required to be included in any numerical model of the structure. In this study, beam on nonlinear winkler foundation (BNWF) modeling—which is based on using nonlinear springs and dampers instead of a continuum soil media—is employed for this purpose. A regular monochrome design wave and an irregular wave representing a design sea state are applied to the platform as lateral loading. By using the BNWF model and assuming a granular soil under spudcans, properties such as soil nonlinear behaviour near the structure, contact phenomena at the interface of soil and spudcan (such as uplifting and rocking), and geometrical nonlinear behaviour of the structure are studied. Results of this study show that inelastic behaviour of the soil causes an increase in the lateral displacement at the hull elevation and permanent unequal settlement in soil below the spudcans, which are increased by decreasing the friction angle of the sandy soil. In fact, spudcans and the underlying soil cause a relative fixity at the platform support, which changes the dynamic response of the structure compared with the case where the structure is assumed to have a fixed support or pinned support. For simulating this behaviour without explicit modelling of soil-structure interaction (SSI), moment-rotation curves at the end of platform legs, which are dependent on foundation dimensions and soil characteristics, are obtained. These curves can be used in a simplified model of the platform for considering the relative fixity at the soil-foundation interface.  相似文献   
Over the last years, geospatial web platforms, social media, and volunteered geographic information (VGI) have opened a window of opportunity for traditional Public Participatory GIS (PPGIS) to usher in a new era. Taking advantage of these technological achievements, this paper presents a new approach for a citizen-orientated framework of spatial planning that aims at integrating participatory community work into existing decision-making structures. One major cornerstone of the presented approach is the application of a social geoweb platform (the GeoCitizen platform) that combines geo-web technologies and social media in one single tool allowing citizens to collaboratively report observations, discuss ideas, solve, and monitor problems in their living environment at a local level. This paper gives an account of an ongoing participatory land-zoning process in the Capital District of Quito, Ecuador, where the GeoCitizen platform is applied in a long-term study.  相似文献   
文章以湄公盆地周边海域为研究区,利用遥感技术手段,综合多时相、多源卫星数据,探讨不同数据源海上油气井平台提取方法。本次研究,首先基于1992—2018年27景多时相夜间灯光数据和2019年两期SAR数据,分别采用高斯滤波法和双参数CFAR法,实现了全区域油气井平台的自动化提取;然后,针对有确定性资料辅助判定的区域,采用人工目视解译的方法,对长时间序列Landsat-8 OLI及YG24号光学卫星影像进行提取,并将解译结果作为标准数据,用于验证前两种自动提取方法的精度。结果表明:夜间灯光影像数据易获取、成本低,提取方法简单,而SAR影像提取结果的精度高、流程烦琐,建议根据多源卫星数据的特点相互结合,实现快速、高效、精确的信息提取,应用于海上油气井平台监测。  相似文献   
During the early Middle Devonian in South China, an extensive carbonate platform was broken up through extension to create a complex pattern of platforms, and interplatform basins. In Givetian and Frasnian carbonate successions, five depositional facies, including peritidal, restricted shallow subtidal, semi‐restricted subtidal, intermediate subtidal and deep subtidal facies, and 18 lithofacies units are recognized from measured sections on three isolated platforms. These deposits are arranged into metre‐scale, upward‐shallowing peritidal and subtidal cycles. Nine third‐order sequences are identified from changes in cycle stacking patterns, vertical facies changes and the stratigraphic distribution of subaerial exposure indicators. These sequences mostly consist of a lower transgressive part and an upper regressive part. Transgressive packages are dominated by thicker‐than‐average subtidal cycles, and regressive packages by thinner‐than‐average peritidal cycles. Sequence boundaries are transitional zones composed of stacked, high‐frequency, thinner‐than‐average cycles with upward‐increasing intensity of subaerial exposure, rather than individual, laterally traceable surfaces. These sequences can be further grouped into catch‐up and keep‐up sequence sets from the long‐term (second‐order) changes in accommodation and vertical facies changes. Catch‐up sequences are characterized by relatively thick cycle packages with a high percentage of intermediate to shallow subtidal facies, and even deep subtidal facies locally within some individual sequences, recording long‐term accommodation gain. Keep‐up sequences are characterized by relatively thin cycle packages with a high percentage of peritidal facies within sequences, recording long‐term accommodation loss. Correlation of long‐term accommodation changes expressed by Fischer plots reveals that during the late Givetian to early Frasnian increased accommodation loss on platforms coincided with increased accommodation gain in interplatform basins. This suggests that movement on faults resulted in the relative uplift of platforms and subsidence of interplatform basins. In the early Frasnian, extensive siliceous deposits in most interplatform basins and megabreccias at basin margins correspond to exposure disconformities on platforms.  相似文献   
The carbonate factories, their controlling factors and their palaeoecological and sedimentological signals recorded in sedimentary successions are key elements for understanding the evolution of carbonate platform systems. Luis Pomar has dedicated most of his academic life to the study of carbonate rocks and carbonate factories. The idea for this special issue to celebrate Pomar’s career arose during a session at the 34th International Association of Sedimentologists meeting held in Rome, entitled ‘Understanding carbonate factories through palaeoecological and geochemical signals’. The proposal encountered great response among participants, and additional contributions followed an email invitation to other specialists. This issue contains a variety of papers on carbonate sedimentology and carbonate factories. Here, an introduction that contextualizes the papers and key concepts discussed in this thematic issue is provided. It reviews Luis Pomar’s major achievements in carbonate sedimentology and discusses the evolution of the concept of the carbonate factory and the series of palaeoecological and sedimentological signals used to characterize the wide spectrum of carbonate depositional systems found in the natural world.  相似文献   
The in vitro aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) agonist potency of offshore produced water effluents, collected from the United Kingdom Continental Shelf, was determined using the dioxin responsive (DR)-chemically activated luciferase expression (CALUX) assay. Octadecylsilane (C18) solid phase extraction (SPE) extracts of produced water were exposed to DR-CALUX cells for 24 h in order to investigate the contribution in potency from compounds that are stable to metabolism by the CALUX cells during exposure. The stable AhR agonist potency determined over 24 h was highly variable and ranged from 1 to 430 ng TCDD TEQCALUX l−1. These data reflect the highly variable composition of produced water discharges from different production fields. It is recommended that further work be performed to characterise the full range of stable dioxin like AhR agonists present in offshore produced water discharges using techniques such as bioassay-directed analysis.  相似文献   
The attributes of a ‘four-systems-tract’ sequence are at times difficult to identify in outcrop-scale carbonate successions. Poor exposure conditions, variable rates of sediment production, erosion and/or superposition of surfaces that are intrinsic to the nature of carbonate systems frequently conceal or remove its physical features. The late Early–Middle Aptian platform carbonates of the western Maestrat Basin (Iberian Chain, Spain) display facies heterogeneity enabling platform, platform-margin and slope geometries to be identified, and provide a case study that shows all the characteristics of a quintessential four systems tract-based sequence. Five differentiated systems tracts belonging to two distinct depositional sequences can be recognized: the Highstand Systems Tract (HST) and Forced Regressive Wedge Systems Tract (FRWST) of Depositional Sequence A; and the Lowstand Prograding Wedge Systems Tract (LPWST), Transgressive Systems Tract (TST) and subsequent return to a highstand stage of sea-level (HST) of Depositional Sequence B. An extensive carbonate platform of rudists and corals stacked in a prograding pattern marks the first HST. The FRWST is constituted by a detached, slightly cross-bedded calcarenite situated at the toe of the slope in a basinal position. The LPWST is characterized by a small carbonate platform of rudists and corals downlapping over the FRWST and onlapping landwards. The TST exhibits platform backstepping and marly sedimentation. Resumed carbonate production in shelf and slope settings characterizes the second HST. A basal surface of forced regression, a subaerial unconformity, a correlative conformity, a transgressive surface and a maximum flooding surface bound these systems tracts, and are well documented and widely mappable across the platform-to-basin transition area analyzed. Moreover, the sedimentary succession studied is made up of four types of parasequence that constitute stratigraphic units deposited within a higher-frequency sea-level cyclicity. Ten lithofacies associations form these basic accretional units. Each facies assemblage can be ascribed to an inferred depositional environment in terms of bathymetry, hydrodynamic conditions and trophic level. The architecture of the carbonate platform systems reflects a flat-topped non-rimmed depositional profile. Furthermore, these carbonate shelves are interpreted as having been formed in low hydrodynamic conditions. The long-term relative fall in sea-level occurred during the uppermost Early Aptian, which subaerially exposed the carbonate platform established during the first HST and resulted in the deposition of the FRWST, is interpreted as one of global significance. Moreover, a possible relationship between this widespread sea-level drop and glacio-eustasy seems plausible, and could be linked to the cooling event proposed in the literature for the late Early Aptian. Because of the important implications in sequence stratigraphy of this study, the sedimentary succession analyzed herein could serve as an analogue for the application of the four-systems-tract sequence stratigraphic methodology to carbonate systems.  相似文献   
This paper reviews recent studies of the seabed offshore from the Jurassic Coast and discusses their significance for understanding landforms of the World Heritage Site’s Setting as well as adding to understanding of the structures exposed in the cliffs. The processes of coastal formation as sea-levels rose and fell during the Pleistocene and in the recent post-glacial period are critical for this as they reveal the landforms which preserve former shorelines. Detailed surveys of the seabed provide evidence of the low slope of much of this seabed and so enhance the potential to interpret older terrestrial landforms which have been attributed to uplift of former sea beds. Considering both the seabed and the coast from the Pleistocene to the Anthropocene means that it is possible to assess the human impact on these landforms and processes, as well as the natural timescale within which changes occur. The paper describes the seabed geomorphology, relating this, where appropriate, to both the coastal landforms and the exposed structures. Current interpretations of the seabed features and their implications for our understanding of the recent evolution of the Site and Setting are explored. The features of the coast and adjacent sea bed at different phases of the changing coastal environment are discussed to the extent that the available evidence makes this possible, but for much of the area this remains speculative.  相似文献   
This study investigates the control of jacket‐type offshore platforms. The deck displacement of jacket‐type offshore platforms can be controlled using both passive and active control mechanisms. Among the passive control mechanisms, a tuned mass damper concept is studied in this paper. Active control mechanisms considered here include the active mass damper, the active tendon mechanism and the propeller thruster. An optimal frequency domain approach to active control of wave‐excited platforms is used in which the H2 norm of the transfer function from the external disturbance to the regulated output is minimized. In this study, the hydrodynamic drag force is evaluated using the JONSWAP wave spectrum. Unlike conventional linearization approaches, the influence of non‐linearity in the drag force is retained in this scheme by expressing the non‐linear force components in terms of higher‐order convolutions of the water‐particle velocities. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this scheme, the platform performance with and without control devices under different sea states is evaluated. It is demonstrated that the control devices are useful in reducing the displacement response of jacket‐type offshore platforms, especially when the wave forces are concentrated at frequencies close to the natural frequencies of the platform. This becomes especially significant in deep waters because the natural frequencies of jacket‐type platforms fall closer to the dominant wave frequencies in deep waters. Adding control devices to deep water platforms will ensure a reduction both in the global response of the platform and in localized effects, such as the fatigue of welded joints. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
调谐质量阻尼器对海洋平台的减振效果分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)的研究和设计多数是依据结构的第一阶模态进行的,忽略了TMD对结构其它模态的影响。为了明确TMD是否会对结构的高阶模态造成不利的影响以及影响的程度,论文采用模态分析法将海洋平台-TMD系统进行模态分解,推导出系统各阶模态的状态空间方程。并以一海洋平台为算例,讨论TMD针对结构的某一摸态进行设计时对各阶模态响应的减振效果,仿真的结果表明TMD对设计的模态有较好的减振效果,但对平台的其它模态响应的减振幅度有限,甚至产生不利影响,使某些模态的振动响应增幅较大。  相似文献   
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